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The Session was opened by Mr Akrout, MEDRAP Project Coordinator who welcomed all the participants and referred to the EAM network purposes - Environmental aspects of aquaculture in the Mediterranean - in the context of the MEDRAP II project. He also recalled that the EAM network is to be coordinated by the existing network mechanism MAP-PAP/RAC In Split, Croatia. He further indicated that the MEDRAP II project is approaching its finalization in early 1995, and that the paricipating countries will have to bear their own costs for cooperative activities in the region.

The meeting elected the following officials:

Chairman:Mr. Ivan Katavic (Croatia)
Vice-Chairman:Mr. Nidhal M'Laouah (Tunisia)
Rapporteurs:Mr. Nazih boules Azer (Egypt)
 :Mr. Grace Cabecadas (Portugal)

The meeting was attended by representatives from the following MEDRAP II target countries: Algeria, Croatia, Egypt, LIBYA, Malta, Morroco, Syria, and From the associated countries: France and Portugal, and a guest lecturer from the U.K,. as well as a representative from FAO.

The Chairman, Mr I. Katavic introduced the concept of the EAM network emphasizing that the initial phase of the EAM network in 1994–95 will be based on the implementation of focused activities selected from the priority areas defined in previous MEDRAP-MAP/RAC seminars. One of the prioritized activities is related to intensive farming outfalls and their interaction with the recipient environment. During this initial phase, the network is supposed to grow into a permanent and selfsufficient regional mechanism. This mechanism has been envisaged to complement rather than substitute the national programme activities. Being activity oriented, it is hoped that the EAM network will be able to mobilize national capabilities and build up a powerful regional initiative with better chance for success than individual efforts.

Mr.Kempf proposed that this network should promote cooperation with other working groups involved in th4 subjects related to interactions between aquaculture and the environment, namely the relevant, working Groups by ICES and GESAMP.

Mr H. Gazbar from the General Directorate for Fisheries and Aquaculture, Tunis, also welcomed the paricipants in his country, and emphasized his interest in environmentally-sound management of aquaculture, which is presently being considered in the elaboration of a master plan for aquaculture development in Tunisia.

The technical presentations started after the introduction of minor changes to the proposed agenda.


Mr. Beveridge (Stirling University, U.K,) presented a communication on cage culture, near offshore culture. He mentioned a genesis of cage culture aquaculture and types of cages (fixed, floating submersible, submerged) nowadays available.

While discussing the future of cage culture production, be stressed economic issue as one criteria which will determine whether offshore technics will become widely used. It is also far from to being recommended such a technology for Mediterranean Marine species (seabass and seabream), despite the experience of Cyprus and Malta.

Environmental legislation regarding coasts of discharging aquaculture wastes into the environmental may force farmers to use fund-based systems or floating tank/raceways where wastes can be removed.

The participants briefly discussed the appropriateness of cage culture in the Mediterranean, the species used as well as some disadvantage. For example, it was pointed out that there are difficulties under the Mediterranean conditions to recycle effluents from marine farms, in contrast to freshwater wastes. Not only the costs of the cages used but also the mooring systems required are important to consider. Move information was given about recent developments in Norway concerning the use, advantages and coasts of floating plastic tanks.

Mr. Ben Deg (AST, Tunisia) presented the case study of AST (Aquaculture du Sud Tunisien), and mentioned that is a joint venture company between in Tunisian kuwaitian Bank and a technical partner Sepia International. It has a land site having the hatchery included spawning unit. Planckton unit, 4 nursery units, first and second rearing units.

The offshore site consists of 100 cages(from 150 m3 300 m3).

The closed water system is used in the land site using mechanical and biological filters. The production of fries begun with 625.000 fries in 1986 and reached 380.000 in 1992 from seabass.

The Project has positive effects as it is established in a zone out of interference of any other activities like farming, fishing, etc. On the contrary it brings to the area vitality and economical activities and development. Of course it contributed negatively to the marine environment out of the excess food escaping from the cages of excretions of the fish. But with the continuous following these effort it was found that it has no serious and harmful effects on the marine environment.

During the discussions, Mr Ben Deg proposed that the AST Farm could he included as a pilot study farm under the EAM network activities on the grounds that there is a considerable number of data collected with the referred aquaculture unit. However, it was mentioned that there is a need for comprehensive hydrodynamic studies of the Bougrara lagoon. In relation to the occurence of toxic blooms in this ecosystem, it was emphasized that more information and guidelines are required to improve the conditions of the lagoon and to respond to such threats which do affect the operation of aquaculture units.


Mr. Kempf (IFREMER, France) made presentation on :

Mediterranean general features

The Mediterranean is a semi-enclosed sea, showing a water deficit (due to almost fairly dry and hot land along its shore) as well as an important mean depth, with a sill at its opening to the Atlantic, and a generally narrow continental margin. These main features rule its dynamics and determine many of its other characteristics : high temperature and salinity, absence of tide, limited biological production. Superficial water flows in from the Atlantic ocean (1 Mm3/s) and is compensated by an outflow of deep Mediterranean water over the Gibraltar sill: The surface cirulation is mainly mind driven.

Its Biology shows a great diversity in species composition, but a fairly limited production, principally in the eastern basin. Pelagic enrichment comes from continental water inputs, which are mainly located in the northwestern zone, with the exception of the Nile (whose present contribution is limited by upstream river management). Atlantic water inputs and upwelling phenomena in some area (wind driven or related to divergence). As regards bottom communities, sea grass beds of several species occupy large surfaces in coastal areas: among these plants, Posidonia constitutes a significant. Mediterranean feature and environmental health symbol. Some recently introduced species are also to be mentioned, migrants from the Red Sea through the Suez Canal or accidental Introductions, some of which due to aquaculture.

Pollution is related to terrestrial inputs, from rivers, atmospheric drift, or direct release from urban and industrial concentrations along the se side (greater on the nothwestern border), and also to maritime traffic (oil).

Mediterranean potentialities for offshore fish farming (PRIMO)

An investigation concerning the Mediterranean's potentialities for offshore fish farming was carried out to determine the necessary regional framework for the PRIMO project on the French southern coast (1FREMER, late 80's - early 90's). It can provides an example to illustrate the subject.

This was a macroscopic approach, a kind of large-scale site selection study conducted at a level able to interest international bodies, large investors or even individual countries before setting out or adjusting their own development schemes. It was based on a general data collection (meteo-oceanic conditions, hydrology, water quality and pollution risks, socio-economiy and market). The main parameters were identified and given a mark ranging from 0 to 5. As a conclusion, a theoritical potential could be identified for each country, and a classification established. But this classification is proper to PRIMO criteria and reflects the conditions of the moment : it can evolve.

Lessons drawn

The data collection identified the state of general knowledge concerning the Mediterranean and the items or areas needing further investigation. Remote sensing, a very general purpose tool, proved useful in localising surface temperature anomalies, corresponding to dynamic pecularities (upwellings, stratified and poorly mixed zones). At the time of the study, hydrodynamic modelling, necessarily 3D for the Mediterranean, could not be used: recent progress in this discipline would make things different now. Socio-economic and market factors appeared to be relevant for any important aquaculture decision. They may evolve rapidly and are generally underesimated by scientists and technician, who must constantly adapt their strategies and installations.

During the discussions, some participants felt that the PRIMO exercise, as presented, was quite sophisticated, and probably not realistic for application in the Mediterranean context, as is was designed for off-shore and very exposed site conditions. Costs of such a project were mentioned to be very high. It was agreed that the use of existing and proven technology should be prioritized. Technological development should proceed gradually, in order to avoid failures and allow for flexibility.

Mr. Borg (Faculty of sciences, Malta) presented the Baseline survey methods of Benthic communities in fish farm environment and impact assessment. The Maltese coast offers very few inshore areas which can support commercially feasible fish farming project. The few small fried sheltered sites available are either utilised as fishing/commercial parts or as coastal tourist resorts, both of which are in direct conflict with mariculture activities, As a result, the Maltese fish farm industry has resorted to offshore cage farming in semi-exposed area and with the hope of developing technics that also allow exploitation of exposed offshore areas. Besides reducing conflict with human activity inshore, the siting of cages further out from the shore also reduced the environmental degradation, is essentially more acceptable and offers some additional benefits to the farming practice itself. The major advantage of such a strategy lies in the higher costs and greater technical difficulties associated with operating at a distance from the shore and in deeper water.

Nevertheless, using offshore cage technology, the Malta-based fish farming industry has reached a production of 1,000 tons in four years, since it started in 1991. The projected production for 1995 is 2,000 tons. All current production is based on seabass and seabream culture.

To ensure the best environmental impact possible, environment impact assessments are carried out as a pre-requisite to any fish farming venture. Apart from sediment and water quality analysis, environmental consultants carry out baseline, benthic surveys of the marine biota present in the area selected for fish farming activities. The scope of these benthic surveys is to establish the type and composition of the benthic biotic communities present and to draw a map of such assembly. Followup and regular monitoring of the area after the start of the farm operations will enable comparative studies to be made and hence assess whether such communities are being affected, and if so, to what extent.

The methodology employed in these benthic surveys involved classical, ecological methods line transits, photography and sampling, all using Scuba diving. The main advice given by local scientists is to avoid seagrass meadows and photophilic algae communities and to located cages over soft sediment bottoms in deeper, 25–40 m waters, in semi-exposed offshore areas. From the aquaculture consultancy side, the local Government has been advised to implement a 500 ton maximal production per farm and to have a minimal distance of 1 Km between different sites. The overall plan is to have a small number of professional, high production fish farms.

The adoption of regular monitoring programmes was discussed as well as the overall strategy to promote the establishment of a small number of large and highly productive seabased farms.

Mr. Merceron (IFREMER, France) made a communication on environment and aquaculture in open Sea.

Faced with environmental pressure, the trend is towards moving coastal aquaculture further offshore. Apart from location, the main features of offshore fish farming are greater water depths (from 20 to 80 m), and the need for larger facilities and investments. To be economically realistic, it requires intensive rearing. Its running also makes specific tools necessary ( handle very large nets). in environmental terms, some drawbacks are predictable:

-   the offshore environment is less known and harder to access than the nearshore one,

-   monitoring is more difficult,

-   unexpected events are more difficult to deal with,

-   hydrodynamics can be too strong on the surface and too calm near the bottom,

-   vertical stratification occurs more frequently,

-   the macrobenthos is less resistant to adverse conditions,

-   phanerogams (often protected species) may be present,

-   the predation risk form dolphins is increased.

The expected advantage of offshore conditions are;

-   larger sites,

-   fewer conflicts over use of space,

-   reduced visual impact,

-   waste receiving water volume increased

-   distance from chronic and man-caused pollution,

-   more stable physical and chemical parameters,

-   less discolored waters and party less fouling.

Some models are available to quantify and predict project impact while others exist only as ongoing research. Remote sensing pictures provide another interesting tool particularly for finding surface temperature anomalies. They can reveal upwelling zones as well as poorly ones.

An example of environmental study of an offshore aquaculture project is supplied by PRIMO, a French attempt of a quite comprehensive programme.

Due to investment coats, this type of aquaculture is mainly developing in countries where coastal space is scarce and already largely occupied or claimed for (e.g. Malta, Cyprus). Presently, we lack sufficient data to assess the validity of the above stated ideas on impacts. The results of ongoing monitoring programmes will be of great interest for extensive display and use.

The participants discussed some environmental drawbacks of open sea aquaculture as well as opportunities and limitations of environmental impact assessment models. It was staled that there is till a need to develop aquaculture specific impact assessment and prediction methods for the Mediterranean, since many models are not necessarily applicable for the specific circumstances is Mediterranean coastal environments.


Mr. Beveridge presented the Mass Balance of Nutrient Loading.


Wastes arise from fish farming because of food. A proportion of food is not eaten, either because it is too small (e.g. dust), or because the fish is not hungry, the food connot be reached in time (currents) or because it is unpalatable.

Food ingested is digested, the indigested fraction being voided as faeces. Digested food is metabolished, catabolic products and excess nutrients (e.g.) being excreted via the gills or urinary tract. Nutrients of greatest concern at present are P and N compounds.


A) black box approach

This treats the aquaculture system as a black box and is concerned only with quantifying inputs and ouputs (wastes). It is relatively simply to produce. However, it is greatly limited in that it cannot predict form of waster (waste food/faeces/urinary wastes; solid/dissloved, ionic species)and temporal variations in waste production.

B) physiological approach

There is much information on excretion rates, digestibilities of feeding components that can help explain how various outputs from aquaculture systems arise. They give little extra information on formed temporal variations in waste production, however.

C) direct measurement

In order do this, detailed sampling is required. This approach gives little information on origins (food/faeces/urine) of waste.

The waste vary with species, system, feed type and management, There are tremendous differences in waste production between farms.


The impacts in the water column are to increase nutrient levels which in turn many promote increases in phytoplankton biomass and primary production (eutrophication). Whilst readily apparent in land wastes, such changes are not readily apparent in coastal sites, sheltered sites and during periods of slack tide.

Impacts on sediments include increases in nutrients levels in sediments under or close to the cages. Most studies have concluded that waste nutrient loadings to coastal areas are comparatively unimportant and that only sediments close to cages are affected;


There are strong and increasing economic forces to reduce wastes through use of better feeds and more careful feeding. There is also growing concern that much more attention should be paid to effects of trace vitamins of the environment and to look more closely at effects of N and P wastes of plankton community structure and function.

It was mentioned in the discussion that apparently the effects from aquaculture nutrient in puts are non-existing or negligible in marine systems. However, most of the time only very coarse calculations and approximations have been carried out, and actually no models on impact prediction of nutrient inputs from aquaculture are available in the Mediterranean. Hydrodynamic models may also need to be adapted to the specific characteristics of the interactions between aquaculture and the environment. This aspect was considered important in view of the need to select appropriate parameters and methods in regulatory Environmental Impact Assessment and monitoring. The workshop emphasized that impact studies on sediments and benthos should be undertaken, since only benthic impacts appear to be potentially significant.

Mr. Merceron presented the Biological Impact

Biological impacts on the environment are generally classified into categories, but a common characteristic is that all of them are ruled by dispersal, the major regulating parameter. As regards enrichment, nitrogen mostly comes from the gill excretion (soluble ammonia and urea). Apart from some very confined sites, its impact it generally regarded as negligible. Improving feed quality is the most common way of reducing this loading.

Phosphorus is mainly supplied to the environment by faces and wasted pellets. The impact of these particulate matters are much more obvious. Under sea cages, one can observe a decrease of the mean grain size of sediment, an increase of its content in organic matter and certain trace metals, some depletion of oxygen content and, in bad cases, hydrogen sulphide and methane production. The importance of the changes in living macrofauna depends one the ratio between particulate organic matter flux and site dispersal on the ratio between particulate organic matter flux and site dispersa. It can be a simple enrichment of existing communities or a change of some species, or a decrease of diversity, till a complete absence of macrobenthos. For limiting this impact the site selection is very important, and a better adjusted feed distribution should be a good way. Four land-based farms, lagooning or filtering effluents are strongly recommended.

The concerned veterinary products include antiparasitics and antibiotics. The risk is the environmental toxicity of these components outside the farms and, for the antibiotics, the development of resistant strains making these products no more operation. Even, it is possible that this antibioresistance may be transmitted to bacteria which are dangerours to man. The general trend is to develop-better use of vaccines and to use less noxious and more specific treatments.

Another type of impact concerns the wild populations. Their diseases can be worsened because fish farming constitutes an increase of the global density of hosts for parasites and pathogenic agents. A density limitation of fish in farms and farms in the environment, can reduce this impact often the aquaculture projects include the introduction of new species, or at least new strains for the region. The new species can proliferate in an uncontrolled manner as well as some subsidiary species which can be harmful for the indigenous ones(e.g. parasite which fills flat oysters in France, and was imported with new Japanese oyster spat). It should not have occured if the recommendations of quarentine practice would have been applied. Besides, when an allochtonous strain is cultivated (and because escapement is unavoidable) an interbreeding with indigenous strains occurs. When escapees are too numerous (e.g. salmon in Norway) there is a risk of gene diversity loss. This can lead to a loss of resistance to certain adverse conditions. It can be dangerous for the species survival, even if such adverse conditions rarely occur. The culture of local strains, use of sterile fish (triploid) and set up of gene banks are possible remedies. But the lack of basic knowledge on population genetics of farmed fish species and the rapid increase of gene mixing through aquaculture development are a concern.

If water enrichment is generally not a problem the impact on the bottom is quite obvious and is an accurate cool of assessment. The other impacts ( veterinary treatments and influence on wild population) are less well known and require further investigation. Fish farmers must keep in mind that the pollution from their rearing facilities is often more or les a self-pollution. The public Authorities have to remember that, for its survival, the aquaculture itself needs a good quality of its own environment.

Mr. Beveridge made a communication on the Socio-cultural and visual impact of aquaculture. Fish and shellfish farms are not the most attractive establishments. They are usually located in rural coastal areas, close inshore. Landscape has an economic value. Houses and hotels are prepared to pay for visually attractive sites. The establishment of fish and shellfish farms can reduce that value, making houses difficult to sell and hotels difficult to fill will guests.

Problems relating to visual impacts of aquaculture development have been one of the principal problems faced by the industry. Indeed, until recently, visual impacts, and not socio-economic or environmental impacts, were the main factor behind factor behind restriction of developments in North America and the UK. In the Mediterranean where tourism is so important the problems posed by visual impacts are likely to be highly significant in dictating the availablility of inshore sites and the size of farms.

Much can be done to ameliorate impacts through sensitive planning and siting landscaping of shore-based installation. Coastal management planning and GIS can be useful techniques. Cage designers are also increasingly aware that cages with low profiles and clean lines, and whose paint colours have been carefully chosen, are less likely to cause problems.

It is not only the farm installations but also the way in which they are run that can cause problems with visual impact. Many farms are an eyesore, as feed bags and other farm rubbish are not properly disposed of and allowed to litter the shoreline. Industry codes of practice, designated to minmise such impacts and to promote a positive image for the industry will be greatly needed in the Mediterranean where pressures on coastal areas are immense.

During the discussions, it was recognized that generally environmental impacts from aquaculture include positive aspects on a macro scale in terms of economic and social development. Visual impacts can be ameliorated through some practical measures. However, some negative effects have been pointed out to potentially occur on a regional or local scale. In order to counteract public complaints about their activity producers can have an important role in raising public awareness on the positive aspects of their activity.


Mr. Beveridge made a presentation on GIS applications.

It was referred that GIS (Geographical Information System) software has been used very seldom in aquaculture. The coasts of these equipment have been given and it was mentioned that the development of simpler software is underway. It was also pointed out the problem of enormous amount of data required for this system to be applied. However, the potentialites of such system for purpose of aquaculture integration on coastal planning was mentioned.

Mr. Kempf made a communication on site selection in which he mentioned that it is useful to produce list of descriptors of site section as in some contries the development of aquaculture is in its initial phase. It was pointed out that integrated coastal planning can only be possible if there is a general agreement between the various activities/institutions involved. Also it was suggested that it is useful to produce a manual of methodologies(guidelines) on site selection.

Mr. Katavic reported on «Environmental impact of marine fish farm. A case study from Croatia» He concentrated on the next question:

  1. to which extent a yearly nutrient load (24,600 kg of nitrogen and 4,140kg of phosphorus) after 13 years of cage production in a relatively shallow (10–20 in depth) and sheltered bay is generating ecological changes?

  2. wheather such a development of intensive mariculture in this bay is still in harmony with the ecosytem?

  3. What are the measures to be undertaken to reduce a possible risk of a negative effect to the natural environment?

Conclusion and recommendations were as follows:

-   There was no significant relationship between supply of nutrient and the concentration of inorganic nitrogen, in the water column.

-   The changes of the benthic communities in the immediate environment of the culturing area were recorded; phanerogamis flora (Cymodocea nodosa) has disappeared below the cages.

-   Significant changes in the quantity of the wild fish stock were observed in the immediate water areas.

-   Secchi depth has increased as compared to reference station; the most expressed difference in Secchi depth were recorded from June to September.

-  Oxygen depletion in the cages occured from time to time, was always associated with heavy foulling.

-  Finally it is to conclude that the nutrient loadings from this fish farm can be significantly reduced by lowering the feed coefficient, by adjusting the feeding to the energy demand of the fish, and/or by improving feeding methods and adequately balanced feed.


Mr Barg (FAO, FIRI) introduced a working paper, entitled «Selected options for environmental management in coastal aquaculture», prepared for the participants of the workshop. This working paper is intended to facilitate discussions on environmental management options, prioritization of related management measures, and formulation of recommendations for future cooperation. He emphasized that the objectives of this workshop could be defined as i) to identify major existing and potential adverse ecological impacts resulting from wastes released from intensive aquaculture operations in Mediterranean coastal areas, ii) to recommend measures for the promotion of environmental management in intensive aquaculture practices in the Mediterranean region, iii) to agree on possible collaboration and joint efforts as follow-up activities to this workshop. In his presentation he distinguished options for farm level and public sector management measures. Environmental management requires appropriate use of major aquaculture resources such as land, water, feed and seed.

Major factors and options for environmental management at farm level were then outlined as related to the type of aquaculture system, the degree of intensification, species characteristics, the site, as well as to design, construction, and operation of aquaculture facilities. Particular emphasis was given to the used of feed resources in farm management. Some general options for environmental management by public authorities were also presented, including some policy options, human resource development, and strengthening of legal and institutional frameworks, with the working paper, he also distributed i) FAO Fisheries Technical Paper (328) «Guidelines for the promotion of environmental management of coastal aquaculture development», ii) a Proposed draft code of hygienic practice for the products of aquaculture (CX/FFP 94/8), prepared by FAO Fish Utilization and Marketing Service, and iii) a paper entitled «Environmental planning for aquaculture development: integrating aquaculture in coastal Zones» by J.Muir.MEDRAP II Seminar on planning of Aquaculture Development (June 1992); unpublished. In the following discussion, some participants emphasized the need for integrated resource management, for example the present plan in Tunisia to establish aquaculture estates, identified and designated by authorities, who will also provide relevant baseline studies both on water quality for aquaculture and environmental impact from aquaculture, Again several participants emphasized the need for proper site selection and related advice to farmers and investors. It was felt that large scale aquaculture farms should be subject to EIA procedures, taking into account the characteristics of the site selected.

Mr Barg also briefly discussed some aspects of monitoring of ecological effects of coastal aquaculture, as elaborated recently by the GESAMP working group on environmental impacts of coastal aquaculture. These aspects included the «mixing zone concept», the difficulties to define standard monitoring guidelines, and the need for flexibility in formulating provisions related to EIA and monitoring in coastal aquaculture.


1. Main findings and conclusions

Coastal aquaculture practices in Mediterranean environments are not likely to result in significant ecological changes provided that the aquaculture operations are appropriately managed and properly sited.

With regard to organic and nutrient loads released from aquaculture operations, no significant adverse ecological changes would be expected on the water column or the phytoplankton community, when good flushing conditions exist.

Effects on sediment chemistry and benthos community generally occur in the immediate vicinity of the farms.

1.1 Options for environmental assessment

Available methods for assessment and prediction of ecological change may need to be further developed to fit the specific characteristics of Mediterranean environments and aquaculture systems. Parameters to be monitored should be reviewed, with particular emphasis on determination of effects on bottom communities and sediment.

Aquaculture specific requirements should be included in any coastal management exercise. Coastal surveys for the identification of suitable sites for aquaculture should be undertaken taking into account ecological as well as economic and social circumstances at the regional and local level. In addition to a list of descriptors for site selection, a manual containing suitable methodologies and related guidelines should be prepared.

1.2. Options for environmental management

Integrated aquaculture practices (eg. polyculture) - both sea based and land based - should be considered for promotion in order to improve protection of resources and environments as well as social and economic benefits to local communities in coastal areas.

When selecting technolgies for new aquaculture ventures priority should be given to existing technologies which have proven to be feasible, both environmentally and economically.

2. Recommendation on environmental assessment and management to:

2.1 Farmers and supporting industries

By improving farm management techniques, conflicts between different users may be reduced, environmental protected and farm economy improved. In particular, feeding regimes need to be adapted to the real requirements of the species cultures and with due consideration of the different aquaculture systems employed and environmental setting encountered. Waste lands can be reduced by addressing a number of feed and feeding related aspects; diet type, origin of feed, feeding intensity and method, and alternative used of the feed.

Farmers are encouraged to develop their own codes of practice related to the used of resources and operation and maintenance of the aquaculture units.

2.2 Authorities

Authorities may consider to support human resource development (eg. farmers, extensionists, planners, researchers with regard to environmental management and resource protection for aquaculture in coastal areas.

The use of GIS is recommended as tool for aquaculture - environment studies, both at the local and regional level, as well as for the integration of aquaculture considerations in coastal resource management. However, it should be considered that GIS systems often require continuous data input and analysis, and maintenance of equipment and data base.

Governments may consider regulating aquaculture production, for example by a) demanding good farming practice by the producers, b) requesting environmental impact assessments prior to the establishment of aquaculture units, c) in formulating rules, for example, such as limiting surface area for aquaculture units. In formulating related provisions, authorities should take into account the characteristics of the site as well as potential socio-economic benefits of the proposed aquaculture venture.

Authorities may consider adoption of the concept of mixing zones around aquaculture units, in order to allow for more flexibility in relation to waste released.

3. Areas for future cooperation by the expert group on Mediterranean cage culture and coastal environments

There is a need to further develop and adapt available impact assessment and prediction methods and models for the specific purposed of Mediterranean aquaculture. These methods are considered important for environmental impact assessment and monitoring studies which may be required by Gouvernment authorities. Particular emphasis should be given to methods for benthic impact assessment, including sampling techniques and statistical analysis of species diversity and community structure.

EAM Coordination Centre is requested to provide some proposals on cooperation inbetween Mediterranean Countries and other networks.

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