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The following proposals are the prioritised activities to be presented for consideration during the Saragossa Working Group meeting for TECAM network programme during 1995 and onwards.


1- Recent advances in tilapia culture (1995)

Objectives:to strengthen national expertise by training trainers
Contents:a) breeding and genetic improvement;
  b) ecosystem;
  c) fertilisation and artificial feeding;
  d) requirements and feeding regimes;
  e) reproductions;
  f) disease control;
  g) marketing.
Duration:3 weeks
Participants profile:University degree in agriculture with 2 – 3 years experience in aquaculture activities.
Costs:USD 30–40 us $ (travel and DSA)
Venue:Egypt or Syria according to their availability and interest.

2. Reproduction of warm water fish: cyprinids sturgeons and catfishes (1995)

Objectives:improve the knowledge in the field of reproduction and fish genetics.
Contents:a) artificial reproduction and hatchery techniques;
  b) larval rearing and fingerling production in ponds;
  c) broodstock management;
  d) theoretical and applied genetics of these fishes.
Duration:3 weeks in May – June 1995.
Participants profile:University degree in agriculture with 2–3 years experience in aquaculture activities.
Cost:35,000–40,000 USD.
Venue:fish culture research Institute, Szarvas, Hungary.

3 Fish farm management, including fish health management and aquaculture engineering, (1996)

Same conditions in course n∞2.

4 Aquatic ecosystem management, including fisheries in natural waters (reservoirs, ponds lakes, rivers etc) (1997)

Same conditions as in course № 2.


1 - Methodological approaches and guidelines of fresh water fish culture management .

Objectives: To develop a standard methodology for management fresh water fish farming.
Participant profile: experts in different activities of aquaculture management.
Duration: 3 days.
Participants: 8–10.
Costs: USD 20,000–25,000 (travel, DSA and publication)
Venue: Morocco, Libya, Syria or Egypt according to their interest and availability.


1 - Improving tilapia culture (ponds, reservoirs, close systems)

Objective:develop the methods used for tilapia culture which include, improving genetics and management (ecosystem, hatching, feeding, handling techniques, etc…)
Participating institutions:all institutions are requested to cooperate according to their interests and experience.
Duration:3 years.
Costs:to be shared between the participating institutions with respect to running costs at national level and USD 50,000 to be covered by the TECAM network to facilitate staff exchange, information flows and periodic assessment meetings.
Expected outputs:improve tilapia production.
Publications:the results obtained from the proposed projects will be published as technical papers, and will be available for distribution by the focal point within the target of the TECAM network.

2 - Development of the production technology for new species of the freshwater aquaculture in the Mediterranean.

Objective: elaborate new technologies for artificial reproduction, larval rearing and pond culture of new species, perspectives for the region.
Participating institutions: all interested institutions of the regions.
Duration: 3 years.
Costs: to be shared between the participating institutions with respect to running costs at national level and USD 50,000 to be covered by the TECAM network to facilitate staff exchange, information flows and periodic assessment meetings.

Expected output: improve production of fish species newly involved into the aquaculture sector.

Publications: the result obtained from the proposed projects will be published as (technical papers, and will be available for distribution by the focal within the target of the TECAM network.

3 Ecological studies on natural fresh water in order to improve fisheries and aquaculture production.

Objective: elaborate new technologies for increasing fish production on these water bodies.
Participating institutions: all interested institutions of the region.
Duration:3 years.
Costs: to be shared between the participating institutions with respect to running costs at national level and USD 50,000 to be covered by the TECAM network to facilitate staff exchange information flows and periodic assessment meetings.

Expected output: improving fish production from recently underexploited natural waters.

Publications: the results from the proposed projects will be published as (technical papers and will be available for distribution by the focal point within the target of the TECAM network.

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