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First Part - TUNISIA

Wednesday 25 May

9:00-   Opening session
-   Welcome addresses
-   Election of officials
-   Adoption of the agenda
10:00-   Artemia basic support of aquaculture (historical aspects, main areas of production, world production potentialities) By Patrick Sorgeloos (Belgium)
-   Artemia in the Mediterranean basin (needs and potential production By G. Van Stappen (Belgium)
-   Discussion
11:15-   Coffee break
11:30-   Visit to Mègrine saltworks: field observations, presentation of ecological characteristics By N. Aloui (Tunisia)
13:30-   Lunch
15:30-   Biology and ecology of Mediterranean Artemia:
 -   Discussion
17:00-   MEDRAP members' experiences on Artemia
By respective delegates
-   Discussion

Thursday 26 May

7:00-   Departure to Monastir
8:30-   Visit of “Aquaculture Tunisienne” marine fish farm in Hergla: Scope on Artemia use in marine hatchery. By M.S. Zine el Abidine (Tunisia)
10:30-   Visit of Sahlin saltworks: field observations; presentation of ecological caracteristics of the saltlake
By Mrs A. Medhioub (Tunisia)
12:30Visit of Centre National d'Aquaculture in Monastir (CNA):
The CNA experience in larvae nutrition using Artemia as basic support in marine hatching.
By Mrs. A. Medhioub (Tunisia)
13:30-   Lunch in Monastir
15:00-   Departure of Sfax
17:00-   Visit Sfax saltworks: fiel observations; presentation ecological characteristics of the saltlake By Khemakhem (Tunisia)

Second Part - LYBIA

Friday 27 May

6:00-   Departure to Tripoli
11:00-   Visit of Abi Kamash salt lake: field observations; presentation of ecological characteristics By M. Omar Maksoudi (Libya)
14:00-   Arrival to Tripoli
14:30-   Lunch
18:00-   Departure of SIRTE (from Marine Biology Research Centre)
23:00-   Arrival to SIRTE

Saturday 28 May

9:00-   Opening session in Lybia
-   Welcome speeches
-   Election of officials
10:00-   Tea break
10:30-   State of the art with regard to Artemia strain selection, naupliar manipulation and use in aquaculture
By P. Sorgeloos (Belgium)
11:00-   Artemia model systems:
*USA case study. By p. Sorgeloos
*Vietnam case study. By G. Van Stappen
*Tunisia case study. By M. Belkhir
*Egypt case study. By S. Ghoneim
13:00-   Lunch
14:00-   Mediterranean Artemia production perspectives:
*Developsment strategies
*Constraints (socio-economic aspects)
*Integration with salt production,
*Biological problems,
*Production and utilisation
-   Discussion
16:00-   Round table and general discussion on the workshop report: proposals for conclusions and recommendations
17:30-   Visit of Great Man Made River Project
19:30-   Back to resident place
19:45-   Reporting: Conclusions and Recommendations
21:30-   Adjournement
22:00-   Dinner

Sunday 29 May

7:00-   Departure from Sirte to Tripoli
11:00-   Visit to Aïn Kaam aquaculture farm (Khoms)
12:00-   Visit to Lebda archeological site
13 : 00-   Lunch
15 : 30-   Back to Tripoli and Lunch.
15 : 00-   Visit to Marine Biology Research Centre
17 : 00-   Arrival to Tripoli

Monday 30 May

6 : 00-   Departure from Tripoli to Tunisia

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