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Opening Session


The working group meeting on lagoon management and their use for aquaculture as follows up to the recommendation of the working group and lagoon management (Nador).

-   ANNEX I gives the names of participants

-   The working group meeting was openned by the representative of MEDRAP project coordinator, Mr. OTMAN BEJI who wellcomed all the participants and thanked Mr. O. Guelorget for his assistance for the organisation of the meeting. Participants were surprised of the absence of Frensh participants.

The officials of meeting were elected as following:
Chairman : Mr. O. Guelorget
Rapporteur : Mr. A. Orbi (focal point of lagoon management activity)

-   The agenda was adopted with minor modification and was presented in annex II.


-   Mr. Beji and Mr. Orbi give a brief review to the participants on conclusions and recommendations resulted of the working group meeting dedicated to the development of lagoon management methodology, held in Nador (Morocco) on 6–7 July 1994. (See annex III).

-   Mr. Orbi has mentioned that the working group objectives have been determined by the Nador workshop held in June 1994.

Concerning the inventory of existing data on logoon natural resources, environment and aquaculture, Mr. Orbi has informed the participants that he has got in contact with all mediterranean countries, particulary those intersted in lagoon management, and that he has received the answer of only 3 countries (Portugal, Tunisie, Turkey).

For preparing the workplan during 95–97 period, the rapporteur reminded to the participants that this workplan will be included in the framework of EAM network. The Coordinating Committee of EAM network has recommended that this working group on lagoon meeting, must elaborate details on proposal activity during 95–97 period.

In the other hand, the committee suggest to the working group to produce a detailed agenda of the international symposium on environment and aquaculture in lagoon-lakes, combined with an expert list (to gather potential donors or partners for this event).

-   Mr. Ivan Katavitch, coordinator of EAM network, has informed the assistance that the EAM network doesn't have sufficient funds for all its activities.


Tunisia, Egypt and Turkey representatives, have presented different existing data in their country respectively (ANNEX IV), and also the work carried out or still in process.

In that way, the turkish representative has showed his country project in relation to aquaculture development in lagoons-lakes.


The participants have adopted the tunisian model for existing data presentation (Annex V), and have charged the lagoon management activity focal point to send this model to different countries involved in this activity.


The participants discussed all the parameters regarding lagoons and their environment especially those making contraints to their exploitation and development.

From the discussion, it appears that it is possible to classify these parameters within three cathegories:

-   abiotic parameters
-   biotic parameters
-   socio-economic parameters and other parameters.

Looking for the importance, the useful and the cost of each parameter, we can classify them as it is indicated:



Organic matter xx  
Total suspended material xx  
Natural sediment   x 
Monitoring Gate  x  
Pollutant  x  
Nutrient (Phos and nitrate)  x  
O2x (Deep Surface..)+Occ   
Transparency  x  
Turbidity  x  
Pollution   x 

Note : (..) Twice per day


- Pollutant  x  
- Biotic control x   
- Biomass x   
- Diversification   x 
- Biomass   x 
- Diversification   x 
(phyto and Zao)
- ADULTx    



- Status management
- Fishermen : Number, education level, age, etc…
- Fishing effort : Number of boat, nets, etc…
- Fishing activities : Aquaculture, traps, fish barrier, etc…
- Market : General information
- Other activities : Tourism, agriculture, industry, etc…
- Status environment : private, public area, protected area, special area, etc…
- Infrastructure
- Coastal Fisheries
- Hydrologic management:YesNo
- Development project:YesNo
- Master plan (IN COM):YesNo
- Existing Data


The participants to the working Group have elaborated a proposal of the organization of the lagoon management database according to other aquaculture aspects already existing in the SIPAM network.

According to parameters selected by the group, the following will be the database content of five (5) datafiles:

1 Lagoon identification
2 General characterstics of the lagoon
3 Lagoon parameters- abiotic parameters
 - biotic
 - socio-economic parameters and other parameters
4 Lagoon Exploitation
5 Bibliography

Other datafiles of SIPAM Software will be used EAM network such as: export database; aquaculture production centers; institutions and research programs etc… Datafiles details are presented in annex VI.


The speeche related to the Case study progress for selected sites has been done by representative of Morocco (intensive model) (see Report in annex VII) and Mr. F. Massa (Valliculture).

Workplan of EAM Working Group of Lagoon Management in 1996–1997

I- Coordination of Lagoon Management of EAM Network with the EIFAC working party in brackish water. This will come by:

  1. Full participation of members of the European countries in these activities

  2. All Meditterranean countries interested by the activity of lagoon management are invited to participate in programs on the field of the lagoon management (Meetings of experts on lagoon management, Training of fisherman, common studies of lagoon management)

  3. Mr Dimintrisu representative of EIFAC Working party of brackich water management informed the working group that he is planning to organize a short meeting in Messolanghi at the end of this year. The participants of the EAM working group of lagoon management estimate that it will be very important to be represented in this activity.

On the behalf of the EIFAC working party on brackish water, he is kindly asked to provide information in due time which is related to the agenda timing etc… to the EAM Network headquarters.

II After the document established by this meeting about the strategy to adopt for the selection of parameters for lagoons management, it is necessary to all countries to start as soon as possible to work in this direction and by the end of 1997, it is expected a combined meeting between EIFAC working party, and the EAM coordination of lagoons management in order to evaluate of each country results regarding the development of datafile on lagoons management.

International Symposium on Environ ment and Aquaculture in Lagoon - Lakes.

A project of Symposium items is provided in annex VIII

-   September 1995: forming of different committees 1st announcement

-   Beginning of January 1996: (Deadline for abstract submission).

-   February 1996: 2nd annoncement (after acceptance by the scientific committee)

-   May 1996: Final program (to be sent June 1996).

-   Symposium: End September 1996.

-   Period : 4 days

-   Place : Cassblance - Morocco

-   Permanant secretariat : ISPM-MOROCCO


The working group stressed the importance of:

-   Preparing guidelines of lagoons management, having in mind that:

For mediterranean lagoon ecosystem, suggested references term of the guidline could be:

Detail term of reference will be prepared by F. Massa and small team after discussion expected in october, in MESOLONGHI (GREECE)

At the discussion, all the participants will be invited at the “WORKING GROUP-EAM-LAGOON MANAGEMENT”.

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