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Working Group on
SIPAM System Design Development
(Mid-Term Review)
FAO-Hq Rome, ITALY.     April 19 – 21, 1994

Othman BEJI - Denis LACROIX

Mediterranean Regional Aquaculture Project
System of Information for the Promotion of Aquaculture in the Mediterranean


The SIPAM project is on its way. The timetable shows to be quite realistic and the evolution of the project confirms the conclusiveness of the objectives. Six countries (Cyprus, Croatia, Egypt, France, Portugal, Tunisia) among the eight members of the pilot group attended to the working group in Rome, from 19th to 21st of April, 1994, which demonstrates the strong involvement of the governments in this project. The general review of the states of aquaculture in each country proves that there exists an urgent need to proceed to the SIPAM network as it answers to the main problems faced by countries. SIPAM representatives have already undertaken several actions to prepare the start-up of the network: inventory of existing databases on aquaculture, collection of data related to the seven priority topics, purchase of equipment, contact with private sector, etc…

Five files had been studied, discussed, adopted and approved. Six additional databases (species, experts, biblography, legislation, planning, health control) will be soon provided by FAO and two other databases (documentation, laws and regulations) by MEDRAP.

The exploitation programme will be tested during the next months in order to evaluate the validity of the prototype at the working group for the adoption of the prototype in November. The system used today is under MS-DOS. It will be under WINDOWS in 1995, as this software is worldwide used and it fits well with Arabic language.

A provisional budget for 1995 was prepared and approved. It plans the renewal in principle of the data manager budget by France and a possible support of this country to few complement actions required for the improvement and the efficiency of the SIPAM network.

The elaboration of this network is a kind of alternative: either SIPAM remains a simple databank collecting, exchanging and distributing data or it becomes a real information centre with a commercial activity (sell of integrated and processed data) in order to be partly self-sufficient. This second option will require a specific upgrading of the network. This choice has to be decided at the end of 1994 according to available external financial resource. It will be facilitated by the experience gained during the second half-year by the countries and the SIPAM team in Tunisia.


Le projet SIPAM progresse en suivan le plan de travail prévu en 1993. Six pays sur les huit pays-pilotes de la phase expérimentale ont participé à la réunion du groupe de travail sur le développement du système prototype qui s'est déroulé à Rome, du 19 au 21 Avril 1994 (Chypre, Croatie, Egypte, France, Portugal, Tunisie). L'exposé et l'analyse de la situation de l'aquaculture dans ces pays ont démontré l'utilité du SIPAM et le bein fondé de ses objectifs pour lesquels les représentants du réseau SIPAM dans chaque pays ont déjà engagé bombre d'actions concrètes: inventaire des bases de données existantes en aquaculture, collecte de données correspondant aux sept thèmes prioritaires, acquisition de matériel, contact auprès des producteurs privés, etc.

Cinq fichiers ont été étudiés, discutés, modifiés et adoptés au cours des travaux. Ils seront complétés par six bases de données fournies par l'OAA (espèces, experts, bibliographie, légslation, planification, contrôle sanitaire) et par deux bases préparées par le SIPAM (documentation, lois et normes).

Le programme permettant l'exploitation de ces bases de données sera testé au cours des prochains mois par les pays afin de pouvoir juger de la validité du prototype lors de la rèunion de travail de novembre. Le systéme d'expioitation informatique actuel est MS-DOS. L'environnement passera en WINDOWS en 1995, logiciel très répandu et bien adapté à l'interface avec la langue arabe.

Un budget prévisionnel pour 1995 a été élaboré et approuvé. Il bénéficie de la reconduction de principe du financement du “data manager” par la France ainsi qu'un appui possible de ce pays à plusieurs action complémentaires utiles au développement et à l'efficacité du réseau SIPAM.

L'évolution future de ce rèseau peut suivre deux voies: soit le SIPAM reste une simple banque de données collectant, échangeant et redistribuant des données, soit le SIPAM devient un véritable centre d'information semi-privé capable de s'autofinancer en partie par le traitement et la vente d'informations intégrées et ciblées. Cette seconde option exigera un développement spécifique du réseau. Ce choix, qui sera à prendre à la fin de l'année en fonction du budget disponible, sera éclairé par l'expérience acuqise au cours du second semestre 1994 par les pays et par l'équipe SIPAM de Tunisie.

MEDRAP II Mediterranean Regional Aquaculture Project - SIPAM
Adresse: Ministère de l'Agriculture, C/O DGPA-32, Rue Alain Savary, 1002 tunis
Tél: 216-1-790 119. Facsimile: 216-1-793 962. Télex: 14 994 FAO TN

I. Introduction

The working group on SIPAM System Design Development (mid-term review) organised by MEDRAP II project in collaboration with FAO (FIRI( was held from 19 to 21 April 1994 in FAO Headquarters in Rome.

This meeting was attended by MEDRAP-SIPAM representatives of Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Portugal and Tunisia). Were also present:

-from FAO-Rome:S.R. Coppola, R. Ziesler, M. Pedini, U. Barg and Ben Aleya from GFCM
-from MEDRAP Centre:H. Akrout, D. Lacroix, O. Beji and M. Zitoun.

Annex 1 gives the list of all participants.

The meeting was opened by Mr. H. Akrout, Project Coordinator. He welcomed all participants wishing them success in their work and passed the floor to Mr. Pedini (FAO-FIRI) who thanked all the presents and stressed the importance of the objectives of this working group meeting. He wished to all the participants a fruitful and constructive meeting and a good stay in Rome.

The officials of the meeting were unanimously designated as follows:

-Chairman:Mr. S.R. Coppola
-Rapporteurs:•   Mr. D. Lacroix
•   Mr. O. Beji

The preliminary agenda was adopted with some modifications (annex 2)

II. SIPAM System Development

II.1 Situation in the pilot countries

The need of a general overview of the situation of the SIPAM project in the pilot countries was clear as no specific information on SIPAM evolution had been directly given from one country to another since the start-up of the project in October 1993. D. Lacroix, as data manager, screened the situation of the SIPAM in 7 of the 8 countries (except Croatia he had not visited yet) in relation with the status of aquaculture in each country. This presentation allowed a better preliminary understanding of the assets and constraints of each country involved in this project.

Before the national presentations, S. Coppola underlined the fact that the SIPAM project was in an experimental phase. Therefore, it was essential for each representative speaker to point out the goals south by the country for this network and the means (hardware, software, data) that were already available or may be available in the future and put at the disposal of SIPAM.

a) Portugal

As preliminary remark, Mrs. Maria Joao Robalo noticed the lack of experienced people in data network management at IPIMAR, the national Institute for Marine Aquaculture. This explained why the existing facilities are not fully used. The general secretariat of the Ministry of sea collects all the data concerning fisheries and aquaculture. The computer system is a UNIX type with UNISYS terminals. Databases are managed through ORACLE software (4th generation) and are linked to “C” by a SQL-Type interface. Research and Development institutions, legislation, bibliography and experts can be soon computerized. Collecting data on the other topics (productions, producers, experts, etc…) is hampered by the lack of direct and regular relation with the ground. She underlined the fact that the start-up of this network would undoubtedly improve the effort of data collection in aquaculture and make easier the exchange of information with the Ministry of Agriculture in charge of the inland aquaculture.

b) France

Mr. Charles de la Pomelie listed first the several institutions in charge of aquaculture research and development in France. Computerized networks are numerous and well equipped in quite all available software. Bibliography is very comprehensive and up-to-date. Production data is available but as total per region and per species because of the necessary confidentiality of producers results. Data on Research and Development institutions are easily accessible. A private software, “aquatool”, gives the references of thousands of suppliers in aquaculture but it is limited to EC countries. The main interest of France in this network is the opportunity to develop scientific multilateral cooperation on the species (new species) and problems (pathology, environment) of major interest for the Mediterranean.

c) Croatia

Aquaculture in Croatia is quite unknown. That is why Mr. Vlado Dadic presented first the situation of aquaculture in his country. It can be summarized in few observations:

-   the Croatian coast = 15% of the Mediterranean coast;

-   more the 1000 islands;

-   favourable climate ad no problem of pollution;

-   20 freshwater tarms (carps and trouts = about 5000 T):

-   23 marine water farms (sea bass/bream : 450 T to export which represents 4,5 million USD income);

-   several mussel and oyster traditional farms;

-   the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries is in charge of the sector of aquaculture including production recording and scientific research.

The research centres are linked through interest network using UNIX system managed by ORSCLE. Up to now, aquaculture remains a “black box” and Croatia is expecting a great deal from SIPAM services.

d) Cyprus

Mrs. Daphnee Stephanou pointed out first the fact that in Cyprus,. farms must provide regular and precise data to obtain yearly license. The other sources of information are the Department of veterinary services, Department of Agriculture, and the Research and Development stations of the Fisheries Department.

The computer centre in Nicosia operates a 486 MITAC unit (350 MB) equipped with D Base IV, World Perfect 5.1, Lotus and Harvard Graphics. Detailed data on production statistics, legislation, suppliers and some aspects of Research and Development are already available. SIPAM could become a unique source of reliable information on scientific research (especially bibliography and research on diversification) and commercial development (markets and prices) all over the Mediterranean.

e) Tunisia

Mr. Zouhaier Saghrouni presented the situation in Tunisia, on behalf of Mrs. Missaoui, SIPAM official counterpart. Considering the production sector, an excellent network for data collection is functional. Data are complied in the Ministry of Agriculture which is also conducting a comprehensive survey on the potential sites for aquaculture in order to plan the development of this new activity. Scientific research is conducted by INSTOP, the National institute, which efficiency is limited by the lack of information. Some diagnosis for the CNA, the national experiment centre of Monastir, which experimentation programme could be optimized by closer relations w<th other similar centres working on the same species. This general lack of information should be solved quickly by the set-up of SIPAM.

f) Egypt

Mr. Magd El Baweb presented first the mains results of aquaculture production in his country. Although Egypt in a major producer in aquaculture in the Mediterranean, data collection is difficult because of the wide scattering of farms and the low level of intensification of rearing which does not allow accurate control. Yet, a better information would be very necessary, especially in research centres and in experiment stations as the problem of technology adaptation is essential in Egypt.

A set of computers had just been installed in the GAFRD (General Authority for Fish Resources Development) head office in Cairo. Several softwares are available: D Base IV, WINDOWS, Quattro Pro and Nafitha 4.

II. 2 General observations on SIPAM project

S. Coppola seized the opportunity of this meeting to emphasize 5 observations:

  1. Little time is available to demonstrate the feasibility of this network. So, it is urgent to collect relevant and synthetical information in each country in order to make this network attractive. Later, it will be possible to improve the system and enrich the databases.

  2. SIPAM network is a regional database, i.e., it provides a link between the national databases and makes easier the access to FAO international services. To ensure the coherence and the long term reliability to the whole system, a part of the parameters will be reserved to SIPAM and to FAO control as shown on following figure:

  1. In order to simplfy the exchange of information, transfer of diskettes will be done by usual air mail until the functionality of the network is demonstrated. Then, a direct transmission by modern system will be used. Before this standadization, electronic mail can be used trhough internet network in order to save time during “tuning” phase.

  2. WINDOWS will be the general environment of the software used in this network. Indeed, it is known and used worldwide and it is more suitable for Arabic language interface.

  3. SIPAM language is English. Abstracts of national laws can be delivered in English or in French. It is also of major importance for the countries to give national statistics in international standard measures (ISM) : kilogram or metric ton, square meter or hectare.

II. 3 Main observations on the selected topics

Thw working group studied then each file prepared by the SIPAM team in Tunis and presented in booklet showing for each topic the structure of the file and the successive screens. An open discussion managed by S. Coppola led to necessary choices, obtained by consensus. This review was enriched and facilitated by the experience gained by S. Coppola in the SIPAL network launched in Latin America just one year before SIPAM project.

1. Production

This file is one of the most important file of the initial nucleus of SIPAM because it answers to the most frequent and usual questions people ask about aquaculture in the Mediterranean. Nearly each item is a key that can be used to obtain regional summing up: product (species) or group of species, system of culture, structure of rearing, aimed market, sector type of water (“environment”). Product denomination was preferred to species which definition is very strict and implies 12 items within the “species dab” database:

-   code
-   family
-   genus
-   species
-   taxonomy code (for group of species)
-   trialfa code
-   root (for unidentified group of species)
-   scientific name
-   FAO English
-   FAO French
-   FAO Spanish
-   remark

Fry will be recorded in total of juveniles with an indication on the average weight range.

2. Producers

This file is entirely descriptive. The idea is to give an overview of the major producers of the country and make easier technical and commercial contacts. No numerical data is planned except fro geographical identification parameters, ‘geolat’ and “geolon”, for possible GIS survey use.

3. Suppliers

This file will undoubtedly useful for several types of users which explains the numerous keys: country, region (supra-national) servicing country, speciality. The date of the establishment of the company and the state (intra-national) were added.

4. Import/Export

The necessity to dissociate this file in two appeared quickly. The record of the data should be half-yearly in order to give a real up-to-date information to users. The type of packing was added as several customs patterns take it in account. A list importers and exporters could be also useful.

5. Aquaculture Institutions

This important topic has to be completed (2nd working language, date of establishment, anonym, detailed facilities) in order to give a comprehensive information on the existing centres around the Mediterranean. The main key is the type of laboratories ruled by each institution.

6. (Aquaculture) On-going programmes

Programmes has to be separated from institutions because this file is a much more dynamic topic. Two key-elements appeared essential: a precise definition of each on-going programme including the species studied, the duration of the programme, the head lab and the links with other scientific research centres working in the same field.

7. Bibliography

Three options are available: first, the SIPAL system with a conversion programme to interface ASFA database; second, the Micro-Isis software given, free, by UNESCO but not well adapted to the SIPAM needs and finally, the PROCITE software, expensive but very efficient. ASFA databse has to be purchased by SIPAM after checking copyright procedures.

8. FAO databases

Six databases will be soon given by FAO:

-   Speciesdab (see II.3.1)
-   Listal (list of experts)
-   Bibliography (SIPAL model)
-   Legislation tentative database
-   Fipp Dab (fish policy and planning)
-   Health control (SIPAL model)

9. Next databases

Two other databases should be soon developed:

-   laws and regulations

-   documentation database including MEDRAP reports: exhaustive review of MEDRAP I and II activities reports: Steering Committees, training courses, workshops, seminars, study missions, etc.

Integration of a “technology” file would be highly commendable and could be decided when the priorities of TECAM will be selected.

II.4 Aquaculture planning simulator (APS)

The idea of an analytical module comes from the request of numerous countries in terms of choice of technology, and financing systems. The APS Module has operational characteristics and compares different results obtained with different sets of parameters.

It can be used by investors, planners and administration:

-   to compare different types of aquaculture systems and technologies

-   to analyse production costs;

-   to conduct financial analysis.

It could assist the promoters in correcting one or many factors in their project plan. The proposition was to share the cost of the development of this software prototype (APS) between SIPAM and SIPAL (15.000 USD each) and to ask the French trust fund to support the SIPAM contribution in 1994. This prototype should be ready for the SIPAM evaluation meeting in France.

II.5 Development strategy

SIPAM project is the first attempt to build a standard data collection system of several topics in the same field. That is the reason why this project has to proceed step by step. According to S. Coppola, the development strategy might be organised in three phases:

-   first phase (May–November, 1994) : set-up and achievement of 6 to 8 databases;

-   second phase (December 1994 – end 1995) : installation of the full configuration in all the countries interested in the network; improvement of the regional software. For the development of this second phase, the availability of an expert for 6 months is considered as a prerequisite.

-   third phase (1996…) : consolidation and expansion of SIPAM as a valid tool for information and data synthesis.

It is useful to remind that the evolution of this project relies on the action of the partner countries and especially on national head offices. For this reason, a regular evaluation of the problems and results related to each phase is essential.

The representative of France, C. Berger (scientific Advisor of the french representation to FAO) underlined five key points related to the development strategy aimed by FAO:

  1. Priority at this stage of the projects's time frame should be given to software development for the information network, in order to adequately prepare for the first evaluation meeting that is due to take place in France in November this year.

  2. Considering the significant results obtained after only six months activity, the principle of continued financial support to the project for a second year (October 94 – October 95) has already been discussed and agreed among the french authorities, at the time a budget increase of 22.600 USD for the first year was also accepted.

  3. Support for complementary actions, such as a possible contribution to the APS (Aquaculture Planning Simulator), may be examined in so far as these actions are clearly justified and new adequate involvement of counterparts is obtained. The planned budget for future activities has to be submitted to the french representation to FAO, in Rome, as soon as possible, in order to secure funds early on the 1995 budget.

  4. The perennity of the project relies first on its usefulness for recepient countries and also on an equitable sharing of the budget involving the beneficiaries, i.e., the countries. This constraint has to be clearly notified to future member countries.

  5. In order to save time and money, it is essential to benefit from the on-going experience of SIPAL and have regular information on the evolution of this project.

The representative of the General Fisheries Council of the Mediterranean, H. Ben Aleya confirmed that GFCM was ready to ensure the coordination of the information networks and especially SIPAM when the support of MEDRAP will end at mid 1995. The only problem remains the way to secure the budget for the next years. No doubt member countries will be asked to contribute more as the sale of services by SIPAM will probably increase slowly in the next 3 or 4 years. Additional sources of funding as European Community should be investigated early in order to minimize the countries contributions.

III. Work plan (April – November, 1994)

A work plan for the next seven months had been elaborated, discussed and approved.

For the period of May – June – July :

For the period of September and October

November 1994 (probably November 29th to december 1st.) in Corsica (France)

Working group meeting for the adoption of the prototype.

IV. Previsional budget

Before the presentation of the previsional budget, few observation on items are necessary:

-   The expenses related to the participation of the country representative to the two working group meetings planned for 1995 will be charged on their own budget in order to reduce the SIPAM operating cost budget. This necessary evolution was announced since the last Steering Committee of Byblos, Lebanon, in November 1993.

-   The crucial phase in the SIPAM project is the second half-year of 1995 : at this time, UNDP funds will have ended and the network will prepare its financial autonomy. S. Coppola estimated that an expert in computer science will be required for the 6 last months of 1995 in order to finalise the “product” in close cooperation with the SIPAM team in Tunis and to make it “marketable” to countries, users, and donors. This support should represent an additional budget of about 85.000 USD.

-   To all the participants, the publication of a regular newsletter appeared to be of major importance. It is untimely to define its characteristics but a rough minimum budget of 10.000 USD can be planned.

-   The participation of SIPAM to the finalisation of the APS programme (Aquaculture Planning Simulator) is estimated at 15.000 USD; the same amount will be provided by SIPAL project. This type of action demonstrated the interest of a closer cooperation between SIPAL and SIPAM.

-   It is equitable to estimate the national contribution to the SIPAM national centre in each country. A realistic estimation of the operating cost of a SIPAM national centre averages 50.000 USD per country with foreseeable variations according to the development of aquaculture in the country.

On a total budget of 870.000 USD for one year operation (October 94 to October 95), a negative result of 50.000 USD is recorded. It is likely to expect a balanced budget thanks to some additional funding sources as this gap represents less than 6 % of the total budget.

Previsional Budget for SIPAM
October 1994 – October 1995

(in Thousands of US Dollars)

I. ExpensesUnit CostSub-totalTotal
 I.1Working group meeting   
  Working group № 1:15  
  Working gruop № 2:1530 
  Legal office3  
  System designer3  
  Data manager missions15  
  Assistance to software development52656
  Support programmer2  
  “Upgrading” expert85  
  Data manager (including FAO services)150 293
  Documentation analyst (Tunisia)5242298
 I.4Operating costs   
  News letter10  
  Software + hardware equipment5  
  Fax, phone, photocopies,…15  
  User's guide (manual)5  
  Aquaculture Project simulator (shared with SIPAL project)1550348
 I.5Regional Centre staff and office rental (Tunisia)   
  Personnel + office rental + insurance + electricity,…100100448
 I.6Sundry (5%)2222470
II.National Centres Contributions   
 Operating costs of a national desk for SIPAM
(computer, software, collecting data cost, salary of a part-time biologist or programmer, etc)
± 50 × 8 countries
 Grand Total I + II  870
  proposed: MEDRAP contribution20  
  participation to working group meetings (countries)30  
  member countries contributions for national desk400  
  hosting country (Tunisia)105  
  donor asked : France 150+15+15+85265820820
 Balance : 820 – 870  -50

V. Conclusions

The conclusions on this working group meeting may be summarised in 7 observations:

  1. According to the programme of working planned for SIPAM network in its first plase (Oct. 94–Oct. 95), the first version of the SIPAM Prototype elaborated by SIPAM Regional Centre is satisfactory and all the participants express their optimism towards the SIPAM development in the future.

  2. The five topics presented in the first prototype version were discussed, revised, finalised and agreed by the participants. MEDRAP activities database must be added to other databases.

    Species dab, bibliography, legislation, Listal (expert DAB), pathology databases, when finalized will be sent to SIPAM centre with the condifications of all the databases as well as the System design in its new revision.

  3. The countries representatives reconfirm their great interest in the SIPAM and their disponibility and their willingness to begin to collect the national data concerning the different databases adopted by the working group.

  4. After the first year (by the end of Nov. 94) the prototype will be completed under Dos. WINDOWS had been selected as environment for the network.

  5. Concerning the budgel, France representative confirmed the principle of a continuing support of the project for a second year (94–95) and a possible contribution to APS (Aquaculture Planning Simulator) shared with the sister system SIPAM in Latin America. Additional funds for justified complement actions may be studied and secured according to available resources.

  6. Concerning the future of SIPAM, two options related with available funds were discussed:

  7. Concerning the legal aspects and the copyright of SIPAM software, MEDRAP/SIPAM regional centre wil contact FAO legal office to get some proposals on the budget.

Annex 1

Working Group Meeting on SIPAM
Prototype System Design Development

FAO-Rome 19 – 21 April, 1994

List of Participants

Mr Maged El Bawab
 Director General of Department of Information Centre
 General Authority for Fish Resources Development
 4, Tayaran Str. Nasr City
 Caior -EGYPT
 Phone:20-22-62- 118
 Fax:20-22-620 117
Mr. Valdo Dadic
 Coordinator of Info System
 Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries
 Setaliste Ivana Mestrovica 63
 Phone :385-58-46 688
 Fax :385-58-46- 593
Mrs. Daphneee stephanou
 Head Aquaculture Division - Biologist
 Ministry of Agricultur and Natural Resources
 Department of Fisheries
 13, Aeolou Str. Nicosia - CYPRUS
 Phone :357-2-30 35 26
 Fax:357-2-36 59 55
Mrs. Mariza Joao Robalo Magalhaes
 Secretariat General do Ministerio do Mar
 Av. Brasilia 1400 Lisboa - PORTUGAL
 Phone : 351-1-301 72 73
 Fax :351-1-301 66 33
Mr Zouhater Saghrouni
 Aquaculture Engineer
 Ministère de l'Agriculture, Direction Générale de la Pêche et de l'Aquaculture
 30, Rue Alain Savary 1002 Tunis. TUNISIA
 Phone: 216-1-861 993
 Fax:216-1-891 993
Mr Charles de la Pomélie
 Assistance Technique Aquaculture Méditerranée
 IFREMER - Station de Palavas
 Chemin de Maguelone 34 250 Palavas-las-Flots
 Phone:33-67-68 08 33
 Fax:33-67-38 28 85
Mr Rudi Ziesler
 Fisheries Operations Officer
 Via delle Terme di Caracalla - Rome-ITALY
 Phone:39-6-5225 6647
 Fax:39-6-5225 6445
Mr Uwe Barg
 Fisheries Resources Officer
 FAO - Fisheries Department - Fishery Resources and Environment Division
 Via delle Terme di Caracalla - Rome-ITALY
 Phone: 39-6-5225 3454
 Fax:39-6-5225 3020
Mr Habib Ben Aleya
 Secretary of GFCM
 FAO- NF 411
 Via delle Terme di Caracalla - Rome-ITALY
 Phone: 39-6-5225 6435
 Fax: 39-6-5225 6500
Mr Mario Pedini
 Senior Adviser in aquaculture development
 FAO/FIRI : NF 515
 Via delle Terme di Caracalla - Rome-ITALY
 Phone:39-6-2552 6473
 Fax:39-6-5225 3020
Mr S. R. Coppola
 Fisheries Resources officer
 FAO/FIRM - NF 511
 Via delle Terme di caracalla - Rome-ITALY
 Phone:39-6-5255 3034
 Fax:39-6-5225 3020
Mr Christian Berger
 Rep. Per. France - to FAO
 52, Corso del Rinaseimento - Roma 00186
 Phone: 39-6-68 65 305
 Fax:39-6-68 92 692
Mr Enrico Ingle
 ICRAM (Instituto Centrale per la Ricerca Setentifica e Technologica Applicata al Mare)
 Via L. Respighi S 00193 Roma-ITALY
 Phone: 3 39-6--86 07 558
 Fax:39-6-86 07 559
Mr Othmen Beji
 Expert-MEDRAP II Project
 FAO Tunis 61, Rue Alain Savary 1002 Tunis
 Phone:216-1-790 119
 Fax:216-1-793 962
Mr Denis Lacroix
 SIPAM Data Manager
 FAO Tunis 61, Rue Alain Savary 1002 Tunis
 Phone:216-1-790 119
 Fax:216-1-793 962
Mr Mahjoub Zitoun
 SIPAM Data Programmer
 FAO Tunis 61, Rue Alain Savary 1002 Tunis
 Phone:216-1-790 119
 Fax:216-1-793 962

Annex 2

Adopted Agenda

09.00-Welcome addresse, hy Mr. M. Pedini
 -Designation of Officials
 -Adoption of the agenda
10.30Coffee break
10:45State of the art in SIPAM project
by S.R. Coppola
  Situation in the pilot countries
by D. Lacroix
 SIPAM project situation in the pilot enuntries :
  Portugal, by M.J. Robalo
  France,by C. de la Pomélie
  Croatta,by V. Dadic
15.00SIPAM project situation in the pilot countries ;
  Cyprus,by D. Stephanou
  Egypt,by M. El Bawab
  tunisia,by Z. Saghrouni
 Coffee break
 Presentation of the SIPAM regional preliminary prototype
by O. Beji
 Demonstration of the prototype
by M. Zitoun
 Study of the databases and directories moderator
by S.R.Coppola
09:00Study of the databases (second part)
  -On-going programmes
10:30Coffee break
10:45 -Experts (Listal)
  -MEDRAP activities/documentation
15:00 -Producers
 Coffee break
 Presentation of an analytical module APS: Aquaculture Planning Simulator
by M. Pedini
08:30Synthesis of the evolution of the prototype
by S. R. Coppola
 SIPAM support programme of France
by C. Berger
 Coffee break
 Similarities, differences and potential synergies between SIPAM and SIPAL
by S.R. Coppola and M. Pedini
 Visit to aquaculture data collection office (M. Perreotti)
15:00SIPAM work plan (April – November 1993)
by O. Beji
 Screening of previsional SIPAM budge
by D. Lacroix
 Final synthesis and plan of final report of the working group
by H. Akrout
 Adoption of the work plan and the budget
 Conclusions and recommendations

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