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Fourth Working Group on
SIPAM System Design Development
Nicosia-CYPRUS     14th – 17th June, 1995


MEDiterranesn Regional Aquaculture Project
System of Information for the Promotion of Aquaculture in the Mediterranean


This fourth working group of SIPAM had as main objectives: to finalize the output formats of all databases, to prepare the organisation of the hosting structure of SIPAM at the end of MEDRAP (31st. of July, 1995) and to establish links with TECAM. The five countries attending the meeting (Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey) highlighted the fact that the network already plays an important role among their various systems of information. Consequently, it becomes urgent to transform it into a operational and reliable tool.

The first task is to secure the efficient functionning of the programme after adding all output commands which are necessary for the full use of the databank. This will be done in two steps: first, programmation and test with real data in Tunis and second, bench-testing with Greece, Tunisia and possibly Cyprus) before software spreading to all SIPAM countries.

The network has also to prepare the future when considering organisation and budget. The department of fisheries and aquaculture of the Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture will relay MEDRAP at the end of August. A new team is about to be selected. It quality is a key-element of the efficiency of the network.

A financial support to the network would also be valuable during the difficult first phase of start-up out of MEDRAP frame. A request had been already sent to Spain. It would be completed by other demands, notably to institutions as European Union, in order to strenghen the working budget.

The importance of GFCM was stressed as it collects now several urgent responsibilities: choice of national experts to be par of the management board, clearing of all legal aspects of SIPAM, procedure to define concerning new countries adherence, search for additional funding, etc. Its tasks will be made easier if GFCM can rely on a dynamic and operational network. It is also the first priority of SIPAM.

Key-words: Mediterranean, aquaculture, network, information.

MEDRAP:MEDiterranean Regional Aquaculture Porject.
SIPAM:System of Information for the Promotion of Aquaculture in the Mediterrancan.
GFCM:General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean.


Ce quatrième groupe de travail du projet SIPAM avait trois objectifs: arrêter le choix des formes de sortie pour toutes les bases de données, préparer l'organisation du nouveau cadre de travail du SIPAM à la fin du projet MEDRAP (31 Juillet 1995) et étudier les collaborations possibles avec le réau TECAM. Les cinq pays présents (Chypre, Espagne, Grèce, Tunisie et Turquie) ont montré que le réseau faisait désormais partie intégrante de leurs systèmes d'informaton et qu'il était donc essentiel de le faire évoluer définitivement en un outil fiable et opérationnel.

La première urgence est d'assurer le fonctionnement efficace du programme après l'ajout de toutes les commandes de sortie indispensables à l'untilisation pratique de la banque de données. Ceci sera fait en deux temps: programmation et test avec des données réelles à Tunis puis test approfondi avec trois pays volontairs (Chypre, Grèce et Tunisie) avant la diffusion du logicial à tous les membress du SIPAM.

Le SIPAM doit également préparer l'avaenir au plan organisationnel comme au plan financier. Le département des péches et de l'aquaculture du Ministère de l'Agriculture tunisien prendra le relais de MEDRAP fin Août 1995. Une nouvelle équipe est en cours de sélection. Sa qualité apparait déterminante pour la pérennité du réseau.

Un appui financier au réscau serait très utile dans la diffcile phase du démarrage. Une requête est déjà en cours auprès de l'Espagne. D'autres demandes pourraient suivre, notamment auprès d'institutions comme l'Union Européenne, afin de renforcer le budget de fonctionnement.

L'importance du CGPM a étè répétée: il a désormais plusieurs reponsabilités urgentes: nommer les deux premiers experts nationaux prévus pour le comité de coordination, clarifier les aspects juridiques du SIPAM, instruire les demandes d'adhésion de nouveaux pays, rechercher des financements complémentaires, etc… Sa tâche sera facilitée s'il peut s'appuyer sur un réseau dynamique et opérationnel; c'est aussi l'objectif immédiat du SIPAM.

Mots-clefs: Méditerranée, aquaculture, reseau, information.

SIPAM:Système d'Information pour la Pramotion de l'Aquaculture en Méditerranée.
MEDRAP:Projet Regional de Développement de l'Aquaculture en Méditerranée.
CGPM:Commission Générale des Pêches pour la Méditerranée.

Front page picture : offshore cages of Sagro deep sea farm in front of Paphos (Cyprus)

I. Introduction

The fourth working group meeting on SIPAM system Design Design Development organised by MEDRAP II Project in collaboration with FAO (FIRI) was held from the 14th to the 17th of June, 1995 in Nicosia, Cyprus. Some sessions of this meeting were common with the TECAM workshop in order to facilitate mutual information and common lectures and discussins. This meeting was attended by representatives of five countries: Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey. Preparing the future adherence of Morocca to SIPAM, a representative of this country took part to the meeting.

Were also present:

-from FAO Rome:M.Pedini (senior Adviser, aquaculture develop.)
S.R. Coppola (System Designer)
-from MEDRAP Centre:H. Akrout, D. Lacroix, O. beji and M. Zitoun

Annex I gives the list of participants and updated address and E-mail.

The meeting was opened by Mr. C. Petrides, Minister of Agriculture of Cyprus. He welcomed all participants and underlined the role played by Cypurs in the activity of MEDRAP Project, the importance of aquaculture for the island (20% in value of Cyprus Fisheries), the will of Cyprus Government to develop this sector without prejudice to tourism industry and the anticipated participating of Cyprus to the networks on topics presenting locall interest.

As UNDP resident representative, Mr. C. Perry thanked FAO for its efficient cooperation with UNDP in this programme and pointed out the special. importance of the aquaculture sector for Cypurs, as this country is developpig rapidly.

Mr. Pedini thanked the authorities for hosting this joined meeting and recalled four key-elements for the development of the networks:

-   good linkage between the specialised networks;

-   development of databases adapted to end-users needs;

-   permanent and exacting updating;

-   consolidation of the system through permanent relations with reliable sources of data like EAS or GLOBEFISH.

He thanked also M. Akrout for the good work achieved through MEDRAP activity and notalbly the care to the cooperation between North and South in the Mediterranean.

As MEDRAP Coordinator, Mr. H. Akrout noticed that it was necessary to speak not only about quantities of fish produced by Cyprus but also about the quality of its representatives to MEDRAP. He expressed the hope to see soon the statt-up of common projects in research and in technology thanks to the cooperation toof the netwokrs can be. He emphasised the need to support this cooperation through internatinal institutions and also through the countries themselves.

The Director of CIHEAM Regional Centre of Zaragoza, Mr. M. Valls reminded to participants that three years ago, in Cyprus, started the first cooperation with MEDRAP. He streesed the importance of the developement of permanent relations between institutions and networks in order to save time and efficiency.

Mr. R. Coppola presented then the objectives and evolution of the SIPAM to TECAM and SIPAM grups. He underlined five main points:

-   SIPAM Network is a three level system: national, regional and FAO level, which allows different specific functions at each level and consequently a better consitency;

-   SIPAM Network is the information system for the specialised network which implies a close cooperation for the definition of the databases, their improvement and updating;

-   transfer of good quality information is crucial for the efficiency of the system. This will be developped through general INTERNET connection between all member institutions and also through a better training of all counterparts acting as SIPAM country head office;

-   one may say that SIPAM software is now ready for use with a DOS version. A more friendly user version will be developped soon under WINDOWS;

-   when data entry will be completed by all member countries, SIPAM will be able to enter in WAICENT system, a FAO corporate database conceived to provide clients, including goernments, research institutions, universities and private users, with fast access to FAO's library of information on agriculture, forestry, fisheries, aquaculture, etc…

Mr. M. Pedini reminded to the participants the interest of a joined meeting:

-   necessity of multi-disciplinarity (example of the technical success ofPagrus major and its commercial failure);

-   meeting and workshop are useful but they require time and money. An efficient information network can save both and, above all, can stimulate the work in cooperation.

He councluded saying that TECAM has to select what its members want to develop with SIPAM and SIPAM has to explain to TECAM group which services are already available for the optimal use of its functions.

The officials of the SIPAM meeting were designated as follows;

-Chairperson: Mrs. Daphne Stephanou.
-Rapporteur: Mr. D. Lacroix.

The preliminary agenda was adopted as presented. (see annex 2.p.23).

II. SIPAM System Development

II.1 Data entry progress at regional level.

As SIPAM data manager, D. Lacroix presented first the state of achivement of the workplan decided at the previous meeting for April–June, 1995.

1Database copy procedureSIPAM TeamCoppolaCountries
 -List of files to be recorded for each DB before sending copy from the countries to the regional centre (fax to countries).* - - - - - - - -done 12/4- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >
2Software modification 
 -Modifications in tables and definitions*in user guide
 -Aquastat definitions< - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*
 -Copy by fax to countries* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >
 -Automatic installation procedure< - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*operational/filtering to be developped
 -Uploading/downloading< - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*
3Data entry/collection 
 -Country report< - - - - - - - -3 countries - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *
 -Data recording (reg. & nat.)*   (95% for MEDRAP: table 2)                                                     *
 -Data collection< - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *
4User guide improvement 
 -User guide copy*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >April
 -Proof reading< - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*May
 -Conceptual design (diskette)< - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*June
 -Updating of user guide and distribution* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >

Table 1: State of achievement of the April–June workplan.

All countries met problems in the use of the SIPAM 2 software mainly because of some functions inefficiency. Few countries reported by fax or phone the problems they were facing. A new indexation procedure was sent in order to solve some of the misfunctions but it was not found successful. Consequently, seven countries mailed partially completed databases from 26th April to 22 nd of May, 1995.

Table 2 present the scale of achievement of data entry in SIPAM software 2. The great differenees between the level of fulfilment of the databases according to countries, and the delay in receiving the diskettes (three of them were delivered at Tunis SIPAM Office on the 29th of May explain why it was not possible to test properly the regional module.

(To be completed as soon as possible and faxed back ; if “A” status, send diskette)

IMPORTmailed onAno importnot availableCnot available no import 
EXPORT12th of MayA  Cnot available A 
EXPERTSthrough AustriaBBCC BAB
SUPPLIERS-ACC option for A   AC
PRODUCERSreceivedA C option for A B AC

Date: 1.6.1995

A: fully completed
B: main part achieved (more than 50%)
C: few records
no letter: no record

Table 2:     Scale of achievement of data entryin SIPAM Software 2 in the participating countries.

Concerning MEDRAP II activity reports, a special workplan had been scheduled for these 40 documents to be summarised and recorded in the regional module.

A detalied follow-up system had been decided in order to control the progress of data entry as shown on figure 1. This system is based on the items to be processed and the level of processing (written, available on diskette, recorded in DB).

Figure 1

Figure 1. Follow up of Data entry percentage in MEDRAP activity reprots database

A similar system could be applied for countries national database to help countrerparts to evaluated the progress in data entry. An interview of M. Carle, Aqualon Manager, in France revealed that it was much more efficient and time-saving for a country like France to contract with a private company for the collection and the regular updating of data about producers and suppliers as it would represent an expensive and long work for the national SIPAM countrerpart.

In the following discussion were expressed three main points of view:

-   countries representatives observed that it was impossible to fill properly the databases as required because several misfunctions in the software use, and that the imported version of the programme that was finally used by Tunisia has to be cirulated to all countries to save time and effort.

-   FAO head office noticed that the software had not been correctly tested before its mailing to countries and consequently there was a lack of control of the operationality of this new version;

-   the MEDRAP Coordinator reminded that SIPAM team should have benefitted of the support of the local computer specialist but MEDRAP never succeed to activate this commitment. The recent experience of SIPAM 2 software diffusion demonstrates the urgent need of a computer specialist besides the programmer and the biologist with the permanent backstopping of FAO system designer. This support should be all the more easy to obtain that it had been promised since the very beginning of the project, through IRESA institute, part of the tunisian Ministry of Agriculture.

II.2 Data entry progress at national level


Zouhaier Saghrouni confirmed that it took time to solve progressively the various problems that merged when mass data entry started. The vicinity of SIPAM centre allowedl to solve all the probnlems whichl explains the good level of achievement of te tunisian database.


1. All SIPAM 2 diskettes were infected by virus 3D (GENB), They were cleared by antivirus programme of Dr. Solomon. We notified the SIPAM centre accordingly.

2. The transfer of data from SIPAM 1 to SIPAM 2 presented problems. So we partly succeeded to do it for some files (like natinal suppliers) of some data banks. In these, we completed the missing fields. Although we followed the instructions given by the SIPAM Centre, we did not succeed in transferring them all. The problem was located to indexing since we were using different programme language.

3. Problems were faced when trying to use numbers instead of acronyms. Several options were tried with no result. Then, the indexation procedure named INST was sent to us by SIPAM but it did not solve the problem either.

4. The weak points and defects of the programme, which were located during the data entry, were indicated to SIPAM Centre. Suggtestions for the programme improvement were also sent to SIPAM Centre.

5. We sent to Tunis our diskette with all the data that we were able to entre by “data post”, on the 5th May, together with a long list of our final remarks and suggestions on programme improvement.

6. The scale of achievement of data entry SIPAM 2 was the following:


She concluded that it does not make sense to try to fill a database set when its softwared is not fully operational. She observed that quite all problems had been solved in two days after MM. Coppola and Zitoun arrival in Cyprus but first, this is not a realistic way of new software installation and second, few problesm are still pending.


Ignacio Arnal reported that a significant of the information requested for SIPAM were already available on a dbase IV bank: production statistics, experts and institutions.

As it was possible to transform this format in SIPAM one, he mailed directly the three databases to SIPAM after their copy from dbase IV bank. This format cannot be changed because the databank belongs to another institution than IEO. Consequently, R. Coppola indicated that a routine will have to be developped to allow the transfer of data from this databank to national SIPAM office in IEO centre before data transfer to reginal centre.


Oya Ersan met some problems in the use of the software but her main constraint remains the lack of data. The inquiry that she started at the end of 1994 (questionnaires to producers, experts, institutions and suppliers) is not successful. The only solution is a personal contact by phone allowing to explain clearly the aim of data collection and the interest for the private partners to supply precise and right data. This work will be done systematically after July when her thesis will be achieved. Anyhow, Oya Ersan succeeded to complete production, experts and institutions at B level and suppliers and producers at C level. The use of latin alphabet will be soom generalised even for turkish names.

D. Lacroix raised at this time the problem of data quality control as he had been surprised by the record of 12.000 T sea-bream in turkish production dataase for 1994.

R. Coppola explained then that three levels of control will be prepared in the downloading procedure:

  1. Record control. If uncomplete, record to be revised.
  2. Codificaton control. If wrong, record to be revised.
  3. Data control. If Prod. > 100.000 T (example), record to be checked.

At the regional level, a similar type of checking has to be set in order to secure the best consistency among the numberous data coming from very different countries.

The validation range for each paramenter cannot be decided defintely. It is a progressive tuning in order to balance accuracy and functionality.


Nikos Papandroulakis pointed out first the lack of time and personnel for entering data which explains the late data of mailing the diskette (22nd of May). He met some problems in data recording notably after more than 7 or 8 files. A message then appears: “error base 1003. Variable does not exist”.

R. Coppola and M. Zitoun explained this message was related to the fact that a CLIPPER made programme cannot process more than 15 open files simuitaneously. This problem had been solved yet by sharing the task in two parts which allows to proces easily 30 files in the same time.

Anyhow, data entry progressed considerably during the last 3 weeks before the meeting: A level for production and producers; B level for experts and suppliers; C level for import/export institutions and programmes.

II. 3 Conclusion on data entry improvement

As emphasised during Iraklion meeting, real data entry is the only way to check completely the software. This has been done by countries which allowed to identify numerous misfunctions.

In two days, R. Coppola and M. Zitoun had been able to solve most of them. This experience of testingy showed also the difficulty to solve several software problems without a reliable and cheap link. This will be available soon through Internet which installation by FAO associated expert is planned for mid-July in Tunis.

To save time and efficiency, it was proposed to test first the SIPAM 3 version only with three countries: Tunisia, Greece and Cyprus (if possible). Then, it will be sent to all SIPAM countries with automatic installation and uploading/downloading procedures.

II.4 Output formats revision

This part summarises briefly the main improvements and modifications adopted by the working group for each database output.

Aquaculture Production statistics.

-   Output title becomes “Aquaculture Production statistics”

-   In “time series” table, an option filter is proposed: system, structure, disposal, sector, envgiroment can be selected.

-   In “time series” table, increase “quanitity” space and reduce “environment” and others.

-   Production Statistics Abstract: Output title: “Aquacultrue Production Statistics Summary Table”. Add: Country and quantity (MT).

-   “Country”, “type of product” and “year” must be on one line.

-   In the output table, increase “structure of culture” space (+4) and reduce “disposal” space (-4).

-   In the selection table, give the capacity to select several parameters: year, type of product, sector (all, by sector…> sector table),etc…

-   No french name in output.

-   When “other” is selected in “product”, indicate in “help” that it is necessary to precise the main species gathered in “other” class.

-    “Aquaculture production evolution” becomes “aquaculture production time series”.

Aquaculture Import/Export statistics

-“Country of origin” to be put in the title.
-Add “country of destination”.
-“No” instead of “Nb”.
-Exit “final” from “final total”.
-Introduce “sub-total” for the different group of species.
-Output first keys:by country of desitination;
  by year;
  by 5 years in quantity;
  by 5 years in value.
-Output second key:-whatever preservation/presentation;
  -by preservation;
  -by presentation


-   Instead of “naem / Surname / Nationality / .......”. “Personal Particulars” will be written.

-   Output title becomes “Directory of Aquaculture experts”.

-   List by surname (Family name first and then by name (given). Notice is necessary in help.

-   “Post” code instead of “Zip” code.

-   Propose a profile in expert sarch and output.

-   Country to be classed by alphabetical order.

-   List all keys for expert selection:

expert by-all;
 -permanent address;
 -laboratory subject;

The selection can be obtained from one or all criteria.

-   “Second language” becomes ‘language’ as it is a key.

-   Put “permanent address” after “working address”.

-   Add ‘institution’ before address.

-   Prepare option for list with address only.

-   When there is no expert after selection, set message “no expert meets the request”.

Production centres

-   Add country.

-   Acronym is compulsory. It is called “acronym/abbreviation” and when lacking, it si automatically composed with the beginning of the name of the centre with the four last space filled with country code in english (“/CyP” for Cyprus for example).

-   A profile has to be prepared.

-   Selection routine to be prepared as for expert.

-   Output title becomes “Directory fo aquaculture production centres”.

-   “Indicative” production replaces “production range”.

-   Prepare option for list with address only.


-   Output title becomes “Directory of Aquaculture Suppliers”.

-   Acronym: see above.

-   Delete code for speciality.

-   Add “country”.

-   Prepare abstract profile.

-   When same acronym, search by whole name, then town and telephone number.

-   “General field/speciality” replaces “legal status” in output.

-   When there is no supplier after selection, set message: “no supplier meets the request”.


-   Output title becomes “Directory of Institutions”.

-   Delete code in “second language”.

-   “Second language” becomes “language” as it is a key.

-   Add “country”.

-   Prepare abstract profile.

-   Set similar system for output selection:

selection by:-all;

-   Add labelling option for quick mailing.

-   Prepare option for list with address only.

-   When there is no institution after selection, set message “no institution meets the request”.


-   Add “subject” to laboratory.

-   When a document has to be transferred to this database:

indicate in help that the file must be under DOS and cannot exceed 60 kilobytes. (30 pages).

-   When there is no programme after selection set message “no programme meets the request”.

-   Prepare a key-words table to facilitate the selection of paramenters to identify specialised programmes.

-   Set “main target” instead of “field of activity” in the title of the table and the datafile.

-   After “funding sorces”, prepare space for funding institutions and address abstract.

-   Put “documentation” instead of “bibliography”. A link, if any, with SIPAM bibliography database must appear in the file.

-   Prepare abstract profile for search and output functions.

-   “Search” function must propose a table of parameters as described above.

List of MEDRAP activity reprots

R. Coppola appreciated that this database is quite completely filled with relevant and controlled data. Few remarkes were made:

-   Add “list of reprots” in search and output.

-   Put “network” instead of “framework”.

-   “Reference” to be enlarged.

-   “Venue” to be reduced.

-   In the selection process, add:

-   all
-   summary
-   participants
-   lecturers
-   recommendations
-   agenda.

II. 5 Aquadab presentaion

In order to show the complementary aspect of SIPAM within the FAO fisheries department software library, R. Coppola presented Aquadab software.

Aquadab is intended to be of interest to researchers and farmers, who want to store and retrieve, in a standard and concise format, basic information on research and trials on cultivated species. It allows the user to store information on animal species with aquaculture techniques. Aquadab has also been developped to encourage aquaculture researchers to record basic aquaculture information in a format which can easily be accessible to other scientists. The Aquadab manual provides the basic information required to install, run and use Aquabab. It also describes the general structure of the database, the information contained in its records and all software menu commands and function keys. The Aquadha software runs on IBM PC compatible computers and has no special memory of hard disk requirements. The software is distributed in a single 1.44 MB diskette.

Aquadab is organised in two modules (AQUADAB.GENERAL and BIBLIO) and four submodules under AQUADAB.GENERAL (AQUADAB-ENVIRONMENT, AQUADAB-REPRODUCTION, AQUADAB-FEEDING and AQUADAB-DISEASES) which contain different types of information. In Aquadab terminolgy, a record is the basic unit in which information is stored. A record has several Gelds (each field has one piece of information, e.g. the name of a species or the value of the conversion ratio) and may be linked to one or several datasets. A record corresponds to information in one of the two Aquadab modules and a dataset to information in one of the four Aquadab submodules. Each dataset is tied up to AQUADAR-GENERAL record and will contain several fields. The number of datasets tied to individual records is not limited in Aquadab. Each AQUADAB-GENERAL record and all its linked databasets are linked to a single BIBLOIO record. However, a given BIBLIO record may be linked to several AQUADAB-GENERAL records.

The BIBLIO screen allows basic information about the data source, including key-words, to be entered. If the data entered in the linked AQUADAB-GENERAL are not from a published soruce, BIBLIO fields can be filled with information on ongoing resarch. AQUADAB-GENERAL is organised to store basic information about the cultivated species and contains also four fields of 250 characters for management notes and comments. In the AQUADAB-ENVIRONMENT there are 13 fields dealing with culture systems and water parameters. AQUADAB-REPRODUCTION contains fields to store information and data about reproduction and larval rearing. In AQUADAB-FEEDING the information about food characteristics and growth parameters is divided into 12 fields. Major diseases have been classified and codified in a three alpha code to be entered in AQUADAB-DISEASES together with information on drug treatments.

II.6 APS module presentation

Mario Pedini presented the Aquaculture Planning Simulator software to the first TECAM-SIPAM joined session. This module developed under Dbase IV is an analytical tool which aims at the technical and financial analysis of aquaculture projects through the comparison with parameters extracted from already operating similar projects. It will be part of SIPAL and SIPAM software in order to allow private investors, banks and development officers to check the consistency and the relevancy of new projects that they want to promote or that will be proposed to them.

This module will be soon validated with real cases protected by confidentiality in order to enrich the model with numerous and concrete data.

A more detailed presentation is given in annex 3.

III. Development Programme

III. 1 Windows version

R. Coppola presented the planning for Windows version:

-November 95:working prototype
-March 96:complete Windows version
-June 96:final version

He underlined the basic requirements for each SIPAM operational workstation:

-   powerful computer machine: 486 CPV or Pentium; 16 MB of RAM; 50 Mh frequency;

-   laser printer;

-   E-mail connection including modem (14.400 min.);

-   CD-ROM reader;

-   standard Windows software.

The new version will be multi-language (english, french, italian, spanish), with possibility of arablic, skills and funds permitting.

The screen structure is organised as shown below:

Figure 2

Figure 2: SIPAM Windows version previsional screen

In relation with a specialised greek office, FAO/AFC (computer division) is developping the software with special care to:

-   inconisation (pictograms);

-   special search form from one or several keys;

-   automatic system of modification, except in some parts;

-   selection of mactro-regions such as Maghred or Europe, time permitting.

III. 2 Opening SIPAM to new members

The procedure for the opening of SIPAM to new members is under the responsibility of the Aquaculture committee of GFCM which first meeting is expected to be held at the end of 1995 but, for budget, reasons, will be probably postponed to January or February 1996. Actually, the answer to several questins depends directly on the decision of GFCM aquaculture committee. Anyhow, some points have be cleared after discussion:

• Focal point

There must be an institutional head office in each country in order to secure the reliability of the national data and APS operator function as this expertise work cannot be given to any body. The focal point will act as a “dealer” in relation with secondary end-users in the country.

• New members

New member candidates will lbe screened first by FAO technical division and regional centre in order to check if the proposed national offer meets the requirements (cf. III. 1).

• Member request/paying procedure

It is clear that any secondary user has to ask first the focal point of his country for any SIPAM service. In the case the country is not member of SIPAM, this user may ask directly the regional centre.

The aquaculture committe has to decide the paying procedure as the system must become financially autonomous on the long-term.

• Management board

It is composed of FAO/GFCM representative plus SIPAM Coordinator and two experts from SIPAM countries. For the first meeting, the two experts have to be designated for a provisional mandate.

III. 3 New hosting structure for SIPAM

MEDRAP II Project will normally end on the 31st of July. The department of fisheries and aquaculture of the Ministry of agriculture of Tunisia is planned to host SIPAM. A contract is about to be finalised between FAO and the Tunisian Governement.

The Tunisian Government plans to supply the following team:

-SIPAM Coordinator:Hédi Gazbar, Directorate of aquaculture at the DGPA.
-Senior aquaculturist:Not known at the moment.
Selection has started.
-Programmer:Mahjoub Zitoun.
-Computer/software/assistance:IRESA team. Calculation centre of the Ministry of Agriculture.
-Secretary:To be selected.

The support of the actual data manager is secured until mid-October and will be probably extended to mid-August, 1995.

SIPAM will benefit of the existing MEDRAP facilities, office and equipement, which will be transferred to SIPAM.

FAO representatives underlined the fact that the relevancy and the efficiency of the SIPAM team was under the responsibility of Tunisia and no specific financial incentives can be palnned for personnel purpose. On the other hand, a support may be envisaged from various sources as it had been done recently with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain. In addition, it is worth to recall that SIPAM should generate income in a near future if member countries and regional office show to be efficient and useful.

III. 4 SIPAM Budget

It has been described precisely in the Crete report. It is now under the responsibility of GFCM which aquaculture committee is competent for this question. Obviously, additional external resouces would be extremely useful for the two first years of SIPAM. A eurpean support programme for data collection up dating in Mediterranean cuntries may be solliciated. This request has to be prepared by countries, not by FAO, although its assistance and support is needed. In addition, participation in E.U. programmes referring to information systems will be sougtht.

A similar programme is available in Spain. It totalises 400,000 US$ for all the networks. A request had been already sent by FAO to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain. An analytical complementary request was prepared during this meeting in order to stress the initial request for allocating funds to SIPAM (Annex 4).

On a long term basis, the GFCM aquaculture committee has to prepare the rules for the use tariff of SIPAM as numerous and very different end users are expected: international institutions, banks, private investors, etc…

III. 5 Workplan

An indicatie workplan was established:

-July–August 95:Modification of software to integrate all improvements decided inCyprus and all those which were indicated by the countries before the meeting and were prnding - - - > SIPAM 3 software.
   Backstopping of FAO-FIRI in case of any problem.
   Installation of Internet connection.
-Sept.–Oct. 95 Test of ISPAM 3 by three countries: Tunisia, Greece and Cyprus, if possible.
   Start of training of tunisian SIPAM team.
-November 95:Final tuning of SIPAM 3. Main to all SIPAM countries.
-Dec.95–Jan.96:Mass data entry.
   Preparation of aquculture committee meeting probably back to back with SIPAM group meeting.

M. Pedini underlined the fact that the three first priorities of SIPAM remain:

  1. data entry from countries;
  2. validation through national counterparts and reginal office;
  3. spreading the information.

The representative of Morocco asked for a support mission of SIPAM in Morocco in order to secure a reliable installation of the software and the immediate uploading of existing databases about aquaculture. This could be achieved though an on-going TCP programme concerning fisheries activities.

III. 6 Potential cooeration with TECAM

The potentiel cooperation with TECAM remains dependent on the selection by TECAM representative of priority databases to be developped in cooperation. After the two joined sessions, it appears clearly that time has not come to start a technical cooperation as most of TECAM participants on diversification discovered during this meeting the softwares which were presented to them: Aquadab, APS, Agris-caris, Waiscent and SIPAM. Two suggestions for immediate action were made:

-   preparation of draft database on on-going research on species diversification including publications, in order to save time and money in new research programmes;

-   check list (Matrix) of “who is doing what and where?”

CIHEAM, in cooperation with a TECAM relevant working group, has to take the responsibility of the collection.

VI. Conclusions and Recommendations

This meeting demonstrated the similarity of the main misfunctions met by countries when testing SIPAM 2 software. In the same time, it revelaed the lack of efficiciency in software testing when nine countries are concerned simultaneously for a short term evaluation. Finally, it showed the great variations in the level of fulfilment of the databases by country focal points and the constraint of lack of reliability and speed in the communication amoung the countries.

All those problems can be solved soon: modifications in software programme, testing with mass real data with small test, group before spreading the modified version, installation of Internet connection allowing quick information, data exchange and programme installation control through E-mail and FTP tools.

A special care has to be given to the transfer of responsibilities from MEDRAP hosting institution to the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture of the Ministry of Agriculture as a new team will start to manage the system.

The SIPAM group recommended:

-   to speed up the legal aspects of SIPAM: copyrights, obligations of countries, relations with national focal points and secondary end-users, membership adherence procedure, etc…;

-   to secure high quality of personnel in the regional centre to ascertain the continuation of SIPAM and notably to check that they have a good command in english, which is a perquisite;

-   the GFCM secretariat to finalise the demand of Morocco and Malta to become members of SIPAM;

-   to go ahead with the development of the design of the new Windows advanced version to be financed by the reserved funds as budgeted under the French Trust Fund.

The SIPAM group recommended that additionel external support be found and FAO officially contact the bilateral and multilateral donors. The relevant request to Spanish Authorities was endorsed and the group recommended to the Spanish representative, I. Arnal and FAO to pursue the request as much as possible to the relevant Spanish Authorities.

The SIPAM group agreed with the fact that it will be under the responsibility of the management board to select the two country representatives of the first management board.

The SIPAM group acknowledged:

-   Mr. Hassen Akrout, for his valuable contribution to the preparation and start-up of SIPAM. This newly born network may already be considered as one of teh most useful issues of MEDRAP II activity:

-   the countries which participated actively to data collection and software testing as this work had been crucial for the improvement of the system for the benefit of all members. On the first rank, Cyprus, Greece and Tunisia have to be thanked with special mention;

-   Cyprus which organised this meeting with a remarkable efficiency and a constant care of joining fruitful work and warm hospitality.

Annex 1

SIPAM Working Group Meeting
14th – 17th of June, 1995
Nicosin, Cyprus

List of participants

Mrs. Daphne Stephanou
Head Aquaculture Division
Mr. Savvas Kanios
Senior Fisheries Assistant
Department of Fisheries
Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment
13, Aeolou str, Nicoisa - CYPRUS
Phone : 357-2-30 35 26
              357-2-30 32 77
Fax     : 357-2-36 59 55

Mr. George Neophyton
Veterinary Officer A'
Department of Veterinary Services
Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment
Athalassa - CYPRUS
Phone : 357-2-30 52 02
Fax     : 357-2-33 28 03

Mr. Hedi Gazbar
S/ Directeur de l'Aquaculture
Mr. Zouhaier Saghrouni
Aquaculture Engineer
Ministère de l'Aquaculture, Direction Générale de la Pêche et de l'Aquaculture
30, rue Alain Savary 1002 Tunis, TUNISIA
Phone : 216-1-891 993
Fax     : 216-1-891 993

Miss. Oya Ersan
Encironmental Engineer
TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technical research Council of Turkey).
Ataturk Bulvari № 221
06100 kavaklidere - Ankara - TURKEY
Phone : 90-312-468 53 00/11 83
Fax     : 90-312-427 05 36
E-mail : oersan @
              oersan @

Mr. Nicos Papandroulakis
Institute of Marine Biology of Crete. P.O. Box 2214
71003 Iraklion
Crete - GREECE
Phone : 30-81-241 892
Fax     : 30-81-241 543
              IMBC @ POSEIDON . IMBC . GR

Mr. S.R. Coppola
FAO - NF 511- Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100
Rome - ITALY
Phone : 39-6-522 53034
Fax     : 39-6-522 53020

Mr. Mrio Pedini
Senior Adviser (Aquaculture)
Vio Terme di Caracalla, 00100
Rome - ITALY
Phone : 39-6-522 56279
Fax     : 39-6-522 53020

Mr. Ignacio Arnal
Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia
Av. Brasil, 31
Phone : 34-1-597 44 43
Fax     : 34-1-597 47 70
E-mail: ignacio-arnal @

Mr. El Ahdal Mohamed
Chef de Service des Statistiques
Institute Scientifique de Pêches Maritimes (ISPM)
2, rue de Tiznit BP 21 Casablanca
Tél     : 212 222 2090
Fax     : 212 226 6967


Mr. Hassen Akrout

Mr. Othmen Béji

Mr. Mahjoub Zitoun

Mr. Denis Lacroix

MEDRAP II. Ministère de l'Agriculture, c/o Direction Générale de la Pêche et de l'Aquaculture.
32, Rue Alain Savary 1002 Tunis, TUNISIA
Phone : 216-1-784 979/790 119
Fax     : 216-1-793 962
E-mail: [email protected]

Annex 2


Wednesday 14th
9:00 – 10:00  
Item 1 :Opening session (joined with TECAM)
Welcome speeches
  Minister of Agriculture of Cyprus.
  UNDP Resident Representative.
  FAO Representative.
  MEDRAP II Coordinator
Designation of Officials Adoption of the agnda.
10:00 – 10:30  
Item 2 :To TECAM and SIPAM groups: Introduction to SIPAM, objectives and evolution oh the SIPAM, by Mr.S.R. Coppola / M. Pedini
10:45 – 13:00  
  Data entry progress at regional level, by Dinis Lacroix, Othmen Béji.
  Data entry progress at national level, by National representatives.
14:30 – 18:00  
Item 2 :Data entry progrss (continued)
Item 3 :Technical session an problems encountered during software use
Thursday 15th 
9:00 – 13:00  
Item 4 :SIPAM software final version: output formats
  Revision of all outputs.
  Adoption of definitive forms.
Moderator: S.R. Coppola
14:30 – 16:25  
  Output formats (continued)
16:45 – 19:30   
Item 5 :SIPAM demonstration to TECAM and SIPAM groups by R. Coppolla
18:45 – 19:30  
  working group on request to spanish Government.
Friday 16th
9:00 – 13:00 
Item 6 :Oping of SIPAM to new members:
  New countries,
  Private members,
  Non GECM countries
  International institutions
Item 7 :Development of SIPAM (Windows version)
  state of development, (R. Coppola).
  support proposal to European Union, (M. Pedini).
   next working group: objectives and tasks
•  workplan for 1996 by S.R. Coppola
•  Proposals for management board organisation by H.Akrout
15:15 – 16:30 
  Conclusions nad recommendations for SIPAM by Coppola and D. Stephanou
16:45 – 17:30 
Item 8 :SOFA denibstration by Rino Coppola
Item 9 :Common meeting with TECAM group: Potential cooperation between SIPAM and TECAM
17:45 – 19:30 
Item 10:SIPAM analytical tool: APS Demonstration, future actions by M. Pedini
Item 11:Open discussion with TECAM group about network use and future development.
  Closure of joint meeting
Saturday 17th
  Technical visit : Sagro Deep Sea Ltd farm in Paphos Meneou
Marine Aquaculture
Research station in Larnaca.

Annex 3


(Background information)

by Mario Pedini (FAO-FIRI)

When FAO and the regional projects were in the process of preparing the information systems for aquaculture promotion SIPAM and SIPAL, which have a modular structure, it was felt that there was need for an analytical module which would enable the examination of new project proposals in terms of their technical design and operational and financial parameters by comparing them with the data collected from similar projects already in operation.

With this objective in mind, the design of the APS was initially started through the AQUILA II regional project. Given the parallel development of MEDRAP II and AQUILA aquaculture promotion systems, the possibility of providing MEDRAP II with the opportunity of participating in the development of this software was considered. The idea was discussed and accepted at the meeting on the development of the SIPAM prototype held in Rome in May, 1994.

The new APS module was conceived with three potential users in mind: (i) the private sector, interested in obtaining information to improve the desing of new projects or in comparing the performance of their projects with that of other projects in the area; (ii) banks, which could make use of a databank including the main parameters of existing projects in order to judge the validity of proposals which could be submitted for financing, and (iii) aquaculture planning officers in the government, who might be interested in a comparative analysis of the various production systems which could be established in a given area.

Initially, the APS was developed to extract the information required for comparaisons from the SIPAL/SIPAM modules, but it soon became obvious that, at least in the initial stage, a specific data entry would be needed to speed up the adoption of this module, which, for the time being, was the only analytical tool of the SIPAL/SIPAL systems. This data entry would be made through interviews of existing aquaculture farms using a specific questionnaire and strictly maintaining the data base (Borland, dBase IV Tm.), would group the projects into categories by species and production techniques, as well as by geographic location, thus allowing a comparison of the new project proposals with similar projects selected from the data entry. A special effort would be required at the national level to fill the data entry with existing projects as additional projects are introduced to enhance the accuracy of the comparison.

when a new project is to be compared, the relevant data have to be logged into four different sections:

-   general identification, including geographic parameters;

-   infrastructure;

-   production technology envisaged, and

-   main economic parameters.

Once this information is entered, either complete or incomplete, the comparison (simulation) with the records contained in the data entry can start. A selection of similar projects will be carried out by the programme by grouping farms with similar species and type and scope of production. Options also exist to build specific filtres to extract other types of cases from the data entry for comparison. The programme then automatically presents tables with categories of comparison displaying the data of the proposed project as well as those of the data entry projects grouped by area, country and region. For every parameter the programme displays maximum and minimum values, the average value and standard deviation of the distribution of data of the given parameters as contained in the data entry. This allows the user to verify the position of his project with respect to existing projects for given parameters and eventually leads him to another utility of the programme.

An extra possibility offered by the APS is a financial analysis of the proposed projetc. It utilises the data entered in the economic section of the project. This first phase of financial analysis ends with a series of summaries on product sales, financial data, company structure (which helps in defining the part of capital to be provided by the shareholder) and loan conditions. At a second stage, the APS produces an automatic analysis of the financial parameters of the project as a series of tables. Thses include investment and amortisation tables, revenue tables, variable cost analysis, fixed cost working capital requirements, profit and loss account, estimated overdraft, etc. It must he said taht this is the first release of the programme and that in future releases a more complex financial analysis of the project could be included.

This first analysis, which has been prepard with the assistance of a Senior Economist of the FAO Investment Centre, is considered complete in the sanse that it allows the investor and the banks to visualise the financial viability and degree of risk of the project.

The first release comes with examples of Italian farms in the data entry, which dispels the view that it is difficult ot obtain real production and economic data from the farms. This is probably because the programme guarantees the confidentiality of the data and hence the managers of the farms mays only have an interest in controlling their level of performance. Since the programme also allows for a tuning of the simulation, through the facility offered by the software, managers could tune the more critical parametrs for the improvement of the financial performance of their farms.

Annex 4

Visit to Menueou Reserarch Station

Meneou station is the research and development unit for marine species of the Department of Fisheries of Cyprus since 1989. Presently the main programmes of this centre are to test new species for culture. The team is composed of one night biologist, two technicians and one night watchman. In addition, the station has the support of the fisheries dept. headquarters concerning both physical and human resources.


Meneou station has one hatchery and an outdoor tank unit. The hatchery is equipped with:

-   7 circular tanks of 9 m3 each;

-   13 cylindro-conical tanks of 5 m3 each;

-   artemia hatching set;

-   10 cylindres for algae culture of 1 m3 each;

-   1 wet lab, 1 dry lab;

-   1 breeder conditionning room with a 9 m3 circular tank.

Also warm and ambient temperature water supply exists, while cold water supply is under istallation

The outdoor unit is equipped with:

-   4 circular tanks for breeders of 50 m3 each;

-   8 circular tanks of 9 m3 each.

The water is pumped form the sea, 250 m offshore. The water of the hatchery is filtered on gravel. Air is delivered by three RIETSCHLE airblowers (1,5 – 2,2 kw).

An emergency power plant of 30 kVA is installed under shelter.

Species studied:

All the breeders were collected from the wild with the exception of P. major. Sometimes, they are reated by farmers and sold to the hatchery when needed. Eight species are studied:

-Pagraus pagrus-Puntazzo puntazzo
-Pagellus acarne-Siganus rivulatus
-Dentex dentex-Sparus aurata
-Pagrus major-Dicentrarchus labrax

Research is done in close relation with private producers. It is clear that a closer cooperation with other research institutes working on the same species would be valuable for Cyprus at different levels:

-   better efficiency of research;

-   saving in time and budget;

-   opportunities to raise external funds;

-   better support to private producers:

Annex 5

Visit to Sagro (Deep) Sea Fish Ltd farm, offshore Paphos


Sagro (Deep) Sea Fish Ltd farm is one of the biggest aquaculture companies in Cyprus. One of its 2 partners owns a hatchery (Sagro Aquaculture Ltd) which produced 4 millions fry in 1994, and which 50% are reserved for the three grow-out units (2 in Cyprus and 1 in Greece) and the rest is exported mainly to Greece and Israel. They use several types of eages as Farmocean, Flex Float, Aqualine, Dunlop, etc, which allows the optimisation of grow-out according to the size of the fish and the harvest constraints. The exposure to open sea waves and especially winter storms has some consequences in the grow-out management of the farm.


Their expected production for 1995 is about 100 T and should double next year. The main species reared is sea bream (60 %), followed by sea-bass (20 %) Puntazzo puntazzo (10 %) ad Pagrus major (10 %) limited to Cyprus market (6 Cyprus pounds/kg). The local market is developing quite quickly with a price ranging from 3 to 4,5 C.P/kg. Sales started at 1T/week in 94 and it is increasing although the courism market has not been fully explored yet.

Main problems

The tree main problems are:

  1. Tourism industry lobbying against the site of the offshore cages. Reaction exists alos from fisherman.

  2. Hazards in grow-out cages, beacuse of open sea conditions.

  3. Lack of information on international markets and national regulations.

Productivity gains are possible in:

  1. Mechanisation especially for feeding and harvesting.

  2. Control of feeding as the food conversion ratio is close to 2,5 which is high.

They are very interested in SIPAM system and want to know as soon as possible which are the conditions for direct adherence to SIPAM or affiliation to national office.

Annedx 6


The SIPAM Working Group, at its meeting in Nicosia, Cyprus, held from 14 to 17 June 1995, examined the status of the Information System for promotion of Aquaculture in the Meditetranean, (SIPAM), at the moment in which the UNDAP/FAO project which has generated the network (MEDRAP II) is coming to an end.

In order to be able to fuly utilize the potential offered by the SIPAM system at regional level, the Working Group recommended that additional external support be found. This recommendation is therefore addressed to the FAO to officially contact the bilateral and multilateral donors, in particular the Spanish Government to which a project idea to support and amplify the activites the four networks generated by the MEDRAP II project, has already been forwarded on occasion of the last COFI session. In this connection the Working Party also requests the Spanish delegate to approach his administration presenting the situation of the SIPAM system along the lines indicated below and to keep the Working Group informed, through the PAO, of the out come of his dicussions.

The present status of SIPAM development.

The salient points related to the present development of the SIPAM system are:

When examinig the status, problems and constraints have also been identified.

Assistance requested.

Assistance is required to consolidate and further develop the system of which Spain is also part since April 1995.

At the request of the Spanish Government, through its official representation at FAO, the Organization sent through the official channels an initial project idea for support of the four regional networks of the Mediterranean (in which SIPAM is included), on occasion of the last session of the COFI. The proposal is still under evaluation.

If after the evaluation which in the SIPAM countries are hoping will take place with minimum delays due to urgency of continuin the work carried out so far-a positive decision is reached, The SIPAM Working Group proposes to go ahead with the preparation of a full project document for the strengthening of the networks, with the following purposes as far as SIPAM activities are concerned:

-   acceleration of the collation and downloading of the national data into the regional data base. This would require support for:

-   provision of temporary assistance to the national and regional SIPAM centers especially these which have shortage of personnel for the task to eb achieved.(*)

-   assistance for programming, to automatize the downloading of the national databases into SIPAM national data bank, also implying design of the necessary interfaces,
(*) or lack of necessary skills

-   travel of the national SIPAM coordinators and staff assisting them for discussion with institutions which posses data of interest to the system,

-   local contracts for collection of data and to cover communications costs,

-   some hardware when needed-for remote connection of the national data center,

-   fund for acquisition of existing data bases of interest.

-   Expansion of the system to other countries in the Mediterranean region (nine countries participate at present), to ensure the maximum possible benefits from the regionalization.

-   Evolution of the system from the present advanced data base status to a first phase of information system and a second phase which would be analytical system.

-   Implementation of the necessary institutional strengthening in the participating countries to ensure the permanence of the system after the termination of the project, by promoting the establishment of national groups which will be involved initially in the downloading of the bulk of information available related to aquaculture, and then in the maintenance of the system, elaboration of additional national data bases and data entry in the various modules.

-   Establishment of the national teams which will be in charge of the analytical system -like the APS-which would imply:

-   training of national staff in the collection of the information on existing operations and implementation of the surveys,

-   data entry process and analysis of projects,

-   divulging knowledge about the system amongst potential users (planning offices, banking institutions and private sector)

-   creating the capability to respond to enquiries on analysis of project proposals and on analysis of performance of existing farms.

The SIPAM Working Group considers that the above could be reasonably fulfilled in the time framework envisaged by the FAO (four years) and with the financial resources which have been indicated, although obviously a full project document should be elaborated by FAO at a later stage.

The reasons justifying theis confidence are: that the system is already operational and its architecture is already in place, that the national institutions in charge of the system are already deeply involved, that a rgional center which should collect and redistribute information is already in place with its permanence assured by the Tunisian Government, that the permanent assistance of the FAO technical divisions is ensured as the system is adopted by the GFCM as information system for

aquaculture promotion, and finally that new modalities for incorporation of national experts and of national institutions, recetly adopted by the FAO should allow a reduction of the effective cost of personnel and contractual services.

The donor country, being part of the system and confronted with the problems of aquaculturally developed countries with a large quantity of data to be collected and downloaded in the national SIPAM center, would also directly benefit from the activities of the project.

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