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Figure 5. SIPAM - The Complex Data Information Model

4. Work Plan and Schedule of Work

The MEDRAP Project (through its Headquarters in Tunis), FAO-HQ backstopping and a few selected countries within the Project area, will launch a programme of work the aim of establishing an Integrated Information System to assist national and regional operators in the field of aquaculture. This target will be accomplished by the development of a SYSTEM PROTOTYPE to be finalized within the present MEDRAP II Project life though:

Time Schedule:

Preparatory work:

Discussion review and approval of the above design
Ordering of the remaining computer equipment
Identification of the few countries to be included in the pilot
Regional Information System
Identification of possible source of funding

Complete delivery and installation of the remaining work - stations

Identification of a retrieval approach (Terminology, Function, Keyboard use, Logic data selection flow, etc.) most commonly used in a Desk Information System in the selected countries. Inventory of all pertinent national, regional and international data/information available for possible inclusion in SIPAM. Analysis of the immediate needs and the available national data in the selected countries

Phase I - System Design and Development:

Design and implementation of the pilot FAO Information Module
Design of the Regional Information Module
National coordinators of the selected countries reorganize output from national data/information systems into the SIPAM National Information Module structure (with advice from the MEDRAP Project)
Development of interfacing protocols to integrate national systems into the Regional Information Module
Revision and implementation of the Regional Information Module
Preliminary testing, evaluation and validation of the two Modules
Setting-up the pilot EXTENDED Module through arrangements and contracts with governmental and non-governmental institutions for direct access to their on-line DataBases and Networks. The information captured from these systems will be treated according to the agreed contract and processed with the same logic as in the other two Modules
Integration of the three Modules into the system.

Phase II-Evaluation/Revision/Improvement:

Delivery to and installation of the full configuration in the selected Centres and countries (training, etc., included)
Evaluation of the delivered system
Revision and improvement of the system
Delivery of associated documentation.

An additional phase may be envisaged before delivering the System:

Phase III - Consolidation/Expansion:

Expansion of the coverage of the system
Installation of the system into some other centre and/or countries

Completion of the System by finalising the EXTENDED Module.

The Work-Plan will be completed with the analysis and evaluation of the whole programme of work, delivery of final documentation and finally be setting-up a SIPAM on-line accessible network (anticipated 6 months).

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