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2.0 Objectives of the Agricultural Metadata Framework

The overall objective of the agricultural metadata framework is to define a low-barrier interoperability layer using emerging standards that aim to facilitate the efficient dissemination of agricultural content. This document presents an application profile for description of document and document-like agricultural resources. "

The specific goals are to:

1. To define a low-barrier interoperability layer to aid primary resource discovery. This is to support the emerging initiatives that promote "open" exchange of information and in particular the Open Archive Initiative (OAI).

2. To define a richer interoperability layer to aid secondary and tertiary resource discovery.

3. To assist the management of resources by the owners;

4. To enable interoperability between different metadata structures through a simple common format;

5. To develop a metadata framework that is compliant with other standards such as MARC, ISBD and new emerging ones like Dublin Core;

6. Describe the metadata set in XML and RDF. By doing so we aim:

to provide better search engine capabilities which will assist retrieval,
to allow interoperability between applications
to support automated processing of web resources.

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