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1. Aas, K.; Eikvil, L.: Text Categorization: a survey. Technical Report #941, Norwegian Computing Center. 1999.

2. Berners-Lee, T.; Fielding, R.; Irvine, U.C.; Masinter, L.: Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax. IETF Request for Comments: 2396. [Online:]. August 1998.

3. Bozsak, E.; Ehrig, M.; Handschuh, S.; Hotho, et al: KAON - Towards a Large Scale Semantic Web. In: Bauknecht, K.; Min Tjoa, A.; Quirchmayr, G. (Eds.): Proc. of the 3rd Intl. Conf. on E-Commerce and Web Technologies (EC-Web 2002), 2002, 304-313.

4. Chung, Y.; Pottenger, W. M.; Schatz, B. R.: Automatic Subject Indexing Using an Associative Neural Network, in: Proceedings of the 3 rd ACM International Conference on Digital Libraries (DL'98), pp. 59-68. ACM Press, 1998.

5. Cortes, C.; Vapnik, V.: Support-Vector Networks. In Machine Learning, 20(3):273-297, September 1995.

6. Crammer, K.; Singer, Y.: A new family of online algorithms for category ranking. In Proceedings of the 25th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval, pp. 151-158. Tampere, Finland. 2002.

7. Hotho, A.; Staab, S. and Stumme, G. (2003). Text clustering based on background knowledge (Technical Report 425), University of Karlsruhe, Institute AIFB. 36 pages.

8. Joachims, T.: Text categorization with Support Vector Machines: Learning with many relevant features. In Machine Learning: ECML-98, Tenth European Conference on Machine Learning, 1998. pp. 137-142. [].

9. Lauser, B.: Semi-automatic ontology engineering and ontology supported document indexing in a multilingual environment. Internal Report. University of Karlsruhe, Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods. 2003.

10. McCallum, A.: Multi-label text classification with a mixture model trained by em. AAAI'99 Workshop on Text Learning. 1999.

11. Ruiz, M. E.; Srinivasan, P.: Combining Machine Learning and Hierarchical Structures for text categorization. In Proceedings of the 10th ASIS SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, Advances in Classification Research-Vol. 10. November 1999.

12. Sebastiani, F.: Machine learning in automated text categorization. Tech. Rep. IEI-B4-31-1999, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Pisa, Italy. 1999.

13. Volz, R.: Akquisition von Ontologien mit Text-Mining-Verfahren. Technical Report 27, Rentenanstalt/Swiss Life, CC/ITRD, CH-8022 Zürich, Switzerland, ISSN 1424-4691. 2000.

14. Witten, I.; Frank, E.: Data Mining, Practical Machine Learning Tools and techniques with Java implementations. Morgan Kaufmann. 1999.

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