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Clark P., et al. 2000. Exploiting a Thesaurus based Semantic Net for Knowledge-based Search", In Proceedings of IAAI-2000

Fisseha, F. and A. C. Liang 2003. Reengineering AGROVOC to Ontologies: Steps towards better semantic structure. NKOS Workshop, 31 May 2003. Rice University, Houston, Texas.

Hearst, M. 1992. Automatic acquisition of hyponyms from large text corpora, In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computational Linguistics.

FAO. 1999. AGROVOC: Multilingual agricultural thesaurus. Rome: Food and Agricultural Organization.

Jannink, J., 1999. Thesaurus Entry Extraction from an On-line Dictionary, In Proceedings of Fusion '99

Kang S. J. and J. H. Lee. 2001. Semi-Automatic Practical Ontology Construction by Using a Thesaurus, Computational Dictionaries, and Large Corpora, ACL 2001Workshop on Human Language Technology and Knowledge Management.

Kietz J. U., A. Maedche, and R. Volz., 2000. A method for semi-automatic ontology acquisition from a corporate intranet, In Proceedings of Workshop Ontologies and Text, EKAW'2000

Maedche B. and S.Staab., 2000. Discovering conceptual relationships from text, In Proceedings of ECAI-2000

Navigli R., Velardi P., Gangemi A. Ontology Learning and its application to automated terminology translation. IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 18:1, January/February 2003.

Navigli, R., et al., 2003. Ontology Learning and its application to automated terminology translation. IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 18, n.1, January February 2003

Soergel, D., B. Lauser, A. Liang, and F. Fisseha. 2004. Reengineering thesauri for new applications. The AGROVOC example. Journal of Digital Information, Volume 4 Issue 4, Article No. 257, 2004-03-17.

Wielinga, B.J.; Schreiber, A. Th.; Wielemaker, J.; Sandberg, J. A. C. From Thesaurus to Ontology. En Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Capture, 2001. ACM Press, p. 194-201.

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