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Further Reading and Information Sources

Note: This list of references includes the sources cited in the guidelines as well as a number of monographs and synthesis volumes. These books cover the most important aspects of wildland fire science, including fire ecology, cultural history, atmospheric chemistry, public health and safety, and fire management.

Ahern, F., J. G. Goldammer, and C. Justice (eds.). 2001. Global and regional vegetation fire monitoring from space: Planning a coordinated international effort. SPB Academic Publishing bv, The Hague, The Netherlands.

Bond, W. J., and B. W. van Wilgen. 1996. Fire and plants. Population and Community Biology Series 14. Chapman and Hall, London, 263 p.

Booysen, P. de V., and N. M. Tainton (eds.) 1984. Ecological effects of fire in south African Ecosystems. Ecological Studies 48, Springer, Berlin, 426 p.

Brown, A. A., and K. P. Davis 1973. Forest fire. Control and use. McGraw Hill, New York, 686 p.

Chandler, C, P. Cheney, P. Thomas, L. Trabaud and D. Williams 1983: Fire in forestry. Vol. I and II. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 450 + 298 p.

Clark, J. S., H. Cachier, J. G. Goldammer, and B. J. Stocks (eds.). 1997. Sediment records of biomass burning and global change. Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 489 p.

Crutzen, P. J., and J. G. Goldammer (eds.) 1993. Fire in the environment: The ecological, atmospheric, and climatic importance of vegetation fires. Dahlem Workshop Reports. Environmental Sciences Research Report 13. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 400 p.

ECE/FAO International Forest Fire News (IFFN) 1998-2001. UNECE, Geneva. IFFN contributions published after 1990 are available on the website of the Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC): <>.

FAO 1986. Wildland Fire Management Terminology. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO Forestry Paper 70, 257 p. (revised edition in prep., ca. 2002).

FAO. 1999. Meeting on Public Policies Affecting Forest Fires, Rome, 28-30 October 1998, FAO Forestry Paper 138. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Rome, Italy, 369 p.

FAO. 2001a. FAO/ITTO International Expert Meeting on Forest Fire Management, Rome, Italy, 7-9 March 2001. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Rome, Italy, 27 p. (also published in Int. Forest Fire News No. 24, 78-98).

FAO. 2002a. Legal Frameworks for Forest Fire Management: International Agreements and National Legislation.

FAO. 2002b. FAO Guide technique international ; Protection des forêts contre l'incendie. Fiches techniques pour les pays du Bassin Méditerranée (Handbook on Forest Fire Protection as a Technical Guide for the Mediterranean Basin).

Gill, A. M., R. H. Groves and I. R. Noble (eds.) 1981. Fire and the Australian biota. Austr. Acad. Sci., Canberra,582 p.

Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC):

Goh, K. T., D. H. Schwela, J. G. Goldammer, and O. Simpson. (1999). Health Guidelines for Vegetation Fire Events. Background Papers. Published on behalf of UNEP, WHO, and WMO. Institute of Environmental Epidemiology, Ministry of the Environment, Singapore, 498 p.

Goldammer, J. G., and M. J. Jenkins (eds.) 1990. Fire and ecosystem dynamics. Mediterranean and northern perspectives. SPB Academic Publishers, The Hague. 199 p.

Goldammer, J. G., and V. V. Furyaev (eds.) 1996. Fire in ecosystems of boreal Eurasia. Kluwer Acad. Publ., The Hague. 528 p.

Goldammer, J. G., and C. de Ronde (eds.). 2001. Fire management handbook for Subsahara Africa. NN Publ.

Heikkilä, T. V., R. Grönqvist, and M. Jurvélius 1993. Handbook on forest fire control. A guide for trainers. Forestry Training Programme (FTP) Publication 21, Helsinki, Finland, 239 p.

International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) 1997. ITTO Guidelines on Fire Management in Tropical Forests. ITTO Policy Development Series No.6. ITTO, Yokohama, 40 p.

Kasischke, E. S., and B. J. Stocks (eds.). 2000. Fire, climate change, and carbon cycling in the boreal forest. Ecological Studies 138, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 461 p.

Kozlowski, T. T. and C. E. Ahlgren (eds.) 1974. Fire and ecosystems. Academic Press, New York, 542 p.

Oura, B. 1999. Management and Prevention of Forest Fires in Côte d'Ivoire SODEFOR's Forest Fire Protection Programme. International Forest Fire News No. 20, 50-56.

Pyne, S. J. 1982. Fire in America. Princeton Univ. Press. 654 p.

Pyne, S. J. 1991. Burning bush. A fire history of Australia. Henry Holt and Company, New York, 520 p.

Pyne, S. J. 1995. World fire. Henry Holt, New York, 379 p.

Pyne, S. J. 1997. Vestal Fire. An environmental history, told through fire, of Europe and Europe's encounter with the World. University of Washington Press, 680 p.

Pyne, S. J., P. J. Andrews, and R. D. Laven. 1996. Introduction to Wildland Fire. Second edition, John Wiley and Sons, New York-Chichester, 769 p.

Schwela, D. H., J. G. Goldammer, L. H. Morawska, and O. Simpson. (1999). Health Guidelines for Vegetation Fire Events. Guideline document. Published on behalf of UNEP, WHO, and WMO. Institute of Environmental Epidemiology, Ministry of the Environment, Singapore, 291 p.

Trabaud, L. (ed.) 1987. The role of fire in ecological systems. SPB Academic Publishers, The Hague, 157 p.

Wein, R. W. and D. A. MacLean (eds.) 1983. The role of fire in northern circumpolar ecosystems. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 322 p.

Whelan, R. J. 1995. The ecology of fire. Cambridge Studies in Ecology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (UK), 346 p.

Wright, H. A. and A. W. Bailey 1982. Fire ecology. United States and Southern Canada. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 501 p.

Major International Wildland Fire Websites

Note: In the temperate and boreal countries a large number of wildland fire websites are available. This list of websites on the Internet provides the website of the Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC) as a Web Portal to worldwide wildland fire information access, and the wildland fire websites of the UN agencies.

Global Web Portal: The Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC):

FAO Forest Fire Website

FAO Global Forest Fire Assessment 1990-2000:

UN-ISDR Inter-Agency Task Force For Disaster Reduction, Working Group on Wildland Fire:

Global Wildland Fire Network:

WHO Health Guidelines on Vegetation Fire Events:

Global Observation of Forest Cover/Global Observation of Landcover Dynamics (GOFC/GOLD), Fire Mapping and Monitoring:

International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) Wildland Fire Website at GFMC:

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