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These educational materials have been made possible with the technical and financial assistance from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations to the Ministry of Education under Projects TCP/ZAM/2893 (Phase 1) and Project TCP/ZAM/2803 (Phase 2) - Nutrition Education in Primary Schools in Zambia. Thanks are due to Project GCP/ZAM/059/BEL - Luapula Food Security, Nutrition Action and Communication Project (Belgian Survival Fund) for additional financial support and to UNICEF Zambia for covering the printing costs of the Pupil’s Book and Teacher’s Book.

Many individuals have contributed to these materials. We would like to thank Ellen Muehlhoff of the Food and Nutrition Division of FAO in Rome for technically directing and supporting field activities and material preparation throughout. Mr Mukelabai Songiso was not only responsible for project implementation as National Project Coordinator, but contributed tirelessly to developing and preparing these materials, drawing on his years of teaching in different parts of Zambia. Mrs Mereby N. Sikazwe, Senior Curriculum Specialist and Co-ordinator CDC, advised on the development of the materials and ably coordinated the piloting of the materials in Luapula Province. We would like to thank Mrs. Charity Dirorimwe, FAO Nutrition Education Consultant, who guided the field-testing and final evaluation of the materials.

While the writers take full responsibility for these education materials, they would like to acknowledge the special contribution made by Jane Sherman, FAO’s Education Consultant, to this Project. She guided the authors not only in terms of content but also, more importantly, in terms of approach so that the materials might have a practical impact on the children and their families.

The authors would also like to express their appreciation to the following for their valuable contributions during the development of the materials:


Fred Mubanga

Nutrition Consultant (Acting Director, National Food and Nutrition Commission)


Miyombo Katengo

Education Consultant


Valerie Mulwanda

Senior Education Officer, Ministry of Education, Mansa


Don Kayembe

Senior Nutritionist and Dietician, Ministry of Health, Mansa


R. Nkhatya

District Standards Officer, Mwense District, Luapula Province


W.S. Kasoloko

District Standards Officer Nchelenge District, Luapula Province


F.C. Mutale

Senior Lecturer, Mansa Teacher’s Training College


Hilda Chishala

School Health and Nutrition Ministry of Education


Mwenya Mwanza

Project Secretary, Ministry of Education



Leopoldina Callens, who gave extensive advice on eating practices in Luapula Province.

Also to be thanked are the teachers from the pilot basic schools in Nchelenge, Mwense, Chienge and Kawambwa Districts who pre-tested the materials in class and through peer teaching.

The authors would also like to acknowledge the use of materials from the following FAO publications:

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