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The Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific and the Policy Assistance Division are pleased to express on behalf of FAO profound gratitude to the many senior officials of governments who collaborated with us in this work; to the authors of the national country studies and the resource persons and referees. We also take this opportunity to express our gratitude to the Government of Republic of Korea which funded the Seoul Workshop. Among its own staff, FAO acknowledges the leading role played by the Policy Assistance Branch for Asia and Pacific in Bangkok, in particular Purushottam Mudbhary for organizing and coordinating the preparation of country studies by the authors and inputs from resource persons as well as the workshop in Seoul, and Saifullah Syed, who launched the study and organized the first review workshop in Bangkok. Effective contributions from FAO headquarters involved many officers, and in particular Neela Gangadharan and Carlos Santana of the Policy Assistance Division.

This synthesis report was prepared by a team led by Purushottam Mudbhary and consisting of Neela Gangadharan, Chief Agricultural Policy Support Service, and consultants Randy Barker, Professor Emeritus, Cornell University, United States, and Melanie Beresford, Associate Professor, Macquarie University, Australia, who contributed technical and editorial inputs, comments and suggestions. Robin Leslie provided editorial assistance in the preparation of this volume.