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China's rapid economic growth and Its implications for agriculture and food security in China and the rest of the world(continue)

Appendix tables

Appendix Table 1. Rural poverty in China, 1978–2004

YearPoverty based on China's official poverty linePoverty based on international standards ($1/day in PPP)
Poverty line
Number of the poor
Poverty incidence
Number of the poor
Poverty incidence
1978 26032.9  
1979 23930.2  
1980 21827.6  
1981 19424.4  
1982 14017.5  
1983 12315.3  

Sources: Poverty data for 1978–1988 are from World Bank (China: Strategies for Reducing Poverty in the 1990s, 1992); 1989–2004 data are from the Rural Social and Economic Survey Service of the NSBC, various issues.

Appendix Table 2. Regional aggregations

 DescriptionOriginal GTAP v6 regional aggregation
ChinaMainland, ChinaMainland, China
HKHong Kong SARHong Kong, China
TWTaiwan Province of ChinaTaiwan, China
JapKorJapan and Republic of KoreaJapan, Republic of Korea
SEASoutheast AsiaIndonesia, Viet Nam, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore
OthAsiaOther AsiaBangladesh, Sri Lanka, rest of South Asia, rest of Southeast Asia
AusNzlAustralia and New ZealandAustralia, New Zealand
NAFTANorth American Free Trade AreaCanada, United States, Mexico
SAMSouth and Central AmericaCentral America, Caribbean, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, rest of Andean Pact, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, rest of South America, rest of the Caribbean
EU15European UnionAustria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden
CEECCentral European AssociatesHungary, Poland, Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Malta, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, rest of Europe
RussiaRussian FederationRussian Federation
ROWRest of WorldSwitzerland, rest of Efta, Turkey, rest of Middle East, Morocco, rest of North Africa, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, other Southern Africa, Uganda, rest of Sub-Saharan Africa, former Soviet Union, Botswana, rest of Sacu, rest of world

Appendix Table 3. Sector aggregation

 DescriptionOriginal GTAP v6 sector aggregation
RiceRice, paddy and processedPaddy rice, processed rice
CgrainsCoarse grainsCereal grains (nec)
OilseedOilseed and vegetable oilsOilseed, vegetable oils and fats
SugarSugar raw and processedSugar cane, sugar beet, sugar
PfbPlant-based fibrePlant-based fibre
OthcropHorticulture and other cropsVegetables, fruit, nuts, crops (nec)
CtlCattle and red meatCattle, sheep, goats, horses and their meat
OapPig & poultry-white meat, woolAnimal products (nec), wool, silk-worm cocoons, meat products
MilkRaw milk and dairy productsRaw milk, dairy products
OfoodFood products (nec)Food products (nec), beverages & tobacco products
EnergyEnergyCoal, oil, gas
TexleaTextiles and leatherTextiles, apparel, leather products
ManuManufactoryWood and paper products, publishing, metal products, motor vehicles and parts, transport equipment (nec) petroleum, coal products, chemical rubber plastic prods, mineral products (nec), ferrous metals, metals (nec), electronic equipment, machinery and equipment (nec), manufacture (nec)
ServServicesElectricity, gas manufacture, distribution, water, construction, trade, transport (nec), sea transport, air transport, communications, financial services (nec), insurance, business services (nec), recreation and other, public admin/defence/health/educat, dwellings

Appendix Table 4. The adjusted own-price and income elasticities for China

 Own-price elasticityIncome elasticity
Coarse grains-0.06-0.260.4-0.35-0.35-0.38-0.41
Beef and mutton-0.26-0.781.20.660.650.500.42
Pork and poultry-0.37-0.651.20.560.550.470.40
Processed food-0.28-0.550.
Textile and apparel-0.29-

Appendix Table 5. Comparison of I-O parameters in the original GTAP and adjusted ones

 RiceWheatCoarse grainsPork & poultry
GTAP Version 6 database in 2001
Course grains00541
Other crops1003
Cattle and red meat1000
Pig, poultry, wool22127
Other foods12125
Textile and apparel1110
Adjusted database in 2001
Course grains001314
Other crops2002
Cattle and red meat20040
Pig, poultry, wool4210
Other foods22216
Textile and apparel1110

Appendix Table 6. The assumptions on annual growths (%) of China's factor endowment and capital stock under the baseline in 2002–2005

Unskilled labour
Skilled labour
Capital stock9.218.738.478.34

Source: Walmsley et al. (2000); van Tongeren et al. 2004.

Appendix Table 7. Summary of import and export tariff equivalent in China, 2001–2020

 Import tariff equivalent %Export tariff equivalent %
Coarse grains889111031000
Beef and mutton154512850-5-3-20
Pork and poultry82012850-18-10-6-2
Processed food22221715150-9-500
Textile & apparel1919121212-5-5-200

Source: CCAP. Similar assumptions were also used in van Tongeren and Huang (2004); Ianchovichina and Martin (2004).

Appendix Table 8. The national import and export share of different commodities in different regions in 2001

 ChinaHong Kong SAR, ChinaTaiwan Province of ChinaJapKorSEAIndiaOther AsiaAusNzlNAFTASAMEU15CEECRussian FederationROW
Export structure
Food + feed crops1.
Processed food1.
Animal products0.
Textile & apparel24.311.010.623.94.67.653.515.
Import structure
Food + feed crops2.
Processed food1.
Animal products1.
Textile & apparel8.


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