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The 7th Meeting of the ASOF, held in May 2004, called on the ASEAN Secretariat to undertake, in collaboration with the FAO, a review of the development and implementation of codes of practice for forest harvesting in ASEAN Member Countries. The results of the review are presented in this report.

The objectives of the reviewwereto:

FAO published the Code of Practice for Forest Harvesting in Asia-Pacific in 19991. Since then, ASEAN Member Countries have developed national codes of practice and initiated programmes to implement their national codes and encourage the application of RIL. In several ASEAN Member Countries, except in Peninsular Malaysia, the Code of Practice for Forest Harvesting in Asia-Pacific guided the preparation of national codes of practice.

Critical issues in the development and implementation of national codes of practice include:

Since 1999, the following countries have published and/or adopted national codes of practice:

Viet Nam is currently developing national codes for natural forests and plantations, respectively.

There continues to be confusion over the definition of the terms "national code", "guidelines" and "standard operational procedures". National codes of practice set out the broader forest-harvesting principles. They indicate "what should be done" but not necessarily "how things should be done". RIL guidelines, guidelines for road construction and watercourse crossing, and silvicultural prescriptions/guidelines for various forest types show "how things should be done" and thus guide the implementation of the provisions of codes of practice. Standard operational procedures are instructions to be followed in operating in a FMU.

1The Code of Practice for Forest Harvesting in Asia-Pacific was endorsed by the ASOF in 2001.

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