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The proceedings

How the proceedings are organized

These proceedings follow the chronological order of the presentations and discussions as outlined in the Agenda (Annex 1). The workshop followed the agenda as outlined with only minor changes.

Day 1: Sharing and exchanging information

Day 1 comprised presentations by representatives from government ministries, FAO and other stakeholder institutions. The purpose of the presentations on Day 1 was to facilitate an exchange of information among the participants and provide the “raw material” for the group discussions on Day 2.

Each presenter was allocated 15 minutes for presentation plus an additional 5 minutes for questions and clarifications. Presenters and session chairs did an admirable job of keeping to the time limitations.

The presentations were meant to summarize and highlight the main issues discussed in the written papers requested from the participating ministries, organizations and individuals (Annex 4). Authors were given detailed guidelines in advance of the workshop and asked to structure their papers according to the following points:

Day 2: Discussions and conclusions

The first session of Day 2 was given to specialists in spatial information to share their experiences and knowledge of approaches to information management. There were three presentations in all and these are summarized in the sections below.

Following these presentations, the participants broke into groups. Each group received a specific task and a set of general instructions (Box 1).

Group Tasks

Group 1

As a result of the tsunami, everyone has something in place now. Use the checklist provided (Annex 3) as a tool to evaluate where your information management and coordination system is at present and what you need to do to ensure your system remains in place and is effective for the next disaster.

Group 2

The overall goal of the FAO project was to enhance the capacity of governments to coordinate tsunami assistance and manage information. What were the achievements of the FAO OSRO/RAS/ 503/CHA project and how was its impact perceived by the Ministries? Of these achievements, which ones are sustainable? Which ones will governments maintain and further develop? Review the coordination role of FAO in the tsunami emergency and rehabilitation activities.

Group 3

Discuss the way forward in terms of information management, exchange and coordination mechanisms in the transition phase from rehabilitation to development and longer-term projects in the sectors of agriculture, fisheries and forestry. How will the existing coordination mechanisms evolve in the post rehabilitation environment? How will they serve the long-term vision of development? Is there a vision?

Group 4

What are the values and benefits in a regional (southeast Asian-wide) approach? Are there potential drawbacks to regional approaches? Who are the regional actors? Are countries building back better or just building back (i.e. replacing losses)?

Reporting back and final plenary

Following the discussions, group rapporteurs reported back in plenary using their MS Word or PowerPoint notes prepared by the note taker. Conclusions were formulated in a final plenary discussion.

Day 3: Site visits and closing

Site visits are an important element in a workshop. They offer an invaluable opportunity for participants to see first-hand what their counterparts are doing in other countries and other Ministries and help strengthen professional connections. On the third and final day of the workshop, participants made site visits to:

Following the site visits, participants attended a closing luncheon at Pola Pola Restaurant where the workshop was officially closed.


The following additional information is provided in Annexes to this report.

Annex 1: Welcome address

Annex 2: Workshop agenda

Annex 3: List of participants

Annex 4: Checklist of steps and mechanisms needed for a viable and sustainable information system

Annex 5: Papers

Annex 6: Excerpts from key regional meetings convened by FAO in 2005 and 2006

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