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Part V. Conclusions

  1. The participants collectively expressed interest in the immediate formulation of programme to support the implementation of South-South Cooperation to improve the transfer of knowledge and information and strengthen capacity building within Asia and the Pacific region.
  2. The participants, with the full support of China and FAO, likewise recommended the formation and implementation of the Asia-Pacific Network on IPNM for Food Security and Environmental Sustainability (APIPNM). The following interim arrangements were agreed upon:
  1. That there will be contribution either in cash or in kind from China and that this can be done through a Memorandum of Agreement that will cover a period of five (5) years. Some potential donors and partners were identified:

  1. That the Chinese Agricultural University volunteered to initially act as secretariat to perform, among other relevant actions, some initial activities involving preparation of a regional background paper for addressing policy-makers and in the preparation of a draft network proposal.