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    Assistant Fisheries Officer
    Fisheries Department
    P.O. Box 2161

    Research Assistant
    Research Department
    People's Pearl and Fishery Corporation
    Thakepa, Rangoon

    Mandapam Regional Centre of Central Marine Fisheries
    Research Institute, Marine Fisheries, P.O.
    Pin Code: 623520

    Staff, Directorate Resources Management
    Directorate General of Fisheries
    Jalan Salemba Raya 16, Jakarta

    Staff, Directorate of Production
    Directorate General of Fisheries
    Jalan Salemba Raya 16, Jakarta

    Staff, Fisheries Services, Province of Bali
    Jalan Patimura No. 77, Denpasar, Bali

    Fisheries Officer
    Fisheries Research Institute
    Glugor, Penang
    West Malaysia

    Fisheries Assistant
    Fisheries Department
    Mailbag No. 107
    Rota Kinabalu, Sabah

    Fishery Biologist
    Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
    Region VII, Cebu City

    Junior Fishery/Biologist/Project Leader
    Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
    Region I, FARNO 4
    Makati, Metro Manila

    Administrative/Research Assistant
    Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
    Aquaculture Department
    Tigbauan Iloilo

  12. Mr. TAN ENG LENG
    Assistant Primary Production Officer
    Changi Fisheries Centre, Aquaculture Unit
    300-C Nicoll Drive, Changi Point

    Ministry of Fisheries, Fisheries Research Division
    Crow Island, Colombo 15

    Brackishwater Fisheries Division
    Department of Fisheries

  15. Mr. HO HUU
    Biological Engineer
    Ministry of Marine Products
    Institute of Aquacultural Research
    Haiphong City



  1. Mr. Alain Y. Morvan
    UNDP Resident Representative
    NEDA Building sa Makati
    Amorsolo St., Legaspi Village
    Makati, Metro Manila

  2. Mr. H.A. Dall
    FAO Representative
    NEDA Building sa Makati
    Amorsolo St., Legaspi Village
    Makati, Metro Manila

  3. Mr. Felix R. Gonzales
    Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
    Arcadia Bldg., Quezon Avenue
    Quezon City, Metro Manila

  4. Dr. G. T. VElasquez
    Professor Emeritus
    Department of Botany
    University of the Philippines
    Diliman Quezon City

  5. Dr. G. Abito
    Natural Science Research Center
    University of the Philippines
    Diliman, Quezon City


  1. Mr. Arthur G. Woodland
    Programme Leader
    South China Sea fisheries Development & Coordinating Programme

  2. Dr. Herminio R. Rabanal
    Aquaculture Consultant
    South China Sea Fisheries Development & Coordinating Programme

  3. Mr. Vincentius Soesanto
    Fisheries Training/Extension Officer
    South China Sea Fisheries Development & Coordinating Programme

  4. Dr. William L.Y. Chan
    Senior Small-Scale Fisheries Adviser
    South China Sea Fisheries Development & Coordinating Programme

  5. Dr. Gavino C. Trono, Jr.
    Course Technical Director
    Marine Sciences Center
    University of the Philippines
    Diliman, Quezon City

  6. Dr. Edgardo D. Gomez
    Marine Sciences Center
    University of the Philippines
    Diliman, Quezon City

  7. Mr. Miguel D. Fortes
    Marine Sciences Center
    University of the Philippines
    Diliman, Quezon City

  8. Dr. Gloria J.B. Cajipe
    Marine Sciences Center
    University of the Philippines
    Diliman, Quezon City

  9. Ms. Evelina C. Laserna
    Marine Sciences Center
    University of the Philippines
    Diliman, Quezon City

  10. Dr. Flordeliz R. Uyengco
    Marine Sciences Center
    University of the Philippines
    Diliman, Quezon City

  11. Ms. Edna T. Ganzon-Fortes
    Marine Sciences Center
    University of the Philippines
    Diliman, Quezon City

  12. Mr. Alberto D. Albano
    Staff Member
    Marine Sciences Center
    University of the Philippines
    Diliman, Quezon City

  13. Mr. Hector Denila
    Staff Member
    Marine Sciences Center
    University of the Philippines
    Diliman, Quezon City

  14. Mr. Ruben A. Guieb
    Staff Member
    Marine Sciences Center
    University of the Philippines
    Diliman, Quezon City

  15. Ms. Lea C. Manuel
    Staff Member
    Marine Sciences Center
    University of the Philippines
    Diliman, Quezon City

  16. Mr. Nemesio Montaño
    Staff Member
    Marine Sciences Center
    University of the Philippines
    Diliman, Quezon City

  17. Mr. Rito Suyod
    Laboratory Aide
    Marine Sciences Center
    University of the Philippines
    Diliman, Quezon City

  18. Ms. Elizabeth Labrador
    Laboratory Aide
    Marine Sciences Center
    University of the Philippines
    Diliman, Quezon City

  19. Ms. Leticia S. Perello
    FAO/UNDP South China Sea Programme

  20. Ms. Erlinda G. Bautista
    FAO/UNDP South China Sea Programme


Wed - 1 AprThu - 2 AprFri - 3 ApiSat - 4 AprSun - 5 AprMon - 6 AprTue - 7 Apr
Welcome addresses
Lecture 3
Lecture 5 (cont'd.)
Lecture 7 (cont'd.)
1030Coffee breakCoffee breakCoffee breakCoffee break
Course orientation
Lecture 4Lecture 6
Lecture 7 (cont'd.)
1200Lunch breakLunch breakLunch breakLunch break
1400Course orientationPracticum 1
Lecture 8
1500Lecture 1
Practicum 1 (cont'd.)
Preparation for field trip to Calatagan, Batangas

Wed - 8 AprThu - 9 AprFri - 10 AprSat - 11 AprSun - 12 AprMon - 13 AprTue - 14 Apr

Wed - 15 AprThu - 16 AprFri - 17 AprSat - 18 AprSun - 19 AprMon - 20 AprTue - 21 Apr
Country Reports:
Country Reports:
OPEN SCHEDULELecture 9Lecture 12
- Brunei- Philippines
- Burma- Singapore
0930  Lecture 10Practicum 12
1030  Coffee breakCoffee break
1100- Indonesia- ThailandLecture 11Practicum 12 (Cont'd.)
- Malaysia- Vietnam  
1200- Malaysia- VietnamLunch breaklunch break
1300   Practicum 13
1400  Practicum 11Practicum 14
1500   Practicum 14 (cont'd.)

Wed-22 AprThu-23 AprFri-24 AprSat-25 AprSun-26 AprMon-27 AprTue-28 AprWed-29 AprThu-30 Apr
Lecture 15WRITING OF FINAL REPORTSubmission of final reportCLOSING CERMONIES
0930Lecture 13(cont'd.) Writing of final report 
1030Coffee break  Coffee break
1100Lecture 14  Evaluation of Training Course
1200Lunch breakLunch breakLunch breakLunch break
1400Practicum 15Practicum17Writing of final reportOpen discussion
1500Practicum 15 (cont'd.)   


5–11 April 1981
24–26 April 1981

5 April (Sunday) 
0730Departure for Matabungkay, Batangas
1430Check-in at Matabungkay Beach Club (Hotel)
1630Preparation of materials for field activities (Calibration of transect lines, poles, etc)
6 April (Monday) 
0730Departure for Calatagan, Batangas
0815Departure for the study area
0850Practicum 2
1300Preservation of collected materials
1400Departure for the Hotel
7 April (Tuesday) 
0730Departure for Calatagan, Batangas
0815Departure for the study area
0850Practicum 3
1330Departure for Punta Baluarte Resort
1400Sightseeing at Punta Baluarte
1630Departure for the Hotel
2015Final briefing on activities for Practice 4 and 5
8 April (Wednesday) 
0730Departure for Calatagan, Batangas
0815Departure for the study area
0850Practicum 4
1130Practicum 5
1330Preservation of collected materials
1430Departure for the Hotel
2015Final briefing on activities for Practica 6 and 7
9 April (Thursday) 
0730Departure for Calatagan, Batangas
0815Departure for the study area
0850Practicum 6
1300Departure for the Hotel
10 April (Friday) 
0730Departure for Calatagan, Batangas
0815Departure for the study area
0900Practicum 7
1330Departure for the Hotel
11 April (Saturday) 
0800Departure for Manila
24 April (Friday) 
0900Departure for Matabungkay, Batangas
1430Check-in at Matabungkay Beach Club (Hotel)
25 April (Saturday) 
0730Departure for Calatagan, Batangas
0815Departure for the study area (Palo Bandera)
0910Continuation of Practicum 6
1000Departure for Balongbato, Calatagan
1015Departure for the study area (Alvarez Farm)
1035Continuation of Practicum 5
1230Continuation of Practicum 7
1400Departure for the Hotel
26 April (Sunday) 
0900Departure for Manila


Lecture 1The marine ecosystemE. D. Gomez
Lecture 2Influence of environmental factors on the structure and distribution of seaweed communitiesG.C. Trono
Lecture 3Introduction to the seaweeds: Their characteristics and economic importanceE. T. Ganzon-Fortes
Lectures 4 and 5Methodology: Inventory and assessment of seaweed stock in their natural environmentM. D. Fortes
Lecture 6The present status of seaweed production and utilization in AsiaG. C. Tondo, Jr.
Lecture 7Natural production of commercial Important seaweed speciesG. C. Trono, Jr.
Lecture 8Pond culture of seaweedsG. C. Trono, Jr.
Lectures 9 and 10Field culture of Gracilaria and other speciesG. C. Trono, Jr.
Lecture 11Post harvest handling of seaweedsG. C. Trono, Jr.
Lecture 12aDiseases of seaweedsF. R. Uyengco
Lecture 12bThe "ice-ice" problem in seaweed farmingF. R. Uyengco
L. S. Saniel
G. S. Jacinto
Lectures 13 and 14Agar and other seaweeds extractsG. J. B. Cajipe
E. C. Laserna
Lecture 15Potential for polyculture of Gracilaria with milkfish or crustaceansE. D. Gomez
Practica 1, 8 & 11Field and laboratory techniques in the collection, curation, and identification of marine benthic algaeE. T. Ganzon-Fortes
Practica 2, 5, 9, 10 & 12Inventory and production of natural seaweed stocks at Calatagan, BatangasM. D. Fortes
Practica 6 and 7Demostration on the pond culture of seaweeds: Monitoring of growth rates and ecological parametersG. C. Trono, Jr.
Practicum 13Extraction of agarN. Montaño R. L. Veroy
Practicum 14Analytical methods: Determination of moisture content and physical propertiesN. Montaño R. L. Veroy
Practicum 15Spectrophotometric methods ans sulfate determinationR. L. Veroy N. Montaño
Practice 16 and 17Post harvest handling of seaweedsG. C. Trono, Jr.


Aguilar-Santos, G. and M.S. Doty. Gracilaria for the manufacture of agar. A research work supported by the U.S. Sea Grant Program, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. (unpublished)

Eardach, J.E., J.E. Ryther and W.O. McLarney. 1972 Culture of seaweeds. Pages 790–814 In Aquaculture. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., U.S.A.

Deveau, L.E. and J.R. Castle. 1978 The industrial development of farmed marine algae: the case history of Eucheuma in the Philippines and U.S.A. Pages 410–415 In Pillay, T.V.R. and W.A. Dill (eds.), Advances in Aquaculture. Fishing News Books, Ltd. Farmham, Surrey, England.

Diep Mink Tam. 1978 Analysis of seaweed gels and characteristics of gel extraction wastewater. A masteral thesis submitted to the Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand. (unpublished)

Doty, M.S. Measurement of water movement in reference to benthic algal growth. Botanica Marina 14: 32–35.

Edwards, P. 1979 Seaweeds: an under-exploited resource in developing countries. Appropraite Technology 6(1): 25–27.

Fortes, M.D. 1979 Studies on farming the seaweed Caulerpa (Chlorophyta, Siphonales) in two mangrove areas in the Philippines. Mangrove and Estuarine Vegetation in Southeast Asia, Biotrop Special Publication No. 10: 111–119.

Horstmann, U. 1978 Nearshore macroalgae culture in tropical developing countries. The Philippine Scientist 15: 67–75.

Hugeunin, J.E. 1976 An examination of problems and potentials for future largescale intensive seaweed culture systems. Aquaculture 9: 313–342.

Michanek, G. 1975 Seaweed resources of the ocean. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 138. 128pp.

Michanek, G. 1978 Trends in applied phycology with a literature review: seaweed farming on an industrial scale. Botanica Marine 21: 469–475.

Naylor, S. 1976 Production, trade and utilization of seaweeds and seaweed products. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 159: 73pp.

Parker, H.S. 1974 The culture of the red algal genus Eucheuma in the Philippines. Aquaculture 3: 425–439.

Raju, P.V. and D.C. Thomas. 1971 Experimental field cultivation of Gracilaria edulis (Gmel.) Silva. Botanica Marine 14: 71–75.

Shang. C. Yung. 1976 Economic aspects of Gracilaria culture in Taiwan. Aquaculture 8: 1–7.

Silverthorne, W. Optimal production from a seaweed resource. Botanica Marina 20: 75–98.

Trono, G.C. Jr. 1974 Eucheuma farming in the Philippines. University of the Philippines Natural Science Research Center Publication. 13pp.

Trono, G.C. Jr. and R. Azansa-Corrales. 1980 The seasonal variation in the biomass and reproductive states of Gracilaria in Manila Bay. 10th Inter-national Seaweed Symposium, August 11–15, 1980, Goteborg, Sweden.

Trono, G.C. Jr. and E.T. Ganzon-Fortex. 1980 An illustrated seaweed flora of Calatagan, Batangas, Philippines. Filipinas Foundation, Inc. and University of the Philippines Marine Sciences Center, Makati and Quezon City, Metro Manila. 115pp.

Trono, G.C. Jr., H.R. Rabanal and I Santika. 1980 Seaweed farming - Indonesia. FAO/UNDP South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, Manila, Philippines. 18pp.



Edgardo D. Gomez1

1 Director, Marine Sciences Center, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City.

We of the Marine Sciences Center of the University of the Philippines are indeed honoured to be able to host this “Training Course on Gracilaria and Other Seaweed Species” under the sponsorship of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme (SCSP) and of UNDP. We welcome the 15 participants from 10 countries to share the scientific and technological information that has been accumulated over the past several years in our various projects.

The Marine Sciences Center is a relatively young and small research unit of the University of the Philippines, having started its operations in 1975. Our facilities are somewhat limited but this situation has not prevented us from moving forward and taking significant steps in marine research. One of our areas of concentration is seaweed research where ongoing activities cover taxonomy and systematics, farming or culture, the microbiology and ecology of diseases of seaweeds, their natural products chemistry, processing and other related researches.

Much of this work takes place on this campus, but we are not limited geographically. The field work and culture work takes place where appropriate; on-going projects use a field station in Batangas to the southwest of Manila as well as other study sites on Luzon and the Visayas.

This Training Course is a first for us at the Center. Although some of the staff have been involved as lecturers in other training courses, this is the first that we are actually hosting.

I am certain that with a spirit of cooperation and dedication on your part and that of the training staff, this will prove to be a most profitable experience. Throughout the duration of the course, please do not hesitate to make known your needs. The staff will only be too willing to be of assistance.

For some of you, this is probably your first visit to the Philippines. In addition to the seaweed training for which you came, I hope you have the chance to see a little bit of the city and the countryside. Some exposure to Filipino culture will no doubt enrich your experience.

I wish to welcome all of you to the University of the Philippines and I hope your stay here will turn out to be all that you expect it to be.



Arthur G. Woodland1

1 Programme Leader, FAO/UNDP South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, Manila, Philippines.

Guests, participants and friends:

Today, we all participate to open the training course on Gracilaria algae. Once again, it is our pleasure in the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme (SCSP) to implement with you this course which is one among four short aquaculture training courses being supported by the United Nations Development Programme, This is part of the project on the training of technicians for Asia and the Pacific regions for the acceleration of the production of food and cash crops (RAS/79/041). The first of these courses, that of freshwater prawn farming, was implemented in Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia in September/October 1980, After these, two other courses, those on (i) Growing food organisms for aquaculture hatcheries; and (ii) Small-scale cage/pen culture of finfish will be conducted during subsequent periods this year.

We are very pleased that the Marine Sciences Center of the University of the Philippines here in Metro Manila consented to host this Course. Director Edgardo Gomez, and particularly Dr. Gavino Trono, Jr., as Technical Director of the Course, and staff will handle the course and we are confident that with the facilities available at this Center and its field stations and the well-trained staff, the Course can be pursued with success. We also hope that the Course will be very practical with you as active participants.

On our part, Dr. Herminio Rabanal, Aquaculture Consultant and Mr. Vic Soesanto, our Fisheries Training/Extension Officer will work closely with you. Should you need any assistance during the duration of your course, do not hesitate to call on us. I am also certain that the facilities and other hospitalities will be made available by the national fisheries agency, the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), which is headed by our Director Felix R. Gonzales, who is here with us. The BFAR has been rendering us in the Programme, continuing support in our work here.

This Programme welcomes the fifteen participants from ten selected countries la this training course, and ye hope the training you will get will be most useful to you in your future work; and you will have a most pleasant stay in this country.



Felix R. Gonzales1

1 Director, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Ardacia Building, Quezon Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines.


In behalf of the Philippine Government and our Minister Jose J. Leido, Jr., I welcome you all to the Philippines. For those who are here for the first time, you will have your chance now to discover what is Philippines. For those who are second timers, you are further in for more exciting adventures, verifying the world-renowned Filipino hospitality. On the coming four weeks of your workshop, if you find the need for extension of your stay, do not hesitate to inform us. Ours is the pleasure to assist you.

Clearly as I recall, the Philippine Government since 1974 had been host to the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme (SCSP) through the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Member countries were the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam and Cambodia. The Programme as conceived by the Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council (IPFC) at its 13th Session in October 1968, has for its objectives the following:

-   To promote and facilitate establishment of a suitable regional coordinating mechanism on fisheries;

-   To ensure efficient Use of the limited national and international funding available for the development of fisheries, particularly the coastal and high sea fisheries of the countries bordering the South China Sea and adjacent waters.

As overseer for the SCSP, established was the Coordinating Committee for the SCSP composed of the IPFC Executive Committee and the Director Generals or Heads of Fisheries Agencies of the SCSP member countries.

The Coordinating Committee had the following functions:

-   To act for the IPFC during inter-sessional periods with respects to matters relatint to the SCSP;

-   To maintain the closest liaison between the SCSP and the IPFC;

-   To provide guidance and assistance to the Programme;

-   To consult, as appropriate, with member countries of the IPFC that are not represented on the Coordinating Committee, and with Other competent international organizations;

-   To report to the IPFC, at each session, on its activities during the preceding inter-sessional period.

On the 18th Session of the IPFC in Manila last March 1978, a resolution was referred on the desirability of establishing a subsidiary body for the South China Sea the Committee to make the coastal states more responsive under the regime of extended national jurisdiction and on the concept of natural management areas such as shared stocks on fisheries, as well as common problems or opportunities among the coastal states.

Finally, in the 19th Session of the IPFC in Kyoto, Japan, 1980, the Committee for the Development and Management of the SCSP was established abolishing the Coordinating Committee for SCSP. The Committee has two main functions:

-   It has the same functions and responsibilities with respect to fishery development and management as those assigned to the IPFC in the Indo-Pacific area as a whole by Article IV of the 1948 Agreement as amended which are the following:

  1. to keep under review the state of these resources and of the industries based on them;

  2. to formulate and recommend measures and to initiate and carry out programmes or projects to:

    1. create new fisheries and increase the production,' efficiency and productivity of existing fisheries;

    2. conserve and manage resources;

    3. protect resources from pollution.

  3. To keep under review the economic and social aspects of fishing and aquaculture industries and recommend measures aimed at improving the living and working conditions of fishermen and other workers inthese industries and otherwise at improving the contributions of each fishery to social and economic goals;

  4. To encourage, recommend, coordinate and, as appropriate, undertake research and development activities;

  5. To assemble, publish or otherwise disseminate information regarding the living aquatic resources and fisheries based on these resources;

  6. To carry out such other activities as may be necessary for the Commission to achieve its purpose as defined above.

-   For the duration of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme (SCSP), the Committee will perform the duties of the Coordinating Committee which was abolished at its nineteenth session in 1980 as a res31t of the establishment of the Committee for the Development and Management of South China Sea.

At this moment, as we open this Training Course on Gracilaria and other Seaweed Species, as the elected first Chairman of the Committee during the two-year intersession period, I am happy to consider this already as an activity under the Committee for the Development and Management of South China Sea, with the SCSP as the technical implementing arm in coordination with the Philippine Government.

On the furtherance of the objectives of the Committee, one specific avenue of resource development is the development and utilization of seaweeds, both for food and for industrial purposes. In the Philippines alone, seaweeds in dried form had always been one among the top fishery commodities exported. For current year 1979, dried seaweeds exported primarily Eucheuma was 15 650 metric tons valued at 51 million ranking fourth in the top ten fishery exports. With increasing support, production can be sufficiently increased to warrant the establishment of seaweed processing plants. We will then be exporter of finished goods rather than continuing to be supplier of raw materials.

With the holding of this Workshop, it is hoped that each one of you would acquire the added insight and information for promoting the seaweed industry.

Good luck for a successful and fruitful workshop.

Thank you!


  1.Were you aware of the objectives of this Training Course 
   Not at all 
  1.Time schedule 
   Very satisfied0
   Fairly satisfied6
   Not satisfied1
  2.Training facilities 
 C.Training course activities 
  1.Do you feel the activities of the Training Course were: 
   None of the above1
  1.How would you rate the teaching methods used in this Training Course? 
    Very effectiveEffective Not effective
   Work assignment14 
   Field trips13 
   Case studies  8 

 1.Are you satisfied with the organizational arrangements for this field trip (such as transport, accommodations, etc.)? 
  Not very1
  Not at all1
 2.What opportunity did you get to discuss professional issues with the personnel working at the site(s) of the field trip? 
  A great deal0
  Not enough7
 3.How important was this field trip in relation to the whole training activity? 
  Not very0
  Not at all0
 4.How much did this field trip added to your professional knowledge? 
  A great deal1
  Quite a lot8
  Not much1
 5.How great was the value of the field trip in helping you become better acquainted with your colleagues and the staff members?' 
  Very great:1
  Not at all0
 6.Was the technical importance of during the field trip satisfactory 
  Not very2
  Not at all0
 7.Did you get practical hints which will be of use to you in your own work? 
  A great deal1
  A few2
  None at all0

 1.How do you rate the amount of time made available for this subject. 
  Far too much0
  Too much0
  Just right11
  Too little3
  Far too little0
 2.How do you rate the instructional level of the sessions for this subject? 
  Far too high0
  Too high0
  Just right14
  Too low0
  Far too low0
 3.How do you rate the balance between lectures and discussions/practicals? 
  Far too many lectures0
  Too many lectures3
  Just right10
  Too many discussions/practicals0
  Far too many discussions/practicals1
 4.How do you rate the quality of the presentation of the sessions for this subject? 
  Very poor0
 5.How do you rate the value of the discussions for deepening your understanding of this subject matter? 
  Very useful7
  Not very useful0
 6.How do you rate the importance of this subject matter for your own work? 
  Very high4
  very low0
 7.How do you rate the relevance of the background subject matter treated?material to the subject matter treated? 
  Very high1
  Very low0

 1.What is the quality of the meals? 
  Very good1
  Very poor0
 2.What is the quality of the accommodation? 
  Very good0
  Very poor0
 3.How suitable is the lecture hall? 
  Not very0
  Not at all0
 4.Describe the transportation facilities. 
  Very good0
  Very poor0
 5.Describe contacts with the staff members. 
  Very good0
  Very poor0
 6.How much opportunity are you given for private study? 
  A great deal0
  Far too little0
 7.Describe the duration of the sessions. 
  Far toe long0
  Too long0
  Oust right9
  Too short5
  Far too short0
 8.Describe the size of the group. 
  Far too large0
  Too large0
  Just right15
  Too small0
  Far too snail0
 9.How much free time is there? 
  Far too such0
  Too much0
  Just right3
  Too little11
  Far too little1

 A.The group of participants 
  1.The size of the group for the purpose of the activity was: 
   Far too big0
   Too big0
   Just right14
   Too small1
   Far too small0
  2.The composition by professional qualifications was: 
   Far too mixed0
   Too mixed7
   Just right8
   Not mixed enough0
   Not nearly mixed enough0
  3.The composition by nationalities represented was: 
   Far too mixed0
   Too mixed4
   Just right8
   Not mixed enough3
   Not nearly mixed enough0
  4.Professional contacts with the lecturing staff were: 
   Very good0
   Very poor0
  5.Professional contacts with the other participants were: 
   Very good0
   Very poor0
 C.The duration of the activity
  6.The duration in regard to the programme covered was: 
   Far too long0
   Too long0
   Just right11
   Too short4
   Far too short0
  7.The duration in regard to your own requirements was: 
   Far too long0
   Too long1
   Just right8
   Too short6
   Far too short0
 D.Lectures and practicals
  8.The balance of time given to lectures and time available for discussions/practicals was: 
   Very good7
  9.The presentation of the lecture was: 
   Very good0
   Very poor0
  10.The presentation of the practicals (including trips) was: 
   Very good0
   Very poor0
  11.The relevance of the background Material was: 
   Very high0
   Very low0
  12.The relevance of the field trip(s) to the activity was: 
   Very high0
   Very low0
  13.The overall relevance of the activity to your own work was: 
   Very high0
   Very low0
 F.Organization and facilities
  14.The quality of the meeting rooms was: 
   Very good0
   Very poor0
  15.The quality of the accommodation was: 
   Very good0
   Very poor0
  16.The quality of the laboratory facilities (if applicable) was: 
   Very good0
   Very poor0
  17.The opportunity for private study was: 
   Too little4
   Far too little1
 G.The activity as such
  18.The theoretical level was: 
   Far too high0
   Too high3
   Just right11
   Too low0
   Far too low0
  19.The practical level was: 
   Far too complicated0
   Too complicated1
   Just right10
   Too simple4
   Far too simple0
  20.The amount of theoretical lecture was: 
   Far too much0
   Too much1
   Just right13
   Too little1
   Far too little0
  21.The amount of practical work was: 
   Far too much0
   Too much0
   Just right11
   Too little4
   Far too little0
  22.The programming of the activity was: 
   Far too rigid0
   Too rigid2
   Just right13
   Too lax0
   Far too lax0



SCS/74/WP/1Rabanal, H.R. The potentials of aquaculture development in the Indo-Pacific Region. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1974. 34p.
SCS/74/W/2Crutchfield, J.A. D.A. Lawson and G.K. Moore. Malaysia - Legal and institutional aspects of fisheries development. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1974. 27p.
SCS/74/WP/3Marr, J.C. Republic of Vietnam - Legal and institutional aspects of fisheries development. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1974. 20p.
SCS/74/WP/4Larsson, S.O.R., G.C.A. Van Noort and E.O. Oswald. Malaysia - A report on artisanal fisheries of Peninsular Malaysia with particular reference to Kuala Besut. Manila, South China Sea fisheries Programme, 1975. 58p.
SCS/75/WP/5Rabanal, H.R. Irian Jaya, Indonesia - Survey of possibilities and recommendations for development of brackishwater fish production. Manila. South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 27p.
SCS/75/WP/6Tussing, A.R. Fishery development perspectives. Sub-Region V: South China Sea. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. (IPFC/74/Sym/7). 23p.
SCS/75/WP/7Murdoch, W.R. and M.A. Myers, Republic of Singapore - An assessment of the Jurong Fishing Harbour complex and expansion site on the east bank 6f the Jurong River. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 46p.
SCS/75/WP/8Peterson, C.L., K. J. Rosenberg and A.C. Simpson. Regional -Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessels Royal Venture and Southward Ho covering voyages 1 and 2 . December 1–13, 1974 and January 5 – February 3, 1975. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 37p.
SCS/75/WP/9Oswald, E.O. arid R.E.K.D. Lee. Regional - A proposal for a live bait pole-and-line tuna fishing survey in the South China Sea and adjacent waters. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 38p.
SCS/75/WP/l0Rosenberg, K. J. and A.C. Simpson. Regional - Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessels Royal Venture and Southward Ho covering voyage 3. 9 February to 26 March 1975. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 28p.
SCS/75/WP/llPeterson, C.L. Regional - Resource survey of larger pelagic fish. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 32p.
SCS/75/WP/12Rosenberg, K.J., A.C. Simpson and C.M. Renwick. Regional - Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessels Royal Venture and Southward Ho covering Voyage 4. 9 April to 24 May 1975. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 36p.
SCS/75/WP/13Baum, G.A. Kuala Besut II - A supplementary report on selected socio-economic aspects and problems in a fishermen's community on the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 43p.
SCS/75/WP/14Cuerden, C. Library services for the South China Sea Fisheries Programme and its participating countries. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 48p.
SCS/75/WP/15Lawson, R.M. Malaysia - An interim report on socio-economic aspects of the development of artisanal fisheries on the East Coast of Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 29p.
SCS/75/WP/16Jamandre, T.J. and H.R. Rabanal. Engineering aspects of brackish water aquaculture in the South China Sea region. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme,' 1975. 96p.
SCS/75/WP/17Murdoch, W.R. Malaysia - Assessment of the viability and potential of the joint venture, Majuikan Mideast Sdn Bhd, Kuching, Sarawak as requested by Lembaga Majuikan, Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 16p. (Restricted)
SCS/75/WP/18Cleaver, W.D. Malaysia - A preliminary design and general arrangement for an offshore purse seine vessel for the East Coast of West Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 35p.
SCS/75/WP/19Pischedda, J.L. Republic of the Philippines - Legal and institutional aspects in the development of the fishing industry. Preliminary observations and identification of the main obstacles. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 35p.
SCS/75/WP/20Simpson, A.C. Regional - Acoustic surveys of pelagic resources. Report No. 1. Gulf of Thailand, July 1975. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 28p.
SCS/75/WP/21Cintas, D. and C.M. Renwick. Regional - Report of aerial survey for schooling pelagic fish. 1. Philippine waters, 12–29 June 1975. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 28pi
SCS/76/WP/22Baum, G.A. and J.A. Maynard. Tobuan/Sual, Pangasinan Province, Central Luzon - A socio-economic study on a rural fishing population in Central Luzon in connection with the Municipal Fisheries Pilot Programme, 1976. 44p.
SCS/76/WP/23Baum, G.A. and J.A. Maynard. Panigayan, Lampinigan, Baluk-Baluk and Manangal, Basilan Province. A socio-economic study on four fishermen's communities affiliated to the Basilan Fishing Association (BFA/Isabela in connection with the Municipal Fisheries Pilot Programme). Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme,1976. 62p.
SCS/76/WP/24Barica, J. Nutrient-dynamics in eutrophic inland waters and for aquaculture in some countries bordering the South China Sea with particular reference to mass fish mortalities. Proposal for monitoring programmes, Philippines, Thailand and Hong Kong. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 43p.
SCS/76/WP/25Rosenberg, K.J., A.C. Simpson and J.A. Maynard. Regional - Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessels Royal Venture and Southward Ho covering Voyages 5 and 6. 13 June to 10 September 1975. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 52p.
SCS/76/WP/26Moore, G.K. Malaysia - Legal and institutional aspects of fisheries development. (2nd working paper). Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 38p.
SCS/76/WP/27Wheeland, H.A. Malaysia - Preliminary observations and recommendations concerning the fisheries statistics programme of Peninsular Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 22p.
SCS/76/WP/28Maynard, J.A. Regional - Report of aerial survey for schooling pelagic fish. II. Thailand - 20 November to 1 December 1975. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 20p.
SCS/76/WP/29Baum, G.A. and J.A. Maynard. Salay, Misamis Oriental Province -A socio-economic study on the fishing population of the seven coastal barrios of Salay Municipality in connection with the Municipal Fisheries Pilot Programme. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 1976. 47p.
SCS/76/WP/30Murdoch, W.R. Hong Kong - A preliminary feasibility study to prosecute offshore pelagic stocks from Hong Kong. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 27p.
SCS/76/WP/31Johnson, R.F. Preliminary report on aquatic pollution in the South China Sea Region. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976 34p.
SCS/76/WP/32Wheeland, H.A. Preliminary observations and recommendations concerning the fisheries statistics programme of Singapore. Manila, South-China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 21p.
SCS/76/WP/33Baum, G.A. and J.A. Maynard. Coron/Tagumpay - Buswanga Island/Calamianes Group (Palawan Province), A socio-economic study . of two rural fishing populations in northern Palawan in connection with the Municipal Fisheries Pilot Programme. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 112p.
SCS/76/WP/34Jones, R. Mesh regulations in the demersal fisheries of the South China Sea area. Regional. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 79p.
SCS/76/WP/35Simpson, A.C. and S. Chikuni, Progress report on fishing for tuna in Philippine waters by FAO chartered purse seiners. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 38p.
SCS/76/WP/36Bonga, O.B. Vessel specifications and drawings for two 10 m multi-purpose fishing vessels for the small-scale fisheries project - Kuala Besut. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 36p.
SCS/76/WP/37Shang, Y.C. Economics of various management techniques for pond culture of finfish. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 36p.
SCS/76/WP/38Johnson, H.N. Malaysia - A preliminary study of investment opportunities for the development of small-scale fisheries on East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 21p.
SCS/76/WP/39Shang, Y.C. Follow-up programmes on economics of aquaculture in the South China Sea Region. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 19p.
SCS/76/WP/40Cook, J.L. Problems in shrimp culture in the South China Sea Region. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 50p.
SCS/76/WP/41Johnson, H., J. Dibbs and R. Nasoetion. Indonesia - A preliminary assessment for small-scale fisheries development in Riau North Sumatra and West Kalimantan Provinces. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 51p.
SCS/76/WP/42Baum, G.A. and J.A. Maynard. Bayawan Municipality, Negros Oriental Province/Negros. A socio-economic study on the rural fishing population of Bayawan municipality in connection with the Municipal Fisheries Pilot Programme. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 33p.
SCS/76/WP/43Maynard, J.A. Philippines - Report on aerial survey for schooling pelagic fish in waters of the South China Sea and Sulu Sea adjacent to Palawan Island, 9–12 March 1976. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 17p.
SCS/76/WP/44Chakraborty, D. Fisheries statistics in the Philippines - A plan for a new and expanded data collection programme. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 70p.
SCS/76/WP/45Marr, J.C., G. Campleman and W.R. Murdoch. Thailand - An analysis of the present and recommendations for future fishery development and management policies, programmes and institution, arrangements. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 197 185p. (Restricted)
SCS/76/WP/46Cleaver, W. and O.B. Bonga. Thailand - Preliminary design, general arrangement and lines plans for two pelagic purse-seine/midwater trawl research vessel, 27.5 m and 24 m lengths. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. (not issued)
SCS/76/WP/47Cleaver, W. Hong Kong - A preliminary design, general arrangement and specifications for a combination pelagic/demersal research vessel. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. (not issued)
SCS/76/WP/48Simpson, A.C. and W.R. Murdoch. Regional - Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessel Royal Venture - Trips Nos. 7 & 8. 1 October to February 1976. Area - Moro Gulf. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 17p.
SCS/76/WP/49Simpson, A.C. and W.R. Murdoch. Regional - Trip reports of chartered vessel Southward Ho - Trips 7 & 8. 11 September 1975 to March 1976. Areas - Malaysia and Thailand. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 33p.
SCS/76/WP/50Simpson, A.C. and W.R. Murdoch. Regional - Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessel Royal Venture and Southward Ho -Trip No. 9. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 22p.
SCS/76/WP/51Simpson, A.C. and W.R. Murdoch. Regional - Trip reports of chartered purse seine veseel Southward Ho - Trips 10 and 11. 15 April to 8 August 1976. Area - East, North and West Coasts Luzon Island, Bohol Sea, Sulu Sea, Moro Gulf. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 20p.
SCS/76/WP/52Wheeland, H.A. Statistics for fisheries development. Regional. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 11p.
SCS/76/WP/53Christy, L.C. Republic of the Philippines - Legal and institutional aspects of fisheries development. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 65p. (Restricted)
SCS/76/WP/54Maynard, J.A. Philippines - Province of Tawi-Tawi project identification and semi-detailed feasibility study relative to improving the status of small-scale fishermen and creating an integrated fishing industry in the Province of Tawi-Tawi. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 110p.
SCS/77/WP/55Oswald, E.O. & J.A. Maynard. Thailand - Proposed small-scale fisheries pilot project for Ban Ao Nakam Pom, Rayong Province. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 38p.
SCS/77/WP/56Murdoch, W.R. 6 P.S. Walczak. Regional - Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessel, Southward Ho covering Voyage 12. Area - waters of the Sulu Sea. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 11p.
SCS/77/WP/57Murdoch, W.R, and P.S. Walczak. Regional - Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessels Southward Ho and Royal Venture covering Voyage 13. Area - mainly Moro Gulf, Philippines. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 18p.
SCS/77/WP/58Simpson, A.C., W. R. Murdoch. Regional - Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessel Southward Ho covering Voyages Nos. 14 and 15. Area - Moro Gulf, Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 15p.
SCS/77/WP/59Murdoch, W.R. and P.S. Walczak. Regional - Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessel Southward Ho covering voyages Nos. 16 and 17. Area - Waters of the Moro Gulf. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 23p.
SCS/77/WP/60Doty, M.S. Seaweed resource and their culture in the countries of the South China Sea Region. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 19p.
SCS/77/WP/61Rabanal, H.R. et al. Shellfisheries of Thailand: Background and proposal for development. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 14p.
SCS/77/WP/62Chakraborty, D. Observations and recommendations concerning the fisheries statistics programme of Hong Kong. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 14p.
SCS/77/WP/63. Observations and recommendations concerning the inland fisheries statistics programme of Thailand. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 15p,
SCS/77/WP/64Hansen, K.A., P. Lovseth and A.C. Simpson. Acoustic surveys of pelagic resources. Report No. 2. Hong Kong, November 1976. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 24p.
SCS/77/WP/65Christy, L. C. Republic of the Philippines - Legal and institutional aspects of fisheries development. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 55p.
SCS/77/WP/66Murdoch, W.R. et al. A proposal for a small-scale fisheries pilot project in the Pulau Tujuh (Seven Islands) area, Riau Archipelago District, Riau Province, Indonesia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 69p.
SCS/77/WP/67Moore, G. Malaysia - A new fisheries bill. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 56p.
SCS/77/WP/68Gedney, R.H. Water supply of the fishery development centre in the freshwater aquaculture at Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia.
SCS/77/WP/69Chan, W.L. et al. Cage culture of marine fish in East Coast Peninsular Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 66p.
SCS/78/WP/70Lee, R.E.K.D. Results of small-scale live bait pole-and-line fishing explorations for tuna in the Philippines. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 41p.
SCS/78/WP/71Moore, G. Legal and institutional aspects of fisheries management and development - a new licensing system, Thailand. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 23p. (Restricted)
SCS/78/WP/72Angeles, H.G. Preliminary fish and resources survey along the coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978.
SCS/78/WP/73De la Cruz, Y.T. Malaysia - Small-scale fishermen credit and subsidy programmes - Implementing guideline recommendations (with particular reference to the Kuala Besut Fishermen's Association). Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 50p.
SCS/78/WP/74Chikuni, S. Report on fishing for tuna in Philippine waters by FAO chartered purse seiners. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. (Published as SCS/DEV/78/18)
SCS/78/WP/75Fyson, J. E. Fishing vessel design proposals for small-scale artisanal fisheries in the Philippines. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 23p.
SCS/78/WP/76Lau, F. and Cheng Chor Luk. Recent innovations in the cage culture activity at Kuala Besut small-scale fisheries pilot project, Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 16p.
SCS/78/WP/77Wheeland, H.A. Proposal for further development of fishery statistics programmes in developing countries with particular reference to the South China Sea region. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 6p.
SCS/78/WP/78Moore, G. Legal and institutional aspects of fisheries management and development - A second Interim Report (Thailand) Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 37p. (Restricted)
SCS/79/WP/79Jonasson, G. and Paisal Katanyuwong. Review of fishing activities of the small-scale fisheries project in Kuala Besut, Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 23p.
SCS/79/WP/80Cansdale, G.S. Low-coast water filtration system. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 73p.
SCS/79/WP/81Lisac, H. Some technical aspects of small-scale fish landing facilities. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 32p.
SCS/75/WP/82Chakraborty, D. Catch analysis of fishermen in Kuala Besut, Peninsular Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 59p.
SCS/79/WP/83Thompson, B.G. Thailand - Management of fisheries data -feasibility of computerization. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 24p.
SCS/79/WP/84Cansdale, G.S. Report on second regional consultancy low-cost water filtration. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 48p.
SCS/79/WP/85New, M. Report of consultancy on the fish nutrition programme at Changi Marine Fisheries Research Centre, Primary Production Department, Singapore. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 8p.
SCS/79/WP/86Woynarovich, E. and W.W. Kuhnhold. Report of consultancy to Penang, Malaysia, regarding animal waste management problem. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 59p.
SCS/79/WP/87Thomson, D. B. Intermediate technology and alternative energy systems for small-scale fisheries. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 69p.
SCS/80/WP/88Hechanova, R.G. and B. Tiensongrusmee. Report of assistance on selection of site, design, construction and management of the Ban Merbok, Kedah, Malaysia Brackishwater Aquaculture Demonstration Project, Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 154p.
SCS/80/WP/89Tiensongrusmee, B. and R.G. Hechanova. Malaysia - Evaluation of the site selected, design of project and proposed construction and operations of the Majuikan Tanjong Tualang Freshwater Aquaculture Centre. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 52p.
SCS/80/WP/90Skillman, R.A. Tuna statistics Indo-Pacific and Indian Ocean. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 45p.
SCS/80/WP/91Trono, G. C., Jr., H.R. Rabanal and I. Santika. Report of technical assistance on seaweed farming in Indonesia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 56p.
SCS/80/WP/92Bilal, J. and W.W. Kuhnhold. Marine oil pollution in Southeast Asia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 85p.
SCS/80/WP/93Evans, E.D. Legal and policy consideration for use of the chartered fishing vessels in Philippine waters. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 35p.
SCS/80/WP/94Gomez, E.D. The present state of mangrove ecosystems in Southeast Asia and the impact of pollution - Regional. Revised. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 102p.
SCS/80/WP/94aSoegiarto, A. The present state of mangrove ecosystems in Southeast Asia and the impact of pollution - Indonesia. Revised. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 65p.
SCS/80/WP/94bSasekumar, A. The present state of mangrove ecosystems in Southeast Asia and the impact of pollution - Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 80p.
SCS/80/WP/94cGomez, E.D. The present state of mangrove ecosystems in Southeast Asia and the impact of pollution - Philippines. Revised. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 88p.
SCS/80/WP/94dZoology Department, University of Singapore. The present state of mangrove ecosystems in Southeast Asia and the impact of pollution - Singapore. Revised. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 76p.
SCS/80/WP/94eTwesukdi, P. The present state of mangrove ecosystems in Southeast Asia and the impact of pollution - Thailand. Revised. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 108p.
SCS/80/WP/95Wheeland, H.A. and P. J. Hooker. Organizational implications of a fisheries information system for the Philippines; specific recommendations regarding BFAR's statistics program; and a plan for implementation. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 33p.
SCS/80/WP/96Hechanova, R.G. Technical assistance on the design of government coastal aquaculture projects in Peninsular Malaysia. (A pattern for planning and design of aquaculture facility). Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 78p.
SCS/80/WP/97Lisac, H. Some aspects of fish utilization in small-scale fisheries. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 78p.
SCS/80/WP/98Hechanova, R.G. Indonesia - The engineering aspects of selected aquaculture projects. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 79p.
SCS/80/WP/99Hooker, P. J. and E.J. Savariraj. A fisheries information system for Peninsular Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1981. 40p.
SCS/80/WP/100Hechanova, R.G. Engineering aspects of selectee aquaulture projects in Thailand. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1981.


SCS/GEN/74/1Report on the Workshop on planning and coordinating of resources survey end evaluation in the South China Sea. 28 August to 4 September 1974. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1974. I97p.
SCS/GEN/76/2Report of the workshop on the fishery resources of the Malacca Strait. Part I. Jakarta, 29 March to 2 April 1976. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 89p.
SCS/GEN/76/3Report of workshop on legal and institutional aspects of fishery resources management and development. 5–8 April 1976. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 95p.
SCS/GEN/76/4Report on the training workshop for field enumerators of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources - Philippines. 22–31 March 1976. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 32p.
SCS/GEN/76/bUNDP/FAO Training Course on the management of small-scale fishery enterprises. Kuala Trengganu, Malaysia. 25 August to 26 September 1975. Rome, FAO, 1976. 14p.
SCS/GEN/77/6Report of the Workshop on the fishery resources of the Malacca Strait - Part II. Jakarta, 29 March to 2 April 1976. South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 85p.
SCS/GEN/76/7Report of the BFAR/SCSP workshop on the fishery resources of the Visayan and Sibuyan Area. Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines. 18–22 October 1976. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 26p.
SCS/GEN/76/8Philippines - Report seminar on the fisheries statistics survey of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. 23 July 1976. DNR/BEAR/SCSP, Manila. South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 17p.
SCS/GEN/76/9Report of the consultative group meeting on small-scale fisheries development in the South China Sea region. 13–15 December 1976. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 140p.
SCS/GEN/77/10Report on the training workshop on fisheries statistics, Malaysia, 12–21 October 1976. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 27p.
SCS/GEN/77/11Report on the BFAR/SCSP workshop on fishery resources of the Sulu Sea and Moro Gulf areas, 25–29 April 1977, Cagayan de Oro. Manila, 1977. 58p.
SCS/GEN/77/12Report of the workshop on the demersal resources, Sundal Shelf. Part I. November 7–11, 1977. Penang, Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 58p.
SCS/GEN/77/13Report of the workshop on the demersal resources, Sunda Shelf. Part II. November 7–11/1977, Penang, Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 120p,
SCS/GEN/77/14Joint SCSP/SEAFDEC workshop on aquaculture engineering (with emphasis on small-scale aquaculture. projects) Vol. I - General Report. Manila, South China Sea -Fisheries Programme, 1978. v.p.
SCS/GEN/?7/15Joint SCSP/SEAFDEC workshop on aquaculture engineering (with emphasis on small-scale aquaculture projects) Vol. 2 - Technical Report. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 463P.
SCS/GEN/77/16A layout of standard tables of fishery statistics in the Philippines. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 162p.
SCS/GEN/77/17Report of the workshop on the biology and resources of mackerels (Rastrelliger spp.) and round scads (Decapterus spp.) in the South China Sea. Part I. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 70p.
SCS/GEN/78/18Report of the workshop on management of resources of the Sunda Shelf, Malacca Strait and related areas. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 1978. 14p.
SCS/GEN/78/19Report of the BFAR/SCSP workshop on the fishery resources of the Pacific Coast of the Philippines, 18–22 September 1978. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 48p.
SCS/GEN/79/20Report or the workshop on demersal and pelagic fish resources of the Java Sea. 5–9 December 1978. Semarang, Indonesia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 60p.
SCS/GEN/79/21Report of the workshop on the tuna resources of Indonesia and Philippine waters. Jakarta, 20–23 March 1979. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 35p.
SCS/GEN/79/22Report of the BFAR/SCSP workshop on the fishery resources of the north Luzon and western coasts of Luzon. 18–20 April 1979, Manila, Philippines. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 57p.
SCS/GEN/79/23Report on training course in fishery statistics. 2 October–10 November 1978, Manila, Philippines. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. , v.p.
SCS/GEN/79/24Report of the consultation meeting on management of tuna resources of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. 26–29 June 1979, Manila, Philippines. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979, 155p.
SCS/GEN/80/25Report of the workshop on application and results of acoustic methods for resource appraisal surveys in the South China Sea. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 19p. Annexes 1 to 4.
SCS/GEN/80/26Report of the workshop on the biology and resources of penaeid shrimps in the South China Sea area. Part I. 30 June – 5 July 1980. Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 162p.
SCS/GEN/80/27Report of the workshop on application and results of acoustic methods for resource appraisal surveys in the South China Sea. Part II. 19–22 November 1979. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 102p.
SCS/GEN/81/28Report of the. training course in prawn farming for Asia and the Pacific. Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia. 5 October–15 November 1980. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 138p.
SCS/GEN/81/29Report on the training course on Gracilaria algae. (A training subproject under FAO/UNDP Project RAS/79/041 implemented through RAS/74/013). Manila, Philippines, 1–30 April 1981. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1981.
SCS/GEN/81/30Report of the workshop on the biology and resources of penaeid shrimps in the South China Sea area. Part II. 30 June – 5 July 1980. Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1981.


SCS Manuals No. 1Handbook on field identification of fishes, crustaceans, molluscs, shells, and important aquatic plants. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 60p.


SCS/PR/74/1Woodland, A.G. Project progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 July to 31 December 1974. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1974. 19p."
SCS/PR/75/2Woodland, A.G. Proiect progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 January to 30 June 1975.' Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 40p.
SCS/PR/75/3Woodland, A.G. Proiect progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 July to 31 December 1975. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 38p.
SCS/PR/76/4Woodland, A.G. Project progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 January to 31 December 1976.- Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 47p.
SCS/PR/77/5Woodland, A.G. Project progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 January to 30 June 1977. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 37p.
SCS/PR/77/6Woodland, A.G. Project progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 July to 31 December 1977. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 19p.
SCS/PR/78/7Woodland, A.G. Project progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 January to 30 June 1978. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 12p.
SCS/PR/78/8Woodland, A.G. Proiect progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 July to 31 December 1978. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 11p.
SCS/PR/79/9Woodland, A.G. Proiect progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 January to 30 June 1979. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 12p.
SCS/PR/79/10Woodland, A.G. Proiect progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 July to 31 December 1979. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 65p.
SCS/PR/80/11Woodland, A.G. Proiect progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 January to 30 June 1980. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 28p.
SCS/PR/80/12Woodland, A.G. Proiect progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 July to 31 December 1980. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 25p.
SCS/PR/81/13Woodland, A.G. Proiect progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 January to 30 June 1981. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1981. 20p.


SCSP:74/1REPReport of the Ad Hoc Coordinating Committee Meeting of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. Manila, 18–19 June 1974. 27p.
SCSP:74/2REPReport of the first session of the Coordinating Committee of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. Jakarta, Indonesia, 6 November 1974. Rome, FAO, 1974. 22p.
SCSP:76/3REPReport of the second session of the Coordinating Committee of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. Manila, 9 April 1976. 16p.
SCSP:77/4REPReport of the third session of the Coordinating Committee of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. Manila, 24–25 February 1977. 19p.
SCSP:77/5REPReport of the fourth session of the Coordinating Committee of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, Manila, 11–12 October 1977. 21p.
SCSP:78/6REPReport of the fifth session of the Coordinating Committee of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. Manila, 11 March 1978. 16p.
SCSP:78/7REPReport of the sixth session of the Coordinating Committee of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, Manila, 28–29 September 1978,
SCSP:79/8REPReport of the seventh session of the Coordinating Committee of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. Rome, 11–16 October 1979.


SCS/DEV/73/1Woodland, A.G. et al. The South China Sea Fisheries; A proposal for accelerated development. Rome, FAO, 1974. 162p.
SCS/DEV/73/2Yamamoto, T. Review of marine fishery statistical system in countries bordering the South China Sea, and proposals for their improvement. Rome, FAO, 1973. 46p. (Cover title: The South China Sea Fisheries Statistical Systems)
SCS/DEV/73/3Aoyama, T. the demersal fish stocks and fisheries of the South China Sea. Rome, FAO, 1973. 80p. (Cover title: The South China Sea Fisheries Demersal Resources)
SCS/DEV/73/4Kume, S. Tuna resources in the South China Sea. Rome, 1973. 18p.
SCS/DEV/73/5Ling, S. Status, potential and development of coastal aquaculture in the countries bordering the South China Sea. Rome, FAO, l973. 51p. (Cover title: The South China Sea Fisheries Aquaculture Development)
SCS/DEV/73/6Menasveta, D. et al. Pelagic fishery resources of the South China Sea and prospects for their development. Rome, FAO, 1973, (Cover title: the South China Sea Fisheries Pelagic Resources)
SCS/DEV/73/7Mistakidis, M.N. The crustacean resources and related fisheries in the countries bordering the South China Sea. (Cover title: The South China Sea Fisheries Crustacean Resources)
SCS/DEV/73/8Ruckes, E. Fish utilization, marketing and trade in countries bordering the South China Sea - status and programme proposals. Rome, FAO, 1973.; 33p. (Cover title: The South China Sea Fisheries Marketing and Trade)
SCS/DEV/73/9Doucet, F.J. et al. Institutional - and legal' aspects affecting fishery development in selected countries bordering the South China Sea. Rome, FAO, 1973. 32p. (Cover title: The South China Sea Fisheries Institutional Legal Aspects)
SCS/DEV/76/11Development potentials of selected fishery products in the regional member countries of the Asian Development Bank. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 107p. (ADB/FAO Market Studies)
SCS/DEV/76/11 (Appendix 1)Fishery country profiles, Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 173p. (ADB/FAO Market Studies)
SCS/DEV/76/12The international market for shrimp. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 105p. (ADB/FAO Market Studies)
SCS/DEV/76/13The international market for tuna. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 69p. (ADB/FAO Market Studies)
SCS/DEV/76/14The international market for crab. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 49p. (ADB/FAO Market Studies)
SCS/DEV/76/15The international market for lobster. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 46p. (ADB/FAO Market Studies)
SCS/DEV/76/16The international market for cephalopods. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 95p. (ADB/FAO Market Studies)
SCS/DEV/76/17The European canned fish market: Prospects for Rastrelliger spp. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 56p. (ADB/FAO Market Studies)
SCS/DEV/78/18Chikuni, S., A.C. Simpson and W.R. Murdoch. Test fishing for tuna and small pelagic species: Reports on the operation of FAO chartered purse seiners in Philippine and South China Sea waters, 1974–1977. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. v.p.
SCS/DEV/79/19Pope, J. Stock assessment in multispecies fisheries with special reference to the trawl fishery in the Gulf of Thailand. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 106p.
SCS/DEV/80/20Implications of the extension of national jurisdiction for fisheries management and development. Report of an FAO Mission to the Government of Indonesia. 7 January – 2 February 1980. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1980. 90p.

FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Eastern Indian Ocean (Fishing area 57) and Western Central Pacific (Fishing area 71). Rome, FAO, 1974. 4 vols.


Rabanal, H.R. FAO activities in inland fisheries and aquaculture with 1975 particular reference to Asia and the Far East. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 17p. (Contributed to the First Fisheries Research Congress, Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research, 7,-10 March 1975, Legaspi City, Philippines).

Rabanal, H.R. 1975 Preliminary report on the Macrobrachium fishery in the Indo-Pacific region. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries programme. 20p. (Contributed to the International Conference on Prawn Farming, Vung Tau, Vietnam, 31 March – 4 April 1975).

Rabanal, H.R. 1975 Distribution and occurrence of milkfish Chanos chanos (Forskal). Manila, South China Sea, Fisheries Programme, 1975. 18p. (Contributed , to the National Bangus Symposium. Manila, 25–26 July 1975).

Rabanal, H.R. 1976 Mangrove and their utilization for aquaculture. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 20p. (Contributed to the National Workshop on Mangrove, Ecology held in Phuket, Thailand, 10–16 January 1976).

Rabanal, H.R. 1976 Report of project identification mission to Bangladesh on inland fisheries and aquaculture. Manila, Asian Development Bank. 56p.

Rabanal, H.R. 1976 Aquaculture 1976: Focus Southeast Asia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 12p. (Talk delivered at the National Convention of the Federation of Fish Producers of the Philippines, Iloilo City, 26 August 1976).

Simpson, A.C. 1976 Some proposals for research related to the understanding of mangrove ecology and the utilization of mangrove areas. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. , 10p. (Contributed to the National Workshop on Mangrove Ecology held in Phuket, Thailand, 10–16 January 1976).

Cook, H.L. 1976 Some aspects of shrimp culture research with particular reference to Philippine species. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 7p. (Contributed to the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research (PCARR) Fisheries Workshop, Subic, Zambales, Philippines, 15–17 January 1976).

Rabanal, H.R. 1976 The resources in inland waters: their utilization and management. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 21p. (Talk delivered before the Phi Sigma Biological Society as a contribution to the Deogracias V. Villadolid Memorial lecture series. Manila, Philippines, 26 November 1976).

Rabanal, H.R. 1977 Aquaculture in the Philippines. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 15p. (Talk delivered before the United States Peace Corps Volunteers. Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines. 11 January 1977).

Rabanal, H. R. 1977 Aquaculture in Southeast Asia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. l0p. (Paper contributed to the Fifth FAO/SIDA Workshop on Aquatic Pollution in relation to Protection of Living Resources. Manila, Philippines, 17–27 February 1977)

Simpson, A.C. 1977 Fisheries research and development in the Philippines: Some recommendations with special reference to resource assessment. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 16p.

Rabanal, H.R. 1977 Aquaculture management. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 12p. (Contribution to the BFAR/FAO-UNDP Training of Regional Trainors in Aquaculture. Lucena, Quezon, Philippines, 19 September to 27 October 1977)

Rabanal, H.R. 1977 Recent trends in aquaculture. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 13p. (Paper contributed to the Seminar/Workshop for Fishery Schools’ Administrators, conducted by the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Manila, Philippines, 24–28 October 1977)

Rabanal, H.R. 1977 Forest conservation and aquaculture development of mangroves. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 15p. (Paper contributed to the International Workshop on Mangrove and Estuarine Area Development for the Indo-Pacific region. 14–19 November 1977, Manila, Philippines)

Thomson, D. B. 1978 Lecture notes on fishing methods, equipment and deck layout of fishing vessels. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 151p. (Paper presented at the FAO NORAD Course on Fishing Vessel Design, Bangkok, Thailand, October–November 1978)

Rabanal, H.R. 1978 International traffic of live and fish eggs and control of the spread of fish diseases. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 21p. (Contributed to the Workshop on Tropical Fisheries - Their causes and control in Southeast Asia, Puncak, West Java, Indonesia, 28 November to 1 December 1978)

Rabanal, H.R. and R.O. Juliana. 1979 Aquaculture extension: How it could be a potent force in fisheries development in the ASEAN region. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. (Paper contributed to the First ASEAN Seminar/Workshop on Fisheries Extension, Manila 18–25 February 1979.

Thomson, D. B. 1979 Marine fisheries extension. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 41p. (Paper contributed to the First ASEAN Seminar/Workshop on Fisheries Extension, Manila, 18–25 February 1979)

Thomson, D. B. 1979 Training requirements of the fisheries of Southeast Asia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 11p. (Paper presented at the SEAFDEC Consultative Meeting on Fisheries Training, Bangkok, 14–18 May 1979.

Kuhnhold, W.W. 1979 Aquatic pollution: Classes of pollutants, their occurrence, transport and dispersion. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 22p. (Lecture given at the Seventh FAO/SIDA Workshop on Aquatic Pollution in Relation to Protection of Living Resources - Analyses of Metals and Organochlorines in Biota. Manila, Philippines, 7 May to 9 June 1979)

Kuhnhold, W.W. 1979 Effects of aquatic pollution on fish and fisheries. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. (Lecture given at the Seventh FAO/SIDA Workshop on Aquatic Pollution in Relation to Protection of Living Resources - Analyses of Metals and Organochlorines in Biota. Manila, Philippines, 7 May – 9 June 1979)

Rabanal, H.R. 1979 The design of research in brackishwater aquaculture. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 7p. (Paper contributed to the Seminar/Workshop on Research Methodology and Technical Report Writing, conducted by the Fisheries Training Division, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Fisheries Training Center, Cavite City, Philippines, 10–29 June 1979)

Kuhnhold, W.W. 1979 Some aspects of the impact of aquatic oil pollution on fishery resources. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. (Seminar held at Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines, 31 July 1979)

Rabanal, H.R. 1979 Production and recent innovations in design and managment in aquaculture industry in Southeast Asia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 7p. (Paper contributed to the Asian Seminar and Tour sponsored by the Bank of America, Manila, 6–9 November 1979)

Thomson, D.B. 1979 The challenge of the 1980's for fisheries education, training and extension. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 11p. (Paper presented at the First International Symposium on Fishery Education, Fish Processing and Marketing Systems. Mexico, December 1979)

Kuhnhold, W.W. 1980 Some aspects of the impact of aquatic oil pollution on fishery resources. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1980. 25p. (Paper contributed to the International Workshop on the Prevention, Abatement and Combating of Pollution from Ships in East Asian Waters. 3–8 November 1980, Manila, Philippines)


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