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To provide a better understanding of how the production sector of the aquaculture industry (private sector) is organized, one should understand the purposes of the industry, the resources or species it uses, the systems or procedures it utilizes for production, and the environment under which productions is conducted.

2.1 Purpose of the industry

As presently constituted, the industry has the following purposes:

  1. For food production. This is the major objective of the aquaculture industry;
  2. For the market, either locally or for export;
  3. For employment, either for full employment or as supplement;
  4. For sport and recreation; and
  5. For the production of industrial product such as carrageenan from seaweed, fish oils, medicals, pearls, etc.

2.2 Resource or species used

The major resource or species used in aquaculture consists of the following:

  1. Finfishes. This includes freshwater as well as saltwater species;
  2. Crustaceans, including shrimps, prawns, crabs, etc.;
  3. Molluscs, e.g., oysters, mussels, cockles, clams, etc.;
  4. Aquatic plants (seaweeds); and
  5. Miscellaneous - frogs, turtles, crocodiles, etc.

2.3 The different systems used in aquaculture

This can be divided into the following:

  1. Pond system;
  2. Pen/cage system;
  3. Open water system, e.g., oyster plots;
  4. Integrated fish culture with plant crop or animal husbandry; and
  5. Ranching.

2.4 The different environments where aquaculture is usually conducted

These are the following in:

  1. Low-lying inland plains;
  2. Coastal swamplands;
  3. Lakes/reservoirs;
  4. Along rivers and streams;
  5. In the sea (coves and bays);
  6. Along irrigation systems;
  7. Excavation and natural depressions which are rain-fed; and
  8. Especially-built raceways and recycling plants.

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