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Medina N. Delmendo2 and B. H. Delmendo3


The practice of aquaculture has the longest tradition in Asia and the Pacific Region. Aquaculture practices at present vary from extensive or traditional management techniques, semi-intensive and intensive aquaculture production systems. These variations are found in brackishwater, freshwater and seafarming operations. In recent years, aquaculture operations have cages in lakes and coastal areas.

The Asia and Pacific Region consists of 17 countries of which 6 of them make up the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The aquaculture production of the Asia and Pacific Region amounted to 8 412 131 mt in 1983 which represented 82.4 percent of the world aquaculture production as summarized below.

World aquaculture production by region (1983)4

RegionProduction (mt)% of Total
Asia-Pacific8 412 13182.4
Europe and Near East1 221 51112.0
North America312 6913.0
Latin America and the Carribean220 5052.2
Africa43 8650.4
Total10 210 703100.00

For the purpose of this paper, small-scale aquaculture operations observed in some ASEAN countries are discussed. Although the data used to show economics of aquaculture operations are not based on current prices, the aquaculture operations discussed in the paper are widely practiced in the countries where they are found. An increase of 10–20 percent in costs of production would adjust the estimates to current prices.

There are a number of aquaculture practices found in the ASEAN countries, such as the following:

  1. Freshwater and brackishwater pond culture
  2. Pen and cage culture
  3. Integrated fish-cum-livestock farming
  4. Rice-cum-fish culture
  5. Molluscs culture
  6. Crustacean culture
  7. Seaweeds culture
  8. Running water fish culture

1 Modified paper written by the same authors on Income-generation from small-scale aquaculture practices in selected countries in Southeast Asia.

2 Project Coordinator, ASEAN/UNDP/FAO Regional Small-Scale Coastal Fisheries Development Project.

3 Entrepreneur. Aside from his own fish culture experience, he made observations of small-scale aquaculture operations in some ASEAN countries.

4 Rabanal, H.R., 1987.

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