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The integration of fish-cum-livestock farming such as pig/fish and duck/fish had also been demonstrated. Fish farming with pig raising increases farm income. Studies conducted both on backyard and commercial operations showed annual rates of return on investment from 43 percent to 54 percent in the case of backyard operations and from 19 percent to 42 percent in commercial scale.

The backyard type consists of 6–10 pigs in a 1 000 m2 pond and 1.0 ha for the commercial operations with 60–80 pigs. Capital costs are shown in Table 8.

Table 8. Capital costs of pig-fish farming1

1 From Ruben C. Sevilleja, Economic Analysis of Integrated Pig-Fish Farming Operations in the Philippines. Aquaculture Economic Research in Asia, IDRC-193e. 1981 p.

 Commercial growingBackyardSmall breeding and growing
 Buildings per pen53 0002 00080 000
 Tools and equipment1 000321 600
 Water system7 00025012 000
 Other fixtures1 000-1 400
 Total62 0002 28295 000
 Pond construction at
 10.50/m338 3602 75643 071
 Water system2 7501 3222 750
 Nets at 26/m2 7729753 120
 Buckets at 35 each3 9203503 850
 Total47 8025 40352 791

The operating costs and returns of integrated pig-fish farming operations are as follows1:

1 From Ruben C. Sevilleja. Economic Analysis of Integrated Pig-Fish Farming Operations in the Philippines. Aquaculture Economic Research in Asia, IDRC-193e. 1981.

 Commercial growingaBackgroundbSmall breeding and growing
  Stock/weanlings27 2001 57812 000
  Feeds68 5512 40571 899
  Labour3 600-4 896
  Drugs and medicine600122 280
  Fuel--1 603
  Repairs and depreciationd4 0002316 000
  Electricity--3 900
  Taxes and licences--11 136
  Freight1 386--
 Total costs105 5374 226113 714
  Pig sales88 2006 050116 894
  Sale of empty feed bags1 188-7 140
  Sale of manure--2 400
 Total returns89 3886 050126 434
Net income(16 149)82412 720
Rate of return on investment (ROI) (% per year)e-43.219.5
  Fingerlings at 90.05 each6 0007207 800
  Irrigation fee at 390/ha/year26039338
  Land rent at 1 950/ha/year1 3001951 690
  Labour at 15/man/day555-675
  Manureg-_2 400
  Poison at lO.50/ha/application21327
  Pond maintenance and depreciation4 4834173 956
 Total costs12 6191 37416 886
  Fish sales:
  Tilapia at 9.00/kg26 8203 73541 436
  Carp at 5.00/kg3 0002554 500
 Total returns29 8203 99045 936
Net income17 2012 61629 050
Rate of return on investment (ROI)5457.682.5
Total capital investment109 8027 685147 791
Total costs118 1565 600130 600
Total returnsg119 2089 040172 370
Net income1 0523 44041 770
Rate of return on investment (ROI) (% per year)15442

a Assumes an 8-month production cycle.

b Assumes a 10-month production cycle.

c Based on actual costs updated to 1980 levels. Does not include opportunity cost of land used by the piggery because area is minimal.

d Estimated.

e Backyard: ROI/period × 1.2; other ROI/period × 1.5.

f Based on Hopkins et al. (in press).

g Opportunity cost of manure (income foregone), for small breeding and growing operation only.

Integrated fish-livestock farming

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