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Table 1.
Data on area and population of ASEAN countries

CountryArea (km2)Population
Brunei5 765221 0001
Indonesia1 909 443169 481 0002
Malaysia303 00015 914 0002
Philippines297 00055 773 0002
Singapore6162 5870002
Thailand542 00052 297 0002

1 Information Please Almanac, 1986 (Population estimate for 1985)

2 United Nations, World Population Prospects, Estimate and Projections as Assessed in 1984. UN, ST/ESA/SER. A/98 (1985) (Medium variant projections for 1986)

Table 2.
Fisheries production in ASEAN, by sector

  Capture FisheriesAquaculture
CountryTotal production
% of totalProduction
% of total
Brunei13 1403 140100Negligible-
Indonesiai12 260 9891 982 12588278 86412
Malaysiai2740 443725 4839814 96002
Philippines32 134 8461 623 66576511 18124
Singapore323 98522 702951 28305
Thailand12 134 8382 037 15049597 688405

1 Based on 1984 statistics
2 Based on 1983 statistics
3 Based on 1985 statistics
4 Segregation into capture and aquaculture production is based on author's estimate

Table 3.
Aquaculture production in ASEAN countries in mt (1983/1984/1985)

 1.Ponds*76 52811 940.3312 585*52 6274
 2.Cages/Pens-1 05210.11104 941--
 3.Running water-*----
 4.Ricefield-58 880----
 1.Ponds-142 404413.91191 2507314 920
 1.Cages for finfish**545.87-5923300
 2.Open water culture of molluscs1501*38 530235 01361829 841
 3.Open water culture for seaweed-**167 392--
Estimated total150278 86451 439.92511 1811 28397 688

* These types of aquaculture have been initiated but production data not available
- Not practiced
1 Author's estimate of mussel production, based on recent survey
2 Mainly the blood cockle, Anadara granosa
3 Includes groupers, seabass and golden snapper (finfish), and mud crabs and shrimps, held in cages
4 Estimated from data of total freshwater species production

Table 4.
Status of seafarming in ASEAN

CountryCage/pen culture of finfish
Open water culture of molluscs
Open water culture of seaweed
Total, by country
Source of data
Brunei*150-150Production estimate by author for a private mussel farm for 1985–86 crop year
Indonesia****SEAFDEC, 1985 (for 1983 data)
Malaysia54638 530*39 076Fisheries Department, Malaysia. 1983 for finfish and SEAFDEC, 1985 (for 1983 data for molluscs)
Philippines-35 013167 392202 405BFAR, 1985
Singapore592618-1 210Aquaculture Unit Changi Point Fisheries Complex, 1986 (for 1985 data)
Thailand30029 841*30 141Finfish from Sirikul, 1982; Molluscs from SEAFDEC 1985 (for 1983 data)

*Not reported
- Not practiced

Table 5.
Data on number of fishermen in ASEAN (1983/1984/1985)

CountriesFull timePart timeTotal
Brunei5501 5ll2 069
Indonesia792 722920 7031 713 425
a. Peninsular Malaysia**75 590
b. Sabah16 9003 00019 900
c. Sarawak7 9273 85011 783
   107 273
Philippines**817 660
Singapore**I 321
Thailand60 37622 22I8.2 597
Grand total  2 724 345

* No data available separating full time and part time fishermen but total number of fishermen is given

Table 6.
Fisheries production1 in Brunei, 1973–1985

YearLocal production (mt)Imports (mt)Total fish available (mt)
19733 444.241 142.004 586.24
19742006.101 671.663 677.76
19752 129.361 324.693 454.05
19761 468.861 276.712 745.57
19772 087.02994.323 081.34
19782 667.801 493.104 161.20
19792 773.311 53.814 307.12
19801 690.931 893.153 584.08
19801 690.93I 893.153 584.08
19811 789.461 748.553 538.06
19821 750.981 711.043 462.02
19832 450.822 512.724 963.54
19842 128.143 037.055 165.19
19852 544.963 105.255 650.21

1Includes fresh finfish, crustaceans and molluscs but excludes processed commodities (canned, frozen, processed)

Source: Fisheries Department Ministry of Development, Brunei

Table 7.
Production of cultured cockle in Malaysia, 1976–1983

YearProduction (mt)Information source
1976*Fisheries Department, 1978
197746 423SEAFDEC, 1978
197855 598SEAFDEC, 1980
197963 412SEAFDEC, 1981 and K. S.Ong, 1983
1980121 271SEAFDEC, 1982
198169 912SEAFDEC, 1983
198249 462SEAFDEC, 1984
198338 530SEAFDEC, 1985

* Not reported

Table 8.
Production from netcage culture of marine finfish in Malaysia, 1976–1983

YearProduction (mt)Information source
1976*SEAFDEC, 1978
1977*SEAFDEC, 1978
1978*SEAFDEC, 1980
1979*SEAFDEC, 1981
1980*SEAFDEC, 1982
1981*Fisheries Department, 1982.
  SEAFDEC, 1983
1982412Fisheries Department, 1983
  SEAFDEC, 1984
1983546Fisheries Department, 1984
 *SEAFDEC, 1985

* Not reported

Table 9.
Length of coastline of Thailand, by region and province


Length (Km) 
   6.Samut Prakan47.2 
   8.Samut Sakhon38.8 
   9.Samut Songkhram21.2 
 11.Prachuab Kririkhan224.8 
 13.Surat Thani156.0 
 14.Nakhon Si Thammarat225.0 
 17.Nara Thiwat59.0 
A.Total for provinces along Gulf 2 614.4
B.Total for provinces in west coast 739.6

Source: Statistical Yearbook of Thailand

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