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2.1 Broodstocks quality

Intensification of shrimp culture production is limited by seed supply. On the other hand, the production of seeds in hatcheries depends on availability of broodstocks and quality of spawners. A healthy spawner is described with illustration in Figure 3.

Shrimp hatcheries still depend on broodstocks obtained from the wild although eye-stalk ablation technique to induce maturation of shrimp has been found to work very well. However, it has been reported to be more expensive to raise breeders in captivity than to buy the wild mature shrimps from the sea. Furthermore, it was found that the ablated shrimps are not good which results to low rate of survival. Fry produced from pond-grown ablated broodstocks are not as hardy as those from spawners obtained from the sea. This may be due to a combination of many factors such as nutrition, genetics and environment (Liao, 1986). More research in these problem areas are necessary.

In Taiwan, this problem is being solved by “sea ranching”. Pond-grown shrimps are released in suitable sites that are protected and recaptured after several months when they are mature. A recovery rate of about 15 percent was considered high enough to be profitable. In the Philippines, perhaps keeping them in enclosures at sea would provide higher recovery rate. This would ensure the supply of shrimp broodstocks all year round, thus, also ensure seed supply of better quality.


Figure 3

Figure 3. Illustration of a healthy spawner
Source: Tong Kuwan Aqua Development Co., Ltd.
RM 4 5F 218 TA Shun 3 Rd, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Province of China

Shrimp ranching has been done in Japan, particularly in Hamana-ko Lagoon. Post-larvae of P. japonicus were released in the lagoon in 1978. For a five-year period, a total of 17.6 million postlarvae were released. This programme has become an extensive programme reaching a total of over 300 million postlarvae released. The main sites of releases were inlets, open or semi-open waters (Figure 4). The result of this programme showed that shrimp production in the area was 2.4 times greater than natural catches in open waters.

The advantages of shrimp ranching are (Uno, 1985):

  1. increased supply of shrimp breeders and increased shrimp production,

  2. stabilized production through adjust ment of the time in releasing the post larvae

  3. additional recruitment to the natural population of shrimp not caught for breeding purposes

Hatchery technique of seed production of P. monodon is known and the application of shrimp ranching under Philippine condition could well be made. The use of sea enclosures like the fishpen would be a good approach to solve shrimp broodstock availability. Juveniles of shrimps produced from hatcheries could be released in coastal waters. However, the government should initiate the programme and set up specific areas for the purpose. Shrimp ranching could be allocated to small fishermen cooperatives in selected areas only. Otherwise, installation of enclosures at sea would also proliferate if not properly controlled. Guidelines for this purpose should be made; releases and recapture of juveniles should also be monitored.

Figure 4

Figure 4. Topography of Hamana-ko Lagoon showing bottom conditions and depth. (1) site of enclosure for nursery culture; (2) mouth of lagoon (Imakiriguchi)
Source: Uno, 1985

2.2 Shrimp hatchery operations

The development of shrimp hatcheries in the Philippines is quite haphazard in the sense that many hatchery facilities sprang up without adequate technical guidance. This was a result of private sector interest and enthusiasm in getting the profits quickly and be ahead of the rat race for money-making. As a consequence, several hatcheries, especially the big ones end up losing money for not being able to operate them viably for several reasons.

Further refinement in hatchery management technique for P. monodon should be made as it is not well established compared to that of P. japonicus in Japan. The research programme on hatchery techniques on P. monodon lacks sustained support and coordination of efforts. Thus, the private sector has been left alone to hit-and-miss affair in their operations. The interest of the private sector is a healthy sign of willingness to take risks. However, capital resources are wasted if the operations do not succeed and the blame almost always go to the inefficiency of the government in providing the right technical assistance and guidance.

Hatchery operations require the following conditions to become successful:

  1. Appropriate design of hatchery facility particularly with respect to quality of water and availability

  2. Supply of healthy spawners

  3. Experienced and knowledgeable technicians conversant with the behavior and feed requirement of shrimp larvae at certain stage of its life cycle

  4. Availability of the appropriate type of feeds

Figure 4a

Figure 4a. Fishing grounds of kuruma shrimp, Penaeus japonicus, in Hamana-ko Lagoon. Figures denote depth in m.
Source: Uno, 1985

In view of the different stages of larval development of the shrimp, specialization of production would perhaps be better to maximize the use of available skills and provide more efficiency in the chain of seed production. This situation has developed in Taiwan as well as in Thailand although in a different context. In Taiwan, several specialized sub-businesses related to shrimp seed production include: (a) spawner supplier; (b) nauplius producer; (c) nauplius broker; (d) early stage postlarvae producer (PL10–PL12); (e) late stage postlarvae producer (PL20–PL35); and (f) postlarvae (PL10–PL35) broker. Figure 5 illustrates the specialized sub-businesses of the prawn industry in Taiwan. A firm or family business enterprise raises its crop to a certain stage of maturity and. sell the crop to the customers with the skill and capacity to raise the larvae to the next higher level of maturity (Liao, 1987). This avoids a total failure of operation of a hatchery if the facility cannot completely produce shrimp postlarvae or juveniles for grow-out use. Specialization also strengthens the seed production base of the shrimp culture industry. This is seen in the Philippine milkfish fry industry where there are the fry gatherers, the brokers and the milkfish nursery operators.

In Thailand, on the other hand, specialization came about as a consequence of over-production of prawn fry resulting in very low prices. The existing hatchery facilities, particularly the backyard prawn hatcheries went into shrimp larvae rearing and live food organism culture. The prawn hatchery operators learned to diversify the use of their facilities for the production of shrimp and marine fish larvae such as P. monodon, P. merguiensis, seabass and grouper according to season and demand. At present there are over 800 backyard prawn hatcheries which specialize in nauplii, postlarvae and food organisms (Csavas, 1988).

Figure 5.

Figure 5. Specialized sub-businesses in the Taiwanese prawn culture industry
Source: Liao, 1988

The same situation has not yet occurred in the Philippines. There are a number of hatchery facilities already lying idle due to failures in hatchery operations not because of overproduction but more on failure in design of hatchery facilities and the lack of skills in hatchery management.

For information on stages of the life history of P. monodon, Table 2 shows the duration in each stage. Figure 6 illustrates the larval stages of the shrimp.

The most difficult stage of the shrimp larvae is the transformation from zoea to mysis stages. Each stage of larval development requires different kind of food. Table 3 summarizes the kinds of food of shrimp larvae from zoea to postlarvae. The feeding regimes during the developmental stages of penaeid shrimp is illustrated in Figure 7.

Table 2. Life history phases of the giant tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon

PhaseBegins atDurationCarapace length (mm)Mode of lifeHabitat
EmbryoFertilization12 hours0.26 1PlanktonicOuter littoral area
LarvaeHatching20 days0.5–2.2PlanktonicOuter/inner littoral area
JuvenileCompletion of gill system15 days2.2–11.0BenthicEstuarine area
AdolescentStability of body proportion,development of outer genitalia4 months11–30 211–37 3BenthicEstuarine area
Sub-adultCommencement of sexual maturity, first copulation4 months30–37 437–47 5BenthicInner/outer littoral area
AdultCompletion of sexual maturity10 months37–71 647–816BenthicOuter littoral area

1Egg diameter
2Minimum size with jointed petasma
3Minimum size with adult-like thelycum
4Minimum size with spermatozoa in terminal ampoules
5Minimum size with spermatozoa with thelycum
6Maximum size ever found
Source: Motoh, 1985

Figure 6

Figure 6. Larval stages of Penaeus monodon A - lateral view; B - ventral view (Source: Motoh, 1985)

Table 3. Feed materials used for shrimp larval stages

(Early: P1–P10)(Later: P11–P25)
 Skeletonema sp.  ++++  Hudinaga, 194
Tetraselmis sp.  ++  Beard, et. al.
Isochrysis sp.++  Beard and Wicki
Chaetoceras sp.++  Hirata, et. al.
Dunaliella sp.--  SEAFDEC, 1981
Spirulina sp. ---  Tang, 1977
Chlamydomonas sp.--  Hudinaga and Kittaka, 1975
Marine chlorella  --  Hudinaga and Kittaka, 1975
Soy bean residue  ++  Hirata, et. al., 1975
Eggs or fertilized eggs of oyster
++++  Liao, 1969
Eggs of Mytilus++++  Kittaka, 1975
Rotifer++++  Liao, 1969
Artemia salina++++  Hudinaga, 1969
Brine shrimp flakes++++  Unknown *
Moina sp.  - Kittaka, 1975
Copepoda  ++++Shigueno, 1968
Gammarus sp.  -++Kittaka, 1975
Balanus sp.  ++++Kittaka, 1975
Nematoda  --Liao, 1969
Annelida   ++Liao, 1969
Clam meat   ++Liao, 1969
Shrimp meat   ++Liao, 1969
Fish meat   +Liao, 1969
 Yeast-   Furukawa, et. al., 1973
Milled feed +++Shigueno, 1975
Sprayed dried feed +++Shigueno, 1975
Microencapsulated diet +++Johnes, et. al., 1979 a, b

NOTE: ++ Good;
+ Available;
- Poor
* Unknown - Origins presently being verified but cannot be substantiated at this time
Source: Liao, 1984

Figure 7

*Community culture method only
Solid lines (—) for most prominent feeding regime
Dashed lines (. . . . .) for occasional, less widely used regime

Figure 7. Schematic representation of feeding regimes for developmental stages of penaeid shrimp and related culture parameters
Source: Liao, 1984

Figure 8

Figure 8. Algae culture using natural light

For larval rearing of P. monodon, some of the essential aspects of postlarvae production based on Taiwan experience and conditions are summarized in Table 4.

Table 4. Some aspects concerning larvae rearing of Penaeus monodon in Taiwan

Sources of spawnerIt is difficult to guarantee source of spawner. Fortunately with unilateral eyestalk ablation technique some 5–10 percent additional spawners can be provided; 20–40 percent depend on. importation and 55–70 percent on wild spawner. Season to capture spawners is from March to November. In the other months spawners supplemented from Southeast Asia.
Number of eggs from one spawnerAround 20–60 × 104
Size of rearing tank for spawning and hatchingLarge tanks are usually not suitable for spawning due to difficulty in collecting large numbers of spawners at any one time; 0.5–1.0 ton small round tanks adequate to hold 1–3 spawners are used. Spawning and hatching in the same tank take place where larvae are reared to mysis stage. Before transfer to larger pond, 30–50 thousand larvae are stocked in each small tank. Larger concrete tanks of 20 tons are used in case more spawners are available.
Sensitivity to lightZoea stage should be kept in comparatively dark shaded area because of high sensitivity to light. After mysis III, larvae become adaptable to light.
Optimal temperature and salinitySuggested water temperature 28–31°C. Salinity for nauplius, zoea stage, 31–33 o/oo after mysis stage, below 30 ‰.
Recommended method for rearing"Monoculture method" recommended. Zoea feed mainly on Skeletonema; mysis on rotifera and Artemia nauplii and postlarvae on Artemia nauplii, minced trash fish or shrimp.
DiseasesMass mortality in zoea and mysis stages resulting from unknown causes, while in postlarval stage may be infected by Epistylis sp. Recently the phenomena of regional and seasonal mass mortality have been reported.
Survival rateUsually P12–15 sold to nursery farmers who raise them to P30–40 averaging 0.02 g before delivery to farmers, from nauplius stage to P12–15, survival rates average 40 percent.
Prices of juvenileNT$300–900/l 000 juveniles (US$7.9–23.7/1 000 juveniles)

Source: Liao, 1984

Significant contributions of research to the shrimp hatchery industry has been done elsewhere, mostly in developed countries. These include the identification of nutritionally good species of algae and strains of Artemia as food organisms of shrimp larvae and the means by which the bio-chemical composition of algae, rotifers and Artemia may be enhanced by altering their nutrient source and rearing conditions. The development of a technique of disinfection and decapsulation of Artemia cyst during hatching has reduced fouling and contamination prior to hatching. The development of microencapsulated feeds for shrimp larvae is a breakthrough in hatchery technology (Wickins, 1986). The use of these imported feed materials are however, costly and small fish farmers are not able to procure them. Techniques of food organism culture have also been developed. Algae or zooplankton culture need not be indoors with sophisticated facilities. The use of plastic bags containing the culture media under a shed outdoors is not difficult to set up as shown in Figure 8. Asia is blessed with adequate sunlight the year round to promote algae culture.

A hatchery design should provide efficiency of water use and conveyance such as a ladder type of hatchery taking advantage of gravity system as shown in Figure 9. Engineering considerations for disease and stress prevention in shrimp hatcheries and grow-out ponds were studied by Gacutan and Vizcarra (1988) which are now being adapted in recent construction of shrimp hatcheries and pond renovations in the Philippines (Appendix 1).

There are three major sizes of hatcheries, namely; large, medium and small. The characteristics of such hatcheries are summarized in Table 5.

Most of the complaints of hatchery operators concern about low survival and disease infections. The low rate of survival may be due to eyestalk ablation. It has been reported that a maximum of 2–3 or 4–5 spawnings are obtained after each process of ablation. Consequently, the health conditions of larvae obtained from the later spawnings are claimed to be poorer than those obtained in earlier spawnings; shrimp larvae obtained from spawners by eyestalk ablation are weaker, hence, lower rates of survival than those obtained from spawners caught from the wild or non-ablated individuals. These observations, however, need confirmation through scientific research to determine the causes of low survival of larvae from ablated spawners (Liao, 1984).

Diseases often result to high losses of hatchery operators. Some of the common diseases encountered in shrimp hatcheries, the symptoms and treatment are summarized in Table 6.

Figure 9

Figure 9. A ladder system hatchery taking advantage of ground slope and water levels
Source: Liao, 1984

Table 5. Distinctive characteristics of three major sizes of hatcheries

OwnershipCompanyFamily or partnerFamily
PersonnelConsultant, super-visor, technicians and workersOwner and experienced workersOwner and worker
Size (unit of pond)600–800 m2 plus excessary tanks(40–60 tons)(1–20 tons)(1–5 tons)
Electricity (generator power)
100 KW50 KW5 KW
Water storage600 tons200 tons10–50 tons
Water treatmentFiltered at the source or UV light treatedFiltered at the source or UV light treatedFiltered at the hatchery
Number of spawners/yr500 spawners200–300 spawners40–50 spawners
Sources of spawnersPrivate shrimp trawler or brokerFishermen or brokerFishermen or broker
Length of active operation (mo/yr)1110–116–8
Maximum capacity(fry/yr)10 000 0005 000 0001 000 000
NurseryNecessaryNecessaryNot necessary
ShippingAirplane, truck or exfarmTruck or exfarmTruck or exfarm

Source: Liao, 1984

Table 6. Diseases found in the developmental stages of penaeid prawn larvae and their control methods

DiseasesAffected partsSymptomsTreatment Life stages affected *References
Bacterial necrosisAppendagesAppearing as localized necrosis or discoloration on any appendage, causing high mortality of zoea and mysis stages, affects postlarvae to a lesser extent.Furanace1.1 ppmZTareen, 1982,
Erythromycin1.5 ppmMI.ightner, 1983
Achromycin1.2 ppmPL 
Vibrio infectionHemolymph, midgut glandIn initial stages of one form, some larvae will show yellow-vermillion and red color permeating entire nervous system. Another form exhibits "white-turbid liver",where the midgut gland of the larvae becomes generally white-turbid. Turbidity becomes more apparent and well-defined as the disease progresses.Furazolidone2.0 ppmPL
Nickelson and Vanderzant, 1971
Terramycin450 mg/kg biomassLewis, 1973
Furanace1.3 ppmShigueno, 1975
  Lightner, 1977
  Johnson, 1983
  Cipriani, et. al., 1980
  Tareen, 1982
  Lightner, 1983
Filamentous bacteriaGills, pleopodsCommonly found attached to the gill filaments and the pleopods, turning blackish when bacteria mix with dirt. If severely affected, the respiratory function of the gill suffers damage.Cutrine plus0.5 ppmPL
Delves-Broughton and Poupard, 1976
Malachite green10 ppm
Streenbergen and Schapiro, 1976
Potassium permanganate
8.5 ppmJohnson, 1978
Cuprous chloride1.0 ppmSolangi, et. al., 1979
  Lightner, et. al., 198
  Tareen, 1982
  Lightner, 1983
Shell diseaseExoskeleton, musclesIf infected by chitinoverous bacteria, the exoskeleton will display eroded blackened areas. The edges or tips of the exoskeleton parts are typically attacked.Also,bacteria can rapidly enter the body through surface breaks to cause internal damage.Malachite green and Formalin combined0.9 ppmPLCook, 1973
 22 ppmDelves-Broughton
Black gill diseaseGillsIn initial stages, gill color turns dull orange-yellow or light brown. When advanced, the area darkens until it is finally black.Malachite green3.0 ppmPLShigueno, 1975
Methylene blue8–10 ppmTareen, 1982
Lagenidium infection Body cavity, appendagesOnly thin-cuticled prawn can be infected, thus larval prawn are highly sensitive. The hyphae appear inside the body of zoea and continue into mysis stage,resulting in massive muscle destruction and heavy mortality of zoea and mysis.TreflanR0.1 ppmZHubschaman and Schmitt, 1969
Malachite green0.01 ppmM Lightner and Fontaine, 1973
   Lightner, 1977
   Johnson, 1978
   Gopalan, et. al.,1980
   Tareen, 1982
   Lightner, 1983
Ectocommensal protozoa:
Ciliate infection(Zoothamnium sp., Epistylis sp.)Gills, eyes, exoskeletonHeavy infestation by Zoothamnium sp. on gills and eyes of larval prawn results in high mortality. Epistylis sp. seems to prefer exoskeleton as Attachment site and is less Harmful. When abundant on gill surface, both can cause hypoxia and death. Addiditionally, their abundant presence on general body surface of larvae may interfere with locomotion,feeding, molting, etc.,Parasite burden increases until ecdysis provides relief.Malachite green and Formalin combined1.0 ppmZJohnson, et. al., 1973
25 ppmMOverstreet, 1973
PLDelves-Broughton and Poupard, 1976
Quinacrine hydrochloride 0.8 ppm Lightner, 1977
Chloramine-T Methylene blue Saponin 10%5.5 ppm Liao, et. al., 1977
 8.0 ppm Johnson, 1978
 5.0 ppm Lightner, et. al., 1980
   Tareen, 1982
   Lightner, 1983
Penaeid baculoviruses (BP, MBV,BMN)Hepatopancreas, anterior midgutPenaeid baculoviruses infect epithelial cells of the hepatopancreas and. less commonly, anterior . midgut, causing high mortality in the postlarval stage.  PLJohnson, 1978
Sano, et. al., 1981
Lightner, 1983
Lightner, et. al., 1983
Couch, 1974
Infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis (IHHN)Hypodermin, hematopoietic organsPrawn dying from acute IHHN show massive destruction of cuticular hypodermis and often of the hematopoietic organs,of glial cells in the nerve cord, and of loose connective tissues such as the subcutis and gul serosa. Only prawn with in a size range of 0.05–1.0 g have been observed to have these epizootics, resulting in massive mortalities (often 80 to 90'percent within two weeks of onset)  PLLightner, 1983
Miscellaneous diseases:
Abnormal naupliiAppendagesOccurs as a result of poor quality of spawner.  NTareen, 1982
Ameobasis of larvaeSubcutis, musclesInvasion of muscles and subcuticular tissues located in the abdomen, cephalothorax, antenna and eyestalks, by unclassified amoeba.  ZLaramore and Barkate, 1979
Lightner, 1983
Larval encrustationExoskeletonBrown to black encrusted deposits which contained iron salts affect larval penaeids.  ZLightner, 1983

* N = nauplius; Z = zoea; M = mysis; and PL = post-larva

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