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Figure 1

Figure 1. Example of soil ponds (drained).

(Source: Milne, 1972)

Figure 2

Figure 2. Example small-scale ponds.

(Source. Milne, 72)

Figure 3

Figure 3. Example small pond with liner

(Source: Milne, 1972)

Figure 4

Figure 4. Example large-scale pond operation

(Source: Infofish International. June 1994)

Figure 5A


(Leaburg State Hatchery, Oregon, U.S.A.)


Figure 5B

Figure 5. Example fattening raceways I

(Source: Huet, 1970)

Figure 6A


Alsea Hatchery, Corvallis, Oregon, U.S.A.)


Figure 6B

Figure 6. Example fattening raceways (II)

(Source: Huet, 1970)

Figure 7

Figure 7. Example large-scale shrimp farm operation.

(Source: Milne, 1972)

Figure 8

Figure 8

Figure 8. Example inshore cages. (I)

(Source: Fishfarming. International. June 1994)

Figure 9

Jaulas “Atlanticor” 5 × 5 mts., dorada y lubina - Etang de Diane (Córcega)
Sea cages model “Atlanticor” 5 × 5 mts., sea bream and sea bass - Etang de Diane (Corsica)
Cages flottantes modèle “Atlanticor” 5 × 5 mts,. daurades et loups - Etang de Diane (Corse)

Figure 9

Jaulas “Colosus” 24 mts. Ø salmòn atlántico - Galicia (España)
Sea cages model “Colosus” 24 mts. Ø atlantic salmón - Galicia (España)
Cages flottantes modèle “Colosus” 24 mts. Ø saumon atlantique - Galicia (España)

Figure 9. Example inshore cages. (II)

(Source: Commercial advertisements)

Figure 10

Figure 10. Farmocean offshore cage unit (Malta).

(Source: Commercial advertisement)

Figure 11

Figure 11. ‘Aquasystem 104’ offshore cage units

(Source: Fishfarming International. June 1994. Commercial advertisement)


01 Lamboeuf, M., A. Mujahid, & N. Elkebir. ‘Reconnaissance survey of the artisanal fishing fleet of Libya.’ TBN No. 1, April 1994. (En/Ar)

02 Bellec, O. ‘Drydocking and refit of RV NOUR and voyage of vessel to Valetta, Malta.’ TBN No. 2, April 1994. (En/Ar)

03 Meaden, G.J. ‘Background notes and prospects for a Libyan marine fisheries Geographical Information System.’ TBN No. 3, April 1994. (En)

04 Reynolds, J.E. & M. Lamboeuf. ‘1993 Libyan fisheries frame survey planning & preparation workshop.’ TBN No. 4, April 1994. (En)

05 Medina Pizzali, A.F. ‘Technical evaluation and recommendations for the Sabratahh fish cannery.’ TBN No. 5, April 1994. (En/Ar - Limited Distribution)

06 Reynolds, J.E. & M. Lamboeuf. ‘1993 Libyan fisheries frame survey: Data handling/dBase management workshop.’ TBN No. 6, May 1994. (En)

07 Reynolds, J.E. ‘Proceedings of the joint MBRC/FAO staff workshop on research training programme development (Tajura, 6 January 1994).’ TBN No. 7, May 1994. (En/Ar)

08 Lamboeuf, M. ‘Notes on the marine resources survey planning workshop (MBRC, Tajura, 31 January 1994).’ TBN No. 8, May 1994. (En/Ar)

09 Medina Pizzali, A.F. ‘Interim report on the national fish handling & processing facilities survey: Workshop proceedings (MBRC, Tajura, 26 March 1994).’ TBN No. 9, May 1994. (En/Ar)

10 Vallet, F. ‘Proposals for MBRC aquaculture facility rehabilitation.’ TBN No. 10, May 1994. (En)

11 Reynolds, J.E., M. Lamboeuf, A. Ben Abdallah, A. Abukhader, R. Abdulbari, & A. Nafati. ‘Preliminary findings of the 1993 Libyan marine fisheries frame survey: Workshop proceedings.’ TBN No. 11, June 1994. (En/Ar)

12 Magsoudi, M. & F. Vallet (eds.) ‘MEDRAP II Artemia Workshop (Libya) & Southern salt lakes mission.’ TBN No. 12, July 1994. (En/Ar)

13 Lamboeuf, M., A. Ben Abdallah, J. Sutherland, & E. Ansel.‘Libya trawl survey: Preliminary results of the first coverage.’ TBN No. 13, July 1994. (En)

14 Lamboeuf, M., A. Amer, R. Abdulbari, & S. Zgozi. ‘Calibration of SIMRAD EK500 scientific sounder - RV NOUR .’ TBN No. 14 (Rev. 1) June 1995. (En - Limited Distribution. Revision/update July 1994 issue)

15 Meaden, G.J. & J.E. Reynolds. ‘Establishing a marine fisheries GIS: the Libyan experience.’ TBN No. 15, Sept. 1994. (En)

16 Lamboeuf, M. & J.E. Reynolds. ‘The fishing fleet of Libya: preliminary results of the 1993 frame survey.’ TBN No. 16, Oct. 1994. (En)

17 Medina Pizzali, A.F., F. Vallet, & M. Magsoudi. ‘Proposal for an integrated small-scale solar salt and brine shrimp production unit.’ TBN No. 17, Oct. 1994. (En)

18 Vallet, F. ‘Ponds and raceways: Proposals for small-scale model fish farms.’ TBN No. 18, Nov. 1994. (En/Ar)

19 Fituri, A. & F. Vallet. ‘Investigation of Ain Kaam farm shrimp mortality: preliminary findings.’ TBN No. 19, Nov. 1994. (En/Ar - Restricted).

20 Lamboeuf, M. & Ben Abdallah. ‘Libya trawl survey: Preliminary results of the second coverage.’ TBN No. 20, Dec. 1994. (En)

21 Vallet, F. & J.E. Reynolds, (eds.) ‘Review of aquaculture fundamentals & the LIBFISH Aqua component programme: Workshop proceedings.’ TBN No. 21, Jan. 1995. (En).

22 Ben Abdallah, A., A. Sanousi & J.E. Reynolds (eds.) ‘RV NOUR ‘Workshop Afloat’ and vessel operations training review.’ TBN No. 22, Feb. 1995 (En).

23 El Sherif, R., A. Nafati, & S. El Ajnaf. ‘Seasonal variation of fat and moisture content in small pelagic fish of Libya.’ TBN No. 23, Feb. 1995 (En/Ar)

24 Meaden, G. J. ‘GIS and Marine Fisheries Development for Libya: Workshop Notes.’ TBN No. 24, April, 1995 (En).

25 Medina Pizzali, A.F. et. al. ‘Technical evaluation of three Tripoli fish markets.’ TBN No. 25, May 1995 (En/Ar).

26 Lamboeuf, M. ‘Libyan marine resource assessment: trawl survey results, 1993–94.’ TBN No. 26, Aug. 1995 (En).

27 Medina Pizzali, A.F. et al. ‘Introduction of chilled sea water (CSW) holding systems for the lampara fleet.’ TBN No. 27, Sept. 1995 (En/Ar).

28 Lamboeuf, M. ‘Libyan marine resource assessment: acoustic survey results, 1994.’ TBN No. 28, Sept. 1995 (En).


01 Goanec, M. lsquo;RV NOUR 1993–1994: Chief Engineer's report.’ FD No. 1, June 1994. (En - Limited Distribution)

02 Reynolds, J.E., M. Lamboeuf, A. Ben Abdallah, A. Abukhader, R. Abdulbari, & A. Nafati. ‘Libyan coastal fisheries.’ FD No. 2, Sept 1995. (En - July 1994 draft under revision)

03 Ababouch, L., A.F. Medina Pizzali (Eds.). ‘Training workshop on fish handling and quality assurance (MBRC, Tajura, Oct. 1994).’ FD No. 3, July 1995 (En - Limited Distribution. Original draft Dec. 1994).

04 Sutherland, J. ‘RV NOUR 1993–1994: Captain/Masterfisher's report.’ FD No. 4, Dec. 1994 (En-Limited Distribution)

05 Ansel, E. ‘RV NOUR 1993–1994: Fishing technology.’ FD No. 5, Dec. 1994 (En - Limited Distribution)

06 Kessler, W. ‘RV NOUR 1994: Chief Engineer's report.’ FD No. 6, Feb. 1995 (En - Limited Distribution)

07 Reynolds, J.E and Dawid, D.S. ‘Project Performance Evaluation Reports (Nov. 1993; June, Sept. & Dec. 1994).’ FD No. 7, Feb. 1995 (En-Limited Distribution)

08 Dawid, D.S. and Reynolds, J.E ‘Project Performance Evaluation Summary Update: March 1995.’ FD No. 8, Mar 1995 (En/Ar - Limited Distribution)

09 Reynolds, J.E. et al. ‘Planning for aquaculture development in Libya: A review.’ FD 9. Sept. 1995 (En).

For further information please contact: Project Manager, LIBFISH
International Mail:Tajura Office:
 LIB/88/009 - GCP/LIB/021/IsDB Marine Biology Research Centre
 UNDP Tripoli P.O. Box 30830
 Palais des Nations Tajura, LIBYA

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