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1. Introduction

The above-mentioned report covers the mission of Mr. Carlos A. Lima Dos Santos to Sri Lanka. The mission was undertaken within the framework of Project TCP/SRL/6614. The scope was to evaluate the actual status of the implementation of inspection and quality assurance of farmed shrimp products within the country with a view to providing recommendations for corrections and improvements, if so needed. It was also intended to train a group of core personnel from the government and industry in the field of the design and application of the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) concept to shrimp farmed products. The Officer's Terms of Reference and itinerary are herewith attached as Annex I and II, respectively.

2. Summary of events

During the mission, visits were made to five shrimp farms and five shrimp processing plants. Relevant information regarding the actual status of HACCP implementation by the shrimp industry was obtained. Complementary information on shrimp aquaculture and national activities on fish inspection and quality control was received throughout the mission during various interviews with Senior Government Officials and Officials from the Private Sector (list of persons met is included in ANNEX III).

The scheduled national workshop was held at Pambala from 4–6 August 1998, and a group of 15 core persons was successfully trained on the design and application of the HACCP-concept in the shrimp farming and processing sector. A second group of 22 persons also received introductory training on the application of the HACCP-concept in the fish industry in general. This training took place during the National Workshop on the Introduction and Auditing of HACCP Systems, organised by FAO/DANIDA/INFOFISH and held in Wattala from 28–31 July 1998. The curricula and lists of participants are attached as ANNEX IV and ANNEX V.

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