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Review of Programmes 1

87. The Council noted the comments of the Programme Committee with regard to the Investment Centre, the FAO/Industry Cooperative Programme, Freedom from Hunger/Action for Development, FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme, the definitions of the three categories of FAO meetings, FAO National Committees, CERES, evaluation of the AGRIS programme, and the action taken with regard to FAO's publications programme.

88. In connexion with the proposal to engage consultant writers to write special in-depth articles, the Council noted that this would not completely nullify the savings which had already been made through the abolition of certain posts which had previously been devoted to press releases. With regard to the proposed discontinuation of advertising in CERES beginning in January 1977, the Council noted that, although the full financial and budgetary consequences of this had not yet been fully worked out, it was not expected that the loss of revenue would of itself have any adverse effects on the publication.

89. On the question of language training, the Council fully supported the intention of the Director-General to establish a greater degree of equality among the working languages of the Organization. It felt that while in recruitment the primary criteria in selection of candidates should continue to be technical qualifications and the observance of national quotas, more attention should be given to the avoidance: of discrimination in favour of one language.

90. The Council noted that changes were to be made in the structure of the Programme of Work and Budget for 1978-79 and a more systematic programme of Regular Programme evaluation was to be introduced. The Council therefore agreed with the recommendation of the Programme Committee that further consideration of the question of continuation of the regular four year cycle of programme reviews by the Programme Committee for the Council should be deferred until the autumn 1977 session of the Council. In the meantime, the Programme Committee would further consider this matter in detail so as to be in a position to make concrete recommendations to the Council. 2

Level and Format of the 1978–79 Programme of Work and Budget 3

Level of the Budget

91. The Council concurred in the Director-General's view that it would hardly be practicable or in the interest of the Organization to announce an indicative budget level for 1978–79 at the current Council Session.

92. The Council noted in this connexion the difficulties at this stage of predicting cost increases still to materialize in 1977 as well as those for 1978–79, and that these difficulties were compounded by the uncertainty of exchange rates of the various currencies in which the Organization's expenses were incurred.

93. The Council therefore agreed with the Director-General that its first discussion of the budget level for 1978–79 should be deferred until it considered the Summary Budget at its Seventy-First Session, at which time it would also have the benefit of the views of the Programme and Finance Committees.

94. The Council noted the Director-General's outline of his overall strategy for 1978–79, which was to:

– eliminate low-priority and ineffective activities:

– further reduce documentation and meetings;

– avoid staff increases at Headquarters;

– within a given budget level, meet commitments already undertaken and new priority programmes proposed by Member Governments;

– consolidate the Technical Cooperation Programme;

– pursue the setting up of FAO Representative Offices in countries;

– give attention to measures likely to promote greater use of national institutions and greater cooperation between developing countries.

95. The Council supported the overall approach of the Director-General which was pragmatic, cautious and realistic. In this context, a few members referred to the need to review the Technical Cooperation Programme before the next Conference. A number of members made suggestions concerning possible reductions and strengthening of certain programmes and requested the Director-General to take these into account, along with other proposals from various technical bodies, Council Committees, and the Regional Conferences, in formulating his proposals for the next Programme of Work and Budget.

Format of Programme of Work and Budget 1978–79

96. The Council recalled that the Programme Committee had recommended 4 and the Council and Conference had endorsed 5/ a review of the programme structure during the current biennium. It welcomed the Director-General's paper (CL 70/28) which set out clearly and concisely the various issues, options and recommendations.

97. The Council agreed that it was not possible completely and simultaneously to satisfy all the needs of Governing Bodies, programme management, harmonization of Programmes of Work and Budget in the UN system, the unified programme, integration of sources of funds, and reduction of documentation. It agreed with the Director-General that it was most important to:

(a) facilitate discussions in the Governing Bodies and help them focus on the essential issues and priorities, and

(b) provide the best possible tool for management of the Organization.

It considered the three options presented by the Director-General and endorsed the option chosen by the Director-General, as set out in CL 70/28-Corr.3. Whether this would prove to be fully satisfactory could only be judged after some years' experience.

98. The Council noted that most of the recommendations of the Programme Committee had been taken into account. It agreed that the concept of a lead division/department was an appropriate means of linking programmes to organizational units while allowing for interdisciplinary programmes.

99. Several suggestions were made for detailed changes in the structure, particularly concerning the fields of rural development, nutrition, and fishery and forestry resources (including tropical forestry). The Council noted that the Director-General would take these into consideration as well as other detailed changes which may become necessary when the content of programmes was finalized during the preparation of the Programme of Work and Budget.

100. With respect to the narratives, the Council agreed with the recommendations of the Programme and Finance Committees that a further section should be added in the narratives concerning the progress achieved in the previous biennium. The Council welcomed the provision of integrated information on extra-budgetary programmes.

101. The Council generally agreed that the main narratives should be at the programme rather than the sub-programme level as in the past. It noted however with approval that the Director-General would be ready as appropriate to provide additional detail at sub-programme level in the Programme and Finance Committees, and also to delegates with particular interests. On this basis, the Council welcomed the planned reduction in the size of the document as facilitating dialogue and consensus on the main issues and priorities by Governing Bodies.

Regular Programme Evaluation 6

102. The Council recalled that the Seventeenth Conference Session had suggested the institution of an approach to evaluation of the Regular Programme similar to that contained in the Review of Field Programmes 7 and that the Eighteenth Conference Session defined the purpose of such evaluation as a means of learning which activities were most effective in serving the needs of Member Nations. 8

103. The Council fully supported the Director-General's proposal in CL 70/29 not only to meet the above Conference recommendations but also to develop an approach to evaluation which, together with the new programme structure and the management information system, would improve internal programme formulation and management control on a continuing basis.

104. The Council noted that the most important feature of the Director-General's approach was to make evaluation the day-to-day responsibility of all managers and that the primary purpose was not so much to evaluate past efforts but to improve future programmes. Evaluation was thus an essential input to programme formulation and management as well as a means of assessing results. The Council approved the proposal of the Director-General to place the Evaluation Service as a separate service in the Office of Programme and Budget, while stressing the need for maintaining objectivity and independence of the evaluation activity. It was agreed that external experts and national institutions should be used where appropriate.

105. The Council agreed with the proposals to keep separate the reports on the Field and Regular Programmes, and to be pragmatic and flexible in the type of system to be developed. Although it had not been possible at this stage to define fully the type of system, since the initial period would be for gaining experience, it was felt that early steps should be taken to develop indicators and criteria. It agreed that there should be a biennial report to the Conference, similar to the Review of Field Programmes. The Council also considered that special reports could be requested by any of the Governing Bodies. It was suggested that the Technical Cooperation Programme might be one of the early topics for such a report.

106. In this context, the Council noted that the Programme Committee had considered whether its four-year cycle of programme reviews should be replaced by reviews based on evaluation reports. 9

107. With respect to the timing and coverage of the biennial report to the Conference, the Council agreed that it should cover the just-concluding biennium (e.g. the 1979 Conference would consider the report for 1978–79). While this would mean that the review of the last six months of the biennium would be somewhat speculative, this was preferable to a report (for 1978–79) to the following (1981) Conference which would be almost two years out of date.

Progress Report on Decentralization to the Country Level 10

108. The Chairman of the Programme Committee, after drawing the Council's attention to its earlier decision on decentralization measures, stated that action was being concentrated, in the initial stage, on the upgrading and strengthening of FAO representation at country level. The Thirty-Eighth Finance Committee Session had emphasized the need for Governments to contribute towards local costs, for a clear definition of the role and functions of FAO Representatives, and for a gradual transition from the SAA/CR scheme to full FAO representation. Information had been communicated to the Thirty-First Programme Committee Session on the progress reached in discussions with Member Governments, on the criteria which would guide the Director-General in implementing requests received from them, and on the improvement of FAO/UNDP relations on various subjects of common interest, including FAO representation at country level.

109. The Council heard a progress report by the Secretariat, stating the results achieved to date, emphasizing the ready response of Governments to the Director-General's communication on the subject to Ministers of Agriculture, outlining the methodology followed in negotiations with Governments on their possible contributions towards local facilities and the favourable outcome of the FAO/UNDP dialogue on the continuation of the SAA/CR scheme in 1977.

110. Nineteen Governments had already written to the Director-General requesting the establishment of FAO Representatives' offices, negotiations had been completed by missions to three countries, and two agreements had already been approved by the Director-General, to which Governments' replies were expected, Several other negotiating missions were either under way or in preparation.

111. Discussions with UNDP had led to an agreement on the best way to utilize most of the 36 SAA/CR/years earmarked by UNDP for 1977, with a view to ensuring as complete a coverage as possible of member countries requiring such services and maintaining sufficient flexibility to permit continuous adjustment to actual countries' needs.

112. In the discussions, while some members stated the need for a wider coverage of expertise in FAO Representatives' offices than was immediately possible within the financial resources available, the majority recognized that the main difficulty would be to strike a balance between the necessity to appoint persons of sufficient stature as FAO Representatives and the need to meet an expanding demand for more FAO offices at country level.

113. The Council was informed that the detailed terms of reference of FAO Representatives were still being elaborated, along the line of the document attached to the Director-General'sletter to Ministers of Agriculture. Discussions with UNDP, during which a constructive spirit of partnership and mutual understanding had prevailed, had resulted in defining better the relationship, at country level, between FAO Representatives and UNDP Resident Representatives. There would continue to be close collaboration between the Director-General and the Administrator in that regard.

114. The. Council noted with satisfaction the Director-General's rapid and pragmatic approach to the question of decentralization along the lines agreed upon at its Sixty-Ninth Session.

The Use of National Institutions 11

115. The Council noted with satisfaction that document CL 70/23, as amended by the Programme and Finance Committees, reflected considerable progress in establishing a policy framework for the use of national institutions. It welcomed the Director-General's pragmatic and flexible approach, which it hoped would contribute to a further increase in the use of such institutions in 1977 and in the next biennium. The Council in particular supported the Director-General's conclusion that the use of national institutions, especially in developing countries, was an important element in the strategy of decentralization to the country level and implementation of the Technical Cooperation Programme, and shared his hope that the use of such institutions for the TCP would act as a catalyst for similar initiatives in the extra-budgetary programmes.

116. There was also general agreement with the Programme Committee that national institutions could be grouped into three broad categories:

(i) Highly qualified and experienced institutions in developed and developing countries, which would be called upon to carry out various tasks for FAO.

(ii) Institutions that had not yet reached a point of development and expertise that would justify calling upon them to carry out FAO activities. Such institutions, when located in developing countries, should - upon request from the government concerned - continue to be provided with institution-building assistance with a view to increasing their competence.

(iii) In between the two extremes described above, there were no doubt institutions in developing countries which, with only a little assistance or outside support to fill specific gaps in their experience and technical capacity, would be able to carry out FAO activities satisfactorily. In such cases, assistance might be supplied concurrently with arrangements for carrying out an FAO activity, or a team arrangement might be worked out between such an institution and a highly qualified institution of the type described in category (i), above.

117. The Council felt that positive discrimination, or “selected incentive” should be the guiding principle in dealing with national institutions falling into category (iii), particularly as such institutions were often in a better position to deal with problems pertaining to development in their own and other developing countries, than the institutions of the industrialized world. It was also stressed, however, that the idea of competition between institutions from developed and developing countries should be replaced by that of cooperation, and in this connection the desirability of fostering “twinning” arrangements was emphasized. The Council recognized the importance of using national institutions in the context of promoting technical cooperation among developing countries.

118. The Council agreed that the objectives of quality, timeliness and cost-effectiveness, as well as that of strengthening of institutions in developing countries, had tended in previous discussions to become confused; while the two objectives should be kept distinct, they should be given equal emphasis in programme implementation. It would be necessary to review, periodically, the results of the work undertaken, to determine what benefits had accrued to the institutions, the countries and to FAO. For such reviews, evaluative criteria would be required which took into account not only primary benefits, in programme execution, but also the secondary, derivative benefits to the institutions. The Council expressed the hope that these reviews would become part of the proposed arrangements for the evaluation of the Regular Programme activities of the Organization. The importance of obtaining government agreement and support for the use of national institutions was underlined; the Council felt that government involvement was especially relevant to the questions of accountability, and of the balance of external and local inputs. 12

119. The Council also agreed that more work should be done in the immediate future on the inventory of institutions specialized in agriculture, forestry and fisheries, making use of information already available, supplemented by what governments would provide, and by the investigation and appraisal work of FAO staff at Headquarters and in the regions, all of which would also contribute to the UN-wide exercise coordinated by UNDP. Note was taken, in this connection, of the already existing European cooperative networks of research institutions. It would also be useful to have clearer descriptions of the types of activities which FAO would entrust to such institutions. While appreciating the Director- General's feeling that the definition of what constituted a national institution should not be too restrictive, some clarification would be needed to ensure that truly indigenous institutions, with national staff, would be the beneficiaries of the policy. Finally, the Council supported the Programme Committee in its hope that UNDP would continue to draw on the technical capacity and experience of FAO in dealing with institutions specialized in agriculture, forestry and fisheries for direct execution of field projects.

Report on Unscheduled Sessions of FAO Bodies in 1976 13

120. The Council noted that no unscheduled sessions had been approved since the list of sessions had been approved by the Sixty-Ninth Session of the Council. It noted, however, that one session had been cancelled. Details of this are given below:

Sub-Prog.Session No.Title of SessionEst. Cost $Reason for Cancellation 705Sub-Committee of COINS on Agricultural Statistics (FAO/IASI Joint Machinery on Agricultural Statistics for Latin American Region)1 7001976 session cancelled at request of IASI, who were responsible for servicing it

Calendar of Sessions for 1976–77 of the Council and of Those Bodies which Report to the Council 14

121. The Council examined the draft calendar of sessions of the Council and of those bodies which report to it. After a discussion it approved the revised calendar given in Appendix E , on the understanding that the Fifty-First CCP Session would consider whether it was necessary to hold a brief session in autumn 1977 as well, in which case the CCP would submit a proposal to this effect to the Seventy-First Council Session.

Financial Matters

Financial Position of the Organization15

Status of Contributions

122. The Council noted that the percentage of current contributions received at 3 December 1976 was 90.69 percent compared to 90.20 and 94.02 percent at the same dates in 1975 and 1974 respectively. Generally speaking, the rate of collection during the first eleven months of 1976 was not as good as in 1974 while the record during the first six months was also unfavourable when compared to that of 1975. This reflected a disquieting trend towards later payment by a number of Member Nations.

123. The Council recalled that Financial Regulation 5.5 required Member Nations, in practice, to pay their contributions by mid-Febrary each year. It agreed with the Finance Committee that, given the relatively small size of the Working Capital Fund, delays could lead to serious financial problems for the Organization in executing its Programme of Work.

124. The Council further agreed with the Finance Committee that although the fiscal year for many Member Nations did not correspond with the Calendar Year used by FAO, this did not prevent those governments from anticipating the necessary budgetary provisions in order to be able to meet their obligations to the Organization when due. While such an adjustment in their appropriation pattern would represent a one-time problem for the Member Nations concerned, their failure to take such action would mean that the Organization could be faced with financial difficulties each and every year in the future.

125. The Council therefore appealed to Member Nations to make adjustments, as necessary, to their appropriation patterns so that the Organization might receive contributions when due.

126. At the same time the Council called on all Member Nations and especially those in arrears, to pay amounts presently outstanding at the earliest possible moment. 16

Audited Accounts 17

– Regular Programme 1974–75

– United Nations Development Programme 1975

– World Food Programme 1975

127. The Council reviewed the above accounts and noted the External Auditor's comments thereon.

Regular Programme 1974–75

128. The Council endorsed the Finance Committee's view that there was a need for im provement in internal control in some areas, and that the presentation of issues and recommendations in the External Auditor's Report should be sharpened. It noted that since the Director-General's reactions were included in the Report on the Annual Audited Accounts, supplemented as necessary in the Report of the Finance Committee, it was not necessary to provide an additional report on action to be taken on the External Auditor's Report. It agreed however with the Committee's request for a report on progress on various items under ''Regular Programme Accounts'' at its next Session.

129. With reference to the External Auditor's comment on the unspent balance in the UNDP Agency Cost Account as of 31 December 1975 ($5.4 million), the Council noted that this had arisen as a result of increased programme delivery in 1975, favourable exchange rate developments, and the effect of transfers of posts from the Agency Cost budget to the Regular Programme budget. The Council agreed that the Director-General's action in reserving these funds was appropriate, particularly in the light of the present uncertainties as regards Agency Cost developments, and noted that the Finance Committee was keeping the matter under review.

130. The Council approved the Director-General's proposal that in view of the element in the savings under UNDP Agency Costs that had accrued in 1976 on account of favourable exchange rate developments, the remaining four annual instalments due to UNDP in 1977–1980, in respect of Agency Cost over-drawings made prior to 31 December 1971, be repaid immediately in full.

UNDP, 1975

131. The Council took note of the management deficiencies reported by the External Auditor and after considering some of the detailed points, in particular the Sericulture project and the computerized network system, endorsed the need for improvement in the present project management system. It noted that the Finance Committee would be watching developments on this.

World Food Programme, 1975

132. The Council noted that the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes of the United Nations/FAO World Food Programme, at its Second Session (November 1976) 18, had approved the request made by the Executive Director through the Finance Committee that the 1975 excess of $149 584 on Technical Advisory, Administration and Servicing costs over the budgeted expenditure be covered from overhead income under the Food Aid Convention.

133. The Council noted that a consolidated draft resolution to cover the adoption by the Conference of the Audited Accounts of the Regular Programme 1974–75, the United Nations Development Programme 1975, and the World Food Programme 1975, together with the Accounts to be examined by the Council at its 1977 pre-Conference Session, would be submitted by the Council to the Nineteenth Conference Session.

Cost Measurement System 19

134. The Council noted that the total support costs as shown by the Cost Measurement System, compared with agency earnings, continued to exceed those earnings by significant amounts as follows:


135. The Council agreed with the Finance Committee that with regard to UNDP and WFP , everything possible should be done to keep support costs within the level of reimbursement provided by those Programmes, either through increased reimbursements or through operational efficiency or both.

136. With regard to Trust Funds, the Council concurred in the Finance Committee's recommendation that the Director-General be authorized to continue using his discretion in accepting Trust Funds and that support costs incurred in excess of Project Servicing Cost Earnings should continue to be paid from the Regular Programme, subject to annual review by the Finance Committee of the results of the Cost.Measurement System. The Council also concurred with the Finance Committee that there was a continuing need for selectivity in the acceptance of Trust Funds, particularly in regard to small Trust Funds.

137. The Council concurred with the Finance Committee that the Cost Measurement System should be continued at least until the results of the UNDP Governing Council's review of the present reimbursement formula in June 1977 were known.

Use of Working Capital Fund 20

Foot-and-Mouth Disease Emergency Operations in South-East Europe

138. The Council recalled that at its Eighteenth Session the Conference 21 had stressed that any withdrawals from the Working Capital Fund under the Director-General's authority to undertake emergency action should be made on a reimbursable basis, but noted that the Conference Resolutions 22 which govern such withdrawals did not make this entirely clear.

139. Noting that reimbursement had not been obtained in respect of a withdrawal of $112 854 made from the Fund in 1974 to purchase equipment needed urgently for the purpose of meeting an emergency situation in South-East Europe the Council endorsed the Finance Committee's recommendation that in view of all the circumstances, the Working Capital Fund be reimbursed from the 1974–75 cash surplus. The Council stressed however that this action should no t be considered to constitute a precedent.

140. The Council accordingly adopted the following resolution to withhold $112 854 from allocation among Member Nations under Financial Regulation 6.1(b) :

Resolution 1/70



Considering that the Director-General under the provisions of Conference Resolution 17/69 and acting on the recommendation of the Advisory Panel of Experts set up to advise him on initial control measures in livestock emergencies and after consultation with the Chairman of the Finance Committee, had withdrawn $150 000 from the Working Capital Fund to help contain an outbreak of Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Turkey in late 1973,

Noting that the cost of these measures was $112 854,

Recalling that the Conference, at its Fifteenth Session, had urged Member Nations to treat such assistance as a repayable loan, whenever possible, while recognizing that in many cases it would be inappropriate to press for repayment from countries receiving assistance from this source,

Noting further that while these resources were used for the protection of Turkey's own livestock industry they also served in a most important way for the protection of Europe as a whole,

Noting further that the Government of Turkey had informed the Organization that it was not in a position to effect reimbursement,

1. Recommends to the Conference that the Working Capital Fund be reimbursed in respect of the expenditure of $112 854, from the 1974–75 cash surplus;

2. Directs the Director-General to postpone allocation of $112 854 of the 1974–75 cash surplus until the Conference has an opportunity to consider the matter.

141. The Council furthermore recommended the following draft resolution for adoption by the Conference:




Noting that the Director-General under the provisions of Conference Resolution 17/69 and acting on the recommendation of the Advisory Panel of Experts set up to advise him on initial control measures in livestock emergencies and after consultation with the Chairman of the Finance Committee, had withdrawn $150 000 from the Working Capital Fund to help contain an outbreak of Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Turkey in late 1973,

Noting that $112 854 had been expended out of this withdrawal,

Further noting that the Council has directed that the disposition of $112 854 of the cash surplus for 1974–75 be postponed pending review of the matter by the Conference,

Recalling that in accordance with Financial Regulation 6.5(b) advances made from the Working Capital Fund to finance emergency expenditures shall be reimbursed by such method as the Conference determines,

Decides that , notwithstanding the provisions of Financial regulation 6.1(b), $112 8 54 of that surplus shall be withheld and used to reimburse the Working Capital Fund.

Emergency Actions to Control Livestock Diseases and Initial Control Activities against Desert Locust

142. The Council recalled that at its Sixty-Ninth Session 23 it had requested the Director - General to investigate the possibility and desirability of rationalizing emergency activities under the Technical Cooperation Programme with those already provided for within the Working Capital Fund. Having noted:

  1. that under the terms of the relevant Conference directives, emergency assistance financed from the Working Capital Fund is on a reimbursable basis, whilst assistance under the Technical Cooperation Programme is not reimbursable;
  2. that livestock and crop pest emergencies are often regional in scope whereas the Technical Cooperation Programme focusses on countries;
  3. that financing emergencies from the Working Capital Fund provided a measure of certainty of availability of funds on a continuing basis,

the Council decided that a decision on this matter be deferred until 1978–79, pending experience in the concurrent operations of the provision for emergencies in the Technical Cooperation Programme and the existing provision in the Working Capital Fund.

Separation Payments Scheme - Report on the Financial Implications 24

143. The Council recalled that at its Sixty-Sixth Session, when reviewing recommendations on General Service salaries and allowances 25, it had decided that a separation payments scheme should be established with effect from 1 January 1975. It had also authorized the Finance Committee to decide on the details of implementation on its behalf.

144. The Council noted that the Finance Committee reviewed the implications of the scheme at its Thirty-Fifth Session, when the Committee had asked the Director-General to prepare a report on the financial implications of the scheme. Subsequently, at its Thirty-Seventh Session, the Committee reviewed the Director-General's report, which was supported by a report on the Scheme made by an Actuary.

145. The Council noted that, on the basis of the information provided to the Committee and after thorough consideration of the various factors involved, the Committee had decided that a fund should be established to assist in meeting the Organization's liabilities under the Scheme; that initially funding should be at the rate of 20 percent of the full funding rate of 8 percent of net base salary (as recommended by the Actuary) in respect of Regular Programme funded staff; and that funding for staff funded from Agency Cost Earnings and staff paid from Extra-Budgetary funds should be at the full actuarial funding rate of 8 percent. The Council recognized that the Committee's decisions on the funding represented an interim solution only.

146. The Council concurred in the Finance Committee's conclusions that a Separation Payments Scheme Fund be established. It agreed that the amount of $120 000 estimated to be required for the funding of the Scheme for Regular Programme funded staff, over and above the amount provided for separation payments in the Regular Programme Budget for 1976–77, be met from savings and, failing this, from any cash surplus remaining at the end of the 1976–77 biennium. In the event that a cash surplus should not arise, the Council agreed that the Finance Committee should give the matter further consideration at its 1977 Autumn Session.

147. The Council took note that the adequacy of the actuarial funding rate would be kept under review.

148. On the basis of the Finance Committee's recommendation the Council also agreed that the Separation Payments Scheme be amended to fall in line with local practice. Accordingly payment should be made, with effect from 1 January 1975, at the rate of one month's pay for each year of service, computed on the basis of the net salary of the month of termination of contract rather than on the basis of one-twelfth of the net salary over the last year of service.

Emoluments of the Deputy Director-General 26

149. The Council was informed that the recommendations of the International Civil Service Commission, would have consequences as regards the emoluments of the Deputy Director-General and his conditions of service.

150. Accordingly the Council adopted the following resolution:

Resolution 2/70



Having noted the recommendations of the International Civil Service Commission to the United Nations General Assembly, on salaries and allowances of staff in the Professional and higher categories which, if approved, will become effective on 1 January 1977,

1. Authorizes that the annual salary of the Deputy Director-General be adjusted from 1 January 1977 to the following amount: gross salary US$ 76 030; net salary at the dependency rate US$43 872; net salary at the single rate US$39 801; Post Adjustment for one class amounts to US$ 1 810 at the dependency rate or US$1 642 at the single rate, subject to amendments approved by the General Assembly;

2. Authorizes that the system of allowances and other benefits be amended from 1 January 1977 in the same way as that of other staff in the Professional and higher categories.

Allowance for the Chairman of the Appeals Committee 27

151. The Council approved the proposal of the Director-General that in view of changed circumstances, in particular cost increases in recent years, the Chairman of the Appeals Committee be paid an amount of $2 500 per annum with effect from 1 January 1977, to be found from savings in the Regular Programme.

Other Programme, Budgetary, Financial and Administrative Matters; Work of Thirtieth and Thirty-First Sessions of the Programme Committee, and Thirty-Seventh and Thirty-Eighth Sessions of the Finance Committee

Associate Expert Scheme Overhead Costs 28

152. The Council recalled that at its Sixty-Ninth Session one member had intervened, requesting that the question of overhead expenses on Associate Expert Schemes be reviewed.

153. Some members considered that the Associate Expert Scheme was not comparable with other Trust Funds, and furthermore that information about the support actually provided and the cost of the different elements of such support was not evident, or clear enough to remove all doubt about the need to charge 12 percent.

154. The Council noted that overhead charges on Associate Expert Schemes were levied in accordance with the Council's directives 29, that the services for which overhead costs were levied were specified in the Manual, and that the existing practice was broadly the same in nearly all UN organizations, including the UNDP.

155. The Council recognized the contribution of the Scheme to FAO. Whilst appreciating the value of the asistance provided to field projects, it also felt that benefits were obtained by donor countries and by Associate Experts in gaining experience in development work.

156. The Council concluded that, in the light of all the factors and in view of the recommendations of both the Programme and Finance Committees, the present levy of 12 percent should be maintained.

Classification of Posts 30

157. The Council recalled that, at its Sixty-Sixth Session, it had approved the recommendation of the Finance Committee to the effect that current and future posts should be classified according to whether they were continuing, continuing to be filled on a fixed-term basis, or non-continuing, and that the result should be entered in the Programme of Work and Budget.

158. The Council noted that the Director-General had completed the classification, taking into account the programme re-directions. It also noted that the Director-General had embarked upon matching as far as possible the type of appointment of individual staff members to posts, in accordance with the criteria previously approved by the Council. The Council assured the Director-General of its support in resisting any pressures tending to counteract the abolishing of activities and vacant posts which were no longer truly effective.

Amendments to Staff Regulations 31

Amendment to Staff Regulation 301.136 - Part-time Staff

159. The Council noted the report of the Finance Committee on the proposal by the Director- General to amend Staff Regulation 301.136 'Other Personnel' to permit the employment of part-time staff on a limited basis.

160. The Council endorsed the Finance Committee's recommendation and approved the following amended Staff Regulation, effective 1 January 1977:

"301.136 Other Personnel. The Director-General shall determine the salary rates and the terms and conditions of employment applicable to personnel specially engaged for Conference and other short-term service or for service with a mission, to part-time personnel, to consultants, to field project personnel, and to personnel locally recruited for service in established offices away from Headquarters".

Report on the Fourth Session of the International Civil Service Commission

161. The Council noted the report of the Finance Committee on the recommendations of the International Civil Service Commission to the United Nations General Assembly relating to the scale of salaries and conditions of service of the staff.

162. The Council recognized that these recommendations, if approved by the General Assembly would imply a number of amendments to the Staff Regulations. It noted that the Commission was drafting appropriate new staff regulations which organizations could possibly adopt.

163. The Council noted the recommendation of the Finance Committee and authorized the Director-General to amend the FAO Staff Regulations to give effect to the recommendations of the Commission as approved and/or amended by the UN General Assembly and with the same effective date.

1 CL 69/4 paras 2.73–2.128, CL 70/4 paras 1.7–1.40, CL 70/PV/7.

2 See para. 106 below.

3 CL 70/4 paras 1.68–1.76 and 2.4–2.11, CL 70/28, CL 70/28-Corr.1 (E Only), . CL 70/28-Corr.2.(E only), CL 70/28-Corr.3, CL 70/PV/10, CL 70/PV/11, CL 70/PV/16.

4 CL 64/7, para. 107.

5 CL 64/REP, para. 77, C 75/REP, para. 209.

6 CL 70/4 paras 1.111 – 1.117 and 2.107 – 2.116; CL 70/29, CL 7O/PV/7, CL 70/PV/16.

7 C 73/REP, para. 160.

8 C 75/REP, para. 254.

9 See para. 90 above.

10 CL 69/4, paras. 2.31–2.39 and 3.23–3.31, CL 70/4 paras 1.41–1.55, CL 70/PV/9.

11 CL 69/4, para. 2.39, CL 70/4 paras 1.56 – 1.60 and 2.131 – 2.133, CL 70/23, CL 7O/PV/6, CL 70/PV/7, CL 70/PV/18.

12 See CL 70/23 para 13.

13 CL 70/25 - Rev.1, CL 70/PV/9.

14 CL 70/9; CL 70/PV/13, CL 70/PV/14, CL 70/PV/17.

15 CL 70/4, CL 70/LIM/1, CL 70/PV/9.

16 See Appendix F

17 CL 70/4 paras 2.46–2.79, C 77/5, C 77/6, C 77/7, CL 70/PV/7, CL 70/PV/16.

18 See Report of the Second Session of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes.

19 CL 69/4 paras 3.70 and 3.72, CL 70/PV/8.

20 CL 69/4 para. 3.110, CL 70/4 paras 2.37–2.40.

21 C 75/REP para. 410.

22 Conf. Res. 35/65, 17/69, 33/75.

23 CL 69/REP, para. 19.

24 CL 69/4 para. 3.100, CL 70/PV/8.

25 CL 66/REP, para. 237.

26 CL 70/4 paras 2.99 - 2.101, CL 70/PV/8.

27 CL 70/PV/8.

28 CL 69/REP, page 1, footnote 2; CL 7O/PV/7, CL 70/PV/16.

29 CL 51/REP, para. 300.

30 CL 70/PV/7.

31 CL 69/4 para. 3.129, CL 70/4 para. 2.98, CL 70/PV/8.

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