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Appointment of a Second Alternate Chairman to the FAO Appeals Committee 1

200. In accordance with Staff Regulation 301.111 and the decision of its Sixty-Eighth Session 2 the Council appointed H.E. Samba Mademba-Sy, Ambassador of Senegal and Permanent Representative to FAO, as the second Alternate Chairman of the FAO Appeals Committee.

Appointment of Member Government Representatives to the FAO Staff Pension Committee 3

201. Under the authority delegated to it by the Eighth Conference Session, the Council appointed H.E. Carlos J. Valdes, Ambassador of the Philippines and Permanent Representative to FAO, as Member of the FAO Staff Pension Committee representing the Conference, replacing Mr. J.S. Khan (Pakistan), for the unexpired term ending 31 December 1977.

202. The Council also appointed Mr. H. Adji Ismet Hakim, Permanent Representative of Indonesia to FAO, as Alternate of the FAO Staff Pension Committee representing the Conference , replacing Mr. E.E. Espinas (Philippines), for the unexpired term ending 31 December 1977.

203. The Council expressed its appreciation of the services Mr. Khan and Mr. Espinas had rendered as Member and Alternate to the Committee, respectively.

Date and Place of Seventy-First Session of the Council 4

204. The Council decided that its Seventy-First Session should be convened in Rome from 6 to 17 June 1977.

1 CL 70/LIM/3; CL 70/PV/12.

2 CL 68/REP, para. 21.

3 CL 70/26; CL 70/PV/12.

4 CL 70/PV/14.