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CL 70/1Provisional Agenda
CL 70/1 (a)Provisional Annotated Agenda
CL 70/2The State of Food and Agriculture 1976
CL 70/2-Corr. 1Corrigendum to document
CL 70/2-Sup. 1Supplement to document
CL 70/3No document
CL 70/4Report of the Thirty-First Session of the Programme Committee (12–21 October 1976) - Report of the Thirty-Eighth Session of the Finance Committee (13–21 October 1976)
CL 70/5Report of the Thirty-Second Session of the CCLM
(Rome, 17–18 May 1976)
CL 70/5(a)Report of the Thirty-Third Session of the CCLM
(Rome, 4–5 November 1976)
CL 70/6No document
CL 70/7No document
CL 70/8No document
CL 70/9Revised Calendar of 1976–77 Sessions of the Council and Those Bodies which Report to the Council
CL 70/10Report of the First Session of the Committee on World Food
Security (CFS) (Rome, 5–9 April 1976)
CL 70/10-Corr. 1Corrigendum to above
CL 70/11Report of the Third Session of the Commission on Fertilizers
(Rome, 8–11 June 1976)
CL 70/11-Sup. 1Supplement to above
CL 70/12JIU Report on Office Accommodation Provided for Extra-Budgetary Staff in the United Nations System (JIU/REP/75/6)
CL 70/13JIU Report on Utilization of Office Accommodation at the Headquarters of FAO (JIU/REP/76/4)
CL 70/14  JIU Report on Latin American Integration: Technical Cooperation Provided by the United Nations System (JIU/REP/76/3)
CL 70/15  JIU Report on the Regional Structures of the United Nations
System (JIU/REP/76/2)
CL 70/16Eighth Report on the Activities of the JIU
(July 1975 - June 1976)
CL 70/16-Sup. 1Supplement to a ove
CL 70/17First Conclusions of Working Party on the Composition
and Terms of Reference of the Council, the Programme Committee, the Finance Committee and the CCLM
CL 70/18Scheme for Agricultural Credit Development
CL 70/19World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development: Progress Report
CL 70/20Fourteenth Annual Report on the IGC/CFA to ECOSOC and the FAO Council and First Report of the CFA to the World Food
Council (26 March 1975 - 7 May 1976)
CL 70/21Election of Five Members of the Committee on Food Aid
Policies and Programmes
CL 70/22Relations with the World Food Council - Progress Report
CL 70/22(a)Relations with CGFPI - Progress Report
CL 70/22(b)Further Developments in Arrangements for Cooperation
between FAO and the IFAD
CL 70/23Use of National Institutions
CL 70/24Participation of Member Nations at FAO Regional Conferences
CL 70/25-Rev. 1Report on Unscheduled Sessions in 1976
CL 70/26Appointment of Members to the Staff Pension Committee
CL 70/27Commodity and Trade Problems: Report on Action Taken to Meet the Objectives of Conference Resolution 7/75
CL 70/28Structure of Programme of Work and Budget 1978–79
CL 70/28-Corr. 1
(E only)
Corrigendum to document 
CL 70/28-Corr. 2
(E only)
Corrigendum to document
CL 70/28-Corr. 3Corrigendum to document
CL 70/29Regular Programme Evaluation
CL 70/30Revision of the 1949 Agreement Establishing the General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean
CL 70/31Membership of the Committee on Forest Development in the
CL 70/32Matters Arising out of the UN General Assembly, ECOSOC and ACC
CL 70/33Establishment of a Commission for Inland Fisheries of Latin
America under Article VI-1 of the Constitution

CL 7O/INF/Series

CL 7O/INF/1 Provisional Timetable
CL 70/lNF/2-Rev. 1Provisional List of Delegates and Observers
CL 70/INF/3Provisional List of Documents
CL 70/INF/4Information for Delegates and Observers
CL 70/INF/5Opening Statement by Mr. Edouard Saouma, Director-General,
to the Seventieth Session of the FAO Council 
(Rome, 29 November 1976)
CL 70/INF/5-Corr. 1Corrigendum to document
CL 70/INF/6Implementation of Decisions taken by the Sixty-Ninth
Council Session
CL 70/INF/7Issues and Prospects of World Agriculture
CL 70/INF/8Summary of Recommendations of the 1976 Regional Conferences
CL 70/INF/9Introductory Statement by A.G. Leeks on the Review of the
Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and
CL 70/INF/10Revised Timetable

CL 70/LIM/Series

CL 70/LIM/1Financial Position of the Organization
CL 70/LIM/2Invitation to Non-Member Nations to attend FAO Sessions
CL 70/LIM/3Appointment of a Second Alternate Chairman of the FAO
Appeals Committee

CL 70/OD/Series

CL 70/OD/1 toFirst to Ninth Orders of the Day
CL 70/OD/9

CL 70/REP/Series

CL 70/REP/1
CL 70/REP/1-Corr. 1
CL 70/REP/2Draft Report of Plenary
CL 70/REP/2-Corr. 1
CL 70/REP/3
CL 70/REP/4

CL 70/PV/Series

CL 70/PV/1
CL 70/PV/2
CL 70/PV/3-Rev. 1Verbatim Records of Plenary
CL 70/PV/4 to
CL 70/PV/17

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