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CL 71/1

Provisional Agenda

CL 71/1 (a)-Rev.1

Annotated Agenda

CL 71/2

World Food Situation in March 1977

CL 71/2-Corr.1

Corrigendum to CL 71/2

CL 71/3

Summary Programme of Work and Budget 1978-79

CL 71/4

Report of the Thirty-Second Session of the

Programme Committee (25 April - 6 May 1977)

Report of the Thirty-Ninth Session of the

Finance Committee (25 April - 9 May1977)

CL 71/4-Corr.1
(E only)

Corrigendum to CL 71/4

CL 71/4-Corr.2
(F only)

Corrigendum to CL 71/4

CL 71/4-Corr.3

Corrigendum to CL 71/4

CL 71/5

Report of the Thirty-Fourth Session of

the Committee on Constitutional and

Legal Matters (CCLM)(2-5 May 1977C)

CL 71/6

Report of the Fifty-First Session of the

Committee on Commodity Problems (CCP) (2-

6 May 1977)

CL 71/7

Report of the Eleventh Session of the Committee

on Fisheries (COFI) (19-26 April 1977)

CL 71/8

Report of the Third Session ofthe Committee

on Forestry (COFO) (22-27 November 1976)

CL 71/9

Report of the Fourth Session of the Committee

on Agriculture (COAG) (20-28 April 1977)

CL 71/10

Report of the Second Session of the Committee on

World Food Security (CFS) (13-19 April 1977)

CL 71/10-Corr.1

Corrigendum to CL 71/10

CL 71/11

Arrangements for the Nineteenth Session of

the Conference

CL 71/12

Report of the Working Party on the Composition and

Terms of Reference of the Council, the Programme

Committee, the Finance Committee and the Committee

On Constitutional and Legal Matters

CL 71/13

Institution of an A. H. Boerma Award

CL 71/14

UN Joint Inspection Unit Report on Fellowships

in the United Nations System (JIU/REP/76/1)

CL 71/14-Sup.1

Supplement to CL 71/14

CL 7.1/15

UN Joint Inspection Unit Report on Country

Programming as an Instrument for Coordination and

Cooperation at the Country Level (JIU/REP/76/10)

CL 71/15-Sup.1

Supplement to CL 71/15

CL 71/16

UN Joint Inspection Unit Report Asia and the

Pacific: A Report on the Technical Cooperation

Provided by the United Nations Systems to the

Regional and Sub-Regional Integration and

Cooperation Movements (JIU/REP/76/9)

CL 71/17

Continuation of the Joint Inspection Unit

CL 71/17-Corr.1
(E only)

Corrigendum to CL 71/17

CL 71/17-Sup.1

Supplement to CL 71/17

CL 71/18

Second Annual Report of the World Food

CL 71/19

Date for Nomination for Independent Chairman of the Council

CL 71/20

Status and Use of Languages in FAO

CL 71/INF/Series

CL 71/INF/1

Provisional Timetable

CL 71/INF/2-Rev.1

Provisional list of Delegates and Observers

CL 71/INF/3

Provisional list of Documents

CL 71/INF/4

Information for Delegates and Observers

CL 71/INF/5

Opening Statement by Mr. Edouard Saouma Director-
General to the Seventy-First Session of the FAO
Council Rome , 6 June 1977

CL 71/INF/6

Implementation of Decisions taken by the
Seventieth Council Session

CL 71/INF/7

Interim Progress Report on the Technical
Cooperation Programme

CL 71/INF/7-Corr.1

Corrigendum to CL 71/INF/7

CL 71/INF/8-Rev.1

Draft Council Resolution on Technical Cooperation
Amongst Developing Countries (Presented by the Latin American Group)

CL 71/INF/9

Statement by the Group of 77

CL 71/INF/10

Institutional Arrangements Relating to Nutrition

CL 71/INF/11

Further Developments in Relations with World Food Council

CL 71/INF/12

First Revised Timetable

CL 71/INF/13

Second Revised Timetable

CL 71/INF/14

Developments Regarding the Ad Hoc
Committee on the Restructuring of the
Economic and Social Sectors of
the United Nations System

CL 71/LIM/Series

CL 71/LIM/1

Financial Position of the Organization

CL 71/LIM/2

Invitations to Non-Member Nations to Attend FAO Sessions

CL 71/OD/Series

CL 71/0D/1 to
CL 71/OD/10

First to Tenth Orders of the Day

CL 71/REP/Series

CL. 71/REP/1 to
CL 71/REP/7
CL 71/REP/7-Sup.1
CL 71/REP/8

Draft Report of Plenary

CL 71/PV/Series

CL 71/PV/1 to
CL 71/PV/18

Verbatim Records of Plenary

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