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Agricultural Training - Report of an Evaluation Study1

136. The Council expressed wide interest in the report, commended the methodology employed in carrying it out, and supported its conclusions and recommendations.

137. The use of national institutions in this study was particularly commended, and it was agreed that this procedure could profitably be used in other suitable studies in future.

138. The Council stressed the importance of increasing and improving the orientation of training programmes for women. These should also be staffed by women to a greater extent.

139. The importance of an adequate programme of training for lower and intermediate level personnel, both male and female, who would be in contact with farmers was recognized. These aspects should be given priority in designing future training programmes.

140. It was also agreed that the content and type of training must be scrutinized for their appropriateness to national needs and that completed programmes should be followed up by all actions necessary to ensure that maximum use was made of the training received.

141. The Council noted with approval the close and fruitful collaboration between FAO and UNDP in organizing, financing and carrying out this study, and was glad to note that a proposal was now under consideration to carry out a further joint study, relating to projects in support of agricultural research institutions.

First Report on Unscheduled and Cancelled Sessions in the 198Q-81 Biennium2

142. The Council recalled that the Director-General reported to it once a year on the unscheduled sessions approved, on the sessions cancelled, and on changes in attendance at approved sessions.

143. It noted that between 1 January and 1 October 1980 nine unscheduled sessions had been approved, 34 sessions had been cancelled and there had been changes in attendance at two sessions.

144. Details are given in Appendix F to this report.

Revised Calendar of 1980-81 Sessions of the Council and of those Bodies which Report to the Council3

145. The Council approved the revised Calendar of Sessions for 1980-81 of the Council and of those Bodies which report to it, as given in Appendix C to this report.

146. The Council noted the desirability of coordinating the timing of the meetings of the major substantive Committees of the Council (COAG, COFI, COFO), so that the results of their deliberations could provide a better input into the cycle of the programme and budget formulation.

147. The Council was informed that the question would be examined by the Secretariat. Final action on any schedule changes would, of course, require action by the Committees involved.

Financial Matters, including:

- Financial Position of the Organization

(a) Contribution Matters 4

(i) Status of Contributions

148. The Council was informed of contributions outstanding at 2 December 1980, as shown in Appendix H to this report. The summary of the status of contributions at 2 December 1980, as compared with the same date in 1979, was as follows:

1979 a 1980a

(for comparison)

US $

US $

Amounts outstanding at 1 January

Amounts payable in current year

104 603 964.30

137 293 919.37 b

Contributions in arrears

7 280 721.12

4 570 567.69 b

111 884 685.42

141 864 487.06 b

Receipts to 2 December

Amounts payable in current year

100 070 484.76 c

116 597 390.81

Contributions in arrears

5 470 530.46d

2 050 649.88

105 541 015.22

118 648 040.69

Amounts outstanding at 2 December

Amounts payable in current year

4 533 479.54

20 696 528.56 e

Contributions in arrears

1 810 190.66

2 519 917.81 e

6 343 670.20

23 216.446.37 e

a Excluding instalments of arrears payable in future years under Conference Resolutions.

b Amended in September to incorporate Conference-authorized instalment arrangement.

c Includes $11 150 661.62 distributions as of 1 January 1979 Surplus of Prior Biennium.

d Includes $1 004 203.38 distributions as of 1 January 1979 Surplus of Prior Biennium, but excludes $49 676.00 received from the Dominican Republic payable in 1980 through 1984 under Conference Resolution 39/75.

e See Appendix H.

(ii) Current Contributions

149. The Council noted with concern that only 84.93% of the current year’s assessments had been collected at 2 December 1980, a figure lower than that collected at the same date in any of the last 20 years. The Council was informed that of the 60 Member Nations continuing to owe assessments for the current year, nine of the largest contributors still had amounts outstanding, which together accounted for 13.31% of current assessments. The Council appealed to all Member Nations to fulfill their financial obligations to the Organization, including early payment of their 1981 assessments, and stressed the importance of timely receipt, especially in view of difficult inflationary problems, in order that the programmes of the Organization would not be adversely affected.

Percentage of Current Assessments Collected

(Cumulative - Year to Date)

(iii) Contributions in Arrears

150. The Council was advised that arrears of contributions at 2 December 1980, amounted to $2 519 917, including $2 083 566 from two Member Nations, Iran ($1 019 462) and Turkey ($1 064 104). The Council, in concurring with the Finance Committee, urged Member Nations with arrears, and in particular Iran and Turkey , to settle their obligations as promptly as possible.

(iv) Applications for Membership

151. With reference to the applications for membership in the Organization of Equatorial Guinea and Tonga , the Council noted that the 1980--82 UN assessment rate for Equatorial Guinea was O.O1%, the minimum, and the same minimum rate would apply in the 1980-81 FAO scale. While Tonga was not a Member of the UN, the rate of 0.01%, the minimum, had been established as the basis at which it contributed to certain UN activities; the same rate would apply to FAO. The Council recommended that the contributions from each for the last quarter of 1981, on admission to membership, and as provided for in Financial Regulation 5.8, be US$3 400, in accordance with established principles and practices. The advance due to the Working Capital Fund from each would be US$650. The Council further noted that it would be informed at a later date of the financial implications of the application for membership of Zimbabwe .

(b) Special Reserve Account of the Regular Programme5

152. The Council recalled that the Special Reserve Account, established by Conference Resolution 27/77 might be used:

  1. whenever the Working Capital Fund was insufficient to finance the budgetary expenditure pending receipt of contributions from Member Nations to the budget;
  2. to finance unbudgeted extra costs due to movements of currency exchange rates;
  3. subject to prior review by the Finance Committee and approval by the Council, to finance unbudgeted extra costs of approved programmes due to unforeseen inflationary trends, to the extent that such costs could not be met through budgetary savings, up to an amount equivalent to 2% of the total effective working budget of the relevant biennium.

153. During 1980, the UN rate of exchange had moved from Lire 800 in January to Lire 860 in October, an average rate of Lire 838 for the period, compared to the rate of Lire 820 at which the 1980-81 Programme of Work and Budget had been approved. As a result of these favourable currency developments, $ 816 000 had been credited to the Special Reserve Account, increasing the balance to $ 7 784 000 at 31 October 1980. If this favourable trend continued for the remainder of the biennium, the accumulation of additional currency savings could amount to a total increment of $ 6.5 million, by the end of 1981e

154. The Council was informed that since the formulation of the Programme of Work and Budget in early 1979, the rate of inflation in the host country had been much higher than anticipated, both in 1979 and 1980. This, in addition to the changes in General Services salaries (see paras. 190-194) and the large increases in other costs, including the costs of services and travel, had led to substantial increases in unbudgeted extra costs.

155. However, under the provision of paragraph 152 (c) above, only an amount up to 2% of the effective Working Budget, or $ 5 574 800, could be charged to the Special Reserve Account. The balance would have to be met from economies and programme savings. This would have a serious impact on the programmes of the Organization and could well lead to a zero growth over the biennium instead of the real programme increase of 5.3% approved by the Conference at its Twentieth Session in 1979.

156. Furthermore, the rates of interest earned on investments had been and were continuing at a high level. As a result the Miscellaneous Income credited to the General Fund would far exceed that forecast in the budget.

157. The Council agreed that whilst it was reasonable to expect the Director-General to seek economies wherever feasible, it was not in the interests of the Organization to absorb such a large proportion of the unbudgeted extra costs through programme- savings. The Council expressed concern that the constraints created by the restrictive provision in Conference Resolution 27/77, establishing the Special Reserve Accounts, should have such a negative impact on the implementation of the Programme of Work.

158. The Council therefore requested the Finance Committee and, to the extent necessary, the CCLM to examine the current validity, application and effectiveness of the provisions of the Special Reserve Account as established by Conference Resolution 27/77, and submit proposals on the matter to the next session of the Council.

-Audited Accounts 6

-Regular Programme 1978-79

-United Nations Development Programme 1979

-World Food Programme 1979

159. The Council in reviewing the above accounts took note of the External Auditor’s comments and the actions taken by the Organization in regard to these.

160. With regard to the Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP), the Council emphasized that in view of its nature and importance to the developing countries, every effort should be made to utilize fully the resources appropriated by the Conference, It was recognized that this would require some flexibility in the financial arrangements. The Council therefore endorsed the action taken by the Director-General to utilize funds resulting from economies made on projects financed from the 1976-77 biennium, to fund projects which had originally been financed against the TCP appropriation for the 1978-79 biennium.

161. The Council noted the deficiencies reported in the field stocktaking records and requested that attention should be given to the early implementation of the recommendations of the External Auditor. It noted that inventories were being reconciled before incorporation into the computerized inventory records which were currently being established. In addition instructions had been issued to Project Managers and processors of field imprest returns at Headquarters introducing procedures that would facilitate the reconciliation of inventory records with the financial records.

162. The Council noted that a consolidated draft resolution to cover the adoption by the Conference of the Audited Accounts of the Regular Programme 1978-79, the United Nations Development Programme 1979, and the World Food Programme 1979, together with the Accounts to be examined by the Council at its 1981 pre-Conference Session, would be submitted by the Council to the Twenty-first Conference Session.

Other Programme, Budgetary, Financial and Administrative Matters: Work of the Thirty-eighth and Thirty-ninth Sessions of the Programme Committee, and Forty- fifth and Forty-sixth Sessions of the Finance Committee, including:

Review of Conference Procedures (including overlapping in major Conference Documents)7

163. The Council reviewed Conference procedures in the light of a comprehensive study by the Director-General and observations thereon by the Programme and Finance Committees.

164. The Council recalled that concern over ways of improving arrangements for the FAO Conference was not a new issue, as the subject had been considered by the Director-General, by the Programme and Finance Committees, by the Council, and by the Conference itself, on many earlier occasions. As a result the Conference had undergone many changes since its First Session in October 1945, and now dealt with fewer items and was shorter than it had generally been in the past.

165. The Council agreed with the Programme and Finance Committees that arrangements for recent Conference sessions had been generally satisfactory, and that major changes would have disadvantages as well as advantages, but that within the present framework the following improvements were desirable.

166. In the document on arrangements for the Conference, the time allocated per speaker should be 15 minutes. As in the past, it should be suggested to speakers that they (i) concentrate on a few selected issues; (ii) omit detailed references to the situations in their respective countries; and (iii) omit repetitive congratulatory comments to the officers and the staff. Further, heads of delegations should be requested to ensure that they have at least one member of their respective delegations present in Plenary throughout the general debate.

167. The office of the Rapporteur from Plenary to Commission I should be discontinued.

168. In order to avoid overlap between discussions in Commission I and II, greater attention should be given to selecting and assigning specific agenda items, following the long- established practice that policy issues of concern to Member Governments should be discussed in Commission I, and the activities of the Organization in Commission II.

169. The practice of having the Conference open on Saturday should be continued.

170. Commissions I and II should begin their work somewhat earlier than in 1979, i.e., on Wednesday morning of the first full week for Commission I, and on Tuesday afternoon of that week for Commission II.

171. Arrangements should be made for the use of two sets of election officers, and two sets of tellers, and a third set of election officers should be available in reserve, for use if needed.

172. One half-day of flexibility should be maintained in the timetable of the Conference, in order to provide for unexpected developments or to accommodate arrangements that can be made only as the time of the Conference approaches.

173. On the subject of overlapping in major Conference documents 8, the Council generally agreed with the views of the Programme and Finance Committees that the most important aspect of the matter was to reduce duplication in discussion rather than in the content of the documents themselves.

174. With regard to this issue, the main points agreed by the Council included the following:

(a) The Medium-Term Objectives document should be maintained for the time being as a separate document, and in its present form, but should be discussed simultaneously with the Programme of Work and Budget.

(b) In the Programme of Work and Budget the narrative sections entitled “Nature of the Problem” should be edited so as to link up while avoiding duplication as far as possible with the Medium-Term Objectives document.

(c) The “Progress Made” sections of the Programme of Work and Budget narrative, which duplicated on a partial basis the “Achievements” sections of the Review of the Regular Prograrmne, should be deleted.

(d) The Review of the Field Programme and of the Regular Programme should be kept as separate documents and should continue to be discussed separately, but attempts should be continued to improve them.

175. Furthermore, the view was expressed that efforts should continue towards reducing the length of all major Conference documents and improving where appropriate the review of achievements and impact of programmes.

176. The Council noted that the agreed changes in Conference procedures would, as appropriate, be reflected in the document on the arrangements for the Twenty-first Session of the Conference, which would be considered by the Council at its Seventy-ninth Session, in June-July 1981.

177. In addition to the agreed changes summarized above, a number of other suggestions were made. Among these were: (i) a suggestion that the Commissions might meet first, and the Plenary, where ministers would participate, might be held at the end, when Commission reports were ready for consideration; (ii) small informal round-table discussions might be held in which ministers could exchange ideas freely; and (iii) the general debate could be replaced by round-table discussions in which Ministers and Heads of Delegations could consider certain specific items. However, the Council recognized that there were constitutional constraints, considerations of equity, and practical difficulties against the adoption of these suggestions.

- UNDP Support Costs9

(a) General

178. The Council took note of the decision of the Governing Council of the UNDP, the comments of the Director-General thereon, and the reports of the Programme and Finance Committees on this question at their last two sessions.

179. The Council was informed that on 3 November 1980, the Fifth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly, on the basis of the recommendation of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ), had recommended to the General Assembly that as regards the United Nations it approve the reimbursement formula embodied in decision 80/44 of the UNDP Governing Council to take effect in 1982.

180. The Council noted that the Fifth Committee had been made fully aware of the views expressed by the Programme and Finance Committees and that the Chairman of the ACABQ had clearly stated that the degree of support for technical cooperation programmes for regular budgets was a matter for the legislative organs of the executing agencies to decide. If the recommendation of the Fifth Committee were adopted by the General Assembly, it would be binding only upon the United Nations as an executing agency of UNDP.

181. In an extensive discussion, the Council reaffirmed the constitutional responsibilities of the FAO Conference and Council concerning the financial and budgetary consequences for the Organization of decisions by other UN bodies.

182. On the other hand the Council recognized the importance of maintaining consistency as far as possible in the decisions of the relevant competent inter-governmental bodies within the UN system and the desirability of avoiding confrontations among bodies in which the same governments are represented.

183. The Council generally agreed that the primary objective was to maximise the use of funds made available to UNDP in the interests of donor and recipient governments. From this point of view, every effort should be made to keep total support costs to the minimum necessary compatible with the need for maintaining the necessary quantity and desired quality of support. The Council welcomed the Director-General’s intention to pursue this objective rigorously, noting in this connection that the considerable differential in inflation rates and the probable fall of delivery in 1981 would not only reduce the total amount of reimbursement but result also in a greater reduction of its real value.

184. In this connection it was noted that there was no dichotomy between the substantive elements of a project and the support which was required to deliver those elements in accordance with governmental wishes. A number of members thus expressed considerable concern lest the proposed reduction in reimbursement should adversely affect the quantity or quality of support services recommended to Member Governments.

185. As regards a solution to the dilemma facing the Council, there were three groups of opinions:

(i) One group of members considered that the decision of the UNDP Governing Council could not be accepted and should be reopened in the Governing Council and/or General Assembly. In this connection the view was strongly expressed that the UNDP decision represented a compromise involving the application of the rate of reimbursement of 13% not only to UNDP projects, but also to Trust Funds, the cost of Regular Programme “subsidy” to which was rising significantly: thus, if the application of 13% to Trust Fund projects was not accepted by the Conference of FAO, the Governing Council’s decision on UNDP projects would have to be reviewed by the Governing Council.

(ii) A second group held that there was no alternative in principle or practice to following the decisions of the Governing Council and the General Assembly; that support costs should be reduced by economies and other measures, so that an additional burden did not fall upon the Regular Programme; but that if, after some experience of the new system, documentation could be produced to demonstrate that the new system had resulted in difficulties for FAO, the Council should support an approach to the Governing Council to raise the reimbursement.

(iii) The majority group however agreed with the view of the Director-General that if the Conference decided to accept the rate of 13%, the Director-General, while making every effort to achieve greater economy, must ensure that FAO’s support to projects was adequate in quality and quantity and for that purpose must include the necessary minimum amount over and above 13% reimbursement in the Regular Programme sub-programme provisions for Field Programme support (which already included some Regular Programme support for UNDP projects as well as for Trust Funds of various types, IFAD, etc.).

(b) Trust Funds

186. Many members confirmed that most Trust Funds were of a different character from UNDP projects, since many provided for substitution or supplementation of Regular Programme activities or were in the form of direct or indirect contributions to FAO’s Special Action Programmes. It was, however, stressed that FAO’s cost measurement system showed that in 1979 the true cost of support for trust-funded projects was 17.3% of delivery, and the subsidy to trust-funded projects was US$ 12.2 million in the previous biennium.

187. In this connection, it was noted that the UNDP decision envisaged some flexibility and that it appeared that this flexibility might be applied even in the case of Trust Funds under the jurisdiction of UNDP itself.

188. The majority of the members generally agreed therefore that the provisions in Chapter II, Section 250, of the FAO Manual should be maintained. Other members, however, took exception to this position, since in their view the UNDP Governing Council’s decision was an indivisible whole applying to both UNDP and Trust Fund support costs.

(c) Reporting

189. The Council recalled the ample information on the field programmes, extra-budgetary funds, and use of support costs from all sources available in the Programme of Work and Budget, Review of Field Programmes, Finance Committee Reports, and the Audited Accounts, all of which were available to the Governing Council of the UNDP. The Council confirmed that such information should continue to be. supplied together with any other information relevant to the use of UNDP support costs, provided this did not involve infringement of the responsibility or the competence belonging only to FAO’s Governing Bodies to judge the use and management of the totality of FAO’s activities, funded from all sources, nor the introduction of new cost measurement systems which would only add to rather than reduce support costs. The Director-General should use his discretion and if necessary and appropriate refer any problems in this regard to the Finance Committee and/or Council.

-General Service Salaries 10

190. The Council reviewed the recommendations made by the International Civil Service Commission and by the Director-General, following a survey carried out by the Commission in September and October 1979 of the General Service salaries in Rome. It noted that these recommendations had been carefully reviewed by the Finance Committee, which had recommended that they be approved by the Council.

191. In approving the recommendations the Council decided that:

(a) Salary Schedule - A revised salary schedule for General Service staff in Rome as given in Appendix I to this report be introduced with effect from 1 August 1979.

(b) Index and method for between-survey adjustments

  1. The existing system for between-survey adjustments be continued. This called for 5% adjustments of pre-tax salaries the month after the composite salary index calculated by FAO 11 had reached or exceeded a level reflecting an index increment of 5% compounded (i.e. 105, 110.25, 115.76, 121.55, etc.);
  2. the index be rebased with August 1979 = 100;
  3. when, over a period of 12 consecutive months, the composite salary index had not increased to the next level warranting a full 5% increase, pre-tax salaries nevertheless be adjusted upward from the following month by the percentage increase indicated by the index; subsequent increments would be counted as if the index had been rebased at 100 in the month preceding the effective date of the increase;
  4. to arrive at the net salaries, the revised pre-tax scales resulting from the above be reduced by application of current Italian income tax provisions, taking into account the tax exemption on employee contributions to the medical scheme, which for this purpose had been set at 1.2% of pre-tax salaries, and then be adjusted upwards for the language factor in line with the ICSC survey methodology.

(c) Contributions to medical plans - The staff member contributions to ENPDEP 12 or to the succeeding National Health Scheme be established at 1.2% of pre-tax salary, with the Organization paying the remainder of the premium while staff enrolled in other medical plans (i.e. Basic Medical Insurance Plan) would continue to pay the contribution fixed under such plans.

192. The Council noted that:

(a) Three 5% increases in salaries had fallen due in February, June and September 1980 in line with para. 191 (b) (i) above and that those granted under the old scales in September 1979, February, March and June 1980 had been superseded.

(b) An additional increase of Lire 87 000 net per annum had become effective in February 1980 due to new income tax legislation which had become effective in 1 January 1980.

(c) The ICSC had decided to increase dependency allowances with the same effective date as that decided for the implementation of the salary scales (i.e. August 1979) as follows:

dependent spouse

Lire p.a

350 000

dependent child

Lire p.a.

300 000

secondary dependent

Lire p.a.

220 000

(d) The automatic adjustment of language allowance rates from August 1979 (in line with the CCAQ formula that they be increased whenever net salary for 0-5 step I increases by 15%) had resulted in the following new rates:

for a first allowance

Lire p.a.

560 450

for a second allowance an additional amount of

Lire p.a.

280 225

(e) The ICSC had decided not to change the level of the non-resident’s allowance.

193. The Council approved the Director-General’s recommendation for a further adjustment of the dependency allowances effective February 1980, due to changes in the Italian fiscal legislation. The new rates to become effective from February 1980 were:

dependent spouse

Lire p.a.

386 000

dependent child

Lire p.a.

305 000

secondary dependent

Lire p.a.

220 000

194. The Council noted that it had not been possible to foresee the outcome of the survey at the time when the 1980-81 Programme of Work and Budget was approved. No provisions had therefore been included for the additional costs resulting from the implementation of the survey recommendations. The Council agreed that such costs would have to be met from the Special Reserve Account.

Adjustments to the B.R. Sen Award 13

195. The Council approved the Director-General’s recommendation, which had been endorsed by the Finance Committee, that the amount of the cash prize of the B.R. Sen Annual Award be increased from US$ 2 000 to US$ 3 000.

Other Programme Committee Matters 14

196. The Council noted that the Other Matters which had been reviewed in some depth by the Programme Committee included Review of Programmes (Chapters 1, 3, 4 and 5 of the Programme of Work and Budget, 1980-81); Review of Training Activities in FAO; Programme and Budgetary Adjustments; Closure of the Regional Office for the Near East; Progress Report on African Animal Trypanosomiasis; and Abolition of the Technical Working Party on Coconut Production, Protection and Processing and its Replacement by a Panel of Experts.

197. It further noted that the Programme Committee’s cycle of reviews was now complete, and that a similar though slightly revised cycle would be followed during the next four years.

198. With regard to African Animal Trypanosomiasis, it was observed that the liberation of Africa from the tse-tse fly would open up new areas for development and that in this connexion the roles of forestry and range management should not be neglected.

199. The Council agreed that the Technical Working Party on Coconut Production, Protection and Processing should be replaced by a Panel of Experts.

200. Concerning FAO Training Activities, the Council, in noting the Programme Committee’s review of the Legal Office, laid particular stress on the importance of training in the legal aspects of EEZ. It also noted that two of the figures provided in CL 78/3, paragraph 83, should be updated: 918 group training activities should be revised to 992; and 46 535 trained in the three categories referred to should be changed to 47 096.

Other Finance Committee Matters

(a) Amendment to Staff Regulation 15

201. The Council noted that present Staff Regulations concerning education travel by the children of staff members specified that such travel must be between the home country and the duty station. This had led to difficulties in cases where, because of the local situation, visits to the duty station could not be made. To provide the necessary flexibility in such circumstances the Council approved a revised text of Staff Regulation 301.0333 as follows:

“In accordance with the conditions prescribed by the Director-General, travel costs of the child may also be paid for an outward and return journey once in each scholastic year by a route approved by the Director-General between the educational institution and the staff member’s duty station or, where this is justified by exceptional circumstances, another point approved by the Director-General. In no case shall the amount paid by the Organization exceed the cost of an outward and return journey between the staff member’s home country and the duty station.”

(b) Headquarters’ Accommodation 16

202. The Council noted with satisfaction that building D had been made available to the Organization and that the (rented) building G had been formally disposed of at the end of May 1980.

203. The Council was also informed that there were no further developments on the New Building Complex since the last session of the Finance Committee (8-18 September 1980), and requested the Director-General to continue his discussions with the Government of Italy, with a view to pursuing this possible permanent solution to the Headquarters’ accommodation problem.

(c) Sixth Annual Report of the International Civil Service Commission 17

204. The Council was informed that owing to timing problems, the sixth annual report of the International Civil Service Commission had not yet been reviewed by the Finance Committee. It was also informed that the report, which contained proposals requiring several amendments to the Staff Regulations, was being placed before the UN General Assembly.

205. The Council noted that these proposals referred to the incorporation of approximately five classes of post adjustment into the base salary of staff in the Professional and higher categories, and to the increase in the amount of the education grant to a maximum of $3 000, and to $5 000 for disabled children.

206. Since the decision of the UN General Assembly would not be known until after the FAO Council had concluded its Seventy-eighth Session, the Council agreed that FAO follow the decisions of the UN General Assembly on the recommendations of the Commission and authorized the Director-General to amend the FAO Staff Regulations to give effect to them as approved and/or amended by the UN General Assembly and with the same effective date. The Council noted that the Director-General would report to the Finance Committee at its next session on actions taken,

207. The Council further noted that the recommendation of the Commission would have corresponding consequences as regards the emoluments to the Deputy Director-General. It authorized that the annual salary of the Deputy Director-General be adjusted from 1 January 1981 to the following amount: gross salary US$ 96 765; net salary at the dependency rate US$ 55 077; net salary at the single rate US$ 50 012; Post Adjustment for one index point amounts to US$ 454 at the dependency rate or US$ 412 at the single rate, subject to amendments approved by the General Assembly,

1 CL 78/3, paras. 95-99; CL 78/15; CL 78/PV/12; CL 78/PV/13.

2 CL 78/9; CL 78/PV/13.

3 CL 78/12; CL 78/PV/14.

4 CL 78/4, paras 22-27 and App. B; CL 78/6 paras. 3.30 -3.33 and App. A; CL 78/LIM/1; CL 78/PV/13.

5 CL 78/4 paras. 32-33; CL 78/6 paras. 3.37-3.43; CL 78/PV/13.

6 CL 78/6 paras. 3.44 - 3.61; C 81/5; C 81/6; C 81/7; CL 78/PV/13.

7 CL 78/6, paras. 2.43 - 2.53 and 3.100 - 3.106; CL 78/19; CL 78/19-Rev.1 (English and French only); CL 78/PV/9; CL 78/PV/16.

8 CL 78/6, paras. 1.1 -1.9.

9 CL 78/3, paras. 69-73; CL 78/4, paras. 15-16; CL 78/6, paras. 266-279 and 3.10-3.24; CL 78/28; CL 78/28-Corr.1; CL 78/PV/10; CL 78/PV/16,

10 CL 78/4, paras. 43-51 and App. C; CL 78/6, paras. 3.65-3.74 and App. B; CL 78/6-Corr.1; CL 78/PV/10; CL 78/PV/11; CL 78/PV/16.

11 A weighted average of indices published by the Italian Institute of Statistics (ISTAT) for minimum salaries, excluding family allowances, of white collar employees (impiegatie dirigenti) in Industry and Commerce (excluding bars, hotels and restaurants).

12 “Ente Nazionale di Previdenza per i Dipendenti da Enti di Diritto Pubblico”.

13 CL 78/4, paras. 72-73; CL 78/PV/10; CL 78/1W/Il.

14 CL 78/3, paras. 6-68, 82-94, 101-104; CL 78/4, paras. 81-83; CL 78/6, paras. 2.4-2.42, 2.62-2.65, 2.131-2.133, 3.107-3.110; CL 78/6-Corr.1; CL 78/PV/9.

15 CL 78/4, paras. 55-58; CL 78/6, paras. 3.79-3.81 and 3.82-3.83; CL 78/PV/11.

16 CL 78/6, paras. 3.75-3.78; CL 78/PV/11; CL 78/PV/16.

17 CL 78/LIM/3; CL 78/PV/11.

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