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CL 78/1 Provisional Agenda
CL 78/1(a) Provisional Annotated Agenda
CL 78/2 The State of Food and Agriculture 1980
CL 78/2-Corr.1

Corrigendum to CL 78/2

CL 78/2-Sup.l

Supplement to CL 78/2>
CL 78/3 Report of the Thirty-eighth Session of the Programme Committee (12-22 May 1980)
CL 78/4 Report of the Forty-fifth Session of the Finance Committee (19-30 May 1980)
CL 78/5

Report of the Thirty-ninth Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (27 September - 1 October 1980)

CL 78/5-Corr.l (F only) Corrigendum to CL 78/5

CL 78/6

Report of the Thirty-ninth Session of the Programme Committee and the Forty-sixth Session of the Finance Committee (8-18 September 1980)

CL 78/6-Corr.l Corrigendum to CL 78/6
CL 78/7

Membership in the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes

CL 78/8 Report of the Fifth Session of the Committee on Forestry (COFO) (26-30 May 1980)
CL 78/9 First Report on Unscheduled and Cancelled Sessions in the 1980-81 Biennium
CL 78/10 Report of the Fifth Session of the Committee on World Food Security (27 March - 3 April 1980)
CL 78/10-Corr.l (E only)

Corrigendum to CL 78/10

CL 78/11 Twelfth Report on the Activities of the Joint Inspection Unit (July 1979-June 1980)
CL 78/22 Revised Calendar of '1980-81 Sessions of the Council and of those Bodies which Report to the Council

CL 78/13

Coordination Activities within the United Nations System
CL 78/14 UN Joint Inspection Unit Report on Initial Guidelines for International Evaluation Systems of the United Nations Organizations (JIU/REP/79/2)
CL 78/15 Agricultural Training - Report of an Evaluation Study
CL 78/16 Report of the Sixth Session of the Commission on Fertilizers (30 June - 3 July 1980)
CL 78/17 Fifth Annual Report of the CFA to ECOSOC, the FAO Council and the World Food Council
CL 78/18 Recent Developments in the United Nations System of Interest 1
CL 78/18~Sup,l New International Development Strategy
CL 78/19 (A,C,S only) Review of Conference Procedures
CL 78/19-Rev.l (E,F only) Revision of CL 78/19
CL 78/20 New Memorandum of Understanding Between FAO and the African Development Bank
CL 78/21 Development Assistance for Food Production and Rural Development
CL 78/22 Work Programme of the Joint Inspection Unit for 1980
CL 78/23 Date for Nominations for the Office of Director-General
CL 78/2A Action Arising out of the World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (WCARRD) - Progress Report
CL 78/25 Progress Report on Action Taken in Pursuance of Conference Resolution 3/79 on World Food Security
CL 78/25-Sup.l International Emergency Food Reserve (IEFR) (Extract from Report of the Tenth Session of the CFA of the UN/FAO World Food Programme)
CL 78/26 UN Joint Inspection Unit Report on Evaluation of Technical Cooperation Activities of the United Nations System in Sri Lanka (JIU/REP/79/16)
CL, 73/27 UN Joint Inspection Unit Report on the FAO Regional Dairy Development and Training Centre for English-speaking Countrie in Africa ( Naivasha , Kenya ) (JIU/REP/80/5)
CL 78/28 UNDP Support Costs
CL 73,/28-Corr.l (E only) Cprrigendum to CL 78/28
CL 78/29 Agreement with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) (Arabic, French, Spanish and Chinese Versions)
CL 78/INF/Series
CL 78/INF/l-Rev.l Provisional Timetable
CL 78/INF/2-Rev.2 Provisional List of Delegates
CL 78/INF/3 Provisional List of Documents
CL 78/INF/4 Information Note for Delegates and Observers
CL 78/INF/5 Director-General's Statement
CL 78/INF/6 Index of Conference and Council Decisions
CL 78/INF/7 Implementation of Decisions taken at the Seventy-sixth and Seventy-seventh Sessions of the Council
CL 78/INF/8 Summary of Recommendations of the 1980 Regional Conferences
CL 78/INF/9 Changes in Representation of Member Countries on the Programme Committee
CL 78/INF/10 Statement by Mr. Edem Kodjo, Secretary-General of the Organization of African Unity (OAU)
CL 78/INF/11 Breakdown of Item 16 of the Agenda
CL 78/LIM/Series
CL 78/LIM/l Financial Position of the Organization
CL 78/LIM/2 Invitations to Non-Member Nations to Attend FAO Sessions
CL 78/LIM/3 Sixth Annual Report of the International Civil Service Commission
CL 78/OD/Series
CL 78/OD/l to )
CL 78/OD/9  )
First to Ninth Order of the Day
CL 78/REP/Series
CL 78/REP/l  )
CL 78/REP/2 )
CL 78/REP/3 ) Draft Report of Plenary
CL 78/REP/4 )
CL 78/PV/Series
CL 78/PV/l to )
CL 78/PV/16)
Verbatim Records of Plenary

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