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Programme Session No. Title and Justification Estimated Cost $ Art. of Const, and Category Attendance
2.1.2 AGS 706-3

FAO Panel of Experts on Agricultural Mechanization
- Offset by cancelled session AGS-950 Seminar on Agricultural Credit Training

VI-4 (3) Selected
2.1.4 AGE 955

FAO/IAEA International Symposium on the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) and ^the Use -of Radiation in Genetic Insect Control
- Replacing cancelled session AGE 703 FAO/IAEA Panel of Experts on the Use of Isotopes and Irradiation in Entomology and Related Fields

16 000 - (4) MNs of FAO/IAEA
2.1.4 AGE 956

FAO/IAEA International Symposium on Nuclear Techniques in the Study of Parasitic Diseases of Man and Animals
- Replacing cancelled session AGE 705 FAO/IAEA Panel -of Experts on the Application of Nuclear Techniques to Animal Science

4 500 -(4) MNs of FAO/IAEA
2.1.5 ESH 809

Inter-Country Consultation for the Implementation of the Programme of Action of WCARRD
- Follow-up of WCARRD

10 000 -VI-5 X2) Selected MNs
2.1.5 ESH 813

Government Consultation on the Establishment of a Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Africa (CIRDAFRICA)
- Follow-up of WCARRD

4.500 VI-5 (1) MNs in Region and Int. Orgs.
2.1.5 RLAT 806

Working Party on the Establishment of a , Regional Centre on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development in Latin America
- Follow-up of WCARRD

6 000 VI-5 (2) MNs in Region
2.1.8 ESC 805

Ad Hoc Working Party on Preparedness for Acute and Large-Scale Food Shortages
- Offset by cancelled session ESC 722 International Group on Tea

52 000 VI-4 (1) Selected MNs
2.1.8 ESC 808

Government Consultation of Jute Producing Countries on Current International Market Problems
- Replacing cancelled session ESC 720 Intergovernmental Group on Hard Fibres


VI-5 (2) Selected MNs
2.2.3 FI 817

GFCM Technical Consultation on Stock Evaluation in the Adriatic
- Replacing cancelled session FI 768-2 GFCM Working Party on Acoustic Methods for Fish Detection and Abundance Estimation

VI-5 (2) Selected MNs


Programme Session No. Title of Session Estimated Cost $ Reason for Cancellation
2.1.2 AGP 721-11 FAO/UNEP Panel of Experts on Integrated Pest Control 1 500 Postponed to next biennium on recommendation of Panel
2.1.2 AGP 804-2 Expert Consultation on Harmonization of Pesticide Registration Requirements 550 Shortage of funds for documentation
2.1.2 AGP 950 Workshop on Crop Loss Appraisal 1 350 Organizational difficulties experienced by host government
2.1.2 AGP 951 National Training Course in the Efficient and Safe Use of Agricultural Pesticides 1 350 Expected extra-budgetary resources did not become available
2.1.2 AGP 959 National Training Course in the Efficient and Safe Use of Agricultural Pesticides 1 350 Expected extra-budgetary resources did not become available
2.1.2 AGS 953 GASGA Technical Seminar on Storage and Pest Control at the Farm Level 1 500 The Seminar will now be organized by another GASGA member (TPI)
2.1.2 RLAT 804 Consultation on the Development of Small and Medium Size Food Industries in Latin America for Solving Nutritional and Wheat Import Problems 12 600 Difficulties in recruiting Marketing Officer who would have been responsible for organizing this session
2.1.3 AGA 956 IDF (International Dairy Federation) Seminar on Dairy Education - Session not convened by FA0
2. 1.4 AGE 703 FAO/IAEA Panel of Experts on the Use of Isotopes and Irradiation in Entomology and Related Fields

5 500

Replaced by unscheduled Session AGE 955 (FAO/IAEA International Symposium on the Sterile Ins Technique and the Use of Radiation in Genetic Insect Control)
2.1.4 AGE 705 FAO/IAEA Panel of Experts on the Application of Nuclear Techniques to Animal Science

5 500

Replaced by Unscheduled Session AGE 956 (International Symposium on Nuclear Techniques in the Study of Parasitic Diseases man and animals)
2.1.4 AGE 954 FAO/IAEA Regional Seminar on Isotopes and Radiation Usage in Diagnosis and Control of Animal Diseases, including Parasitic, Bacterial, Viral and Metabolic Disease

6 900

Meeting will be handled by IAEA
2.1.5 ESH 804 Expert Consultation on the Area Approach to Rural Development

8 510

Reallocation of resources based on new priorities as identified by WCARRD Conference 1979
2.1.5 AGS 950 Seminar on Agricultural Credit Training


Replaced by Unscheduled Session AGS 706-3 (FAO Panel of Experts on Agricultural Mechanization)
2.1.5 AGS 951 Seminar on Agricultural Credit Training


Difficulties in Organization in the Region
2.1.5 AGS 952 Seminar on Agricultural Credit Training


Extra-budgetary resources did not materialize
2.1.6 CX 703-20 Joint FAO/WHO Committee of Government Experts on the Code of Principles concerning Milk and Milk Products 16 810 Postponed to next biennium to permit more comprehensive prep­aration
2.1.6 CX 801 Ad Hoc Working Group on Hydrolyzed Proteins of the Codex Committee on Soups and Broths - Cancelled pending decision on the need for an International Standard for Hydrolized Proteins
2.1.8 ESC 709-21 Intergovernmental Group on Grains 13 440 The Group considered that one session would be sufficient this biennium, unless unexpected developments in the world grain economy arise
2.1.8 ESC 720-16 Intergovernmental Group on Hard Fibres 7 070 Sessions for 1980 reduced by Group at its 15th Session. Replaced by unscheduled session ESC 808 (Government Consulta­tion of Jute Producing Countries on Current International Market Problems)
2. 1.8 ESC 722-6 International Group on Tea 13 440 Session considered unnecessary at this time in view of current schedule of meetings on tea now established under the UNCTAD Programme
2.1.8 ESC 725-4 Intergovernmental Group on Tea Sub-Group on Promotion 13 440 Postponed pending developments resulting from the recently established International Tea Promotion Association
2.2.2 FI 761 Advisory Committee of Experts on Marine Resources Research (ACMRR) Working Party 2 180 Lack of funds
2.2.2 FI 952 Workshop on Fishery Management 9 300 Organizational difficulties but much of the work will be achieved as part of the pre­paratory work for the proposed 1982 Technical Conference on Fishery Management
2.2.3 FI 705-60 Indo-Pacific Fishery Commission (IPFC). Executive Committee - Lack of funds
2.2.3 FI 707-6 Indo-Pacific Fishery Commission/ Indian Ocean Fishery Commission (IPFC/IOFC) Joint Working Party of Experts on Indian Ocean and Western Pacific Fishery Statistics - Postponed to next biennium
2.2.3 FI 715-5 Indo-Pacific Fishery Commission (IPFC) Working Party on Fish Technology and Marketing - Lack of funds
2.2.3 FI 736 Indian Ocean Fishery Commission Working Party on Stock Assessment of Shrimp in the Indian Ocean Area (Ad Hoc Group) - Indian Ocean Survey Programme abolished and work being undertaken by sub-regional committees
2.2.3 FI 768-2 GFCM Working Party on Acoustic Methods for Fish Detection and Abundance Estimation 7 510 Replaced by Unscheduled Session FI 817 (GFCM Technical Con­sultation on Stock Evaluation in the Adriatic )
2.2.3 FI 769-2 Indo-Pacific Fishery Commission (IPFC) Working Party of Experts on Central and Western Pacific Skipjack - Postponed to next biennium
2.2.3 FI 771-3 Indo-Pacific Fishery Commission (IPFC) Standing Committee on Resources Research and Development (SCORRAD) 12 180 Funds will be directed to an unscheduled Session of CECAF to be held next year
2.2.3 FI 773-4 Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC) Executive Committee for the WECAF Project 3 560 Funds will be directed to an unscheduled Session of a sub­committee of CECAF to be held next year
2.2.3 FI 807-4 Committee for Inland Fisheries of Africa (CIFA) Ad Hoc Sub-Committee for the Sahel - Work being handled by Session of CIFA (FI 745-4)
2.3.3 F0 726-20 European Forestry Commission (EFC) 14 528 Postponed to next biennium
5.1 GIL 802-3 Third Technical Consultation of AGRIS Participating Centres 10 330 Postponed to next biennium by Second Technical Con-sultation


ESH 802 under programme 2.1.5 was originally scheduled as a "Technical Consultation on Appropriate Management System for Agricultural Cooperatives" but became and Expert Consultation on the same subject. The Article of the Constitution and the Category were changed from VI-5 (2) to VI-4 (3). Attendance, instead of being by Member Nations was by Individuals in a Personal Capacity. The direct meetings costs were reduced from $3 050 to $2 600.
ESH 803 under programme 2.1.5 was originally scheduled as a "Technical Consultation on Rural Organizations Action Programme" but the title was changed to "Expert Consultation on Promotion of Self Help Organizations of the Rural Poor in Latin America". The Article of the Constitution and the Category were changed from VI-5 (2) to VI-4 (3). The language was changed from English/French, to Spanish. Attendance, instead of being by Member Nations was by Individuals in a Personal Capacity. The direct meetings costs were reduced from $3 050 to $2 500.


APARC Regional Conference for Asia and Pacific
ARC Regional Conference for Africa
CCLM Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters
CCP Committee on Commodity Problems
CF Conference
CPA Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes of the UN/FAO World Food Programme

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