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Report of the Sixth Session of the Committee on Agriculture
(Rome, 25 March - 3 April 1981)

30. The Council stressed the importance of FAO's role in promoting agricultural and rural development at the international level and considered that the review and recommendations of the Committee on Agriculture had an important role in the formulation and implementation of the Organization's Programme of Work in the sector of food, nutrition and agriculture.

31. The Council endorsed the report of the Committee, emerging from its Review of FAO's programmes in the food and agricultural sector, covering the three closely related items falling within the competence of the Committee, viz: Implementation of the Programme of Work 1980-81, Medium and Long-term Outlook, and the Summary Programme of Work and Budget 1982-83.

32. The Council noted that following its recommendations, the Committee had considered the Summary Programme of Work and Budget 1982-83 within the context of the Medium and Longterm Outlook for Food and Agricultural Development. It agreed with the Committee's conclusion that the medium and long-term objectives proposed therein generally reflected the problems of the sector and the tasks to be undertaken to achieve a four percent annual growto rate in food production in developing countries. It recalled that the annual flow of External financial resources which would be needed to achieve this goal was estimated by the Secretariat at US$ 8-9 billion in 1975 prices during the early 1980s, and stressed that ever; effort should be made to attain this level of external financial assistance. It agreed that the proposed Programme of Work for 1982-83 in Major Programme 2.1, Agriculture, and the priorities accorded to the different programmes, corresponded to these objectives.

33. The Council endorsed the Committee's recommendations to accord high priority to food security, energy, management of natural resources, harmonization Of crop and livestock production, research, conservation of the environment through appropriate farming systems, the Plan of Action of the World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (with particular reference to rural institution, training, extension, integration of women and rural youth, and people's participation), integration of nutrition in rural development, and food and agricultural information and analysis.

34. The Council agreed with the Committee's recommendation to give high priority to activities in Africa, without prejudice to the pressing and legitimate needs Of other regions.

35. The Council endorsed the need for conservation of the resources and the protection of the environment. The Council fully supported the emphasis on rehabilitation and improvement of irrigation and drainage schemes and improved water management at farm level. It also supported the emphasis on energy saving inputs such as recycling of organic materials and biological nitrogen fixation. The Council also agreed with the proposed work related to small farm development strategies in connexion with farm management activities.

36 The Council stressed the continued need for increased fertilizer use and commended the work undertaken under the Fertilizer Programme. It expressed appreciation to the donors of the International Fertilizer Supply Scheme (IFS) and appealed for their continued and increased support.

37. The Council concurred with the major emphasis on staple food crops. It Stressed that the crop production targets required increased efforts in the areas of applied research at the level of the small farmer as well as proper extension servicing in order to raise production. The Council expressed its support to the Seed Improvement and Development Programme and agreed with the emphasis on training in seed production; processing and storage techniques.

38. The Council urged the Secretariat to continue and intensify its activities in the field of genetic resources conservation and, some members suggested that the establishment of an international gene bank under FAO custody be explored which would assure the free ex change of germplasm between all member countries. The Council was informed that such a new set-up would require considerable additional resources. Some members suggested that FAO, in close cooperation with the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources (IBPGR), might study viable alternatives that might allow the maintenance and assure the free exchange of important plant genetic resources for the use in breeding programmes.

39. The Council further stressed the importance of high-yielding crop cultivars for raising agricultural production and supported the view of COAG that more attention must be paid in the future to the incorporation of local traditional varieties and land races into breeding programmes in order to broaden the genetic base of improved cultivars, particular ly for better resistance to pest and diseases and adverse growing conditions.

40. The Council appreciated the assistance rendered to Member Governments by the Special Action Programme for the Prevention of Food Losses in reducing post-harvest losses in staple food crops. It noted with concern that extra-budgetary funds were insufficient to meet the large number of requests that were being received. This factor was preventing the Programme from expanding its activities to cover other perishable food Crops such as fruit and vegetables. The Council appealed for continuing and increased assistance required to maintain an adequate flow of resources to this important Action Programme.

41. The Council recognized the importance of human labour, animal draught power and me chanized equipment in food production. It recommended that FAO should give special atten tion to agricultural mechanization policy and to the selection or design, assembly, utili zation and maintenance of agricultural tools and equipment.

42. The Council endorsed the livestock activities which had small farmers as the target group and would give high priority to training. The Council stressed that the improvement of veterinary services and related infrastructures continued to be of primary importance and that this, together with the development of feed resources and implementation of well- planned breeding programmes, would contribute significantly to maximizing the productivity of animals.

43. The Council agreed with the continuing activities on animal diseases which include the emergency control measures against such diseases as African swine fever (ASF) and rinderpest, as well as longer-term control campaigns on foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) and the control of ticks and tick-borne diseases. The Council agreed on the important role of the International Meat Development Scheme (IMDS), the International Scheme for the Coordination of Dairy Development (ISCDD) and the Programme for the Control of African Animal Trypanosomiasis and Related Development.

44. The Council endorsed the activities under research support, particularly commending the attention being given to research management training; the establishment of research networks on the lines of those functioning efficiently in the European Region, and the at tention being given to farming systems research. It urged that increased attention be given to research on the water buffalo. The Council also called on FAO to intensify its coordination with the International Agricultural Research Centres under the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research to ensure the maximum complementarity of their respective activities.

45. The Council stressed the importance of keeping Member Nations fully informed of the state of food and agriculture. It welcomed the Organization's plans and programmes for improved data collection and analyses and reiterated the objective that FAO's information System and analyses should be of benefit to all Member Nations. The Council emphasized the need for national agricultural statistical services to be improved where necessary.

46. The Council drew particular attention to the need for the Organization to maintain its vigilance and further strengthen its surveillance of food shortages so that timely action could be taken when food emergencies arose. It especially welcomed the emphasis given in the Global Information and Early Warning System on the food situation in vulnerable countries and supported the System's strengthening and improvement as proposed for the 1982-83 biennium. It also stressed the need to assist in developing national early warning systems, linked to the Global System.

47. The Council stressed the importance of policy studies in the field of food and agri culture which helped in the formulation of national and international policies.

48. The Council suggested that the monitoring of all external resource flows to agriculture should be continued and their analysis improved in relation to perceived needs for the achievement of development targets.

49. The Council noted that information on domestic resource flows to agriculture remained scanty and incomplete. It, therefore, urged that the highest possible priority be given by the developing member countries to this area of data collection and analysis, and that the needed assistance be provided to them.

50. The Council agreed that plans, stategies, policies and programmes to improve food security should remain a top priority in the medium term. This would require if necessary the establishment of national, regional and international food security systems, including minimum reserve stocks, assured food aid and adequate emergency aid, and greater incentives to food production, in line with the goals agreed in the International Development Strategy (IDS). The Council also recognized that to obtain a progressive improvement in fopd security all low-income countries would need to develop protection against crop failures. Action would also be needed to stabilize world commodity markets and expand agricultural exports, particularly those of developing countries.

51. The Council agreed that the Organization would need to strengthen the provision of policy and planning advice to developing countries, particularly in Africa, as envisaged in the Lagos Plan of Action.

52. The Council noted that planning assistance was also being provided for agricultural censuses and surveys as a source of basic data for planning development programmes and follow-up to WCARRD. The Council supported the priority being given to preparations for the 1990 World Census of Agriculture.

53. The Council agreed that special emphasis should be placed on action-oriented programmes to improve national and global preparedness to meet food emergencies, on action to promote collective self-reliance of developing countries in this vital area, and on the activities of the Food Security Assistance Scheme to meet growing demands for assistance in designing and implementing national and regional food security programmes.

54. The Council underlined the importance of resolving commodity trade problems and of developing effective commodity development programmes, including consultations between producing and consuming countries, on specific commodity problems. The Council stressed the need to avoid duplication of work on commodities covered by other specialized organizations and on this basis supported the role and activities of FAO in the field of commodity poli cies and trade, technical support requested by UNCTAD, and as appropriate commodity project preparation relating to the Second Account operations of the new Common Fund Commodities.

55. The Council stressed the importance of FAO's role in developing the methodology for the introduction of nutrition in agricultural and rural development planning and endorsed the related recommendations of COAG emerging from the discussions of its Vlth Session. It encouraged the Secretariat to itensify its training efforts of intermediate and higher level local personnel in order to build up national expertise. Such action should be undertaken with the participation of other UN agencies and national institutions concerned, especially through regional consultations.

56. The Council endorsed the views of the COAG which had stressed the need to emphasize the role of women and of people's participation in development.

57. The Council agreed that Food and Nutrition should continue to be a standing item on the agenda of COAG.

58. The Council expressed satisfaction at FAO's active efforts in implementing the respon sibilities conferred upon it by the WCARRD Programme of Action and by FAO Conference Reso lution 7/79 of November 1979. It supported the type, adequacy and direction of the programmes and activities planned and implemented by FAO in its follow-up to WCARRD, emphasiz ing particularly the importance of training, people's participation and the integration of women in rural development. It welcomed the establishment of Regional Centres for Rural Development.

59. The Council expressed concern that less than half the targeted sum of US$ 20 million from voluntary contributions for WCARRD follow-up had been pledged and supported the Com mittee's appeal to donors to increase their contributions.

60. The Council commended the work of the Sixth session of COAG, which demonstrated the positive role the Committee could play in the follow-up of the World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (WCARRD).

61. The Council commended the comprehensive manner in which the critical problem of soil and water conservation was presented. It recognized the gravity of the problems of soil erosion and the danger for the future of mankind. The Council appreciated the timeliness and relevance of this discussion and also FAO's initiative and activities in this field.

62. The Cpuncil agreed that the primary responsibility and initiative in responding to the soil erosion problems rested with the respective governments but that the active participa tion pf land users is essential for successful soil conservation programmes.

63. The Council recommended that FAO should play an important role in creating awareness amongst planners, administrators, farmers, and amongst the community as a whole, of the nature and dangers of soil degradation, as well as of the possibilities of preventing them.

64. The Council stressed the need to prevent and reduce soil erosion by comprehensive plan ning of land use. A useful instrument in this respect could be the methpdology developed by FAO in its agro-ecological zones study.

65. The Council recommended that FAO increase its involvement in training activities in soil conservation and watershed management.

66. The Council noted the urgency of developing viable alternatives to shifting cultivation in order to make such areas more productive, and at the same time reducing degradation of the soils. The particular need for integrated conservation activities for the best possible use of land, especially in arid and semi-arid areas, was emphasized.

67. The Council stressed the appropriateness of regional projects for stimulating awareness and developing comprehensive programmes in soil conservation at the country level. In this respect the watershed development approach was commended.

68. It was recognized that the combination of soil conservation measures with more intensive use of organic recycling and a more effective use of fertilizers would be advantageous in improving soils.

69. The, Council stressed the socio-economic aspects of soil conservation. In this respect it drew attention to the dearth of information about the cost effectiveness of soil conservation measures available, and the urgent need to provide more comprehensive information on this point.

70. The Council acknowledged the importance of national legislation as a means of supporting soil conservation programmes, and suggested that FAO be prepared to assist in the development of the appropriate legislation in this field when requested,

71. The Council stressed the need for FAO to continue its cooperation with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and other organizations interested in the subject matter.

72. The Council supported the preparation of a World Soil Charter by FAO. When finalized, such a Charter could provide useful guidelines for establishing national policy in land use and conservation. The suggestions of COAG and Council should be taken into consideration when revising this first draft of the Charter. Members were urged to provide the FAO Secretariat as soon as possible with any additional comments on the draft. The revised draft would be submitted to the Conference.

73. The Council endorsed the view of COAG that priority be given to the conservation of energy, energy efficient practices, techniques, and production and processing systems in agriculture, and fully supported on-going and planned activities in this area including the setting-up of a European Cooperative Research Network. The Council recognized that commercial energy used at present to develop and exploit the production potential of the agricultural sector is relatively small; however, the demand is increasing and energy-based in puts such as fertilizers, pesticides, farm mechanization and irrigation, and energy use in agro-industries, transport and marketing, will continue to be essential.

74. The Council supported FAO's assistance to Member Governments in developing alternative renewable energy sources. Particular emphasis was placed on more efficient utilization of fuel wood and energy cropping; biological nitrogen fixation, integrated pest control management, organic recycling including biogas, and animal draught power; and a greater utilization of wind, water and solar energy.

75. In considering the agenda for the Seventh Session of COAG the Council supported the list of selected development problems which the Committee had recommended, viz: (1) Plant Protection - Development of a Global Strategy (2) Animal Health (National and International Strategies for Action) (3) Follow-up to WCARRD with Special Reference to the Role of Women in Agricultural Production.

76. The Council agreed that this list was in line with the recommendation at its Seventy- fifth Session that a satisfactory balance between technical and socio-economic areas of work be ensured.

77. Regarding the methods of work of COAG, it was suggested that improvements were needed and that there were two possible lines of approach, which were related to the timing of COAG Sessions. If COAG were to continue reviewing the Summary Programme of Work and Budget for Major Programme 2.1, Agriculture, it had to meet at the earliest in March in the Conference year since the Summary Programme of Work and Budget could not be available before then. At that time, however, the Review of the Regular and Field Programmes were not available and the Committee could only undertake an in-depth review of a few selected items, possibly of the "selected development problems" on its Agenda. Alternatively, if the Com mittee wished to concentrate on an in-depth evaluation of all the activities under Major Programme 2.1, Agriculture, it would have to meet in the non-Conference year, which would exclude the possibility of reviewing the Summary Programme of Work and Budget. It was felt that further consideration needed to be given to this question, possibly during 1982.

Report of the Fourteenth Session of the Committee on Fisheries
(Rome, 26-30 May 1981)

78. The Council expressed its appreciation for the work carried out by the Committee on Fisheries at its Fourteenth Session and for the excellent report submitted by the Committee. It reviewed the conclusions reached by the Committee on the three main items on its agenda, i.e. the development and management of fisheries in economic zones, the utilization of fish and its role in human nutrition, and the work of FAO in fisheries during 1982-83.

79. The Council shared the satisfaction of the Committee with the progress achieved by the Organization in planning and implementing the comprehensive Programme of assistance to devel oping coastal States in the management and development of fisheries in exclusive economic zones (the EEZ Programme). Several delegations expressed their gratitude for the assistance their countries had already received from the Programme. The Council agreed that there was a continued need for priority attention to assistance to developing countries in fishery policy and planning, training, small-iscale fisheries, monitoring, control and surveillance, and, generally resource-information and other data, A number of delegations emphasized the poten- tial value for fishery development of joint ventures and other bilateral agreements but noted that such arrangements should provide mutual benefits for both partners.

80. The Organization's policy to implement EEZ Programme activities in a decentralized manner was strongly re-endorsed. Satisfaction was expressed at the progress achieved in establishing a network of sub-regional technical assistance units reflecting the needs of specific groups of countries in natural management areas and associated with FAO regional fishery bodies. In this connexion, particular reference was made to the demonstrated value of the work of the units established for the South China Sea and the Bay of Bengal and to the potential of the proposed Mediterranean project.

81. The Council welcomed the successful efforts made by the Organization to marshal extra- budgetary financial and other assistance to support the EEZ Programme and called upon inter national and bilateral donor agencies to reinforce their suppprt for fisheries management and development.

82. The Council fully endorsed the approval expressed by the Committee on Fisheries that FAO should organize a World Conference on Fisheries Management and Development with both technical and high level policy phases, It was noted that the first half of 1983, with the Fifteenth Session of the Committee on Fisheries serving as the technical phase, seemed the most appropriate time to convene the Conference. In this connexion, the Council under lined the need to carefully prepare the Conference in cooperation with the governments con cerned.

83. In reviewing the Committee's debate on the utilization of fish, the Council emphasized the important role that fish and fishery products play in animal protein supplies for human nutrition, especially in developing countries. Attention was drawn to the need for reducing the present large post-harvest losses of fish, The Council endorsed the Committee's recommendation that the role of fishery products in food aid should be considered at the next session of the WFP Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes.

84. The Council supported, and approved, the overall priorities and general thrust of the proposals for FAO's work in fisheries during 1982-83. Some delegations indicated that more detailed information concerning achievements and impact at the sub-programme level night be provided to the Committee in the future. In addition to the Organization's activities in EEZ fisheries management and development, the Council agreed that continued attention should be given to the technical ard marketing aspects of fisheries, to the promotion of energy con servation in fisheries, and to inland fisheries and aquaculture development. In this latter connexion, satisfaction was expressed at the steps being taken by the Organization to assist, through a Sub-Committee of the Committee for the Inland Fisheries of Africa, the development and rational utilizatipn of the fish resources of Lake Victoria.

85. A large number of delegations expressed the opinion that the Regular Programme allo cation proposed for fisheries inadequately reflected the greatly increased responsibilities of FAO in world fisheries under the new regime of the oceans.

86. In concluding its debate, the Council endorsed the report of the Fourteenth Session of the Committee on Fisheries.

World Food Programme: Sixth Annual Report of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes of the UN/FAO World Food Programme 3

87. The Council paid tribute to G.N. Vogel, the late Executive Director of the World Food Programme (WFP), for his achievements and dedication to the work of the Programme. 4

88. The Executive Director a.i., in introducing the Sixth Annual Report of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes (CFA) to ECOSOC, the FAO Council and the World Food Council for the year 1980, noted that WFP had shipped a record level of 1.5 million tons of food aid in that year. However, most of the increase in the Programme's deliveries in recent years had gone to emergency operations, and thus directly affected resources available for development projects. He drew attention to the competition for scarce resources. The International Emergency Food Reserve '(IEFR) had not yet reached the minimum annual target of 500 000 tons of cereals set by the United Nations General Assembly in 1975. The pledging target for the regular resources of WFP for the 1979-80 biennium had not been met and the prospects of reaching the target for the current biennium (1981-82) were not very encouraging. Some additional resources under the Food Aid Convention (FAC) might be channelled through WFP, but it was doubtful at present whether they would be sufficient to restore the Programme's momentum so that it could meet the rapidly growing needs for project and emergency food aid. Cash, as well as commodities, was critically required not only for freight, but also to purchase essential foodstuffs and to help the least developed countries meet part of the internal costs of distributing food aid.

89. The Executive Director a.i. stressed that while WFP was a food aid programme, it was also a project-oriented development assistance agency. Its food deliveries should therefore be seen as development operations, the success of which depended largely on the most appro priate project design and the right mix of resources - financial, technical, and non-food, as well as food aid. The Programme placed emphasis on, the quality of the projects it supported, with the aim of stimulating food production and rural development.. . The opportuni ties for project food aid of the type provided by WFP were fast increasing. By contrast, the Programme's resources earmarked for development projects were practically stagnant. He had proposed a pledging target for the Programme of $1 200 million for the biennium 1983-84 at the Eleventh Session of the CFA in May 1981. If, as seemed likely, prices and costs continued to increase, the proposed target would barely permit WFP deliveries to be maintained at their current level. It was hoped that the CFA would reach agreement on the proposed target at its Twelfth Session in October 1981, so that its recommendation could be considered by the Council at its next session.

90. The Council observed that as a result of resource constraints, many requests for WFP assistance for development projects in direct support of the poorest people in the low-income countries could not be accepted. Emphasis was being given to priorities in line with the Guidelines and Criteria for Food Aid endorsed by the Council two years ago. An increasing proportion of WFP resources was being channelled to low-income, food-deficit developing countries. In line with the priorities and Strategies of recipient countries, an increasing share of the Programme's resources was being directed to a broad category of projects in support of agricultural production and rural development.

91. The Council also noted that WFP endeavoured to obtain the optimum utilization of its resources. Wherever possible and appropriate, WFP was combining external food aid resources with local and regional food supplies, particularly through triangular transactions. Such initiatives opened up possibilities for a regional approach to food aid, with advantages of economy of operations, timely deliveries, adjustment of the food aid basket to local require ments and support for regional cooperation and food security. Recipient countries and the Programme were also continuously striving to develop project models and designs better suited to the particular conditions of each country and region.

92. The Council endorsed the report of CFA, expressed support for the policies, priorities and programmes of WFP and paid special tribute to the work of the Programme. A suggestion that WFP should become a coordinating centre for international food aid between donor and recipient countries, received the support of some members.

93. The Council recommended that cooperation between WFP and agencies providing financial, technical and non-food assistance be further strengthened for the benefit of the development efforts of recipient countries. The Council also recommended strengthening of cooperation between WFP and other aid organizations in the provision of assistance to people involved in refugee and emergency situations.

94. Taking into account the growing needs of the developing countries and especially the poorest among them, for project food aid as provided by WFP, price increases for food commodities and freight, and the proven efficiency of WFP, the Council urged that more resources be made available to. the Programme, both from new donors and from traditional donors, particularly those in a position to increase their contributions, so that the minimum target of US$ 1 009 million for the 1981-82 biennium might be reached and, if possible, surpassed. Recognizing also the importance of cash contributions, the Council appealed to traditional and new donors to make cash resources available to WFP so that they might amount, in the aggregate, to at least one third of the total contributions to the regular resources of the Programme. Several delegations drew attention to the need for those contributing commodities to provide also for the costs of transport.

95. The Council also strongly endorsed the CFA's decision that, as a matter of urgency, the level, predictability and continuity of IEFR resources needed to be strengthened. It noted that the CFA would discuss further, at its Twelfth Session, ways and means of bringing this about.

96. While reiterating the view that the solution to the food problem lay with the developing countries themselves, the Council recognized that food aid would be needed for some time to come. The Council particularly approved the priority given by WFP to assistance for food production and rural development. It also strongly supported the Programme's endeavours in pursuing a regional approach to food aid and in increasing triangular transactions. The Council also commended the WFP's imaginative approach to project assistance.

97. The Council noted with concern the increasingly grave refugee situation, particularly in Pakistan and Somalia, and appealed to donors to assist the host countries, including through WFP, in meeting the humanitarian needs of the affected populations.

Inter-Agency Relations and Consultations on Questions of Common Interest

- Recent Developments in the United Nations System of Interest to FAO 5

98. The Council endorsed the views of the Director-General as set forth in the document on this subject and noted the views of the Programme and Finance Committees at their recent sessions.

99. The Council expressed its great concern at the lack of progress with the Global Negotiations relating to International Economic Cooperation for Development which the General Assembly had first sought to launch at its Eleventh Special Session in the summer of 1980. The Council recognized that it was not the food and agriculture component of the Global Negotiations which had given rise to the present delays and expressed the view that if further progress did materialize in the future, the issues of food and agriculture should be given priority attention. The Council endorsed the initiative taken by the Director-General in offering FAO's services, experience and technical competence as appropriate for the negotiations relating to food and agriculture.

100. The International Development Strategy for the Third United Nations Development Decade had been adopted by the General Assembly at its Thirty-fifth Session in the autumn of 1980. The Council recognized that the section on food and agriculture in the Strategy was in line with FAO's own objectives and programme of work and deserved the support of the Organization. Agricultural and rural development and the eradication of hunger and malnutrition were among the essential aims of the Decade. The Council took note that the Strategy envisaged that agricultural production in developing countries should expand at an average annual rate of at least 4 percent. This would not be an easy task, and an essential condition for achieving this would be a substantial increase in assistance to developing countries.

101. The Council noted Resolution 35/81 of the UN General Assembly and, in particular, its paragraphs 7 through 11, and 17 and 18. It agreed that the policies of the Director-General had been fully in line with this resolution, in particular by raising increased resources for development for the special action programmes of FAO and in taking various measures to achieve the greatest possible efficiency in the implementation of all programmes. The Council also noted with appreciation the action which the Director-General had taken to improve coordina- tion of field activities at country level, as evidenced by the letter which he had signed jointly with the Administrator of UNDP on 30 July 1980. More generally, the Council supported the views concerning Resolution 35/81 as expressed by the Fortieth Session of the Programme Committee and the Forty-seventh Session of the Finance Committee in paragraphs 2.207 to 2.210 and 3.115 to 3.120 of their respective reports, and underlined once again the sole responsibility and competence of FAO's Governing Bodies in judging the use and management of the totality of FAO's activities. 6

102. The Council considered it right and proper that FAO was the lead agency for inter- agency activities concerning rural development. FAO was certainly the most competent and suitable body for taking the lead in the many aspects of such a broad subject and should continue to act as the lead agency.

103. The Council expressed its support for the Organization's contributions to major world conferences and in particular to the forthcoming UN Conference on New and Renewable Sriurces of Energy, on the Least Developed Countries and on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space.

104. The Council appreciated the contributions already pledged by donors as a result of the Director-General's appeal in September 1980 in favour of the African countries suffering from acute food shortages, and commended the efforts of the Organization in this regard. The Council also expressed its hope that the recent Conference on Assistance to Refugees in Africa would lead to greater availability of resources not only for the immediate assistance to the countries concerned but also for paving the way to more lasting solutions to the problems of refugees. The Council also drew attention to the problems of refugees in other parts. of the world and stressed the need for the international community to assist them.

105. The Council took note with satisfaction of the Organization's activities related to decolonisation and apartheid which were still a serious obstacle to development in Africa.

106. The Council expressed the hope that the replenishment of IFAD resources be achieved soon and in a satisfactory way.

- Joint Inspection Unit Reports

(a) Status of Women in the Professional Category and Above: A Progress Report 7

107. The Council generally agreed with the comments made by the Administrative Committee on Coordination (ACC) and by the Programme and Finance Committees. It noted that although progress had been made in recruiting more women and at higher levels this had not been rapid enough. Further vigorous and Sustained effort was required to alleviate this situation throughout the UN system. In this connexion the Council fully supported the various measures included in Part III of UN General Assembly Resolution 33/143.

108. The Council noted that although the presence of women in the development process everywhere was essential, they were conspicuously under-represented or absent from national and international bodies concerned with policy making and programme planning for development. This included the organizations of the UN system themselves.

109. The Council fully agreed with the recommendations of the report with regard to appointment, training and promotion and that an important measure in this regard was the membership of Women on the various personnel advisory and administrative boards of the various organizations. While many delegations noted the utility of targets as an incentive to progress, others believed that these must be utilized flexibly.

110. The Council agreed that Member States could play a Crucial role by making special efforts to present more and better qualified female candidates for employment to the member organizations of the system.

111. With regard to part-time employment for female candidates for Professional posts, the Council noted that the matter was under study by the Director-General, bearing in mind the need for efficiency and the financial consequences resulting from the introduction of such a system.

(b) Evaluation of the Translation Process of the United Nations Organizations 8

112. The Council agreed with the comments of the ACC attd of the Programme and Finance Committees. In particular it noted that FAO's Translation Service compared favourably as regards efficiency, speed, accuracy and economy with those of other organizations in the system.

(c) Work Programme of the JIU for 1981 9

113. The Council noted that most of the reports scheduled for 1981 concerned Other organiza tions or Were of a system-wide nature, but that these would involve considerable inputs from FAO in the form of staff time devoted to collecting information and data and responding to questionnaires.

Preparations for the Twenty-first Session of the FAO Conference

Arrangements for the Session, and Provisional Timetable 10

114. The Council examined the draft Conference document on the arrangements for the Twenty-first Session of the Conference, prepared by the Director-General, and approved it.

Nomination of the Chairman and Other Officers of the Conference 11

115. The Council noted that consultations had taken place among the Heads of Delegations re0presented at the Council in order to designate the candidates who would be approached to serve as Chairman of the Conference and Chairmen of Commissions I, II and III.

Date for Nominations for Independent Chairman of the Council 12

116. The Council noted that the Conference at its Twenty-first Session wquld be required to appoint the Independent Chairman of the Council, the term of office of the present incumbent expiring in November 1981.

117. The Council also noted that with regard to the nomination for this office, Rule XXIII-1 (b) of the General Rules of the Organization laid down that the Council determines the date for such nominations which must be submitted by Member Nations and addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference. The Council accordingly established the deadline for the receipt of such nominations at 17.00 hours on Friday 4 September 1981. Nominations would be circulated by the Secretary-General to all Member Nations by Friday 11 September 1981.

1 CL 79/9; CL 79/PV/ll; CL 79/PV/12; CL 79/PV/17

2 CL 79/7; CL 79/PV/13; CL 79/PV/17

3 CL 79/6; CL 79/PV/3; CL 79/PV/5; CL 79/PV/17

4 See para 8. of this report

5 CL 79/15; CL 79/PV/5; CL 79/PV/16

6 CL 79/4

7 CL 79/4; CL 79/14; CL 79/PV/5; CL 79/PV/16

8 CL 79/4; CL 79/13; CL 79/PV/5; CL 79/PV/16

9 CL 79/4; CL 79/17; CL 79/PV/5; CL 79/PV/16

10 CL 79/11; CL 79/PV/6; CL 79/PV/16

11 CL 79/PV/6; CL 79/PV/16

12 CL 79/12; CL 79/PV/6; CL 79/PV/16

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