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(Proposed Scale same as 1980-81 SCALE)

Member Nation Proposed Scale
Scale 1980-81a
Afghanistan 0.01 0.01
Albania 0.01 0.01
Algeria 0.15 0.15
Angola 0.01 0.01
Argentina 0.95 0.95
Australia 2.24 2.24
Austria 0.87 0.87
Bahamas 0.01 0.01
Bahrain 0.01 0.01
Bangladesh 0.05 0.05
Barbados 0.01 0.01
Belgium 1.49 1.49
Benin 0.01 0.01
Bolivia 0.01 0.01
Botswana 0.01 0.01
Brazil 1.55 1.55
Bulgaria 0.20 0.20
Burma 0.01 0.01
Burundi 0.01 0.01
Cameroon 0.01 0.01
Canada 4.01 4.01
Cape Verde 0.01 0.01
Central African Republic 0.01 0.01
Chad 0.01 0.01
Chile 0.09 0.09
China 1.98 1.98
Colombia 0.13 0.13
Comoros 0.01 0.01
Congo 0.01 0.01
Costa Rica 0.02 0.02
Cuba 0.13 0.13
Cyprus 0.01 0.01
Czechoslovakia 1.02 1.02
Democratic Kampuchea 0.01 0.01
Democratic Peoples's Republic of Koreac 0.06 0.06
Denmark 0.91 0.91
Djibouti 0.01 0.01
Dominica 0.01 0.01
Dominican Republic 0.04 0.04
Ecuador 0.02 0.02
Egypt 0.09 0.09
El Salvador 0.01 0.01
Ethiopia 0.01 0.01
Fiji 0.01 0.01
Finland 0.59 0.59
France 7.66 7.66
Gabon 0.02 0.02
Gambia 0.01 0.01
Germany, Federal Rep. of 10.17 10.17
Ghana 0.04 0.04
Greece 0.43 0.43
Grenada 0.01 0.01
Guatemala 0.02 0.02
Guinea 0.01 0.01
Guinea-Bissau 0.01 0.01
Guyana 0.01 0.01
Haiti 0.01 0.01
Honduras 0.01 0.01
Hungary 0.40 0.40
Iceland 0.04 0.04
India 0.73 0.73
Indonesia 0.20 0.20
Iran 0.80 0.80
Iraq 0.15 0.15
Ireland 0.20 0.20
Israel 0.31 0.31
Italy 4.22 4.22
Ivory Coast 0.04 0.04
Jamaica 0.02 0.02
Japan 11.73 11.73
Jordan 0.01 0.01
Kenya 0.01 0.01
Korea, Republic of c 0.18 0.18
Kuwait 0.25 0.25
Lao 0.01 0.01
Lebanon 0.04 0.04
Lesotho 0.01 0.01
Liberia 0.01 0.01
Libya 0.28 0.28
Luxembourg 0.06 0.06
Madagascar 0.01 0.01
Malawi 0.01 0.01
Malaysia 0.11 0.11
Maldives 0.01 0.01
Mali 0.01 0.01
Malta 0.01 0.01
Mauritania 0.01 0.01
Mauritius 0.01 0.01
Mexico 0.93 0.93
Mongolia 0.01 0.01
Morocco 0.06 0.06
Mozambique 0.01 0.01
Namibiab 0.01 0.01
Nepal 0.01 0.01
Netherlands 2.00 2.00
New Zealand 0.33 0.33
Nicaragua 0.01 0.01
Niger 0.01 0.01
Nigeria 0.20 0.20
Norway 0.61 0.61
Oman 0.01 0.01
Pakistan 0.09 0.09
Panama 0.02 0.02
Papua New Guinea 0.01 0.01
Paraguay 0.01 0.01
Peru 0.07 0.07
Philippines 0. 12 0.12
Poland 1.52 1 .52
Portugal 0.23 0.23
Qatar 0.04 0.04
Romania 0.26 0.26
Rwanda 0.01 0.01
Saint Lucia 0.01 0.01
Samoa 0.01 0.01
Sao tome and Principe 0.01 0.01
Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of 0.71 0.71
Senegal 0.01 0.01
Seychelles 0.01 0.01
Sierra Leone 0.01 0.01
Somalia 0.01 0.01
Spain 2.08 2.08
Sri Lanka 0.02 0.02
Sudan 0.01 0.01
Suriname 0.01 0.01
Swaziland 0.01 0.01
Sweden 1.60 1.60
Switzerlandc 1 .29 1.29
Syria 0.04 0.04
Tanzania 0.01 0.01
Thailand 0.12 0.12
Togo 0.01 0.01
Trinidad and Tobago 0.04 0.04
Tunisia 0.04 0.04
Turkey 0.37 0.37
Uganda 0.01 0.01
United Arab Emirates 0.12 0. 12
United Kingdom 5.46 5.46
United States of America 25.00 25.00
Upper Volta 0.01 0.01
Uruguay 0.05 0.05
Venezuela 0.61 0.61
Viet Nam 0.04 0.04
Yemen Arab Republic 0.01 0.01
Yemen, people's Democratic Republic of 0.01 0.01
Yugoslavia 0.51 0.51
Zaire 0.02 0.02
Zambia 0.02 0.02
100.00 100.00

a Derived directly from the United Nations Scale Of Assessments for 1980-82 as adopted by General Assembly Resolution 34/6A of 25 October 1979.

b The Secretariat of the United Nations Committee on Contributions advised that the "theoretical probable" rate of this member would be the minimum rate i.e. 0.01%.

c The contribution rates of these members which are not members of the United Nations ate derived from the percentage rates at which they contribute to certain UN activities.

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