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Report of the Fifty–fourth Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems
(Rome, 3–7 October 1983)

Approved the report of the Fifty–fourth Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems (CCP)(para. 12).

Laid stress on the linkages between food security and trade and requested the CCP to pay special attention to these interrelationships in its future assessments of the agricultural commodity situation, taking into account the broader concept of world food security, as drawn up by the Committee on World Food Security and endorsed by
the Council (para. 14)

Stressed the need for the establishment of a new international economic order so as to resolve the structural difficulties that the developing countries were facing in the field of trade (para. 16)

Agreed that the ultimate goal for improving the agricultural trading system continued to be the progressive and multilateral liberalisation of markets, with a special emphasis on enhancing the purchasing power of developing countries (para. 17).

Urged that every encouragement and support should be offered to the GATT in carrying out its programme in agricultural, fishery and forestry products (para. 18)

Agreed that the CCP should keep progress in GATT under review on a regular basis (para.20)

Agreed that the Committee on Commodity Problems should continue to keep under regular review developments in protectionism which might affect the trade prospects of agricultural commodities (para. 25)

Stressed the urgent need for research to improve productivity and to find new end uses for these commodities (para. 29)

Stressed the importance of the early entry into force of the Agreement establishing the Common Fund and urged all States that had not yet done so to sign and ratify the Agreement without further delay and preferably by 1 January 1984 (para. 31).

Fully supported FAO�s work in the field of commodities and trade which complemented the activities of UNCTAD, GATT and other organizations in this field. (para.32).

Stressed the continuing importance of the consultative and monitoring functions of the Consultative Sub–Committee on Surplus Disposal (CSD) in ensuring and orderly disposal of surplus agricultural commodities on food aid or on other concessional terms (para. 32).

Report of the Fifteenth Session of the Committee on Fisheries
(Rome,10–19 October 1983)

Endorsed the report of the Fifteenth Session of the Committee on Fisheries (para. 33)

Agreed that the report of the Fifteenth Session of the Committee on Fisheries would serve as an excellent technical basis for the policy phase of the World Fisheries Conference in June/July 1984. (para. 34).

Endorsed the Committee�s recommendation that inland fisheries and aquaculture in food production and food security should receive greater attention and increased support from governments and international organizations, including FAO (para.38).

Stressed the necessity of adopting an integrated approach to the development of small–scale fisheries, including social and economic aspects (para. 39).

Agreed that FAO should endeavour to provide increased assistance to these countries, particularly in the areas of stock assessment, harmonization of legislation, bait–fish culture, processing and marketing information (para. 40).

Stressed that the reduction of post–harvest losses should receive particular attention to improve food fish supplies (para. 41).

Agreed that FAO regional fishery bodies and their sub–regional Committees for fishery management and development supported by associated field programme, provided a unique mechanism for inter–country cooperation and for the delivery of technical assistance. (para. 43).

Recommended that technical and economic cooperation among developing countries should also be strengthened (para. 43).

Endorsed the proposal for the elaboration of a Draft Strategy for Fisheries Management and Development which would be submitted to the policy phase of the World Fisheries Conference (para. 46).

Agreed that the major thrust of the Strategy should be the contribution of fisheries to national economic, social and nutritional goals, as well as the self–reliance of developing countries in fisheries management and development and also approved a series of basic elements on which guidelines and principles should be formulated by FAO for consideration by governments and international organizations (para. 46).

Requested FAO to convene a meeting with representatives from financing institutions so as to define financing policies and mechanisms, so that these could be considered by the forthcoming World Fisheries Conference (para, 46).

Agreed that the following five Action Programmes should be submitted to the policy phase of the World Fisheries Conference: fisheries planning management and development (covering both marine and inland fisheries); development of small–scale fisheries; aquaculture; trade in fish and fisheries products; and promotion of the role of fisheries in alleviating undernutrition (para. 47).

Invited the Director–General to consider arranging further consultations with donor agencies and financing institutions (para. 48).

Inter–Agency Relations and Consultations on Questions of Common Interest

Recent Developments in the United Nations System of Interest to FAO

Expressed concern at the unsatisfactory progress in the replenishment of IFAD and appealed for the commitments made under the first replenishment to be complied with and for progress to be made on the second replenishment with positive political will (para. 51).

Supported the Director–General�s initiative for mobilising international emergency assistance to African countries suffering from acute food shortages (para. 52).

UN International Development Strategy for the Third Development Decade

Reaffirmed and recognized the essential role of FAO both in shaping policies and in assisting Member Nations through technical cooperation (para. 60).

Commended the document to the attention of the Conference (para. 61).

– Joint Inspection Unit (JIU) Reports

(a) Work Programme of the Joint Inspection Unit for 1983

Took note of the Work Programme as outlined in Document CL 84/INF/l0 (para. 62).

(b) Contribution of the UN System to the Conservation and Management of Latin American Cultural and Natural Heritage (JIU/REP/82/5)

Endorsed the views expressed by the Director–General, and the Programme and Finance Committees (para. 63).

(c) Progress Report on the Implementation of Recommendations on Regional Programmes in the Conservation and Management of African Wildlife (JIU/REP/83/3).

Endorsed the views expressed by the Programme and Finance Committees (para. 64).

Progress Report on the Pan–African Rinderpest Campaign

Re–confirmed that the launching of the proposed long–term multi–donor funded Pan–African Rinderpest Campaign remained essential (para. 68).

Recommended that in order to involve all countries concerned more intensively in the campaign, regular intergovernmental consultations should be convened by FAO (para. 70).

Requested FAO to prepare a programme of action along with the OAU/IBAR/OIE and the EEC,convene an intergovernmental consultation, present the result of the consultation together with the programme of action to a donors� meeting and report the results of both the intergovernmental consultation and the donors� meeting to the next FAO Regional Conference for Africa (para. 70).

Proposals for the Establishment of an International Genebank and the Preparation of a Draft International Convention for Plant Genetic Resources

Expressed general satisfaction at the scope and content of the report by the Director–General (para. 72).

Expressed full support for the general principles contained in the report with regard to the importance and free availability of plant genetic resources for scientific and development purposes as a heritage of mankind (para. 73).

Recommended that the report be submitted to the Twenty–second Session of the Conference (para. 75).

Programme of Work and Budget 1984–85 and Medium–Term Objectives

Fully supported the recommendations of the Programme and Finance Committees (para. 77).

Agreed that the further improvements in the format and presentation of the document were in full compliance with the directives of the Conference and Council, particularly with regard to the incorporation of the Medium–Term Objectives, and greatly facilitated consideration of programme proposals by Member Nations (para. 78).

Agreed that the relevant strategies, priorities and means of action had been carefully selected by the Director–General with a view to ensuring the continued validity and effectiveness of FAO's action in agricultural and rural development, both through the Organization's policy initiatives and its action–oriented programmes (para. 78).

Agreed that the balance of programmes and of specific activities proposed for 1984–85 provided a sound response to the expectations and requirements of Member Nations (para. 79).

Commended the Director–General's persistent efforts to enhance further FAO's efficiency and economy (para. 80).

Expressed as a whole its full support of the Director–General's proposals and agreed to remit the Programme of Work and Budget for 1984–85 to the Twenty–second Session of the Conference with the recommendation that it be unanimously endorsed (para. 83).

Review of the Regular Programme 1982–83

Recognized that the Review of the Regular Programme was an essential part of the wider system of monitoring and evaluation introduced by the Director–General; it was comprehensive in scope and its content analytical and result–oriented (para. 85).

Welcomed the chapter on selected activities of the Regional Offices carried out in cooperation with Headquarters (pare. 86).

Review of Field Programme 1982–83

Agreed with the views of the Programme and Finance Committees which emphasized the quality and objectivity of the document (para. 87).

Stressed the importance of new dimensions and related approaches in FAO's technical assistance (para. 88).

Reports of the Forty–fifth Session of the Programme Committee, the Fifty–second Session of the Finance Committee and their Joint Session
(Rome, 19–30 September 1983)

Financial Position of the Organization: Contribution Matters

(b) Current Assessments

Appealed to all Member Nations to fulfill their financial undertakings as Members of the Organization by paying promptly their outstanding contributions and arranging payment of their 1984 assessed contributions within the prescribed time (para. 94).

(c) Contributions in Arrears –Voting Right Problems

Appealed to all 43 Member Nations with arrears outstanding to effect payment at the earliest possible moment and urged those Member Nations in danger of losing their right to vote at the Conference to regularize their positions without further delay (para.97).

Headquarters Accommodation

Expressed its serious concern that no meeting had taken place yet between the President of the Italian Council of Ministers and the Working Party appointed by the Conference in November 1981 (Resolution 14/81) and reiterated its request to the Host Government for an early meeting of the Working Party and the President of the Council of Ministers (para. 101).

Endorsed the Director–General's line of action and urged him to pursue his efforts with the Italian Authorities at the highest level with a view to accelerating progress on the construction projects (para. 102).

Actuarial Review of Compensation Plan Reserve Fund

Endorsed the recommendations of the Finance Committee that the funding rate be raised on an interim basis on 1 January 1983 to 1.153 percent of payroll for Field Staff and 0.237 percent of payroll for Headquarters staff, and that the financial position of the Fund be reviewed by the actuary at 31 December 1984 (para. 103).

Allowances for Chairman of the Appeals Committee

Approved the proposal of the Director–General that in view of the high rate of increase in the cost of living and in air fares in recent years, the yearly allowance of $2 500, payable to the Chairman of the Appeals Committee, be increased from 1 January 1984 to $3 500 and that, in addition, the Chairman be paid the travel costs once a year (para. 104).

Amendment to the Financial Regulations (External Audit Certificates)

Recommended a draft resolution for adoption by the Conference, entitled "Amendment to the Financial Regulations (External Audit Certificates)" (para. 106).

B.R. Sen and A.H. Boerma Awards

Agreed that the amount of the cash prize of the B.R. Sen Award be increased from $ 3 000 to $5 000 (para. 108).

Education Grant

Endorsed the recommendation of the Finance Committee that FAO follow the decisions of the UN General Assembly on the recommendations of the ICSC and amend the FAO Staff Regulations accordingly (para. 109).

Report of the Forty–third Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (CCLM)
(Rome, 3–7 October 1983)

Amendment to Rule XXXIX.3 of the General Rules of the Organization

Recommended a draft resolution prepared by the CCLM for adoption by �he Conference entitled "Amendment to Rule XXXIX.3 of the General Rules of the Organization" (para. 116).

Amendments to the Plant Protection Agreement for the Asia and Pacific Region

Adopted Resolution 1/84 on the Amendments to the Plant Protection Agreement for the Asia and Pacific Region (para. 122).

FAO's Immunity from Legal Process

Endorsed the proposal of the Finance Committee once more to urge the Host Government to take, as a matter of urgency, the measures that were necessary to give full effect to Resolutions 1/82 and 3/83 (para. 126).

Requested the Director–General to report developments to its Eighty–sixth Session through the Finance Committee and CCLM as appropriate (para. 127).

Other Matters

Amendment to Staff Regulations (Dependency Allowance)

Agreed with the Director–General's recommendation and approved a modification to the Staff Regulations (para. 134).

Date and Place of the Eighty–fifth Session of the Council

Decided that its Eighty–fifth Session would be convened on Friday 25 November 1983 at FAO Headquarters, unless the Twenty–second Session of the Conference finished early, in which case it would be convened beforehand (para. 135).

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