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Outstanding Contributions at 2 November 1983a

Member Nations 1983 Assessments 1983 Assessments Arrears: 1982 and prior assessmentsb Total assessments Total outstanding as % of 1983 assessments
$ $ $ $ %
Afghanistan 17 619 0
Albania 17 619 0
Algeria 264 285 264 285.00 264 285.00 100
Angola 17 619 0
Argentina 1 673 805 0
Australia 3 946 656 0
Austria 1 532 853 0
Bahamas 17 619 0
Bahrain 17 619 0
Bangladesh 88 095 88 095.00 88 095.00 100
Barbados 17 619 0
Belgium 2 625 231 73 627.00 73 627.00 3
Benin 17 619 17 619.00 18 987.22 36 606.22 208
Bhutan 17 619 17 619.00 17 619.00 100
Bolivia 17 619 17 298.00 17 298.00 98
Botswana 17 619 0
Brazil c 2 730 945 2 730 945.00 2 818 937.00 5 549 882.00 203
Bulgaria 352 380 0
Burma 17 619 0
Burundi 17 619 17 619.00 21 863.63 39 482.63 224
Cameroon 17 619 241.27 241.27 1
Canada 7 065 219 0
Cape Verde 17 619 17 298.00 17 298.00 98
Central African Republic d e 17 619 17 619.00 13 193.20 30 812.20 175
Chad d e 17 619 17 619.00 65 992.62 83 611.62 475
Chile 158 571 0
China 3 488 562 0
Colombia 229 047 0
Comoros c d 17 619 17 619.00 70 078.00 87 697.00 498
Congo 17 619 0
Costa Rica c 35 238 12 133.78 21 659.04 33 792.82 96
Cuba c 229 047 439.41 202.18 641.59 -
Cyprus 17 619 0
Czechoslovakia 1 797 138 898 569.00 898 569.00 50
Democratic Kampuchea d e 17 619 17 619.00 30 150.54 47 769.54 271
Democratic People's Republic of Korea 105 714 0
Denmark 1 603 329 0
Dj ibouti 17 619 0
Pominica 17 619 8 636.50 8 636.50 49
Dominican Republic 70 476 69 090.00 69 090.00 98
Ecuador c 35 238 35 238.00 24 489.43 59 727.43 170
Egypt 158 571 0
El Salvador 17 619 17 298.00 17 298.00 98
Equatorial Guinea c 17 619 17 619.00 675.00 18 294.00 104
Ethiopia 17 619 0
Fiji 17 619 0
Finland 1 039 521 0
France 13 496 154 0
Gabon c 35 328 8 101.97 21 092.99 1 29 194.96 83
Gambia" 17 619 17 619.00 17 298.0c 1 34 917.00 198
Germany, Federal Republic of 17 900 904 0
Ghana 70 476 53 591.16 53 591.16 76
Greece 757 617 185 166.45 185 166.45 24
Grenada 17 619 17 619.00 9 975.00 27 594.00 157
Guatemala 35 238 0
Guinea 17 619 332.90 1 171.91 1 504.81 9
Guinea-Bissau d 17 619 17 619.00 44 014.00 61 633.00 350
Guyana 17 619 17 619.00 13 871.75 31 490.75 179
Haiti 17 619 17 298.00 17 298.00 98
Honduras 17 619 17 619.00 314.44 17 932.44 102
Hungary 704 761 1 90 906.00 90 906.00 13
Iqeland 70 471 i 0
India 1 286 18: ' 0
Indonesia 352 381 1 0
Iran c 1 409 521 1 1 409 520.00 2 580 180.91 3 989 700.91 283
Iraq c 264 285 264 285.00 10 780.00 275 065.00 104
Ireland 332 380 0
Israel c 546 189 220 136.00 30 924.00 251 060.00 46
Italy 7 435 218 0
Ivory Coast c 70 476 0 23 840.74 23 840.74 34
Jamaica 35 238 0
Japan 20 649 468 0
Jordan 17 619 0
Kenya 17 619 0
Korea, Republic of 317 142 0
Kuwait 422 856 0
Laos 17 619 17 298.00 17 298.00 98
Lebanon 70 476 0
Lesotho 17 619 0
Liberia d 17 619 17 619.00 43 944.00 61 563.00 349
Libya 493 332 493 332.00 493 332.00 100
Luxembourg 105 714 0
Madagascar 17 619 17 298.00 17 298.00 98
Malawi 17 619 0
Malaysia 193 809 0
Maldives 17 619 0
Mali 17 619 17 619.00 2 198.02 19 817,02 112
Malta 17 619 0
Mauritania d 17 619 17 619.00 34 633.40 52 252.40 297
Mauritius 17 619 0
Mexico 1 638 567 0
Mongolia 17 619 Q
Morocco c 105 714 105 714.00 106 386.00 212 100.00 201
Mozambique 17 619 0
Namibia 17 619 0
Nepal 17 619 0
Netherlands 3 506 181 0
New Zealand 581 427 0
Nicaragua 17 619 0
Niger 17 619 17 619.00 19 683.73 37 302.73 212
Nigeria 352 380 102 401.00 102 401.00 29
Norway 1 074 759 0
Oman 17 619 0
Pakistan 158 571 0
Panama 35 238 0
Papua New Guinea 17 619 0
Paraguay d e 17 619 17 619.00 93 495.67 111 114.67 631
Peru c 123 333 123 333.00 62 666.50 185 999.50 151
Philippines 211 428 0
Poland 2 678 088 2 678 088.00 2 678 088.00 5 356 176.00 200
Portugal 405 237 0
Qatar 70 476 69 090.00 69 090.00 98
Romania c 458 094 458 094.00 485 982.96 944 076.96 206
Rwanda 17 619 17 298.00 17 298.00 98
Saint Lucia c 17 619 17 619.00 22 691.82 40 310.82 229
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 17 619 0
Samoa c 17 619 17 619.00 31 505.00 49 124.00 279
Sao Tome and Principe 17 619 17 619.00 24 179.35 41 798.35 237
Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of c 1 250 949 0 64 285.00 64 285.00 5
Senegal 17 619 3 533.78 3 533.78 20
Seychelles 17 619 17 298.00 17 298.00 98
Sierra Leone 17 619 17 619.00 17 298.00 34 917.00 198
Somalia 17 619 554.68 20 162.23 20 716.91 118
Spain c 3 664 752 0 121 662.00 121 662.00 3
Sri Lanka 35 238 0
Sudan 17 619 17 619.00 16 830.00 34 449.00 196
Suriname 17 619 0
Swaziland 17 619 13 540.75 13 540.75 77
Sweden 2 819 040 0
Switzerland 2 255 232 0
Syria c 70 476 70 476.00 2 614.00 73 090.00 104
Tanzania 17 619 17 298.00 17 298.00 98
Thailand 211 428 0
Togo d 17 619 17 619.00 44 668.51 62 287.51 353
Tonga 17 619 0
Trinidad and Tobago 70 476 0
Tunisia 70 476 0
Turkey 651 903 639 088.00 639 088.00 98
Uganda 17 619 17 619.00 1 668.38 19 287.38 109
United Arab Emirates 211 428 0
United Kingdom 9 602 355 0
United States of America 45 547 500 11 890 083.56 1 1 890 083.56 26
Upper Volta 17 619 0
Uruguay 88 095 87 788.00 87 788.00 100
Venezuela 1 074 759 0
Viet Nam 70 476 0
Yemen Arab Republic 17 619 0
Yemen, People's Democratic Republic of 17 619 0
Yugoslavia 898 569 880 906.00 880 906.00 98
Zaire c 35 238 35 238.00 42 908.00 78 146.00 222
Zambia 35 238 2 223.58 2 223.58 6
Zimbabwe 35 238 0
Conference-authorized arrears instalments due in future years 102 610.42 102 610.42
Total 177 690 000 24 662 980.79 9 879 851.59 f 34 542 832.38 f

a Of which $34 170 963.20 relates to the budget of the Organization and $371 869.18 represents amounts in arrears from 20 Member Nations as advances to the Working Capital Fund, as indicated by footnote c

b Arrears include Conference-authorized arrears instalments due in 1983 ($16,994.69)

c Member Nation (20) with an amount in arrears as advance to the Working Capital Fund.

d Member Nation (9) in danger of losing its right to vote at the Twenty-second Session of the Conference (November 1983) in accordance with Article 111.4 of the Constitution.

e Member Nations (4) with payments overdue under Conference-authorized arrears instalment arrangement.

f Of which $37I 869.18 relates to the Working Capital Fund.

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