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Follow-up on world Conference on Fisheries Management and Development 1

65. The Council welcomed the opportunity to review the Report of the FAO World Conference on Fisheries Management and Development (Rome, 27 June - 6 July 1984) and the action which had already been taken or was proposed by the Director-General as a follow-up to the Conference. It agreed that the Conference had made an essential and timely contribution to the practical implementation of the new legal regime of the oceans in relation to fisheries. It expressed the hope that FAO would maintain the momentum, generated by the Conference not only with respect to marine fisheries management and development, but also as regards inland fisheries and aquaculture.

66. The Council noted the strong support expressed for the Conference objectives, namely: the optimum and rational utilization of world fishery resources from the economic, social and nutritional points of view; a greater contribution of fish to national self-sufficiency in food production and toward food security; the improved self- reliance of developing countries in the management and development of fisheries; and the fostering of international collaboration in fisheries between developed and developing countries and also among the developing countries themselves.

67. The Council noted with appreciation that the World Fisheries Conference had endorsed a Strategy for Fisheries Management and Development, which provided principles and guidelines for consideration by governments and organizations when planning and implementing fisheries management and development. It stressed that these principles and guidelines were flexible, took proper account of national sovereignty and reflected the special requirements and situations of different countries. The World Fisheries Conference had also approved five associated Programmes of Action designed to assist developing countries, mostly at regional and sub-regional levels, to increase their food production and improve their individual and collective self-reliance in fisheries. These Programmes covered the following separate but interlinked areas: planning management and development of fisheries; small-scale fisheries development; aquaculture development; international trade in fish and fishery products; and the role of fisheries in alleviating undernutrition. The Council considered that these Programmes provided a comprehensive and coherent framework for international development assistance in the field of fisheries by multilateral and bilateral donors.

68. The Council was informed that the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), at its July 1984 Session, had received with appreciation an oral report on the results of the World Fisheries Conference, and had adopted a decision inviting the Director-General of FAO to submit the Report of the Conference to the General Assembly at its Thirty-ninth Session. The General Assembly had been apprised of the results of the World Fisheries Conference by its Chairman, the Secretary for Fisheries of Mexico Pedro Ojeda Paullada - whose excellent work was highlighted by the Council - and was considering a draft resolution in which, inter alia, it endorsed the Strategy and the Programmes of Action.

69. The Council noted that the FAO Regional Conferences for Africa. Latin America and the Caribbean, and Europe, which had taken place after the World Fisheries Conference, had welcomed its results and expressed their strong support for the Strategy and the Programmes of Action. In addition, sessions of the FAO regional fishery bodies held since the Conference had provided coastal States with the opportunity to define in greater detail the relevant regional and subregional components of the Programmes of Action, and also enable interested donor agencies to consider their current and planned activities within the framework of these Programmes. The Report of the Conference would be submitted to the forthcoming sessions of the other FAO regional fishery bodies. In this connection, one member pointed out that the Programme of Action on small-scale fisheries development did not include subregional activities in the Arabian Sea. It was suggested that the matter could be taken up at the next session of the Indian Ocean Fishery Commission scheduled to be held in May 1985.

70. The Council considered that the Sixteenth Session of the Committee on Fisheries, to be held in April 1985, should review in detail the measures taken or envisaged for the implementation of the Strategy and Programmes of Action. This should include proposals for the preparation of periodic reports on the implementation of the Strategy and the manner in which States and international and regional organizations might collaborate with FAO in the preparation of such reports. The Commitee should also review the progress so far achieved in mobilizing extra-budgetary resources for the execution of the Programmes of Action. The Council noted in this connection that although the Programmes were designed essentially for execution by FAO at the regional level, individual elements could, where appropriate, be executed bilaterally, or in coordination with multilateral agencies.

71. The Council agreed that the implementation of the Strategy and the Programmes of Action required adjustment of FAO activities in fisheries under both the Regular and Field Programmes. In this context, it was pleased to note that the Regular Programme work plans of the Fisheries Department for the present biennium were adapted to ensure, within approved resources levels, the provision of technical advice and support needed for the planning and implementation of the Programmes of Action with special reference to training in fisheries development planning; aquaculture development; improvement of small-scale fisheries; the utilization of resources not traditionally exploited and an increase in their use for human consumption; the reduction of harvest and post-harvest losses; nutrition aspects of fisheries development; consultation on trade matters; and the establishment or improvement of national and regional data bases. The Council commended the Director-General's intention to take into account as appropriate the results of the World Fisheries Conference when formulating proposals for the Programme of Work and Budget for 1986-87.

72. With regard to the Field Programme in fisheries, the Council was informed that further consultations with the coastal countries were being held at the sessions of FAO regional and sub-regional fishery bodies in order to define in greater detail the relevant components of the Programmes of Action. The Council stressed the need for adequate extra- budgetary funding and other support for the execution of the Programmes of Action. It > noted with satisfaction that consultations had already been initiated with bilateral and multilateral donor agencies and financing institutions and that discussions were being held with governments regarding offers of collaboration made at the World Fisheries Conference. Of the estimated annual funding requirements of US$ 15 million indicated in the Report of the World Fisheries Conference, about two-thirds had already been committed or agreed to in principle by some donors for the implementation of the Programmes of Action in 1985. Whilst expressing its appreciation to those donors that had already committed funds to the Programmes of Action, the Council invited other prospective donor agencies and financing institutions to participate actively in the implementation of the Programmes of Action.

73. Several members reiterated or expressed their willingness to support the development and management of fisheries in developing countries within the framework of the Programmes of Action. Spain proposed to organize in 1985, in cooperation with FAO, an international symposium on fisheries for selected developing countries. Norway indicated that it would continue to provide financial and technical assistance to developing countries through both multilateral and bilateral channels. The Federal Republic of Germany, Japan and the United Kingdom stated taht their bilateral assistance in fisheries would take into account the elements of the Programmes of Action and that they would also continue to collaborate closely with FAO. China and India offered technical assistance within the framework of TCDC, in particular in the areas of aquaculture and small-scale fisheries development.

74. The Council emphasized the leading role of FAO in assisting countries in their efforts to achieve self-reliance in fisheries, particularly through the network of regional fishery bodies established by FAO. It recognized the usefulness of the delivery of sub-regional, regional and inter-regional development projects through a network of technical support units associated with these regional fishery bodies and agreed that FAO should endeavour to strengthen this network. It also recoginzed the active role played by FAO and by regional fishery bodies and programmes in the promotion of Economic

Cooperation among Developing Countries and Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries. Some members encouraged FAO to continue its close cooperation with non-FAO fishery bodies, with particular reference to the Latin American Economic System Action Committee on Marine and Freshwater Products and its successor, the Latin American Organization for Fishery Development; the Permanent Commission for the South Pacific and the South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency.

75. Several members referred to the situation of fisheries in developing countries and defined the areas in which they placed particular emphasis, such as rational utilization of marine and inland fishery resources; aquaculture development; improving the socio- economic conditions of small-scale fishing and farming communities; the building of harbours and of landing and handling infrastructures; reduction of harvest and post-harvest losses; value-added product development; deep-sea fisheries development, including joint ventures and chartering of foreign fishing vessels; measures to develop national fishing and vessel construction capacities; survey of fishery resources and protection of environment from pollution; and associated training activities. They stressed the need to encourage small-scale fishermen who had proved to be so highly productive. Reference was also made to the important question of reconciling the activities of small-scale and industrial fishermen exploiting the same resources in the same area and emphasized the need for adequate management, legislative and other measures to provide effective protection for small-scale fishermen.

76. The Council endorsed the steps which had been taken or were proposed to be taken by the Director-General in implementing Resolutions No. 4 to No. 9 adopted by the World Fisheries Conference. The Council agreed with the World Fisheries Conference that the Director-General should be invited to consider adopting, as a theme for World Food Day 1986, Fishermen and Fishing Communities. As regard the possible proclamation of an Inter national Year of the Fisherman and of a World Fisheries Day, the Council noted the criteria and procedures laid down in this regard by the United Nations General Assembly. Some members encouraged FAO to pursue the matter further through appropriate channels and to bear in mind the financial and programme implications. Other members considered that the highest priority should be given to the effective implementation of those elements of the Strategy and Programmes of Action which related to the improvement of the standard of living of fishermen and their families.

77. The Council agreed that the Report of the FAO World Conference on Fisheries Management and Development, together with a document on the progress achieved in the implementation of the Strategy and the Programmes of Action, should be submitted to the Twenty-hird Session of the FAO Conference for consideration. It recommended that the Conference adopt a special resolution endorsing the outcome of the World Fisheries Conference.

Forestry situation:

Report of the Seventh Session of the Committee on Forestry (Rome, 7-11 May 1984) 2

78. The Council endorsed the Report of the Committee on Forestry (COFO). The reallocation of FAO resources within the forestry sector in favor of the Forestry for Development Strategy was warmly welcomed. The Council expressed its concern over the continued destruction and depletion of the world's forest resources, and the consequent harm to the environment and threat to agricultural production. The Council emphasized the important role of FAO as the lead agency in forestry in heightening the awareness of the world community on these matters, and in promoting sound policies and practical solutions in particular to combat these harmful trends.

79. In view of the overriding importance of taking effective action to combat forest degradation and destruction, to improve the management of existing forests and to invest in needed afforestation and reforestation, the Council supported the recommendations of the Committee on Forestry that multilateral financial agencies and donor countries should increase their assistance to forestry, particularly in tropical and arid zones, through FAO as well as other channels.

80. The Council agreed with the conclusions of the Committee on Forestry on the importance of forests for environmental protection and control of desertification. It also underlined the importance of forest cover in mountain regions for the protection of watersheds for the benefit of downstream agriculture. The need for greater international cooperation in confronting the problem of damage to forests caused by atmospheric pollution, fire, insects and disease was stressed. The Council requested that forest conservation be a regular agenda item at sessions of the Committee on Forestry during the present decade.

81. Recognizing the close linkages between forestry, agriculture and food supply, the Council endorsed the proposal of COFO that a study be made of forestry and food security for presentation to the Committee on World Food Security, the Committee on Agriculture and other FAO fora. The Council also stressed the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to land use planning involving forestry, agriculture and other areas of social concern. It was pointed out that development could take place without destruction.

82. The Council stressed that the focus of forestry programmes should be on people, on involving them in decision making and on ensuring that the benefits accruing from forest were fairly distributed, particularly to the rural population. The Council also stressed that a primary concern in forestry must be the development of people's capability through education, training and extension in relation to all areas of activity within the sector. Moreover, special efforts must be made to overcome financial constraints on effective re search in developing countries in order to enhance the capability of forests to provide additional benefits to rural communities.

83. The Council expressed its satisfaction at the programmes in the forestry sector particularly those on energy and fuelwood, forestry for local community development, con servation of forest genetic resources and the development of forest seed supplies. Similarly, it expressed satisfaction at programmes on the development of appropriate in dustries and technologies, production and trade in forestry, assembly and exchange of in formation relating to forest resources, and the development of sector perspectives and outlook. The Council commended FAO's collaboration with other UN agencies in pursuing its programme objectives.

84. The Council noted the. excellent progress made in preparations for the Ninth World Forestry Congress to be held in Mexico in 1985 and once again thanked the Mexican Government for hosting it. The Council welcomed the emphasis that would be given to the. conservation and proper use of world forest resources at that Congress.

Proposal that 1985 be proclaimed the International Year of the Forest 3

85. The Council considered the relevant documents which summarized the recommendations of the Committee on Forestry and of the Fourteenth FAO Regional Conference for Europe in respect of proclaiming 1985 as the International Year of the Forest.

86. After considering the specific nature of the subject, the mandate of FAO in forestry, and the need to act promptly to arrest the process of disappearance and degradation of the world's forest resources, and after taking into account the fact that the United Nations General Assembly had designated 1985 International Youth Year and that "Tree Planting" would be one of the main programmes involving Youth in development and that the Ninth World Forestry Congress and the Twelfth Commonwealth Forestry Conference would be held in 1985 thus providing unique opportunities to focus world attention on the need for forest conservation and protection, the Council agreed that. 1985 be declared by FAO as the International Year of the Forest. It requested the Director-General so to notify Member Nations, - including suggestions for appropriate national activities.

87. Some members, while supporting in principle the declaration of an International Year of the Forest, expressed concern that 1985 might not permit sufficient time for adequate preparations for the successful organization of activities, and suggested that the possibility be explored of having an International Year of the Forest declared also by the United Nations General Assembly at the earliest possible opportunity.

88. The Council then adopted the following resolution:

Resolution 2/86



Convinced that forest conservation has become one of the greatest environmental problems and that society cannot afford further damage and degradation to the world's forest resources;

Being aware of the alarming rate at which tropical forest resources are being depleted, currently estimated at some 11 million ha per year;

Recognizing the important role of arid-zone forestry in preventing desertification through closer integration of forestry with agriculture in rural development programmes;

Being aware of the fact that forest fires are the major cause of the destruction of Mediterranean forests and that atmospheric pollution, alone or in combination with insects and diseases, seriously threatens the survival of many forests in the temperate regions;

Believing that the damage to forest resources by all these factors combined may signal potential damage to other sectors of human activity such as agriculture, quality of food and water, conservation of wildlife and fish populations and the quality of human life per se;

Expressing deep concern at the lack of political awareness at all levels of the social, economic and environmental consequences of continued excessive deforestation and of neglect of the world's forest resources;

Believing that every possible measure should be taken urgently in every country to accelerate the process of heightening political awareness at all levels of the critical importance for the future of mankind of adequate attention being given to the world's forests;

Being aware of the fact that the United Nations General Assembly has designated 1985 as International Youth Year and that "Tree Planting" will be one of the main programmes involving youth in development;

Considering that the Ninth World Forestry Congress will be held in Mexico in 1985 and the obvious advantages of associating international efforts for the conservation of the forest with this Congress;

  1. Recommends that the Ninth World Forestry Congress in Mexico in July 1985 pays special attention to the conservation and proper use of forest resources,
  2. Requests all Member Nations to give special recognition to "The Forest" during 1985 and to consider the conservation of their respective forest resources as a matter of national and global concern and to heighten public awareness of the importance of forests for the quality of life, the safeguarding of environmental stability and of-their contribution to socio-economic progress, and to sponsor programmes providing opportunities for youth to participate in tree planting and forest conservation,
  3. Declares 1985 the International Year of the Forest,
  4. Requests the. Director-General to seek, within the limits of available funds in 1985, to respond to requests from FAO Member Nations for assistance in their separate and collective efforts to have "The Forest" duly recognized as a. global concern during the year 1985 and in pursuance of the. International Year.

World Food Programme

Ninth Annual Report of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes of the UN/FAO World Food Programme 4

89. The Executive Director presented the Ninth Annual Report of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes covering 1983 by highlighting the worsening food crisis in Africa and the desperately critical situation in Ethiopia in particular. The efforts of WFP on behalf of development and emergency relief in Africa had increased; in 1983, 34 percent of its emergency shipments, amounting to 443 000 tons, had gone to that region.

90. The Council took note of the Report. It noted that 1983, WFP's 20th anniversary year, had seen the highest-ever level of commitments to development projects: US $ 696 million, or over 1.4 million MT of food. Eighty percent of these commitments had gone to low-income and food-deficit countries, the LDCs (least developed countries) among them receiving 36 percent. In 1983, WPP delivered 500 000 tons of food to Africa, south of the Sahara, as compared with 346 000 tons in 1980 and 405 000 tons in 1982, and was assisting operational projects in Africa worth more than US $1 000 million.

91. The Council noted that against the pledging target for the biennium 1985-86 of US $1 350 million, over US $1 000 million had already been contributed, which was a record figure. It expressed the hope that the pledging target for the biennium 1985-86 would be reached soon.

92. The Council expressed satisfaction at the performance of the Programme and reiterated its conviction that full collaboration between FAO and WFP was absolutely necessary in view of their complementarity. A number of members expressed the wish that the Annual. Report of the CFA should, in the future, be clearer and more policy-oriented in order to allow a substantive debate on important policy issues.

93. The Council took note of the fact that the 1983 ratio of WFP resources used for agriculture and rural development projects, on the one hand, and the development of human resources projects, on the other hand, had corresponded exactly to the 12-year average (1972–83) of 68 to 32 percent. It was, however, noted that the share of development projects had declined over the last three years, from 81 percent in 1981 to 76 percent in 1982, and to 68 percent in 1983. While activities in the field of human resource development were an important part of WFP's mandate, projects aiming at agriculture and rural development should have a high priority.

94. The Council recognized that food aid was an integral part of development assistance and should be integrated, as far as possible, in the development plans of recipient countries. Food aid should therefore be provided in such a way as to contribute to over all national development and self-reliance.

95. The Council noted that in 1983 cereals and dairy production represented 88.5 per cent of the commodities provided by WFP. The need was stressed to avoid excessive reliance on commodities which could not be produced in recipient countries. The Council therefore requested the Programme to consider the best ways and means to diversify appropriately the food basket in order to avoid possible adverse effects on local food habits and local production.

96. The Council stressed the importance of triangular transactions and urged, the Programme to increase, as far as possible, the purchase of commodities in developing countries and requested that in future reports a more detailed analysis be made of the type of commodities which had been purchased by the Programme, from where and for which destination. The Council stressed the importance of the Programme having the necessary cash resources to buy the commodities which were required, with participating countries paying not less than one-third of their regular contributions in cash as the CFA had been seeking for many years.

97. On the current emergency situation in Africa, the inadequacy of the resources being put at the Programme's disposal was underlined. The Council noted that, thanks to generous donor support, in 1984 the International Emergency Food Reserve had surpassed the target of 500 000 tons and had actually reached over 700 000 tons. However, even so, there was not enough food or money available to satisfy the vast number of legitimate requests received. On the recommendation of the Executive Director, an appeal had therefore been launched by the Director-General of FAO for additional contributions to the IEFR. The Council welcomed the fact that Argentina and Colombia had become IEFR donors for the first time. At the same time, the CFA, at its last session, had agreed to the transfer of an additional US $10 million from WFP's regular resources to emergency assistance.

98. Since expeditions delivery at destination was most vital, a number of members expressed concern about the increase in the lead-time needed to deliver assistance. The Executive Director explained that WFP did not possess any stock of its own and the lead- time could often be reduced if it were possible either to borrow from existing stocks in the country, or nearby, with the consent of the government(s) concerned, or to divert ships already at sea when other countries would not suffer as a result.

99. The Council took note with appreciation that, at the request of the Director- General, the CFA would, at its next session, study how to speed up delivery of emergency relief.

100. The Council expressed its appreciation for the enthusiastic and dedicated work of WFP staff. It referred to the need for better training of WFP's own staff as well as staff locally employed in food aid activities and for increased participation of women in WFP-assisted activities.

101. A number of members regretted the. information contained in the Ninth Report of the CFA concerning the scant use of developing country vessels for transport of WFP's food and urged the Programme to explore ways and means of increasing their share as far as possible. The next Annual Report should contain more clarifications regarding all the points raised on the subject.

102. Reference was made by a few members to the unbalanced geographical distribution of WFP staff members,and they insisted on the need to have greater representation of developing countries on the staff. The Council urged that a fair and equitable recruiting system should be ensured for giving adequate opportunities to candidates from developing countries, many of whom possessed the talent and ability, quality and integrity, qualifications and experience to serve in such international organizations. In this connection the Executive Director stated that the problem was being slowly overcome and that every effort would be made to redress the. geographical imbalance in the WFP staff structure.

103. In response to a question, it was clarified that the Executive Director had full authority to decide on the purchase of commodities as well as on the shipment and distribution of those commodities, and that FAO did not intervene in these operations. For the biennium 1982-83, the amount involved for these operations was around US $180 million under WFP's regular activities.

Election of Five Members of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes 5

104. The Council elected the following five Member Nations to the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes for a term of office of three years (1 January 1985 to 31 December 1987): Brazil, Congo, Kenya, the Netherlands and Thailand.

Recent Developments in the United Nations System of Interest to FAO 6

105. The Council expressed appreciation of the document which was found to be clear, concise and objective, giving useful information on developments in the United Nations system of interest to FAO. The Council commended FAO's involvement in a wide range of activities of the UN system and its prominent role in the process of system-wide coordination and collaboration efforts, which was in consonance with the importance of the Organization's mandate and the numerous linkages between food and agriculture and other sectors.

106. The Council expressed disappointment at the inconclusive results of the review and appraisal of the implementation of the International Development Strategy undertaken by the United Nations Committee of Universal Membership, and it was hoped that steps would be taken for early completion of the review and appraisal exercise. In this connection, appreciation was expressed for FAO's contribution to the exercise.

107. Concern was expressed at the delay in the launching of the Global Negotiations on international economic cooperation for development and hope was expressed that the Negotiations would start soon.

108. The Council fully supported the high priority given by FAO to economic and technical cooperation among developing countries and the leading role played by the Organization in this respect in the sphere of food and agriculture. The Council endorsed the Director-General's analysis of the ECDC/TCDC issues given in paragraph 14 of the document. It agreed that ECDC/TCDC could be described as conceptual approaches which should permeate FAO's technical and socio-economic programmes. The Council recognized that the initiative and the main responsibility for promoting action in this field rested with the developing countries themselves. At the same time, the Council emphasized the supporting and catalytic role of the UN system, particularly with reference to assistance in South- South information activities, in negotiations, in the formulation of projects promoting ECDC and reorientation of global and regional economic and social research to support ECDC.

109. The Council noted FAO's continuing activities regarding the inter-agency consultations on the follow-up to the Substantial New Programme of Action (SNPA) for the 1980s for the least developed countries and in the country round tables convened by UNDP (United Nations Development Programme). It particularly appreciated that FAO Representatives in the countries had been instructed to follow closely the actions planned by governments, UNDP Resident Representatives, as well as representatives of various multilateral and bilateral donors. It noted FAO's willingness to help the governments in the preparation of technically sound projects and in their implementation.

110. The Council commended the initiatives of the Director-General in making the critical food situation in Africa a focus of world attention. It also commended the work of the special joint FAO/WFP Task Force, appointed by the Director-General, which continued to issue detailed situation reports to keep the international community and donors informed of developments. Hope was expressed that additional funding of US$ 2 000 million, proposed by the World Bank, would be forthcoming to support agricultural policy reform programmes in the affected African countries.

111. In the area of environment, close cooperation and coordination between the relevant organizations of the UN system were stressed. The Council expressed satisfaction at the growing and fruitful cooperation between FAO and UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) . It also noted that FAO was already in contact with the World Commission on Environment and Development and hoped that the Organization would be closely associated with the work of the Commission.

112. The Council expressed satisfaction at FAO's participation in the preparation of the International Conference on Population (Mexico City, August 1984) and particularly the contribution made by FAO in the form of a document entitled Land, Food and People. The Council noted that the Conference gave due emphasis to population and food problems and to the interrelations between population and rural development in general, and expressed satisfaction at the close collaboration between FAO and the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA).

113. The Council stressed the importance of the 1985 World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace as an opportunity to underline the vital role of women in rural development. In this context, it took note with satisfaction of the important contribution which FAO was making to the Conference, in particular to ensure that women in agriculture were given proper recognition in the background documentation for the Conference.

114. The Council noted that, following a decision of ECOSOC, in 1981, FAO had reported to it on the subject of agrarian reform and rural development. The Council noted that ECOSOC had commended FAO for its comprehensive and systematic review of the progress in agrarian reform and rural development in the context of the implementation of the Programme of Action as adopted by the World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development and looked forward to a similar review in four years' time. The Council took note of the fact that the ACC (Administrative Committee on Coordination) Task Force on Rural Development, for which FAO acted as lead agency, had prepared a review and appraisal of its work since 1981. This report had been considered by the Committee for Programme and Coordination (CPC) and ECOSOC which had commended ACC for the quality of the report and agreed that the Task Force was working in the right direction.

115. The Council took note with satisifaction of the preparatory activities undertaken by FAO in view of the International Youth Year (1985).

116. The Council expressed appreciation at the inclusion in the document of a section on relations with international financial institutions. It highly commended the work of ' FAO's Investment Centre.

117. It was noted that commitments by multilateral lending institutions to agriculture going to developing countries had increased from US $4 800 million in 1979 to about US $7 100 million in 1983. The Council however expressed concern at a continuing trend in the decline in the availability of urgently needed financial assistance on concessional terms. It was noted in particular that commitments of concessional funds from IDA had fallen from a high of about US $1 700 million in 1980 to US $1 300 million in 1983.

118. The Council expressed disappointment at the unsatisfactory progress in the replenishment of IFAD, which jeopardized a vital source of external assistance for the development of small and marginal farmers, particularly in the least developed countries. The Council stressed the importance of overcoming the resource crisis facing IFAD and, to this end, appealed to all concerned to take the necessary steps with utmost expedience to bring the negotiations for the replenishment of IFAD to a satisfactory conclusion.

119. The Council appreciated FAO's active involvement in the work of the ACC Task Force on Science and Technology for Development. The Council expressed concern at the slow progress in mobilizing the requisite resources for the United Nations Financing System for Science and Technology for Development and urged that the ongoing negotiations should be brought to a satisfactory conclusion at an early date.

120. The Council expressed satisfaction at FAO/UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) cooperation and supported the continuing use of the existing mechanism to ensure fruitful coordination.

121. Commenting on the outcome of the 1984 United Nations Pledging Conference for Development Activities, the Council expressed concern at the virtual stagnation in contributions to UNDP.

122. Support was expressed for FAO's close collaboration with the United Nations Division of Narcotic Drugs, and the United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control, as well as for the Organization's activities aimed at combating the illegal cultivation of narcotic crops and at crop diversification.

123. The links between disarmament and development were emphasized by several members. Support was expressed for the Director-General's intention to link the objectives of the International Year of Peace with World Food Day 1986 by focusing on the theme Food and Development for Peace.

Progress Report on World Food Day Activities 7

124. The Council commended the Secretariat for its effective support of the 1984 observance of World Food Day, the success of which was evidenced by the wide range of activities taking place in practically all Member Nations.

125. It noted with satisfaction the prominence given to the. role of women in agricultural production through World Food Day events in 1984, as well as the major role of women's organizations in planning and implementing activities.

126. In recognizing the expansion of contacts between FAO, governments and NGOs in the context of World Food Day, the Council expressed satisfaction at the measures taken by governments to widen NGOs' involvement in World Food Day and urged that such measures be continued in the future.

127. The Council supported FAO's initiative in designating an overall theme and focus for World Food Day observances. It took note of the Director-General's intention to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the founding of FAO, and suggested that within this context emphasis should be placed on the relationship between food and the environment, forestry and rural poverty.

128. The Council recommended that detailed information concerning the orientation for World Food Day 1985 be communicated to Member Nations as soon as possible. It also reiterated the appeal made by the Conference to Member Nations for the early initiation of planning for an expanded programme of activities to mark the 40th anniversary of the Organization.

129. The Council encouraged Member Nations to give priority attention to this opportunity to highlight developments in the food and agricultural sectors over the last 40 years and, in particular, the nature and significance of FAO's contribution to them.

1 CL 86/14; CL 86/PV/6; CL 86/PV/7 CL 86/PY/17.

2 CL 86/8; CL 86/PV/8; CL 86/PV/9; CL 86/PV/17.

3 CL 86/8 - Sup. 1; CL 86/8 - Sup. 2; CL 86/PV/8; CL 86/PV/9; CL 86/PV/17.

4 CL 86/9; CL 86/PV/9; CL 86/PV/10; CL 86/PV/18

5 CL 86/11; CL 86/PV/14; CL 86/PV/18.

6 CL 86/12; CL 86/PV/ll; CL 86/PV/12; CL 86/PV/18.

7 CL 86/16; CL 86/PV/15; CL 86/PV/18.

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