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CL 86/i-Rev. 1 Provisional Annotated Agenda
CL 86/2 The State of Food and Agriculture 1984
CL 86/2-Corr.l (Spanish only) Corrigendum to Spanish version of C 86/2
CL 86/2-Sup.l Supplement to CL 86/2
CL 86/3 Report of the Forty-sixth Session of the Programme Committee (Rome, 14-24 May 1984)
CL 86/4 Report of the Fifty-third Session of the Finance Committee (Rome, 21-30 May 1984)
CL 86/5 Report of the Forty-fourth Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (Rome, 24-25 May 1984)
CL 86/5 (a) Report of the Forty-fifth Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (Rome, 8-10 October 1984)
CL 86/6 Reports of the Forty-seventh Session of the Programme Committee; and the Fifty-fourth Session of the Finance Committee (Rome, 24 September - 5 October 1984)
CL 86/7 Revised Calendar of 1984-85 Sessions of the Council and of those Bodies which Report to the Council
CL 86/8 Report of the Seventh Session of the Committee on Forestry (COFO) (Rome, 7-11 May 1984)
CL 86/8-Sup.l Proclamation of 1985 as the International Year of the Forest
CL 86/8-Sup.2 Supplement to CL 86/8-Sup.1
CL 86/9 Ninth Annual Report of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes to the Economic and Social Council, the FAO Council and the World Food Council
CL 86/10 Report of the Ninth Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) (Rome, 11-18 April 1984)
CL 86/11 Membership of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes
CL 86/12 Recent Developments in the UN System of Interest to FAO
CL 86/13 First Report on Unscheduled and Cancelled Sessions in the 1984-85 Biennium
CL 86/14 Follow-up on the World Conference on Fisheries Management and Development
CL 86/15 Questions Arising out of Relations with the Host Government
CL 86/16 Progress Report on World Food Day Activities
CL 86/17 Abolition of the Regional Commission on Farm Management for Asia and the Far East
CL 86/18 Appointment of Representatives of Member Governments to the FAO Staff Pension Committee
CL 86/19 Amendment to Staff Regulation 301.136
CL 86/INF/Series
CL 86/INF/l-Rev.2 Timetable
CL 86/INF/2-Rev.2 Provisional List of Delegates and Observers
CL 86/INF/3 Provisional List of Documents
CL 86/INF/4 Information for Delegates and Observers No document
CL 86/INF/5 No document
CL 86/INF/6 Index of Conference and Council Decisions (November 1977 - November 1983)
CL 86/INF/7 Implementation of Decisions Taken at the Eighty-fourth and Eighty-fifth Sessions of the Council
CL 86/INF/8 Invitations to Non-Member Nations to Attend FAO Sessions
CL 86/INF/9 Changes in Representation of Member Nations on the Programme Committee
CL 86/INF/9-Sup.l Changes in Representation of Member Nations on the Finance Committee
CL 86/INF/10 Fifteenth Report on the Activities of the Joint Inspection Unit (1 July 1982 - 30 June 1983)
CL 86/INF/11 UN Joint Inspection Unit Report on Contribution of the United Nations System to Conservation and Management of Cultural and Natural Heritage in Asia and the Pacific (JIU/REP/83/10)
CL 86/INF/12 JIU Report on the United Nations System Cooperation in Developing Evaluation by Governments (JIU/REP/82/12)
CL 86/INF/13 Work Programme of the Joint Inspection Unit for 1984
CL 86/INF/14 Summary of Recommendations of the 1984 Regional Conferences (Africa, Asia and Pacific, Near East)
CL 86/INF/ 14-Sup.l Summary of Recommendations of the 1984 Regional Conferences (Europe, Latin America and the Carribean)
CL 86/INF/15 JIU Report on Publications Policy and Practice in the United Nations System (JIU/REP/84/5)
CL 86/lNF/15-Sup.l Supplement to CL 86/INF/15
CL 86/lNF/15-Sup.2 Summary of JIU/REP/84/5
CL 86/INF/16 UN Report on Office for Projects Execution of the United Nations Development Programme (JIU/REP/83/9)
CL 86/lNF/16-Sup.l Summary of JIU/REP/83/9
CL 86/INF/17 JIU Report on Cooperation Between and Management of Libraries of the United Nations System (JIU/REP/84/1)
CL 86/INF/17-Sup.l Summary of JIU/REP/84/1
CL 86/LIM/Series
CL 86/LIM/l Financial Position of the Organization
CL 86/LIM/2 Statement of the Director-General on the Food Situation in Africa
CL 86/REP/Series
CL 86/REP/l to ) Draft Reports of Plenary
CL 86/REP/4 )
CL 86/PV/Series
CL 86/PV/l to ) Verbatim Records to Plenary
 CL 86/PV/l8 )
CL 86/OD/Series
CL 86/0D/1 to ) Orders of the Day
CL 86/OD/10 )

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