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CL 89/1 Provisional Agenda
CL 89/2 Membership of the Programme Committee and Finance Committee
CL 89/3 Membership of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters
CL 89/4 Membership of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes
CL 89/5 Invitations to Non-Member Nations to Attend FAO Sessions
CL 89/6-Rev.1 Provisional Calendar of 1986-87 Sessions of the Council and of
those Bodies which Report to the Council
C 89/LIM/Series
CL 89/LIM/lElection of Chairman and Members of the Programme Committee
CL 89/LIM/l-Sup.l Supplement to CL 89/LIM/l
CL 89/LIM/2Election of Chairman and Members of the Finance Committee
CL 89/LIM/3Election of Members of the Committee on Constitutional and
Legal Matters
CL 89/LIM/4Election of Five Members of the Committee on Food Aid Policies
and Programmes
CL 89/LIM/5Draft Resolution on Appointment of Declan J. Walton to the
Office of Deputy Director-General
C 89/LIM/6Amendment to Rule VII-2 of the Council Rules of Procedure
CL 89/PV/Series
CL 89/PV/lVerbatim Records of the Plenary
CL 89/OD/Series
CL 89/OD/l Order of the Day