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Current World Food Situation

Urged that FAO contribute to the multilateral trade negotiations where they impinged on agricultural trade (para. 22)

Urged that greater attention be given to the distributional aspects of food to ensure an adequate access to food by all (para. 25)

Appealed to donor countries to step up their commitments, such as those connected with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and in particular those intended for its Special Programme for Africa (US$ 300 million) (para. 28)

Called upon the industrialized countries to make a greater effort for increased participation in IFAD’s Third Replenishment and urged other contributors to the Fund in a position to do so to make additional efforts to contribute to the resources of the Fund (para. 29)

Appealed urgently to the international community, particularly to the donor countries which had supported IFAD’s Special Programme for African Countries Affected by Drought and Desertification, to contribute effectively to the programme so as to enable it to achieve at the earliest possible date its target of US$ 300 million as a further tangible sign of their support for the United Nations Programme for Action for African Economic Recovery and Development 1986-1990 (para. 30)

Urged that the similar study currently under way for Latin America and the Caribbean should also lead to guidelines based on updated indicators for the future development of the key agricultural sector and thus to an FAO action plan for the region (para. 31)

Recommended to the Conference that a study be carried out on the effects of the apartheid policy of South Africa on the food situation and agricultural development in Southern Africa and also recommended that FAO update the work already carried out with the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia on food security in the occupied Arab territories (para. 32)

Report of the Twelfth Session of the Committee on World Food Security, (Rome 8-15 April 1987)

Endorsed the conclusions and recommendations of the Twelfth Session of the Committee on World Food Security (para. 33)

Stressed that a multilateral approach to agricultural trade liberalization constituted the most satisfactory mechanism to make progress in this area and called on all countries to demonstrate the necessary political will to achieve this goal (para. 36)

Requested the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes (CFA) to consider at a future session the need to upgrade internal transport and storage infrastructure in developing countries (para. 41)

Requested CFA to consider at a future session the question of improving the timeliness of emergency food aid taking into account the conclusions of the Committee on World Food Security on this issue at both its Eleventh and

Twelfth Sessions (para. 42)

Expressed its strong support for the work of the Global Information and Early Warning System which it considered should continue to be accorded high priority and be expanded to include livestock and animal health problems and recommended that, where requested, FAO assistance should be extended to countries which did not have effective early warning systems in place, for which purpose additional external financial support should be mobilized (para. 49)

Requested the Director-General to approach those Member States of the United Nations which were not Member Nations of the Organization with a view to encouraging them to join the Committee on World Food Security and attend its future sessions (para. 50)

Report of the Ninth Session of the Committee on Agriculture ( Rome, 23 March - 1 April 1987)

Endorsed the conclusions and recommendations of the Report of the Ninth Session of the Committee on Agriculture (para. 52)

Review of FAQ’s Programme of Work in the Food and Agricultural Sector

Agreed with the conclusion of COAG that the scope and direction of the programme reflected the wishes of Member Nations (para. 53)

Further agreed that the overall programme priorities and the priorities in means of action were appropriate (para. 53)

Agreed that the proposals relating to this programme constituted a reasonable basis for the elaboration of the full Programme of Work and

Budget in this area (para. 53)

Requested the Secretariat to continue its assistance to member countries in the field of technical and economic cooperation, especially with regard to training, transfer of technologies and exchange of applied research (para. 61)

Urged that nutritional considerations be integrated into FAO programmes and projects on agricultural and rural development (para. 68)

The Role of Food Quality and Standards In Food Security, Trade and Health

Fully supported the need for strengthening the work of the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission and related food quality and standards work (para. 69)

Urged countries to promote formal acceptance of recommended Codex international standards to facilitate international trade and promote consumer protection (para. 70)

Improving Productivity of Dryland Areas

Recommended that FAO should play a leading role in promoting inter-agency cooperation on matters concerning dryland problems and possibilities (para. 77)

The Effects of Land Tenure and Fragmentation of Farm Holdings on Agricultural Development

Endorsed the view of COAG that future work in the broad field of agrarian reform should be oriented to the needs of the individual countries (para. 83)

Strategies and Requirements for Improved Production of Roots, Tubers and Plantains

Endorsed the recommendations made by COAG concerning the production of roots, tubers and plantains (para. 84)

Agreed that priority should be given to improve post-harvest handling, storage, processing and marketing in order to reduce the high level of losses experienced during marketing of these crops (para. 85)

Recommended that the formation of producer groups providing farmers with access to both credit and purchase of inputs and improved marketing should be encouraged (para. 86)

Recommended that increasing attention should be given to the nutritional role of the major roots, tubers, plantains and bananas and also of lesser known traditional food crops and recognized the leading role that FAO was to play in providing the increased consumption of local foods (para. 88)

Report of the Second Session of the Commission on Plant Genetic Resources (Rome, 16-20 March 1987)

Endorsed the Report of the Second Session of the Commission on Plant Genetic Resources (para. 101)

Generally endorsed the Commission’s recommendations for further work on insitu conservation, training and Information activities (para. 105)

Supported the decision of the Commission to include in the agenda of its next session an item on Biotechnology and a report by the IBPGR on its activities and complementarity between the activities of FAO and IBPGR (para. 108)

Report of the Tenth Session of the Commission on Fertilizers (Rome, 27-30 April 1987)

Endorsed the report of the Tenth Session of the Commission on Fertilizers and expressed satisfaction with the work of the Commission in providing information and guidance to member countries in particular on world production, consumption, trade and prices of raw materials and fertilizers and the outlook for their future supply and demand (para. 109)

Agreed that developing countries should be assisted by relevant agencies to fully develop and use the production facilities of existing plants (para. 113)

Urged the Commission to closely monitor developments in the supply and demand situation of this important input (para. 114)

Endorsed the Commission’s support of FAO fertilizer activities and urged that greater effort should be made toward increasing the efficiency of fertilizer use and the application of all sources of plant nutrients within integrated plant nutrition systems, including available organic materials, green manure, compost, etc., biological nitrogen fixation as well as mineral fertilizers (para. 115)

Agreed that emphasis should be placed on projects in member countries of the Latin America and Caribbean region and further agreed that, on request, countries should be assisted by FAO in assessing and improving their fertilizer research and promotion programmes, particularly including green manuring (para. 117)

Fully supported the combining of IFS fertilizer aid with the technical assistance activities of the Fertilizer Programme (para. 118)

Strongly endorsed the findings of the Commission with regard to the usefulness and efficacy of the IFS and stressed the necessity to continue and strengthen the Scheme (para. 119)

Recommended that the regular monitoring of fertilizer supply, demand and prices be continued and that reports on this important subject be provided regularly, and given widespread distribution, to member countries (para. 121)

Report of the Seventeenth Session of the Committee on Fisheries (Rome, 18-22 May 1987)

Concurred with the suggestion of the Committee that a review of the trends and outlook for world fisheries should be placed periodically on the agenda of the Committee (para. 124)

Further stressed the importance of monitoring, control and surveillance of fishing operations in the rational management of resources within the exclusive economic zones of Member States and urged FAO to provide -further training and assistance in such programmes (para. 127)

Agreed that progress reports on the implementation of the Strategy for Fisheries Management and Development be prepared for submission to the Committee on Fisheries and the FAO Governing Bodies at four-yearly intervals (para. 128)

Requested the Secretariat to consult with donor countries and financing institutions in order to remedy the imbalance in the support received for the Programmes of Action and the geographical imbalance affecting Latin America and the Caribbean (para. 130)

Recommended that FAO give increased attention to inland fisheries (para. 131)

Recommended that additional support should be given, to FAO regional fishery bodies to enable them to organize workshops, seminars and training courses in their efforts to implement TCDC (para. 133)

Endorsed the recommendations of the Committee on Fisheries with respect to the future activities to be undertaken by FAO as well as the proposal for a Technical Assistance Programme for Fishery Commodities and Marketing Development and agreed that the work of FAO should continue to be complementary to that of the collaborating organizations rather than overlapping (para. 134)

Agreed that the activities and functions of FAO regional fishery bodies should be reviewed at the Eighteenth Session of the Committee on Fisheries. Prior to this, the individual bodies should undertake an in-depth evaluation of their work (para. 138)

Fully agreed with the, conclusions reached by the Programme Committee at its Fifty-second Session, and supported by the Committee on Fisheries, that the proposals for Major Programme 2.2: Fisheries, responded to the needs of member countries and that the Summary Programme of Work and Budget provided a satisfactory basis for the preparation of the full Programme of Work and Budget in Fisheries for 1988-89 and recommended that special attention should be given to aquaculture development, better utilization of fishery resources including the reduction of post-harvest losses, and the socio-economic aspects of development and management of small-scale fisheries (para. 139)

Fully supported the Director-General’s proposed increase in the budget of the Fisheries Department (para. 140)

Unanimously approved the report of the Seventeenth Session of the Committee on Fisheries and endorsed its recommendations (para. 141)

Forestry Matters: Report on Financing Requirements for Action to Protect and Conserve the World’s Forests

Strongly supported the Tropical Forestry Action Plan and the role of FAO in stimulating increased technical and financial assistance to forestry development (para. 143)

Recommended that FAO continue to attach great importance to its activities aimed at improving the human resource base of countries through education, training, research and strengthening of forestry institutions (para. 146)

Recommended that FAO monitor the financial requirements and flows in support of the protection and development of forest resources in developing countries and also recommended that FAO pursue it’s efforts in coordinating the implementation of the Tropical Forestry Action Plan and mobilizing increased donor support, bearing in mind the suggestions made in the course of the debate (para. 148)

World Food Programme (WFP)

WFP Proposed Pledging Target 1989-90

Unanimously supported the pledging target for the regular resources of WFP for the 1989-90 biennium at US$ 1 400 million, urged donors to fully meet this target and also urged them to provide in the aggregate at least one third of the total contributions n cash pledges in accordance with WFP’s general regulations (para. 167)

Adopted Resolution 1/91 on the Target for WFP Pledges for the Period 1989-90 submitting a draft Resolution on the same subject to the Conference (Para. 168)

Recent Developments in the UN System of Interest to FAO

Agreed that FAO should continue to explore with governments, in consultation with UNDP, the most suitable location for FAO representations (para. 174)

Decided that its views and comments, as contained in paragraphs 170 to 176 of this report, together with the relevant extract from document C 87/9 relating to the item “Operational Activities for Development”, should be transmitted to the Economic and Social Council at its second regular session of 1987 (Geneva, 23 June - 9 July 1987) as the response of FAO to Economic and Social Council Resolution 1986/74 (para. 176)

Recommended that FAO continue and strengthen its cooperation with all the other organizations of the UN System in order to promote the integration of women in development through, inter alia, the Nairobi Forward-looking Strategies and the System-wide Medium-term Plan for Women in Development (para. 178)

Requested the Director-General to present to the Conference a programme of action for integration of women in development (para. 179)

Requested that it be kept informed of future developments on the review requested by General Assembly Resolution 40/237, of the efficiency of the administrative and financial functioning of the United Nations (para. 183)

Strongly supported FAO’s cooperation with IAEA in a number of fields, as well as in relation to the inter-agency coordination established following the Chernobyl incident (para. 186)

Recommended FAO’s continued involvement in the area of Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking which was of importance and concern to Member States (para. 187)

Agreed that FAO should provide support to and participate as appropriate in multilateral trade negotiations within its areas of competence (para. 189)

Requested the Secretariat to provide further assistance to the front-line States in the areas of its competence, in particular early warning systems, emergency assistance and national food reserves (para. 190)

Preparations for the Twenty-fourth Session of the FAO Conference

Arrangements for the Session and Provisional Timetable

Approved the Provisional Agenda with the addition of an item entitled “Consideration of review of certain aspects of FAO’s goals and operations, including the need for reform in the programme budget process” and also agreed to the addition to the Provisional Agenda of a sub-item to item 6 entitled “World Food Day” (para. 193)

Approved the general arrangements for the Conference and the provisional timetable with the insertion of the additional agenda item (para. 194)

Deadline for Nominations for Independent Chairman of the Council

Established the deadline for the receipt of such nominations at 17.00 hours on Friday 4 September 1987. Nominations would be circulated by the Secretary-General to all Member Nations by Friday 11 September 1987 (para. 197)

Summary Programme of Work and Budget 1988-89

Selection of Priorities

Agreed that the selection of priorities followed the prior guidance of and recommendations from FAO Regional Conferences and the full range of technical advisory bodies in like vein, the choice of priorities faithfully reflected the recommendations and decisions of the Council and Conference themselves, and the results of the in-depth reviews undertaken by the Programme Committee (para. 205)

Programme Activities and Means of Action

Gave its full support to the implementation of the Tropical Forestry Action Play (TFAP) at regional and country levels, through the proposed adaptation of the recommendations of the plan to specific situations, and to the critical coordinating and catalytic role of FAO in this regard (para. 211)

Fully supported the continued attention to the special requirements of small farmers and of rural women, through transfer of appropriate technologies, programmes designed for their improved access to inputs and greater recognition in policy advice and in the formulation of national development plans (para. 213)

Current Financial Situation

Renewed its appeal to all Member Nations which had contributions outstanding for 1987 and arrears relating to prior years to settle these obligations without delay (para. 216)


Recommended that the Director-General proceed to finalize his proposals for the full Programme of Work and Budget, on the basis of the Summary and taking into consideration the reactions of the Council on the Summary (para. 228)

Report of the Fifty-second Session of the Programme Committee

JIU Reports

Supported the Programme Committee’s conclusions with regard to the report on field representation of organizations in the UN System (para. 233)

Reports of the Fifty-ninth and Sixtieth Sessions of the Finance Committee (Rome, 15-16 December 1986 and 4-14 May 1987)

Appointment of the External Auditor

Adopted Resolution 2/91 on Appointment of the External Auditor (para. 237)

Financial Matters

Financial Position of the Organization

(b) Current Assessments

Appealed to all Member Nations which had not yet fulfilled their financial obligations to the Organization to arrange to remit amounts due at the earliest possible date (para. 248)

(c) Deferral of Cash Surplus Contributions

Appealed to all Member Nations to defer their share of the cash surplus (para. 249)

(d) Contributions in Arrears

Urged all other Member Nations with arrears outstanding to make every effort to remit these long overdue amounts without further delay, since the Organization depended on these revenues to meet its commitments (para. 250)

(c) Voting Right Problems

Made a special appeal to the twelve Member Nations which were in danger of losing their right to vote at the coming Conference to arrange to pay the amounts required without further delay, so as to ensure their right to vote at the Conference and also requested them to inform the Organization immediately of the reasons for non-payment and, to confirm their intent and the expected timing of payment (para. 254)

Measures to Deal with Problems of Delayed Payment of Assessed Contributions

Endorsed the Finance Committee proposal regarding the allocation among Member Nations of any cash surplus and the distribution thereof and requested the Committee at its next session to prepare a draft Resolution for consideration by CCLM, the Council and the Conference (para. 258)

Alternative Approaches to Dealing with Budgetary and Financial Uncertainties

(a) Amending Present Procedures for Application of Cash Surplus

Requested the Finance Committee to prepare, at its next session, a draft resolution for consideration by CCLM, Council and Conference along the lines of Resolution 14/83 adopted by the Conference in 1983 (para. 273)

(b) Adjusting the Treatment of Miscellaneous Income

Referred the matter to the Finance Committee for further study and in the interim asked the Director-General to prepare conservative estimates of Miscellaneous Income for the purpose of determining the level of payment of contributions from Member Nations (para. 278)

(c) Increase in the Level of the Working Capital Fund

Requested the Finance Committee to prepare a draft Resolution on the Increase in the level of the Working Capital Fund for consideration by CCLM and the Council, at its next session, and submission to the Conference for adoption (para. 282)

Scale of Contributions 1988-89

Recommended a draft Resolution on the Scale of Contributions 1988-89 for adoption by the Conference (para. 286)

Personnel Matters

Adopted the Director-General’s proposal that the new staff assessment rates for the General Service category be used as of the date of the first revision to the salary scale subsequent to approval by the Council (para. 287)

Urged Member Nations to be alert to the economic difficulties faced by the staff of the Organization and to the need to safeguard their conditions of employement, and to be responsive to discussions on such matters before the other competent bodies within the Common System (para. 288)

Report of the Forty-ninth Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (Rome, 21-24 April 1987)

Procedure for Election of Chairmen and Members of the Programme and Finance Committees

Requested the CCLM to continue studying the problem, and expressed the hope that further reflection on this matter might make it possible to reach a consensus at its Ninety-second Session (para. 295)

- FAO’s immunity from Legal Process in Italy

Endorsed the view of the Host Government and the Director-General that the correspondence represented a practical approach to a solution of the problem of securing the Organization’s immunity from legal process in Italy (para. 300)

Agreed with the CCLM’s conclusion that in the light of the correspondence referred to above and Italy’s having become a party of the CPISA, there were grounds for the Organization to take a more flexible position than that confirmed by the Council at its Eighty-seventh Session (para. 302)

Agreed that, henceforth, if the Director-General deemed it appropriate to the circumstances, he should be free to arrange for the Organization to plead its immunity in court, possibly through the Avvocatura Generale dello Stato whose services had been offered by the Host Government (para. 302)

Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organizations or between International Organizations

Authorized the Director-General to arrange for the signature of the Convention on behalf of FAO (para. 305)

Endorsed the CCLM’s view that it was premature for FAO to deposit an instrument of formal confirmation or accession, since the Convention would only enter into force upon ratification or accession by 35 States (para. 306)

Agreed with the CCLM that the question of FAO becoming a party to the Convention should be considered at a later date and that a decision on such a question should be taken by the Conference (para. 306)

Date and Place of the Ninety-second Session of the Council

Decided that its Ninety-second Session should be convened in Rome from 3 to 5 November 1987 (para. 311)

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