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CL 91/1 Provisional Annotated Agenda
CL 91/2 Current World Food Situation
CL 91/2-Sup.1 Supplement to CL 91/2
CL 91/3 Summary Programme of Work and Budget 1988-89
CL 91/4 Report of the 59th Session of the Finance Committee (Rome, 15-16 December 1986)
CL 91/5 Report of the 49th Session of the committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (Rome, 21-23 April 1987)
CL 91/6 Reports of the 52nd Session pf the Programme Committee; the 60th Session pf the Finance Committee; and their Joint Session (Rome, 4-14 May 1987)
CL 91/7 Report of the 17th Session of the Committee on Fisheries (Rome, 18-22 May 1987)
CL 91/8 No document
CL 91/9 Report of the 9th Session of the Committee on Agriculture (Rome, 23 March - 1 April 1987
CL 91/10 Report of the 12th Session of the Committee on World Food Security (Rome, 8-15 April 1987)
CL 91/11 Arrangements for the 24th Session of the Conference
CL 91/12 Deadline for Nominations for Independent Chairman of the Council
CL 91/13 Twelfth Annual Report of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes to ECOSOC, the FAO Council and the World Food Council
CL 91/14 Report of the 2nd Session of the Commission on Plant Genetic Resources (Rome, 16-20 March 1987)
CL 91/15 Report of the 10th Session of the Commission on Fertilizers (Rome 27-30 April 1987)
CL 91/16

Mobilizing Funds for World Forestry Development

CL 91/17 Programme of Work and Budget 1986-87:Further Programme Adjustments
C 87/Series  
C 87/9

Recent Developments in the UN System of Interest to FAO

CL 91/INF/Series  
CL 91/INF/1 Provisional Timetable
CL 91/INF/2-Rev.2 Provisional List of Delegates and Observers
CL 91/INF/3 Provisional List of Documents
CL 91/INF/4 Information for Delegates and Observers
CL 91/INF/5 Opening Address by Mr. Edouard Saouma, Director- General of FAO, to the 91st Session of the Council (15 June 1987)
CL 91/INF/6

Index of Conference and Council Decisions (November 1977-June 1987)

CL 91/INF/7 Implementation of Decisions Taken at the 90th Session of the Council
CL 91/INF/8 Invitations to Non-Member Nations to Attend FAO Sessions
CL 91/INF/9-Rev.2 Changes in Representation of Member Nations on the Programme and Finance Committees
CL 91/INF/10 18th Report of the Activities of the Joint Inspection Unit (1 July 1985-30 June 1986)
CL 91/INF/11 Work Programme of the Joint Inspection Unit for 1987
CL 91/INF/12 JIU Report on Field Representation of Organizations of the UN System: Structure and Coordination (JIU/REP/86/1)
CL 91/INF/13 JIU Report on Cooperation Between the UN and the League of Arab States (JIU/REP/86/3)
CL 91/INF/14 JIU Report on Management of Interpretation Services in the UN System (JIU/REP/86/5)
CL 91/INF/15 JIU Report on Problems of Storage and its Costs in Organizations of the UN System (JIU/REP/86/9)
CL 91/INF/16

JIU Report on Cash Management in the United Nations and Four Specialized Agencies (FAO, ILO, UNESCO, WHO) (JIU/REP/86/6)

CL 91/INF/17 FAO’s Focus on Africa in Relation to the UN Programme of Action for African Economic Recovery and Development 1986-1990
CL 91/LIM/Series  
CL 91/LIM/1 Financial Position of the Organization
CL 91/REP/Series  
CL 90/REP/1 to CL 9O/REP/5 ) Draft Reports of Plenary
CL 91/PV/Series  
CL 91/PV/1 to )
CL 91/PV/8 )
CL 91/PV/8-Sup. 1 )
CL 91/PV/9 to ) Verbatim Records of Plenary
CL 91/PV/11 )
CL 97/PV/11-Corr.1 )
CL 91/PV/12 to )
CL 91/PV/19 )
CL 91/OD/Series  
CL 91/aD/1 to CL 91/OD/lO ) Orders of the Day

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