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Report of the Fifty-sixth Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems (Rome, 7-13 October 1987)

Urged that the goals set out in the Ministerial Declaration on the Uruguay round of GATT.Multilateral Trade Negotiations be achieved as soon as possible, particularly in relation to agricultural trade (para. 12).

Called on countries, particularly those pursuing protectionist policies, to comply closely with the standstill commitments in the Ministerial Declaration, and to proceed with agricultural policy reforms as soon as possible, in line with the rollback agreed in the Declaration (para, 12).

Urged the achievement of the fullest liberalization of trade in tropical products, including in their processed and semi-processed forms, and that the principle of differential and more favourable treatment for developing countries be applied in the negotiations on agriculture (para. 14).

Agreed that FAO should continue to support efforts of developing countries to promote ECDC in trade in agricultural products, particularly in the area of providing information on market opportunities and through continuing analyses of the scope for this trade (para, 18).

Endorsed the work of the Intergovernmental Commodity Groups (ICG), stressing their usefulness as fora for countries to consult together on the situation, prospects and issues facing the commodities concerned and to identify possible measures to improve the conditions of trade (para, 19).

Agreed with the CCP and CSD recommendations that FAO continue to provide accurate and reliable trade statistics for rice to the Committee on Surplus Disposal (CSD), and urged the cooperation of CSD members in providing relevant information (para. 20).

Invited all interested FAO member countries which had not already done so to join the CSD and participate actively in its proceedings (para. 20).

Fully supported the broad lines of the proposed programme of work in the field of commodities and trade for the 1988-89 biennium (para, 21).

Progress Report on the Implementation of the Code of Conduct on Distribution and Use of Pesticides

Urged that high priority continue to be given to matters related to the Code, in particular, to the effective monitoring of its implementation I (para. 25).

Recommended that an item on the Progress Report on the International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides be added to the Agenda of the forthcoming Twenty-fourth Session of the Conference (para. 28).

Review of the Regular Programme 1986-87 including the Independent External Evaluations of Special Action Programmes on African Animal Trypanosomiasis and Related Development, Seed improvement and Development Programme and Food Security Assistance Scheme

Agreed that the comments of the Programme Committee on the Review of the Regular Programme be brought to the attention of the Conference (para. 49).

Review of Field Programmes 1986-87

Gave its full support to the current focus of field programme activities on Africa, where food and agricultural problems were most Severe (para. ' 54).

Called for the further strengthening of FAO's project evaluation activities, and for special efforts, in conjunction with donors and recipient governments, to increase evaluations of completed projects (para. 55).

Called for further efforts in the increasing focus of FAO's field programmes on building up the self-reliance of recipient countries to deal with development matters, including the increased use of qualified national personnel in projects, use of National Directors and Coordinators, and suppprt for the direct government execution of projects where appropriate (para. 58).

Called for the further expansion of activities in support of the role of women, in cooperation with locally based Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and related types of activities which promoted development at grassroots level (para. 59).

Reports of the Fifty-third Session of the Programme
Committee; the Sixty-first Session of the Finance
Committee, and their Joint Session
Rome, 14-25 September 1987)

Financial Position of the Organization

Current Assessments

Endorsed the strong appeal of the Finance Committee urging all Member Nations to pay their contributions on time, and to take urgent action to remit the amounts due and overdue, in order to enable the Organization to have the resources available to carry on its programmes effectively (para. 69).

Financial Matters

Decided to submit four draft resolutions to the Conference for its consideration and action (para. 74).

Measures to Deal with Problems of Delayed Payment of Assessed Contributions

Recommended a draft Resolution on Measures to Deal with Problems of Delayed Payment of Assessed Contributions for adoption by the Conference (para. 76).

Amending Present Procedures for Application of the Cash Surplus

Recommended a draft Resolution on the Amendment of Procedures for Application of Cash Surplus for adoption by the Conference (para. 78).

Increase in the Level of the Working Capital Fund

Recommended a draft Resolution on the Increase in the Level of the Working Capital Fund for adoption by the Conference (para. 80).

Replenishment of the Special Reserve Account for 1988-89

Recommended a draft Resolution on the Replenishment of the Special Reserve Account for 1988-89 for adoption by the Conference (para. 82).'

Other Financial Matters

Requested that an updated forecast of the 1986-87 out-turn and of the 1988-89 cash flow be submitted to the Conference (para. 83).

Decided that, in view of the volatility of world currencies, the Finance Committee should study again at a future session, the various alternatives that may be available for consideration (para. 84).

Report of the Fiftieth Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters
(Rome, 14-16 October 1987)

Procedure for Election of Chairmen and Members of the Programme and Finance Committees

Endorsed the CCLM proposal and decided to transmit to the Conference for adoption a draft Resolution on the Procedure for the Election of the Chairmen and Members of the Programme and Finance Committees (para. 95).

Headquarters Agreement for the World Food Programme

Endorsed the CCLM recommendation that the Director-General be authorized to conclude the Headquarters Agreement for WFP on behalf of FAO and expressed its appreciation for the action that the Italian Government intended to take in order to place adequate accommodation at the disposal of WFP (para. 99).

Requested the Director-General to circulate the text of the WFP Headquarters Agreement to a future session, of the Council for information (para. 99).

Establishment of a Regional Commission on Livestock Development in Latin America and the Caribbean

Adopted Resolution 1/92 on the Establishment of the Commission on Livestock Development for Latin America and the Caribbean (para. 106).

Other Constitutional and Legal Matters

Invitations to Non-Member Nations to Attend FAO Sessions

Approved the participation of U.S.S.R as an observer in the present Council (para. 107).

Date and Place of the Ninety-third Session of the Council

Decided that its Ninety-third Session would be convened on 27 November 1987 at FAO Headquarters, unless the Twenty-fourth Session of the Conference finished early, in which case it would be convened beforehand (para. 112).

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