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  1. The opening session of the workshop seminar was conducted at the Department of Agricultural Extension, 5th  floor Benjasirikit Building while the evening session was carried out at the Success Inn Hotel, Phaholyotin road, Bangkok. The activities include lecture, discussion, and field trips which took 3 days from 23 to 25 June 2001.
  2. Objectives
  3. 7.1 To provide knowledge on family planning, HIV/AIDS and drug abuse to participants

    7.2 To inform the participants of the project "Enhancement of Farm Youth Network for Agriculture Career"

    7.3 To let participants exchange views and experiences of farm youth activities

  4. Participants
  5. 8.1 12 National 4-H Council members

    8.2 16 4-H Committee members from 4 provinces which are Udonthani, Surin, Buriram and Ratchaburi

    8.3 DOAE officials

  6. During lecture, Mr. Anusit indicated that bio-agriculture is the fundamental of all lives in the world. It is the first ring of food chain. People have to nurture soil for the good health of all lives. However, the bio-agriculture does not contribute to socially structural change and life style of people.
  7. The purpose of bio-agriculture is to revive and nourish sustainable agricultural ecosystem by practicing the following natural techniques : 1) soil mulching 2) applying of manure, compost, minerals and agricultural scraps 3) growing peas and beans 4) practicing least and zero tillage 5) practicing mix farm and 6) applying non-chemical pest control.
  8. Mr. Anusit believes that bio-agriculture obtains the ability to 1) reduce   the world's energy consumption 2) improve the quality of life of farmers 3) strengthen the farmer's economic situation 4) make peace in the society and political system and 5) reduce corruption.
  9. Field Trip to Population Development Association (PDA): Participants learned the history of PDA, its concept and functions  which includes family planning campaigns and rural development. The rural development projects consist of water preservation for temples and schools, village piped water and village savings funds. The mentioned projects were very successful due to participatory approaches.
  10. Presentation on Family Planning and Community Drug Control was given to participants. The Family Planning presentation emphasized the ability of participants to practice the appropriate methods for birth control, child care and better living quality.
  11. Drug abuse prevention in the community was another topic discussed during the visit. Young farmers were advised to perform good examples of non-drug generation and to help preventing drug use in society.
  12. Field Trip to the Office of the Narcotics Control Board 
    The representative of the Office of the Narcotics Control Board explained the history, types of drugs and how they harm people. Examples of drug abuse were also displayed.
  13. Drug abuse prevention and control exhibits shows drug production equipment, production techniques, physical and mental damages caused by drugs. However, drug control and prevention measures were emphasized.
  14. Field Trip to Thai Rath Newspaper Publication headquarters 
    The participants studied the information distribution through the process of publication and how the information is reported in form of newspapers and internet technology. The group were aware of the importance of messages. They also learned the newspaper's printing process and the gradual improvement of Thai Rath from the beginning to the IT generation

Evening Session

  1. The lesson learned in the day time were brought to discussion during the evening sessions. The purpose was to review what the participants have experienced and to familiarize them with participants from other 4-H clubs and 4-H National Council members. They discussed about farming technology being utilized, the use of drugs in their villages and the HIV/AIDS situation they were experiencing.
  2. Experiences in cooperating with local organizations was introduced by a 4-H member from Buriram province. The advantages of networking with other groups were of particular interest to other participants.
  3. A group of Thammasat University graduates introduced internet technology to them and explained about how they can access and share information with others.
     Participants took turns searching for some information, as an experience they enjoyed. 
  4. Immediate Evaluation (Attitude Assessment)

21.1    Understanding of family planning, HIV/AIDS and Drug abuse. The participants indicated that :

Before the course 73.33% had good understanding of the subject matter 
26.67% had little understanding of the subject matter

After the course   93.33% had good understanding of the subject matter 
6.67%   had little understanding of the subject matter 
92.31% found the subject matter of Population Education (family planning, HIV/AIDS, Drugs) very useful.

21.2  Sustainable agriculture and food security. The participants responded to the subject matter as they did in 23.1, while 93.75% of them agreed that the sustainable agriculture is practical.

21.3  Information Technology. The participants indicated that :

Before the course 43.75% had good knowledge 
56.25% had little knowledge
After the course
   75.00% had good knowledge 
25.00% had little knowledge

21.4    Exchange of information and experiences
75.00% of participants had exchanged information and experiences among members of different groups, while 64.29% of participants had exchanged information and experiences with members of National 4-H Council members

21.5    Readiness to host Lao-Thai Farm Youth Training Course
100% of participants are ready to prepare themselves for conducting training session and hosting Lao and Thai farm youth who will join in the program.

21.6    Comments from participants : The workshop is a very satisfactorily one for them. All subject matters are useful. However, they prefer a longer period of time for exchanging of information and experiences. Perhaps the next seminar should be conducted at some other part of the country as well.

  1. Workshop Observation : It was observed as a whole, that participants took active participation in the course. They appreciated meeting with 4-H National Council members and 4-H committee members of other provinces and were interested to know what others were doing. They talked about the similarity and differences of their clubs' activities. Even though the discussion is modestly performed, they addressed mainly on the successful activities of the clubs while the failure or non-achieved activities were seldom brought to discussion. This event indicated unfamiliarity among them. The National 4-H Council members were observed reluctant. This might due to the fact that the National 4-H Council did not have many activities. As a result, the members tended to watch and listen to others rather than contribute to the discussion. It can be concluded that the workshop allowed them to know some of the successful clubs and widen their experiences on problems that are facing youth society such as HIV/AIDS contacts and drug abuse. It can be noted that all of them wish to attend workshops like this more often.

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