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Extinctions of biological species is occurring now on a scale of magnitude greater than any other time since the Earth's creation. This phenomenon can nearly all be explained by the actions of humankind. Habitats such as forests, wetlands, grasslands and even the oceans are being devastated by over exploitation by man. Unless something is done to reserve this trend of anthropogenic activities, species of grace and beauty such as butterflies and songbirds, and creatures so amazing and wonderful, such as elephants and tigers, maybe lost forever.

Irrespective of what actions we take, the next few years will decide how many of the world s species will survive and how many will not. These actions need to be taken by us all, young or old, and they need to be taken today. Although the actions of one may seem small, together as a nation we can make a difference. Then by our collective actions this global problem can be addressed, and solved.

The Wildlife Clubs of Ghana are a forum for the young citizens of our nation to play their roles in the global action needed to save the environment. Through learning, teaching and their own actions Wildlife Club members can have a positive impact on their environment now and forever.

This leader's guide written in very straightforward easy to follow English, will help the leaders of Wildlife Clubs to inspire a wish and a desire in our nation s young people to conserve the environment, habitats and species. As we rely on our environment and its wildlife for our livelihood, so do we rely on the youth for the future; from the water we drink, to the materials needed for the homes we build. With the help of the members of the Wildlife Clubs of Ghana and the guidance they will receive from their teachers who use this book, we hope we shall soon realize our dependence on wildlife and appreciate the importance of the Clubs motto:

"Wildlife is Life".

The Executive Director,
Ghana Wildlife Soceity