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Curriculum Development Team   Member Job Description

Overview of Project

(Specify country and/or organization) * is cooperating to develop curriculum materials on population education for rural out-of-school youth (specify organizations or programs e.g., 4-S in Costa Rica). Curriculum for this project will take a systems approach to population education (i.e., focus on connections between overpopulation and the environment, family and community economic conditions, income generation, health and gender issues, etc.). Materials will be designed by the curriculum development team for camera ready and electronic (computer diskette) production.

Duties of Curriculum Development Team Members

  1. Serve as an active member of the curriculum development project until it is completed;
  2. Participate in planning, development, writing, pilot testing, training facilitators, evaluating, producing, and reporting of the curriculum developed;
  3. Serve as a liaison with other interested individuals and/or organizations; and
  4. Attend team meetings, training sessions, and workshops of the project.

(Specify if the meeting times and places are known.)

Qualifications  of Curriculum Development Team Members

Team members must (adapt to specific project):

  1. Have an interest/knowledge of: youth, life skills development, experiential learning (learn-by-doing), non-formal education, and rural life;
  2. Be interested, knowledgeable and concerned about population education;
  3. Be willing to work in collaboration with others to achieve project goals;
  4. Have expertise and/or experience in one, some, or all of the following:
  1. Youth development, population education, program planning, and/or curriculum development;
  2. Designing, writing, and developing curriculum for volunteer facilitators to use with non-formal education youth audiences;
  3. Appreciation for and understanding of systems approach to population education;
  4. Skills in collaboration and community  development to address sensitive issues and where there is wide disagreement and divergent viewpoints;
  5. Training volunteer facilitators; and/or
  6. Survey and evaluation skills.
  1. Be willing to travel (specify when and where if   known) to curriculum development team   meetings or training.


  1. Opportunity to serve on a curriculum develop­ment team with experts others concerned about population issues.
  2. Opportunity to learn skills and methods in collaboration, project/program management, curriculum development, non-formal education.

Time  Commitment

This project begins March 1, 1997 to April 1,1999. There will be a four day conference tentatively set for May 3-7, 1997 in San Jose, Costa Rica. The curriculum development team will meet three or four times during the project for 3 - 4 days each.


 Expenses to attend the curriculum development team meetings will be reimbursed by (insert organization and source(s) of funding , e.g., by 4-S Foundation of Costa Rica with funding from: Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN(FAO), the UN Population Fund, and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.).

* Italic items should be adapted to the specific project.

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