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Checklist For Writing Intended Outcome Statements*

1. Remember that intended outcomes refer to what the learner is expected to do. Do your intended outcomes statements describe what learners will be able to do when they have mastered the knowledge and skills? What life skills are involved?

2. Are the intended outcomes stated in simple, straightforward language? Outcomes that are too long, use unnecessarily big words, or try to cover too many expected behaviors confuse learners, instructors, facilitators/leaders, and are difficult to accurately measure. Do the intended outcomes communicate well? Does each one cover only one learning outcome rather than several?

3. Do your intended outcomes identify expected learner performance in clear terms? Are the performance verbs clear (i.e., not ambiguous)? Is the content clearly defined?

4. Do not use too many outcomes. Keep it simple. Use one or two concepts for each activity or lesson. Reinforce single concepts by using a variety of activities and methods.

5. Review intended outcome statements to make sure they include the performance, the conditions, and the standards for performance. Is the performance observable? Measurable? Is the performance a specific rather than a general performance?

6. Do your intended outcomes describe relevant behavior? Are they attainable? Make sure the intended outcomes are viewed by the implementors (group leaders/teachers/facilitators) and by the learners as worthwhile and possible to achieve.

"Energy And Persistence Will Conquer All Things'

* Adapted from: Wentling, T., Lai, K.K., Khor, Y-L., Mohamed, R., Escalada, M., Teoh, C.H. (1993). Planning for effective training: A guide to curriculum development. Rome, Italy. Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO).