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Sample Three Day Group Facilitator Training Schedule


1 - 4  pm Registration

4:00 Welcome: Get Acquainted/ Introduction

Intended Outcomes:

5:00 Set Stage and Review Agenda

Intended Outcomes:

6:30 Dinner

Intended Outcomes:

8:30 Preparing for Tomorrow

Intended outcome: Provide trainees with curriculum materials,


7:00 Breakfast

8:00 Understanding Learners and Learning

Intended outcomes: Trainees will be able to identify and apply: 1) characteristics of learners,
2) styles of learning, and 3) a variety of facilitating methods.


- Assessing needs of learners
- Characteristics of learners
- Learning Styles


- Practice identifying and applying appropriate methods for learner characteristics,
- Small groups of trainees prepare demonstrations of a variety of facilitating methods appropriate for different learning styles.

10:00 Coffee/Tea Break

10:30  Small Group Examples Presented.

Intended outcomes: Trainees demonstrate variety of facilitating methods appropriate to audience characteristics and learning styles.

11:30 The Art of Facilitating Learning

Intended Outcome: Trainees will be able to identify and apply best practices in facilitating groups. Learn:

- Needs Assessment,
- Relating to youth on sensitive issues,
- Communicating (listening, framing questions, speaking, using visuals and role plays).


- Small groups develop key concepts into role plays demonstrating inappropriate and appropriate facilitating and communication practices.

12:30 Lunch

2:00 Small Groups Present Role Plays
(Trainees lead discussion and analysis of lessons learned with workshop facilitator coaching.)

3:00 Planning Learning Experiences

Intended Outcomes: Trainees will learn how develop and match intended outcomes statements with supportive activities and use evaluation tools.

- Components of intended outcomes,
- Matching activities to intended outcomes,
- Measuring/evaluating/reporting outcomes.


- Trainees develop their own intended outcomes statements, matching activities, and evaluation.

4:00 Fruit/Juice Break

5:00 Lessons Learned

Individuals share their plans in small groups then with the whole group. Facilitators review intended outcomes of the training, check with trainees to see if their expectations are being met, and analyze progress. Review concepts of characteristics of learners and learning styles to prepare for using the performing arts as a teaching method.

7:00 Dinner

8:30 Performing Arts as Teaching Method

Improvisational theater (or other performing medium) presents population education concepts/ material. Performers (or workshop facilitators) work with trainees on how to incorporate perform­ing arts into population education curriculum.


7:00 Breakfast

8:00 Lessons  Learned/Review

Intended outcomes: Trainees will be able to relate how they can include performing arts experiences in their population education curriculum activities.

8:30 Population Education Materials and Methods

Intended Outcome: Trainees will review population education curriculum materials.
Learn: Population Education Curriculum Content
: Small groups will prepare and present an outline of the content and activities for each major topic of the population education curriculum.

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Field Trips and Experts As Learning Resources

Intended Outcome: Trainees will learn how to incorporate and effectively use field trips and resource people for their population education programs.

- Identifying resources from your area/community.
- How to effectively use resource presentations and/or field trips for population education.


- Use issues grid and brainstorming to identify local or regional resources,
- Go on field trip after workshop facilitators demonstrate how to conduct a field trip briefing.

2:00 Field Trip (Suggestions: Family Planning Clinic, Ministries of Heath, Education, Youth, Agriculture, Rural Life, PVO's/NGO's, etc.)

6:00   Dinner

7:30  Sharing  Session

Intended Outcome: Trainees will report on field trips, share lessons learned.

8:30 Idea Market Place

IntendedOutcome: Trainees (and/or outside resource people or organizations) have an informal opport­unity to network and share/explore resources.

10:00 Talent Share (optional)

Intended Outcome: Provide entertainment and share  special talents among trainees and facilitators.


7:00 Breakfast and Room Checkouts

8:00 Workshop Review

IntendedOutcome: Trainees will be able to reflect on population education, youth group facilitating, and best practices learned during the workshop.

- Review trainee expectations, training curriculum, population education content and best practices presented during the workshop. (Set stage for developing a Back Home Plans of Action.)

9:00   Where Do We Go From Here?

Intended Outcome: Trainees will develop individual "Back Home Plans of Action."


- How to gain community support,
- Dealing with sensitive issues,
- Recruiting participants - effective publicity.


- Trainees develop their plans of action.

 9:45   Beverage Break

(Develop Plans of Action and Complete Workshop Evaluation)

11:00   Back Home Plans of Action

 Intended Outcome: Trainees will be able to explain their plan and listen to others plans to gather additional ideas.

12:30    Lunch

 (Include closing remarks, present certificates of completion and collect evaluation forms)

2:00     Homeward Bound!

(Note: Training schedule has been designed for approximately 35 people divided into 5 working groups of 7 people - [5 - 7 / group]. Each participant should have a minimum of 3 opportunities to present information/concepts to the rest of the group. There are 8 scheduled opportunities for participant presentations in this sample program. The intent is for workshop facilitators to model best practices and for trainees to have an opportunity to practice them.)

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