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Some Mixed Feeds you can Make or Buy

No. 1 Oats - 70 quarts

Wheat bran - 35 quarts

  Oilseed meal (coconut, soybean, etc.) - 6.5 quarts.
No. 2 35% - coconut meal cake
  20 % - wheat middlings
  20 % - molasses
  15 % - citrus meal
  10 % - oilseed meal.
No.3 40 % pounds corn or sorghum
  20 pounds oats or barley
  25 pounds wheat bran
  15 pounds oilseed meal.
No. 4 Commercial feeds (Pre-mixed)

    These mixed feeds have around 126 to 20% portein and they are high in energy. When you mix your own, add 1% salt and 1% calcium-phosphorus supplement. Molasses may be added (5 to 7 % is usually recommended) to reduce dust, to make the feed more attractive and to increase energy.


  1. Oilcrop meals or cakes such as: coconut, cottonseed, peanut, safflower,soybean and sunflower, contain around 40 to 45% protein, except for coconut whioch has around 21%. Low in energy.
  2. Animal by-product meals such as fish and rendered meat and bone. Very high in protein, Around 55 to 60 %. Low in energy.


Dry ewe

  1. Good pasture - No supplement needed.
  2. Dry season or poor pasture - 1/2 quart of mixed feed per day per ewe or 1/4 quart concentrate plus about 2 pounds of hay or silage. If you don't have feed suplements, giove much more hay or silage.

Pregnant ewe

  1. Good pasture - No pasture - No supplement needed except during last 6 to 8 weeks of pregnancy. Give 3/4 quart of mixed feed per day or 1/4 quart concentrate.
  2. Poor pasture or dry season - Same as for dry ewe described above. During last 6 to 8 weeks of pregnancy give 1 quart of mixed feed per day or 1/2 quart concentrate p[lius 2 to 3 pounds of hay or silage Give more hay or silage if you do not have feeds to supplement.

Lactating ewe (ewe giving milk)

  1. Good pasture - Give 1 to 1 1/2 quarts mixed feed or 1/3 to 2/3 quart concentrates during first months of lactation period.
  2. Poor pasture or dry season - Give 1 1/2 to 2 quarts mixed feed or 2/3 quart concentrates plus 3 to 4 pounds hay or silage during first 2 months of lactation period. Give more hay6 or silage if you do not have feed to give.


  1. Good pasture - No supplement needed.
  2. Poor pasture or dry season - Same as for dry ewe, with extra feed during breeding seasons. Do not fatten.


  1. Should nurse at least 3 to 4 times per day the first week and twice a day thereafter.
  2. Give good forage, hay or silage free choice every day at 2 weeks of age in addition to milk.
  3. Give small amounts of feed supplement free choice around 4 weeks of age in addition to milk.
  4. When eating well and chewing their cuds, usually around 3 to 4 months of age, discontinue milk.
  5. Give good pasture or good hay or silage plus around 1/2 quart mixed feed per day or less concentrates.

Note: Molasses which is high in energy and low in protein can be given free choice during dry seasons. Beware of over consumption which can cause toxicity.

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