No.6  December 2007  
   Crop Prospects and Food Situation

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Food Emergencies Update

Global cereal supply and demand brief

FAO global cereal supply and demand indicators

Low-Income Food-Deficit Countries food situation overview

Regional reviews

Statistical Appendix


Low-Income Food-Deficit Countries1/ food situation overview

Bumper 2007 cereal harvests in China and India but aggregate production to decline in the rest of LIFDCs


With the 2007 cereal harvests complete or near completion in all regions of the word, FAO’s latest forecast of the LIFDCs’ total output still points to a marginal growth of less than 1 percent from 2006, which follows increases of 5.1 and 3.1 percent in the previous two years. When the largest countries China and India are excluded, the aggregate production of the rest of countries declined by about 2.8 percent to 297 million tonnes. This mainly reflects a sharply reduced production in North Africa, where drought in Morocco caused a drop of 76 percent in cereal output this year, but also declines in the other African subregions, with the exception of Southern Africa where an aggregate bumper cereal crop was obtained. Elsewhere, LIFDCs gathered larger harvests in 2007, particularly in Asia.

Table 4. Cereal production1 of LIFDCs ( million tonnes)
  2005 2006 2007 Change: 2007
over 2006 (%)
Africa (44 countries) 114.3 128.4 117.9 -8.2
North Africa25.429.922.2-25.8
Eastern Africa31.034.033.1-2.6
Southern Africa9.111.812.22.9
Western Africa45.449.146.9-4.5
Central Africa3.33.63.5-2.8
Asia (25 countries) 733.4 746.3 761.8 2.1
CIS in Asia14.813.313.1-1.5
Far East704.6720.4735.52.1
- China (Mainland)371.5386.1391.21.3
- India193.8194.2202.74.4
Near East14.112.613.13.9
America (3 countries)
1.7 1.7 1.7 1.9
America (1 country)
1.7 1.6 1.7 1.3
Oceania (6 countries) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Europe (3 countries) 7.6 7.4 7.5 1.1
Total (82 countries) 858.9 885.5 890.5 0.6
1 Includes rice in milled terms.
Note: Totals computed from unrounded data.


Cereal import bill goes up by over one-quarter


The aggregate cereal import requirement of the LIFDCs, as a group, in marketing year 2007/08 is estimated at 81.6 million tonnes, slightly below the level of 2006/07. Most of the decline is in Far East Asia, notably in India that is forecast to import 4.7 million tonnes less cereals than in 2006/07. By contrast, larger imports are forecast in North Africa, as Morocco is expected to increase imports this season by over 2 million tonnes. In Southern Africa, despite the good aggregate cereal harvest of this year, higher imports in 2007/08 are projected mainly reflecting requirements from Zimbabwe, where maize production declined by 43 percent from 2006. In other LIFDCs in the world, cereal imports are anticipated to remain around the levels of 2006/07. Notwithstanding the reduction in quantities to be imported, the cereal import bill of the LIFDCs is forecast to increase by 27 percent to US$31.2 millions, after having increased by 35 percent in the previous season. This reflects the prevailing high cereal export prices, as well as soaring freight rates that have doubled since last year.

Table 5.Cereal import position of LIFDCs ( thousand tonnes)
  2005/06 or 2006 2006/07 or 2007 2007/08 or 2008
Requirements 1 Import position 2 Requirements 1
Actual Imports Total Imports of which food aid pledges Total Imports of which food aid pledges Total Imports of which food aid
Africa (44 countries) 38 998 36 367 2 355 30 983 2 222 38 644 2 421
North Africa16 35316 038 2516 038 2518 651 0
Eastern Africa5 8395 183 1 3214 715 1 2954 742 1 310
Southern Africa3 8463 074 3623 074 3623 579 614
Western Africa11 29810 412 5456 391 4349 964 424
Central Africa1 6621 660 103 767 1081 708 73
Asia (25 countries) 36 649 42 746 1 376 41 706 1 376 38 360 1 538
CIS in Asia2 9583 729 3943 729 3943 122 167
Far East21 83228 259 78127 911 78124 243 1 196
Near East11 85910 758 20010 066 20010 995 175
Central America (3 countries) 1 750 1 694 147 1 694 147 1 741 175
South America (1 country) 1 011 944 30 944 30 1 020 20
Oceania (6 countries) 416 416 0 222 0 416 0
Europe (3 countries) 1 619 1 609 0 1 609 0 1 420 60
Total (82 countries) 80 442 83 775 3 908 77 158 3 775 81 600 4 214
1 The import requirement is the difference between utilization (food, feed, other uses, exports plus closing stocks) and domestic availability (production plus opening stocks).
2 Estimates based on information available as of mid-November 2007.
Note: Totals computed from unrounded data.


Cereal food consumption to decline, vulnerable populations most affected


Higher international cereal prices have already translated into substantial rises in retail prices of basic food, such as bread, pasta, maize based products, milk and meat, in LIFDCs that depend heavily on imports to meet their consumption requirements. Most affected by the food price inflation are the low-income groups of population, as their daily energy intake depends more on cereal based products and the share of food in their total expenditures is higher than that of wealthier sections of population.

As a result of the more expensive cereal imports and lower domestic productions, the aggregate consumption of the LIFDCs (excluding China and India) is projected to increase at a rate lower than that of the population growth, which would lead to a slight reduction in the per caput cereal food consumption, a decline in the quality of the diet of the vulnerable population and to a significant decline in the per caput cereal feed use. The reduction in the aggregate consumption of LIFDCs (excluding China and India) could be more pronounced than forecast if the price increases prompt further reduction in demand for cereal based food products.

Cereal stocks to decline in 2008


At the current 2007 production estimates and projected imports in 2007/08, cereal stocks of the group of LIFDCs (excluding China and India) by the close of their crop seasons in 2008 are forecast to drop by 12 percent from their opening levels, after steadily increasing in the past few years.

Table 6. Cereal import bill in LIFDCs by region and type
(July/June, million US$)
  2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08
LIFDC 14 034 15 813 18 838 18 108 24 509 31 247
Africa6 5017 0988 4228 40110 33314 640
Asia7 0148 0529 7228 93813 25215 434
Latin America and Caribbean 317389415477565691
Wheat7 7628 80210 76810 64314 03219 062
Coarse grains3 2903 3093 4023 0944 7445 158
Rice2 9823 7024 6674 3715 7347 028
Source: FAO.

1.  The Low-Income Food-Deficit (LIFDC) group of countries includes food deficit countries with per caput annual income below the level used by the World Bank to determine eligibility for IDA assistance (i.e. US$1 575 in 2004), which is in accordance with the guidelines and criteria agreed to by the CFA should be given priority in the allocation of food aid.

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