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ADB, JBIC & WB. 2005. Sri Lanka 2005 Post-Tsunami Recovery Program. Preliminary damage and needs assessment. Prepared by Asian Development Bank, Japan Bank for International Cooperation and World Bank. 31 pp.

Adger, W.N., Hughes, T.P., Folke, C., Carpenter, S.R. & Rockstrom J. 2005. Social-ecological resilience to coastal disasters. Science , 309: 1036–1039.

Ahmad, A.T., Arshad, A.H.H.A., Mohammed, H. & Nuruddin, A.A. 2005a. Impact of tsunami on fisheries: Changes of density and diversity of fish resources before and after tsunami in Kedah waters using commercial trawler. Report of the Malaysian Fisheries Resource Branch, Fisheries Research Institute. 23 pp.

Ahmad, A.T., Arshad, A.H.H.A., Mohammed, H., Saleh, M. & Nuruddin, A.A. 2005b. A global assessment of coastal vulnerability. Report of the Malaysian Fisheries Resource Branch, Fisheries Research Institute. 22 pp.

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CONSRN. 2005b. Impacts of the tsunami on fisheries, aquaculture and coastal livelihoods, Sri Lanka. Report produced by NACA, FAO, SEAFDEC & BOBP-IGO, March 2005. 10 pp.

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